Warrington’s graduated approach to early identification of SEN (Based on the SENCO code of practice 0 – 25 years)

Warrington’s 0 – 5 years SEND Pathway 1

Initial on entry assessment - gather information through observations, discussion with parents and track progress against EYFS early years outcomes. Assess, plan, do and review, (See SEND code of practice 0 – 25 years, chapter 5 early years). For 6 weeks minimum

The key person understands typical child development and has concerns about a child in their key group. Discuss with their SENCO / manager

Discuss concerns with parents / carers. Seek written permission from parents to develop action plans within the setting.

Link with other professionals. With parental consent make links with other professionals involved with the child such as health visitor and discuss concerns.

Professionals could include one or more of the following: health visitor, speech & language therapist, paediatrician, physio, VI / HI teacher, bladder & bowel service, occupational health, EYQSO, educational psychologist, Sandy lane outreach teacher, early years send officer.

Schools should refer to their school SENCO.

For good practice, guidance and advice remember to refer to: - Warrington’s Ask Ollie Site (Which will signpost you to all relevant documents and supporting agencies).

Implement teaching targets through Assess, plan personal plans. do and Monitor for a minimum of 6 weeks. review.

(JS 20.7.15) *Hearing Impaired (HI) and or Visually Impaired (VI) services will get involved at any age/stage depending on when the need is first identified or if the child moves settings for example. Warrington’s graduated approach to early identification of SEN (Based on the SENCO code of practice 0 – 25 years)

Warrington’s 0- 5 years SEND Pathway 2

Use this pathway if a child is entering the setting with an identified need or if a child is still not making progress using In some situations the strategies in suggested guidance or advice given by a child might be professionals (see pathway 1). Review the child’s progress referred through with the parents /carers and gain written permission using the more than 1 FSMO1 to obtain further targeted help and advice from the LA route or health professionals. .simultaneously.

Route C Route A Route B

Complex needs. To request involvement from Apply for Support Plus. other professionals. If the child's needs are An FSM01 plus supporting complex refer to the An FSM01 will be needed evidence will be needed to refer complex case panel at the to request an educational a child to a panel for extra Children’s Development psychologist, HI / VI teacher support. Refer to Warrington’s Centre (CDC) using their involvement or to request Ask Ollie Site for more referral form. Refer to reports from other professionals information. Referrals should be Warrington’s Ask Ollie Site working with the child. Refer to made to the early year’s strategy for more information. Warrington’s Ask Ollie Site manager. Continue assess, Continue assess, plan for more information. Continue plan, do, review do, review. assess, plan, do, review.

If a child is still giving significant concerns despite intense targeted support and it is felt they will need continued support when they enter school the setting should request an Education Health Care (EHC) assessment from the inclusion team. Refer to Warrington’s Ask Ollie Site for more information.

EHC assessment takes 20 weeks from beginning to end of the process, if a child might need a place at a specialist provision, it is important to have an EHC in place at least 9 months before they start school. (An educational psychologist’s report will be needed for EHC)

The SENCO must work closely with parents Outcome of EHC assessment. to request an EHC assessment and they should gather supporting evidence from The EHC assessment team will contact the parent regarding the o Personal teaching targets, care plan, outcome of EHC assessment. observations, reports from other professionals, tracking of child’s progress EHC Assessment Team

and from the other setting if they are Telephone: 01925 444071 providing care across(JS 20.7.15) 2 provisions. *Hearing Impaired (HI) and or Visually Impaired (VI) services will get involved at any age/stage depending on when the need is first identified or if the child moves settings for example. Warrington’s graduated approach to early identification of SEN (Based on the SENCO code of practice 0 – 25 years)

Warrington’s 0-5 years SEND Pathway 3

A referral to the CDC should be made by health or education professionals if they are concerned that a child has multiple needs within the 4 broad areas of need (communication & interaction, cognition & learning, social, emotional and mental health and sensory and or physical). With parental consent

With parental consent make a referral to (CDC) complex case panel multi-disciplinary team.

Professionals can do this using the form: (Children 4 years and under complex health needs referral form) There is a PDF copy available from Warrington’s Ask Ollie Site.

`The CDC will consider the submission and will contact parent and referrer regarding the outcome.

The outreach teacher may be involved in the home or setting where the child attends. The early years outreach teacher might offer guidance and support in the setting. Settings should continue with their graduated approach throughout the referral process and beyond (Continue assess, plan, do, review).

(JS 20.7.15) *Hearing Impaired (HI) and or Visually Impaired (VI) services will get involved at any age/stage depending on when the need is first identified or if the child moves settings for example. Warrington’s graduated approach to early identification of SEN (Based on the SENCO code of practice 0 – 25 years)

Information advice and guidance- support from the information and child care team.

The SENCO (with support from the setting manager) must ensure that an initial assessment of the child’s starting points has been completed. Observations completed and the child’s progress tracked for a minimum of 6 weeks. Additionally, provided that parents / carers have given written consent, information may be gathered from other professionals working with the child, as well as from the child’s parents / carers.

The Information and child care team (ICCT) team can offer support in the following ways:  Telephone contact - the ICCT can offer telephone support advising the SENCO about the processes they and the setting should be using around observations, assessment and strategies for supporting positive behaviour.

 Early years quality support officers (EYQSO) can visit the setting within the geographical area to offer support for practitioners around implementing strategies and encourage positive behaviours from children. The information and guidance provided by this team to schools and settings will be around supporting practitioners with issues that they may have as an organisation specific to particular SEND issues. The details of individual children should not be disclosed to this team.

 EYQSO might offer advise around:

1. Identifying staff training needs.

2. Suggest environmental changes and changes in resources being used.

3. Offer alternative strategies for working with the particular SEND issue, but are unable observe an individual child.

4. Provide support materials.

5. Signpost to other services / professionals.

6. In a minority of cases where an EHC assessment is required, guidance on submissions can also be offered.

(JS 20.7.15) *Hearing Impaired (HI) and or Visually Impaired (VI) services will get involved at any age/stage depending on when the need is first identified or if the child moves settings for example.