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PTEAC Minutes Thursday, October 20, 2016 1104 KC 3:00 PM
Present: Armstrong, Campbell, Cimitile, Coffey, Evans (recorder), Gibbs, Helder, Kanpol, King, P. Lancaster, McDonell, Owens, Rybzinski, Tutt, White, Zwart
I. Welcome (Barry Kanpol)
A. Brief introduction, academic background discussed
B. Brief introductions from PTEAC members
II. CAEP Request for CLAS Data (Caryn King)
A. Handout prepared that wasn’t on the agenda
B. CAEP is being very specific about the way they need data presented/commented on
i. It would be beneficial for CLAS Faculty to prepare plans on how these data
will be collected/reported
ii. Alignment of InTASC data with SPA data
a. Data in addition to the InTASC data will not need to be collected
b. CAEP deal with InTASC data, not SPA data
C. Across all COE programs, we need aggregated data on each student by InTASC
i. Disaggregated data for each program will also need to be presented
ii. Programs that will require disaggregated data
a. Elementary Programs
- Language Arts, Social Studies, Integrated Science, Math
b. Secondary Programs - Biology, Chemistry, Earth/Space Science, English, French,
German, History, Latin, Math, Music, Physical Education,
Physics, Social Studies, Spanish, and Visual Arts
iii. Initial report is due June 2018
D. Discussion on how we gather data on InTASC standard 1, aggregated across 3 cycles
(each time a course is offered = 1 cycle) for EACH program, and data needs to be disaggregated by EACH program
i. Comparison between education majors and non-education majors within
each program
a. There is no difference between the teaching track candidates and
non-teaching track candidates in, for example, Integrated Science
ii. Considerations of reasonable approaches to gather comparative data
a. What is it that we are supposed to be comparing?
- Content knowledge of preservice teachers to the content
knowledge of non-education majors, within a program
b. Folks who aren’t going to be future teachers may not provide
adequate content knowledge comparisons
c. GPA mean for the whole class v. mean for education majors is one
comparison point
iii. What would be the desired outcome for our teacher candidates?
a. Gathering data on students by program
b. Collection of information so people can study it and make
generalizations about it E. PPE in 330, 331, 430, and 431 lists the InTASC standards for all admitted COE students
i. COE can provide PPE data within the content area
F. Evidence of both Elementary and Secondary candidates ability to teach content in P-
12 classrooms
i. Are Elementary teachers being placed with content specialists?
a. Not necessarily
ii. One measure in this area is already collected by cooperating teachers and
field coordinators
a. We have been collecting this information
G. Caryn King expressed a desire to work more collaboratively with CLAS content faculty to present adequate data to show students’ content knowledge
i. Preponderance of the evidence required
ii. MTTC scores is one measure, but it is not enough
iii. Requesting additional measures within the content areas
iv. What do CLAS content faculty need to do for Elementary students?
a. CAEP is silent when it comes to the matter of content people
reviewing the content knowledge of Elementary students
v. CAEP requires measures across time
a. GPA- Are our candidate’s grades higher, lower, similar to, etc. than
other candidates going into a particular program (content area)?
b. Portfolio
c. Developmental Arc on second portfolio d. Suggestion that the content faculty also review student portfolios
and have the CLAS content faculty also review the portfolio?
e. Suggestion that students save their feedback from their content
major faculty and include these artifacts in their portfolios
- Documentation of the use of technology with children is really
good evidence to be documented
- Example includes the student’s use of the Elmo
- Documentation cannot merely be reporting; CAEP wants
- Particular requirements could be embedded in syllabi
- Coupled with evidence: Of so many in this class, this many
students were proficient using this technology with a diverse
group of students
f. Inclusion of a pre and post measure to indicate how much the
children of the classroom have learned during their content area
experiences pre-COE admission will also help demonstrate a
preponderance of evidence over time
H. Discussion on creating a meaningful data collection process
i. Using a framework for National Board Certification as a platform for data
collection in these areas
I. State Proposed Teacher Education Changes
i. Potential elimination of the teachable minor requirement for those seeking
secondary certification
ii. GVSU requires the teachable minor iii. Do we see value in the minor requirement?
a. We need our candidates to teach in multiple areas in order for many
of them to get interviews – Middle School Principal perspective
b. Our students will be competing with all of the alternative
certification programs coming into the state
iv. Data that shows who is being hired and what are their qualifications, this
would help us show the value in keeping the teachable minor at GVSU
a. We do not want to base this on anecdotal evidence
v. Elimination of the teachable minor requirement could have a strong negative
impact on CLAS curriculum and enrollment
a. Can we survey the Principal’s Advisory Board to find out who they
are seeking to interview/hire?
b. We need to not just say we are continuing the minor without
- What is best in preparing our students?
- Time to graduation tuition, etc. matters
- We should not just keep our current format of teachable
major/minor without solid evidence
c. Could we also survey/benchmark other TPIs to find out how they may
react to the potential elimination of the teachable minor?
III. Course and Program Changes (Paula Lancaster)
A. Teacher Education, Social Foundations, and Special Education faculty have been
working on a 200 level course on how teachers teach, how learners learn
i. 3 credit course; 200 level ii. We would like to offer this course as a general education offering
iii. Orientation/introduction to the profession
a. Fills a programmatic gap
B. Seeking feedback and concern from CLAS faculty
i. Will it be required/prerequisite for any other COE courses?
a. It would be required for COE students
ii. Potential impact in CLAS content majors/minors
a. It would add 3 credits to Social Studies majors
iii. As a general education course it would need to be inclusive for all students
iv. Is there another way to rearrange the other requirements within the
Education major?
a. This is where we started, but we didn’t consider the additional 3
credits for Social Studies majors
b. Willingness to reconsider where this can fit in the Education program
and/or where this can fit as a general education course
c. This may change based on potential (likely) core guidelines from the
- This may prove an opportunity for us to look critically at our
programs and restructure in response to the State
v. Could the number of credits be reduced?
IV. Announcements
A. MACTE persuaded the Michigan Department of Education to lower the cut off score
on the writing ACT to accept a score of 22 as the equivalent as the PRE writing portion
i. All three content areas now have an ACT equivalent cut off score of 22 ii. Communicating the change to all Education students to ensure that we
communicate this effectively with their students
B. Standards Revision Committee work will begin looking at Elementary Certification on
October 27, 2016
C. MDE Credentials and Stakeholder Survey
i. Kevin Tutt will forward to Shawn Evans for distribution
D. NY Times Opinion Article on Help Teachers before they get to Class
E. Glenda Eikenberry has retired as the Director of Administrative Services; Casey
Thelenwood has been named her replacement
i. Please include her on any curriculum proposals
F. Close to funding for Advantage Math 380 course during the spring/summer
G. November 3-4 Michigan Association of School Psychologists Conference hosted at
the Eberhard Center
H. COE has received a sum of money to conduct research between traditional and
charter schools
V. Adjourned