Small Moment Narrative Rubric

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Small Moment Narrative Rubric

Small Moment Narrative Rubric

Proficient (5) Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions story if mostly focused on a strong and catchy lead the reader can hear an creates strong sense of uses a variety of different spells grade-level words small moment (onomatopoeia, setting, original and natural tone imagery or mood through types of sentences correctly dialogue, and/or a mixture of choice of words (adjectives, (statements, questions, and some) adverbs, sensory details) exclamatory sentences) small moment includes a an effective ending where the the writing is expressive and writer uses strong verbs writes complete sentences punctuates the ends of mixture of details such as reader knows it is the end holds the reader’s interest (replied, exclaimed, sentences correctly (.!?) “inside story,” “outside without being told examined story,” and dialogue. the author writes about a the story is sequenced writer uses an effective punctuates simple dialogue significant moment mixture of proper nouns and correctly common nouns can identify and correct most errors on their own when proofreading Developing (3) Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions story is somewhat focused on somewhat strong lead the reader can hear an creates a sense of imagery uses some variety of spells most grade-level words a small moment original and natural tone at and mood through choice of different types of sentences correctly times words by borrowing new (statements, questions, and words (experimenting with exclamatory sentences) language) small moment includes a the reader knows that the the writing is expressive and writers uses somewhat strong many sentences are complete punctuates the ends of many somewhat meaningful story has ended holds the reader’s interest verbs sentences correctly (.!?) mixture of details such as some of the time “inside story,” “outside story,” and dialogue. the author writes about a the story is somewhat writer uses a mixture of punctuates most simple somewhat significant sequenced proper and common nouns dialogue correctly moment can identify and correct many errors on their own when proofreading Emerging (1) Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions story is not focused on a ineffective lead the reader cannot hear an does not create mood or uses only statements many words are misspelled small moment original and natural tone imagery (uses simple words) small moment includes a the reader does not know the the writing is not expressive writer uses tired verbs (said, many sentences are many sentences are limited amount of details story has ended and does not hold the looked) fragments or run-ons punctuated incorrectly (.!?) such “inside story,” “outside reader’s interest story,” and dialogue. the author’s moment is the story is not sequenced writer only uses common simple dialogue is not insignificant nouns punctuated correctly can identify and correct few errors on their own when proofreading

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