Supplementary Material Table 1: Keyword List

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Supplementary Material Table 1: Keyword List

1 Supplementary material – Table 1: Keyword list

English French German Spanish Italian Dutch Danish Finish Greek Climate change Kyoto, climat*, Climat*, Kyoto Klima*, Kyoto Climá*, Kioto Climat*, Kyoto Klimaat*, Kyoto Klima*, Kyoto Ilmastonmuutos, κλιματική αλλαγή global warming Kyoto Mitigation Mitigation, emission Mitigation, émission Mitigation, Mitigación, emisison Mitigazione, Mitigatie, emissive* Mitigation, emission* Torjunta, päästö εκπομπή (reduction) Emission* emission* Renewable energy Renewable*, Renouvaelable Erneuerbar* Renovable Rinnovabil* Hernieuwbar*, Fornyelig* Uusiutuva energia, ανανεώσιμη sustainable energy, duurzame energie uusiutuvien ενέργεια; alternative energy energialähteiden, Ανανεώσιμων uusiutuvan energian Πηγών Ενέργειας (ΑΠΕ) Energy efficiency Energy efficiency, Efficacité Energieeffizienz, Eficiencia energética, Efficienza energetica, Energie efficiëntie, Energieeffektiv*, Energiansäästö, εξοικονόμησης energy savings, énergétique, (effizien*), ahorro de energía risparmio energetico ratoineel energiøkonomisering, energiatehokkuus ενέργειας, efficient energy use efficience Energieeinsparung energiegebruik energispar* ενεργειακή énergétique απόδοση Alternative Alternative Transport durable, Nachhaltig*, Rad*, Transporte public, Trasport* Duurzame Bæredygtig Liiken*, raide, δημοο σιων transport transport*, transport*, vélo öffentlicher Verkehr bicicleta, transport* sustenib*/pubbli*, vervoer/transport, transport*, cykel, pyörä* μεταφορών, sustainable sostenible biciclett* openbare vervoer offnetlig transport*, δημοο σιων transport*, public vedvarend* συγκοινωνιών, transport*, rail*, αστικών bicycle* συγκοινωνιών; μαζικης μεταφοράς, δημόσια μέσα μεταφοράς; ποδηλατοδρομων

Adaptation Adapt* Adapt* Anpass* Adapt* Adapt* Adapt*, aanpass* Tilpas* Ilmastonmuutokseen, προσαρμογ, sopeutumine, προσαρμόσει sopeuttaa Vulnerability Vulnerab* vulnerbailité Verletzbarkeit, Vulnerabilidad Vulnerabilitá Kwetsbaar* Sårbarhed Haavoittuvuus τρωτότης Verwundbarkeit Risk prevention Risk prevention, risk Prevention des Risikoprävention, Prevención de riesgos Prevenzione des Risicopreventie Risikoforebyggelse Torjunta, ehkäisy πρόληψη κινδύνου mitigation, risk risques Risikovorsorge rischio, prevenzione reduction dei rischi Sea level rise Sea level, coastal Niveau de la mer Meeresspiegel Nivel del mar Livello del mare Zeespiegel Havniveau, Merenpinnan στάθμης της erosion Marée haute hawandstand θάλασσας, επιφάνεια της θάλασσας Floods Flood Inundation, Hochwasser, Inundacion* Inondazi* Overstrooming, vloed Oversvømmelse, Tulva; tulvia πλημμύρα débordement Überschwemmung tulva Droughts Drought, dry spell Sécheresse Trockenheit Sequía, desertización siccitá Droogte, droogheid, Tørke Kuivuus; kuivuutta ξηρασία, ανομβρία watersnood Heat waves Heat Chaleur Hitze* Calor Onda di calore, Hitte Hedebølge, Helle; lämpö κύμα καύσωνα, Ondata di caldo varmebølge θερμό κύμα Forest fires Forest fire Feux des foréts Waldbr* Incendio Incendi* Bosbrand Skovbrand Metsäpalo, kulo δασικών πυρκαγιών Biodiversity Biodiversity, Natura Biodiversité, Natura Biodiversität, Biodiversidad, Estremo, Natura Biodiversiteit, Natura Biodiversitet, Natura Biodiversiteetti, βιοποικιλότητα 2000, conservation 2000 biologische Vielfalt, Natura 2000 2000, conservazione 2000 2000 Natura 2000 Natura 2000 Extreme weather Extreme weather, Extrêmesclimatiques, Wetterextrem*, Extremo Estremo Extreme weer, Ekstremt vejr Ääri-ilmiö ακραίο καιρικό events weather extremes temps extrêmes Extremwetter* extreme φαινόμενο weersomstandighede n Water management Water, hydro* Gestion de l’eau/des Wasser*, Ordenación/gestión Risorseidriche, Water*, waterbeheer, Vandarbejder, Vesi* Συστήματα eaux Wasserwirtschaft, del agua, acqua, waterkwaliteit vandforvaltning, veden* διαχείρισης Wasserbewirtschaftu recursoshidráulicos gestionedell'acqua vandkvaliteten υδάτων, ng Διαχείριση υδάτων 2 Table 1: Keywords used in the analysis of the National Strategic Reference Frameworks (NSRFs). The 27 documents have been drafted in 9 different languages, 16 in English, 2 3 in German and French respectively, 1 in each Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Finish and Greek, whereas the Belgium document has been written in French with regional sections 4 in Dutch and German. We chose the keywords based on our own expert knowledge, translated and searched for them with the help of native speakers when needed and controlled 5 for synonyms, which were included if relevant. 6 Supplementary material – Table 2: Overview of adaptation mainstreaming in the NSRFs

