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Student Information Plan Math 1314 College Algebra
INSTRUCTOR: Judy Logan-Brown DAY(S): Monday/Wednesday 11:00 – 12:20 OFFICE HOURS: By appointment after class Location: G112 OFFICE/CELL PHONE NUMBER: 281-222-1186 EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] [email protected] Text: College Algebra Concepts Through Function: Sullivan, third edition
Course Description: Topics of this course include a review of the fundamental concepts of algebra while conducting a more intensive study of algebraic equations and inequalities through functions and their graphs including zeros of polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions and systems of equations.
Objectives: This course is designed to develop the algebraic skills needed to continue in mathematics or to have a basic understanding of algebra, which is used in other disciplines. There are two types of students who shall benefit from the course. Those are the ones who need an original presentation of the material and also those who need a review. The student must demonstrate an understanding of the topics covered in the course through testing. Graphing calculators are needed for this course.
1. Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically about mathematics through the use of abstract notation in prepared algebraic statements and by deriving algebraic statements for problems in statement form. 2. Students will demonstrate the ability to understand the different real and complex number systems by solving prepared problems and writing and solving problems that require using specific number systems. 3. Students will demonstrate the ability to use various arithmetic, graphic and algebraic techniques through the solution of problems designed to evaluate the specific techniques. 4. Students will demonstrate an understanding of equations and inequalities of various types of functions. This understanding will be demonstrated by relating the algebraic, the graphic, and the numeric concepts.
Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on the basis of knowledge demonstrated through class participation, quizzes and written examinations. The student’s ability to think critically can be observed in class participation by providing missing key parts in demonstration situations as well as synthesizing learned information to develop new concepts. A knowledge of the mechanics of algebra can be demonstrated by short examination, to insure that the ability is current, in addition to major examinations that evaluate the summation of information over a greater time period.
End of Course Assessment Exam: An assessment exam will be administered at the end of the semester as well as a final exam. The on-line assessment (EOC) will be 5% of the course grade. Methods of Evaluation 1. Homework (online thru MyMathLab) 2. Quizzes (15%) (online thru MyMathLab) 3. 3 Exams (15% each) 4. End of Course Assessment Exam (5%) 5. Comprehensive Final Exam (30%) 6. Research Paper (5%) Grading System Course Average Grade 90-100 A 80- 89 B 70- 79 C 60- 69 D Below 60 W, I, or F Attendance: Regular attendance in class is expected. Any work missed and not completed will affect the grade of the student regardless of the reason for the absence. Your instructor may initiate administrative withdrawal procedures for a student who exceeds course absence standards (6 hours). Withdrawal from class may affect enrollment in other courses, insurance eligibility, financial aid, and/or Veteran’s benefits. Important Dates: Aug 22 classes begin Nov 13 withdrawal deadline Dec 6 Final exam MyMathLab: MyMathLab® is a complete online course to help you succeed in learning. MyMathLab contains an online version of your textbook with links to multimedia resources, such as video clips and practice exercises, correlated to the examples and exercises in the text. MyMathLab provides you with online homework and quizzes and generates a personalized study plan based on your results. The study plan links you to unlimited tutorial exercises for further study, so you can practice until you have mastered the skills. The website is Please be careful to use the correct course ID listed here: logan-brown09786 Enrollment in MML is required by September 29th!!
I.…..Incomplete. No Incompletes or “I” grades will be given except for extreme circumstances. If an “I” grade is assigned and the course work is not completed by the pre-arranged time limit, this grade will convert to an “F”.
W...... Withdrawal. It is recommended that the student talk to the instructor before withdrawing. Current course withdrawal information can be found in the printed version of the ACC Schedule for this semester or online at ACC Course WITHDRAWAL INSTRUCTIONS. Students who file withdrawal requests by the published deadline and have not exceeded the withdrawal maximum will receive a grade of W.
CLASSROOM PROTOCOL It is the right of each student to participate in his or her learning, and it is the responsibility of each student to not interfere with the learning of other students. Policies governing the classroom are provided in the ACC Student Handbook and students who repeatedly violate one or more of these policies will be subject to disciplinary action. Camcorders and any other video recording devices are prohibited in the classroom. Audio recordings are allowed ONLY WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE INSTRUCTOR. CELLPHONES are not to be used and are not to make noise during class. Cell phones are not to be out during tests. If there are special circumstances, arrangements must be made with the instructor. NO TEXTING DURING CLASS.
