Phase One: Master S Calling

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Phase One: Master S Calling


MAP - Mentor Assessment Profile

Instructions: Please save this document to your computer’s hard drive and then fill in the blanks to the best of your ability. Once you have finished the MAP, email the completed document to [email protected]. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us.

Name: Date:

PHASE ONE: MASTER’S CALLING Ministry Calling 1. Do you feel called into vocational Christian ministry?

2. If so, describe your calling:

Mentoring Abroad 1.Do you feel called to spend a year or more abroad involved in youth ministry as missions?

On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your level of readiness in phase one? (1-Need more preparation and 5 – Very Prepared.) PHASE 2: MINISTRY COMPETENCY COURSE: STRATEGIES FOR YOUTH WORK Momentum Participation 1. Have you attended Momentum?

Product of Youth Ministry 1. What is your view of the ultimate purpose of life?

2. What is your view of the ultimate purpose of the Church?

People Who Lead 1. What is your view of the role of a youth minister?

Available Level Equipping Small Groups 1. Have you participated in Bible Study group?

2. If yes, where and for how long?

3. Are you currently involved in a Bible study group?

4. Have you ever led a small group Bible study?

Global Youth Ministry | 40 Blackhawk Trail | Chatsworth, GA 30705 | 877-251-1800 | [email protected] 2

5. If yes, when and for how long? One and a half years.

6. Have you ever visited small group Bible studies to learn how they operate?

Available Level Evangelism 1. Have you participated in a service project, such as ministry to the homeless, shut-ins, orphans, etc?

2. If yes, what was the project, and how often or long did you participate?

Available Level Encouraging Churchmanship 1. Are you a member of a church currently?

2. If so, what is the name and address of the church, and the pastor’s name?

3. What is your view of the importance of the local church in the life of the believer?

Accountability Level Equipping Discipling Methods 1. Have you read books on how to disciple?

2. If yes, what titles?

3. Have you participated in a discipleship group?

4. If yes, who led it and how long were you in it?

5. Have you ever led a discipleship group?

6. If yes, when, where, and who was it for?

Accountability Level Evangelism Evangelism Events 1. Have you ever participated in a mass evangelism/outreach event?

2. If yes, describe:

3. Have you ever helped to plan a mass evangelism/outreach event?

Global Youth Ministry | 40 Blackhawk Trail | Chatsworth, GA 30705 | 877-251-1800 | [email protected] 3

4. Have you ever been in charge of an outreach event? Not an outreach event.

5. If yes, please describe:

6. Have you ever participated in an on-going campus evangelistic outreach ministry?

7. If yes, what was it and what did you do and for how long? Se You at the Pole every year, very public, everyone watching you as they pass by. Not evangelistic in the classic sense.

Accountability Level Encouraging 1. Have you ever participated on a regular basis in the planning and conducting of weekly activities for youth ministry?

2. If yes, what team or group were you part of and what was your responsibility

Ability Level Equipping Teaching/Speaking Skills 1. Have you ever taught a small group Bible study?

2. If so, when and what was the setting?

3. Have you ever given a talk for a large group?

4. If so, when and what was the setting?

Ability Level Evangelism Personal Evangelism Skills 1. Have you read books on how to witness?

2. If yes, what titles?

3. Have you gone through evangelism training?

4. If yes, which type? (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) EE (Evangelism Explosion) FAITH Other : Witness seminar in HS at another church.

5. Have you shared your faith one-on-one with another person?

6. Have you shared your faith in a public setting?

7. If yes, when and what was the setting?

Global Youth Ministry | 40 Blackhawk Trail | Chatsworth, GA 30705 | 877-251-1800 | [email protected] 4

8. Have you led training for evangelism for other people?

9. If yes, when and what type of training did you lead?

10. Have you participated in a national mission trip?

11. If yes, when and where?

12. Have you participated in a cross-cultural international mission trip?

13. If yes, when and where?

Ability Level Encouraging 1. Have you ever conducted a youth midweek service?

2. If yes, please describe what you were responsible for:

3. Have you ever planned a youth midweek service?

4. If yes, what was the nature of the group? What was the nature of the service? What aspects of planning were you involved in? (program, place, promoting, finances, etc)

COURSE: YOUTH ISSUES Temperaments 1. Have you taken a temperament or personality assessment test?

2. If yes, what personality type best describes you?

Interpersonal Skills/Conflict Management 1. Have you read any books on conflict management?

2. If yes, what titles?

Basic Counseling Skills 1. Have you read books on counseling?

2. If yes, what titles?

3. Have you participated in altar counseling?

4. If yes, how often have you led altar counseling?

5. Have you taken any kind of psychology courses?

6. If yes, please describe: Psych Major in college.

On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your level of readiness in phase two? (1-Need more preparation and 5 – Very Prepared.) PHASE 3: MINISTRY PARTNERS’ COOPERATION COURSE: YOUTH MINISTRY ADMINISTRATION Empowering Leaders 1. Have you read any books on leadership training?

Global Youth Ministry | 40 Blackhawk Trail | Chatsworth, GA 30705 | 877-251-1800 | [email protected] 5

2. If yes, what titles?

3. Have you ever been in charge of administration for an organization?

If yes, please describe:

Personal Organization 1. Have you read any books on organizing your personal space or schedule?