7 Country 8 Adaptation strategy 9 Impact/adaptation measure 10 Level of inclusion 11 Vulnerability 12 Overall mainstreaming 13 In place in 2006/2007 14 Sea level rise/coastal erosion 15 Extreme weather events 16 Biodiversity conservation 17 Risk prevention 18 Water management 19 20 21 22 Netherlands 23 Under development? 24 25 Floods 26  27  28  29 Strategy 30 Yes 31 6 32 Slovenia 33 No 34 35 Floods 36  37 38  39 Strategy 40 Yes 41 6 42 Spain 43 Yes 44  45 Floods 46 Drought 47 Forest Fires 48  49  50  51 Strategy 52 Yes 53 6 54 France 55 Yes 56  57 Floods 58 Forest fires 59  60  61  62 Strategy 63 Yes 64 6 65 Malta 66 No 67 68 Floods 69  70  71  72 Strategy 73 Yes 74 6 75 Hungary 76 Under development 77 78 Floods 79 Drought 80  81  82  83 Strategy 84 No 85 5 86 Romania 87 No 88  89 Floods 90  91  92  93 Strategy 94 No 95 5 96 Portugal 97 No 98 99 Floods 100 Drought 101  102  103  104 Strategy 105 Yes 106 4 107 Finland 108 Yes 109 110 Flood 111 Drought 112  113  114  115 Context 116 No 117 4 118 Ireland 119 No 120 None 121 122 123  124  125 Strategy 126 No 127 3 128 Italy 129 No 130 131 Floods 132 Drought 133  134  135  136 Strategy 137 No 138 3 139 Poland 140 No 141 Floods 142 Floods 143  144  145  146 Strategy 147 No 148 3 149 Slovakia 150 No 151 152 Floods 153  154  155  156 Strategy 157 No 158 3 159 Austria 160 No 161 162 163 Floods 164 Avalanches Landslides 165  166  167  168 Strategy 169 No 170 3 171 Bulgaria 172 No 173 174 Floods 175  176  177  178 Strategy 179 No 180 3 181 Czech Republic 182 Under development? 183 184 Floods 185  186  187  188 Strategy 189 No 190 3 191 Germany 192 Under development? 193 194 Floods 195  196  197  198 Strategy 199 No 200 3 201 Greece 202 No 203 204 Floods 205 Forest Fires 206  207  208 209 Strategy 210 No 211 3 212 Latvia 213 No 214 215 216  217  218  219 Strategy 220 No 221 3 222 Luxemburg 223 No 224 225 Floods 226  227  228  229 Strategy 230 No 231 3 232 Belgium 233 No 234 235 Floods 236 237  238  239 Context 240 No 241 2 242 Denmark 243 Under development? 244  245 Floods 246  247  248 249 Context 250 No 251 2 252 Estonia 253 No 254 255 256 257  258  259 Context 260 No 261 2 262 Lithuania 263 No 264 265 266  267  268  269 Context 270 No 271 2 272 United Kingdom 273 Under development? 274  275  276  277 278  279 Context 280 No 281 2 282 Cyprus 283 No 284 285 Floods 286 287  288  289 - 290 No 291 1 292 Sweden 293 No 294 295 296  297  298 299 - 300 No 301 1 Table 2: Adaptation mainstreaming in the NSRF, based on the qualitative analysis of the NSRF documents, i.e. keywords included in an adaptation relevant context. Highlighted fields mark measures and priorities that have explicitly been linked to climate change. The overall mainstreaming indicator has roughly been calculated awarding 1 point for mentioning any one or more adaptation relevant measure, 2 for linking any one or more of these to climate change, 1-2 points for the level of inclusion and 1 point for mentioning vulnerability to climate change. 302

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