ACADEMIC SUCCESS AND SUPPORT SERVICES: Americans with Disabilities Act ACC complies with ADA and 504 Federal guidelines by affording equal access to individuals who are seeking an education. Students who have a disability and would like classroom accommodations must register with the Office of Disability Services, A 136, (281)756-3533. Instructors are not able to provide accommodations until the proper process has been followed.
Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) – Letting someone know The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) at Alvin Community College is committed to improving community safety. College faculty, staff, students and community members may communicate safety concerns to the BIT team by email, [email protected] or through an electronic reporting option located on the BIT page of the college website.
The ACC Learning Lab,, located upstairs in building A, provides students with a variety of services including tutoring (math, writing, and other disciplines); computers and printers; a testing facility; and tables/carrels for studying. Learning Lab hours are M-TH 8:00am – 9:00pm and F 8:00am – 4:00pm. Testing hours are M-TH 10:00am – 7:30pm (Tests must be completed by 8:30pm) and F 10:00am – 12:00pm (Tests must be completed by 1:00pm). *Closed on Fridays in the Summer. Call 281-756-3566 for more information.
The ACC Library website: The ACC Library is an excellent source of assistance for writing the required research paper.
MyBlackboard Your average can be found on MyBlackboard on the ACC website. Any technical problems or issues with MyBlackboard should be directed to the Distance Education Department at the help desk. Include your first and last name, student ID number and a description of the problem. Students will not be penalized if there is an interruption in MyBlackboard service and the instructor is notified of such an issue by the Distance Education Department. WEBACCESS, Passwords or ACC Computer Lab Information- -Help Desk Website or contact the IT Dept. Help Desk at 281- 756-3544.
CODE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND HONESTY Alvin Community College students are members of an institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge through a formalized program of instruction and learning. At the heart of this endeavor, lie the core values of academic integrity which include honesty, truth, and freedom from lies and fraud. Because personal integrity is important in all aspects of life, students at Alvin Community College are expected to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity both in and out of the classroom. Incidents of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and students guilty of such conduct are subject to severe disciplinary measures.
CORE REQUIREMENTS (Only required for CORE courses) Because this is a core course, certain core objectives must be met. Below is a chart which details which core requirements are applicable to this course, the activities in which you will participate to develop skills in the required areas, how your mastery of those areas will be assessed, and the level of expertise you are expected to demonstrate (this is already included in your grade and is not a separate grade). Core Objective Activities Assessments Critical Thinking Skills: to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information.
Communication-Written: effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas Communication-Oral: effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas Communication-Visual: effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas Empirical and Quantitative Skills: to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.
Teamwork: to include the ability to consider different point of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared goal.
Social Responsibility: to include intercultural competency, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities.
Personal Responsibility: to include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making.
*indicates core areas required for this course
Pearson's MyLab & Mastering Student Registration Instructions To register for M1314_F17_MW_11:00: Access required by September 29 th !!
1. Go to or
2. Under Register, select Student.
3. Confirm you have the information needed, then select OK! Register now.
4. Enter your instructor’s course ID: logan-brown09786 and Continue.
5. Enter your existing Pearson account username and password to Sign In. (You have an account if you have used a Pearson product, for example: MyMathLab, MyITLab, MyPsychLab, MySpanishLab or Mastering, such as MasteringBiology) - OR - If you don’t have an account, select Create and complete the required fields.
5. Select an access option. Use the access code that came with your textbook or that you purchased separately from the bookstore. Buy access using a credit card or PayPal account. If available, get 14 days temporary access. (The link is small and near the bottom of the screen.)
7. From the confirmation page, select Go To My Courses.
8. On the My Courses page, select the course tile M1314_F17_MW_11:00 to start your work
To sign in later: 1. Go to or
2. Select Sign In.
3. Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In. 4. Select the course tile M1314_F17_MW_11:00 to start your work.
To upgrade temporary access to full access: 1. Go to or
2. Select Sign In.
3. Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In.
4. Select Upgrade access from the course tile M1314_F17_MW_11:00
5. Enter an access code or purchase access with a credit card or PayPal account. For a registration overview, go to Scroll down to Need a little help? and select a video.