Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee Held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices s2
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Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices on Tuesday 25 August 2015 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs. K. Read (Chair), M. Newton, F. Richards and N. Tile.
Apologies: Cllrs. A. Aldis, S. Boughton, A. Vaughan.
Cllr. Read was appointed Chair in the absence of Cllr. Vaughan.
1. MINUTES . RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 August 2015 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
2. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. One had been received, as follows:
COL 15/1844 REGISTERED 18/08/15 James Ryan Proposal: Two storey side extension & first floor rear & side extension. Replacement windows to sash & replacement boarding. Location: 14 Brook Street, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9DS Applicant: Mr & Mrs Hayworth Recommendations: The proposal overlooked neighbouring properties and was out of keeping with the Conservation Area. It was important that the views of neighbours be taken into consideration. The plans submitted were insufficient in content.
3. DECISIONS. One decision had been received.
COL 15/1428 REGISTERED 02/07/15 Eleanor Moss Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension Location: 44 Vanessa Drive, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9PB Applicant: Mr & Mrs Forbes Recommendations: Provided the proposal is within Permitted Development there were no material planning objections apart from views of neighbours to be taken into consideration. DECISION – Approved with 3 conditions.
COL 15/0213 Erection of a detached dwelling with associated parking facilities – resubmission of 11/2284; Land west, 58 Queens Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9JJ
Town Clerk had contacted Sue Jackson, CBC Planning Officer about this and had received a response that the CBC Planning Committee meeting of 31 July deferred the decision for officers to seek a legal opinion regarding any liability arising from any grant of consent in relation to the flooding risk.
Appeal: APP/A1530/W/15/3128980 Erection of one detached dwelling; Land adjacent to 17 Trinity Close, Wivenhoe, Colchester, Essex, CO7 9RA for Taylor Wimpey.
The Town Clerk had prepared a submission which had been approved and sent to the Planning Inspector in time for 26 August 2015.
5. SECTION 106 MATTERS. Nothing further to report.
1 draft
Colne Centenary Bridge: The Town Council’s initial views on this idea needed to be forwarded to Cllr. Young. Cllr. Read would co-ordinate a response from members. A LHP would be discussing the proposal later in the year and the Town Council would have an opportunity to attend the panel meeting. Initially the Town Council did not have a corporate view but the Planning Committee expressed uncertainty that the proposal could lead to a logical progression of this corner of north-east Essex being used more by waste companies.
University Cyclepath: ECC had sent information, Statement of Reasons and copies of maps showing the Toucan Crossing and shared unsegregated Footway/Cycleway on the B1028 for comments by 7 September 2015.
The Town Council has serious concerns about the Toucan Crossing which would introduce a series of hazards creating a mixture of delays and congestion at the junction with Elmstead Road/Colchester Road. There is already congestion at this junction with delivery vehicles trying to access the rear of Vine Parade stores and the Flag Public House amid two well-used bus stops. The introduction of a Toucan crossing at this point would add to the congestion, especially at busy times. The Town Council would also ask if the Fire Station has been consulted.
The shared footway/cycleway would need to have adequate lighting so that pedestrians are well protected from speeding cyclists.
The Town Council would request that they are kept well informed of what is happening in order to advise residents.
As a matter of note within the Statement of Reasons it is stated that ‘the cycleway will promote an increase in people using Wivenhoe town for shopping and promote the local economy’. Wivenhoe has very few shops and with Tesco within easy walking distance of the University it is unlikely that people would use Wivenhoe for shopping.
Some consideration should be given to the fact that fences will never replace ancient hedgerows. The cycleway is damaging an eco-system from which it will never recover and this should be noted.
Date of next meeting Tuesday 15 September 2015.
The meeting ended at 8.05pm