Europass Curriculum Vitae s12

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Europass Curriculum Vitae s12

Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Simona Mitroiu Address(es) Costache Negri, nr. 62, bl. C2, Sc. B, et. 2, ap. 5, 700 070, Iasi, Romania Telephone(s) +40 723 132 761 Fax(es) E-mail [email protected]

Nationality Romanian

Date of birth 09.06.1980

Gender F

Work experience

Dates 2011 - Occupation or position held Postdoctoral Researcher, Ph.D. Main activities and Research activities responsibilities Name and address of employer Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, POS-DRU Postdoctoral project Dictionary of the Cultural European Identity; Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, CNCSIS grant Walter Benjamin. The memory of fragmentation, Project Director Dr. Simona Mitroiu Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, CNCSIS – IDEI grant Axiological problems of the European culture, 2009-2011, Project Director: Prof. Dr. Nicolae Rambu, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences.

Dates 2010 Occupation or position held Postdoctoral Researcher, Ph.D. Main activities and Research activities responsibilities

Page 1/6 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to Surname(s) First name(s) © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Name and address of employer Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, POS-DRU Postdoctoral project Dictionary of the Cultural European Identity; Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, CNCSIS grant Walter Benjamin. The memory of fragmentation, Project Director Dr. Simona Mitroiu Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, CNCSIS grant DEEA – Dictionary of Adult Education, Project Director: Prof. Dr. Laurenţiu Şoitu, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences; Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, CNCSIS – IDEI grant Axiological problems of the European culture, 2009-2011, Project Director: Prof. Dr. Nicolae Rambu, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences. Type of business or sector Research

Dates 2010 – Occupation or position held Executive Editor Main activities and Reviews, proof corrections, advertising responsibilities Name and address of employer Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, indexed in Art & Humanties Citation Index, Thomson Reuters, published on-line from 2011 by Versita, Type of business or sector Scientific publications

Dates 2009 – Occupation or position held Scientific Researcher, Ph.D. Main activities and Research activities responsibilities Name and address of employer Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, CNCSIS - IDEI grant Axiological problems of the European culture, 2009-2011, Project Director: Prof. Dr. Nicolae Rambu, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences. Type of business or sector Research

Dates 2008-2010 Occupation or position held Scientific Secretary. Main activities and Reviews, proof corrections, advertising responsibilities Name and address of employer Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, A - CNCSIS and indexed in Art&Humanties Citation Index, Thomson Reuters. Type of business or sector Scientific publications

Dates 2004-2008 Occupation or position held Editor. Main activities and proof corrections, advertising responsibilities Name and address of employer Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, A - CNCSIS and indexed in Art&Humanties Citation Index, Thomson Reuters. Type of business or sector Scientific publications

Dates 2003-2006 Occupation or position held High-school teacher

Page 2/6 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to Surname(s) First name(s) © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Main activities and Educational Activities responsibilities Name and address of employer Dimitrie Cantemir High School, Vasile Alexandri High School, Iasi Type of business or sector Education

Education and training

Dates 2003-2007 Title of qualification awarded Ph.D. Principal subjects/occupational Research abilities skills covered Name and type of organisation Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social- providing education and Political Sciences training Dates 2002-2004 Title of qualification awarded Master degree in Human Relations and Communication Principal subjects/occupational Specific abilities, research abilities skills covered Name and type of organisation Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Psychology and Educational providing education and Sciences training Dates February 2003-July 2003 Title of qualification awarded Certificat Jean Monet European Course Europe and European Ideea. History, culture and perspective (coordinator: Prof. dr. Florin Platon) Principal subjects/occupational Specific abilities skills covered Name and type of organisation Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, European Research Center providing education and training

Dates 1998-2002 Title of qualification awarded Bachelor Degree in Philosophy Principal subjects/occupational Specific abilities, psihopedagogical abilities skills covered Name and type of organisation Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy providing education and training

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) Romanian

Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken Spoken interaction production Language C Proficient C Proficient C Proficient C Proficient C Proficient 2 user 2 user 2 user 1 user 1 user

Page 3/6 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to Surname(s) First name(s) © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Language Independen Independen Independen Independen Independen B B B B B user user user user user 2 2 2 2 2

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Social skills and Capacity to adapt to different contexts competences Capacity to mediate Communication abilities Organisational skills and Organizational capacity competences Management abilities

Computer skills and Microsoft office, Internet Explorer competences


Organization of Scientific Conferences

2010 - The National Symposium Forms of the cultural alienation in the globalization epoch, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences.

2010 – The Third International Conference on Adult Education, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi.

2009 – The National Conference The Philosopher – physician of culture, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences.

2004 – International Conference Immanuel Kant, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences.