2. If yes, what titles:

3. How would you rate your personal space organization skills? (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) Very organized Somewhat organized Unorganized

4. . How would you rate your personal schedule organization skills? (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) Very organized Somewhat organized Unorganized

On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your level of readiness in phase three? (1-Need more preparation and 5 – Very Prepared.)


2. If yes, what titles?

3. Do you have a personal vision for your own life?

PERSONAL LIFE: PERSONAL FITNESS Moral Purity 1. Have you read any books on moral purity?

2. If yes, what books?

3. Have you been held accountable on a consistent basis for your own moral purity?

4. If yes, when was this and for how long?

5. Have you participated in a peer accountability group?

6. Have you led an accountability group of peers?

7. If yes, when, with whom, and for how long?

8. Are you currently: (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) Married Engaged to be married (Date set: ) In a steady dating relationship

Global Youth Ministry | 40 Blackhawk Trail | Chatsworth, GA 30705 | 877-251-1800 | [email protected] 6

Divorced Single (never married)

Education/Continuing Improvement 1. Have you read books on personal improvement? If yes, what titles/authors?

3. Do you consider yourself a “reader?”

4. Name titles and authors of books you have read this year:

Personal Spiritual Disciplines 1. Do you have a personal quiet time?

2. Describe your consistency in quiet times over the past few years:

3. Have you ever journal as part of your daily regimen?

4. Have you memorized Scripture?

5. If yes, please describe:

6. How would you describe your personal Bible study habits?

7. Have you ever fasted?

8. If yes, please describe:

9. Have you experienced a longer period of personal meditation?

10. If so, please describe:

PERSONAL LIFE: PERSONAL FAMILY 1. What is the state of your relationship with your: (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) Dad: Mom: Siblings: Extended family:

2. What is the attitude of your immediate family toward your sense of ministry calling in general?

3. What is the attitude of your immediate family specifically toward the idea of you being gone for a year to mentor youth ministry abroad?

PERSONAL LIFE: PERSONAL FINANCES 1. Do you have a personal monthly or weekly budget?

2. If yes, how well do you stay on your budget? (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) Well Fair Poorly 3. Are you able to live outside the comfort of this culture, adapting the lifestyle of a different (less economically comfortable) culture?

4. Please describe your current indebtedness (School, automobiles, rent, etc)

Global Youth Ministry | 40 Blackhawk Trail | Chatsworth, GA 30705 | 877-251-1800 | [email protected] 7

5. If you have outstanding loans, what is your plan for repayment? (Amounts, dates of final repayment, etc.)

COURSE: MENTORSHIP 1. What skills do you possess that you think could be useful in a supervised ministry environment? (athletics, music, drama, mechanic, speaking, etc?) Skill: Level of proficiency: Experience:

2. Have you been mentored personally by another person? 3. If yes, who is that person and what was the relationship?

4. Have you ever mentored another person?

5. If yes, who is that person and what was the relationship?

6. Have you ever discipled someone from a different culture?

7. If yes, please describe:

On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your level of readiness in phase four? (1-Need more preparation and 5 – Very Prepared.) PHASE 5: MISSION SITE COORDINATION COURSE: YOUTH MINISTRY IN CULTURAL CONTEXT Hygiene, Habits, and Hospitals 1. Do you consider yourself a well-groomed person?

2. Do you have tattoos that are normally visible?

3. Do you agree with the clothing guidelines of Global?

4. If not, what exceptions/questions would you like to discuss?

5. Do you have any of the following habits: (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) Smoking Non-prescription drugs Tobacco

6. Are there any behavioral challenges that you would prefer to tell us (so we don’t learn it through a reference or by surprise?)

Medical/First Aid 8. Have you been certified for: (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) first aid? Yes No first responder Yes No EMT Yes No

9. If yes, is your certification current? Yes No

Global Youth Ministry | 40 Blackhawk Trail | Chatsworth, GA 30705 | 877-251-1800 | [email protected] 8

10. Have you had occasion to practice first aid? Yes No

Language 1. Do you read/speak a language other than English? If so, what?

2. What is your level of proficiency: (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) Reading: Proficient Fair Elementary Beginner Speaking: Proficient Fair Elementary Beginner

3. Have you been certified in English as a Second Language (ESL)? Yes No 4. If yes, have you ever used ESL skills in a mission environment? Yes No

World View 1. Have you read any books on world view? (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) Yes No

2. If yes, what titles?

Missiology 1. Have you read books on missiology?

2. If yes, what titles?

3. Have you taken a missions course?

4. Have you participated in a local mission project?

5. If yes, when and where?

Cultural Adaptation 1. How long is the longest period of time that you have spent outside the United States?

2. Please describe:

3. Have you ever visited the country (or countries) which you plan to live in as a mentor?

4. How would you characterize your cooking skills? (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) Well Fair Poorly

5. How would you characterize your willingness to try different foods? (Place and X next to the appropriate selection.) I am a picky eater I can eat some foods with which I am unfamiliar I can eat most anything.


On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your level of readiness in phase five? (1-Need more preparation and 5 – Very Prepared.)

Global Youth Ministry | 40 Blackhawk Trail | Chatsworth, GA 30705 | 877-251-1800 | [email protected]

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