Participation in Scientific Conferences

2010 - The National Symposium Forms of the cultural alienation in the globalization epoch, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences with the paper “To collect or to use. Benjamin and the actual consumism.”

2010 – Intellectual Topographies and the Making of Citizenship, III CECC Conference on Culture and Conflict, with the paper “The Intellectuals as places of memory”, Portugal.

2009 – The National Conference The Philosopher – physician of culture, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences with the paper “The places of memory as identity landmarks”.

Page 4/6 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to Surname(s) First name(s) © European Communities, 2003 20060628 2009 – The National Conference The Biology in Charles Darwin's anniversary year: 200 years from birth and

150 years from the publication of "On the Origin of Species", Iași, 06-07 November 2009, with the paper “Be- tween Darwin and culture. The false dilemma of morality”.

2009 – The Workshop On-line Publication, Romanian Academy Library, Versita, CNCSIS partners.

2005 – The National Conference at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social with the paper “History as result of the dynamics of memory and oblivion”.

2004 – The International Conference Immanuel Kant, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences with the paper “The Kantian human being in postmodernism”.

2003 – The National Conference at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social- Political Sciences with the paper “Space, time, culture”.

International Research Stages

February 2011 – Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

October-November 2010 – London Metropolitan University, Great Britain (visiting researcher);

November 2009 – Institute of Pilosophy, Leuven, Belgium; the presentation of the paper Places and Memory Signs at the Centre for Culture and Philosophy, coordinator: Prof. Dr. Paul Cruysberghs.



Simona Mitroiu, Urmele uitarii. In cautarea reperelor identitare. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, 2010. Nicolae Rambu, Simona Mitroiu (Eds.) Filosoful – medic al culturii. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, 2010. Laurentiu Soitu, Simona Mitroiu, Oana Panaite (Eds.), 2010. The Workforce in the Information Society. Analele Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Seria Stiinte ale Educatiei, vol. XIV.


Mitroiu, Simona. “The battle for the human being’s identity. Collective memory and identity”. The Annals of Constantin Brancusi University, Targu Jiu, Literature and Social Sciences (B+), no. 3, December issue, 2010: 121-146. Mitroiu, Simona; Rusu, Carmen. “To educate the mind. Notes about music and its power to recollect”. Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, vol. VII, no. 2, 2010: 245-256. (Art & Humanties Citation Index).

Page 5/6 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to Surname(s) First name(s) © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Mitroiu Simona; Mitroiu Mircea-Dan. “Between Darwin and culture: the false dilemma of morality.” Scientific Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Animal Biology Series, (B+), Tom LVI, 2010: 293-300. Mitroiu, Simona. “Locurile memoriei ca semne ale identitatii.” Nicolae Rambu, Simona Mitroiu (Eds.) Filosoful – medic al culturii. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, 2010: 118-132. Mitroiu, Simona; Adam, Elena. “Signs of memory and traces of oblivion.” Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, vol. VI, no. 2, 2009: 145 -158. (Art & Humanties Citation Index). Mitroiu, Simona. “The Culture at the Crossing between the Memory and the Oblivion.” Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, no. 9, 2008. Mitroiu, Simona. „The oblivion - element of the cultural identity.” Cultura. Revistă internaţională de filosofia culturii şi antropologie culturală, no. 6, 2006: 97-109. Mitroiu, Simona. “L’histoire comme résultat du jeu entre la mémoire et l’oubli.” Cultura. Revistă internaţională de filosofia culturii şi antropologie culturală, no. 5, 2006: 53-72 . Mitroiu, Simona. „Omul kantian în postmodernism.” Cultura. Revistă internaţională de filosofia culturii şi antropologie culturală, no. 3, 2005. Mitroiu, Simona. “Scurtă privire asupra memoriei şi uitării în context social.” Cultura. Revistă internaţională de filosofia culturii şi antropologie culturală, no. 2, 2004. Mitroiu, Simona, “Les Formes de l’oubli.” Cultura. Revistă internaţională de filosofia culturii şi antropologie culturală, no. 2, 2004. Adam (Mitroiu), Simona. “Spatiu, timp, cultura.” Cultura. Revistă internaţională de filosofia culturii şi antropologie culturală, no. 1, 2004.

Book reviews

Mitroiu, Simona. “Peace. A World History.” Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, vol. VI, no. 1, 2009: 215-218. (Art & Humanties Citation Index). Mitroiu, Simona. “The Book of Dead Philosophers.” Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, vol. VI, no. 1, 2009: 221 -222. (Art & Humanties Citation Index). Mitroiu, Simona. “Natural Theology and the Ethics of the Family Planning.” Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, no. 10, 2008. Mitroiu, Simona. “Viata sexuala a lui Immanuel Kant, Jean-Baptiste Botul.” Cultura. Revistă internaţională de filosofia culturii şi antropologie culturală no. 3, 2005.

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