Supplementary Materials s13

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Supplementary Materials s13

Supplementary materials

1) Materials and Methods

2) Tables (4)

3) Figures (3)

4) References

5) R codes

1 Materials and methods Data selection

To examine the response of fine root production to soil nutrients in natural habitats, we searched databases of ISI Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar and JSTOR with the key terms: ‘fine root*’ and ‘ingrowth’. Agricultural or horticultural ecosystems that were often greatly disturbed by human activities were not included in our analysis. The control plots from fertilized experiments in natural systems were also included in the analysis. Data from greenhouse experiments were also excluded. We included data that had measured roots to at least 20 cm depth in the soil. Soil characteristics (pH, soil organic matter, total C, N and P, available N and P) were derived from the original papers or other studies that were conducted at the same sites. Soil types, classified according to the FAO-UNESCO classification system, were derived from original publications or from the Harmonised World Soil Database version 1.21 released in 2012 by FAO.

If multiple observations from different sampling dates at the same site were reported, we used the average in the analysis. The resulting dataset, solely based on the ingrowth core method, represented 410 observations from 223 publications (supplementary material, References). Our data covered a wide range of ecosystem types, including arctic tundra, forests, and grasslands. Forests were subdivided into boreal, temperate/subtropical, and tropical forests. Boreal forests included all forests occurring between 46°N and 66°N latitude , tropical forests included all forests between 23.5° S and 23.5° N latitude , and temperate/subtropical forests included all forests between the tropical and boreal latitudes. Forest ecosystems were grouped by leaf type (broadleaves vs. coniferous). Grasslands were also subdivided into temperate and tropical grasslands based on a latitudinal threshold of 23.5°N or °S. In light of the widely held belief that lowland and montane tropical forests should respond to N and P differently , we analysed data from lowland and montane tropical forests separately based on the elevation threshold of 800 m . Site elevation ranged from 13 to 4420 m. Mean annual air temperature ranged from –11.6 to 27.1 °C and mean annual precipitation ranged from 122 to 5640 mm.

To examine the response of fine root production to N and P additions, we extracted data from published studies that contained matched N and/or P additions and control treatments. The published studies were searched in the same databases. Fertilization experiments in natural environments were included, but studies conducted in greenhouses were excluded. To avoid possible bias associated with estimation methods, we included studies in which the same method (e.g., ingrowth, max-min or minirhizotron) was used to estimate fine root production in control and treatment sites. We did not include root biomass studies because biomass and production can respond

2 differently to soil nutrients . Measurements from different ecosystem types, nutrient addition levels, and nutrient chemical forms within a single study were considered independent observations. In the meta-analysis, when multiple observations from different sampling dates were reported for a given site, the first observation (generally the first year) was included. The resultant dataset from 69 publications contained 241, 147 and 81 entries for N, P and combined N+P addition experiments, respectively (see Supplementary material, References). Ecosystem and soil types were classified in the same way as in the component of the natural nutrient gradient analysis. All original data were extracted from the text, tables and figures in the published papers. When data were presented graphically, numerical data were obtained by using SigmaScan Pro 5.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL).

Statistical analysis

To test the response of fine root production to soil nutrients in natural habitats, we conducted a boosted regression tree (BRT) analysis due to its following advantages: 1) BRT, as a tree classification technique, can develop the relative importance for each predictor and produce accurate predictions or predicted classifications based on few logical if-then conditions, with an easy interpretation of results summarized in a simple tree; 2) BRT, as a tree-based method, automatically takes into account interactions among predictors and the non-linearity between the dependent variable and the predictors; consequently it is particularly well suited for data mining tasks where there is little priori knowledge about relationships among variables; 3) BRT is able to deal with multi- dimensionality of predictors and disentangle the effect for each variable; and 4) BRT can accommodate missing values in predictors. In our analysis, we fitted BRT models using 3 as tree complexity, 0.005 as learning rate, and 0.5 as bag fraction. These values are the recommended optimal settings for ecological modelling . BRT was implemented by using the ‘gbm’ and ‘dismo’ libraries in R 2.15.0. The performance of BRT models was assessed by % deviance (variance) in fine root production explained. The influence (or contribution) of each predictor was measured based on the number of times the predictor is selected for splitting, weighted by the squared improvement to the model as a result of each split, and averaged over all trees . Given the limited data, we did not explore interactions among multiple predictors and applied monotonic constraints to continuous predictors . Unlike traditional statistics, BRT does not test the significance of each predictor. To complement BRT, we also analysed the dataset by using regressions and general linear models. To test whether the response of fine root production to N (or P) availability in natural habitats differed among ecosystem types, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) (package HH 2.1-32 for R) was performed with fine root production as the dependent variable, with soil N (or P), ecosystem type, and ecosystem type by N (or P) interaction as predictors.

3 To examine the effect of nutrient addition on fine root production, we calculated effect sizes from each individual study as described by Hedges et al. . Effect size was calculated as a natural log response ratio: lnRR = ln (Xe/Xc) = ln Xe ‒ ln Xc, where Xe and

Xc were mean fine root production in nutrient addition and control treatments, respectively. The corresponding sampling variance for each lnRR was calculated as 2 2 ln[(1/ne) × (Se/Xe) + (1/nc) × (Sc/Xc) ] in package metafor 1.60 for R , where ne, nc Se, Sc

Xe, and Xc are sample sizes, stand deviations, and means of fine root production for nutrient addition and control treatments, respectively. The average lnRR for all data pooled and each ecosystem type pooled was calculated by using random effect models . The differences in lnRR among ecosystem, soil and leaf types were tested by a mixed effect model by specifying them as fixed factors. Both the random and mixed effect models were tested by weighing the corresponding sampling variance for each lnRR . The effect of nutrient addition on fine root production was considered significant if the 95% CI of RR did not overlap 1.


1. Jarvis P.G., Saugier B., Schulze E.D. 2001 Productivity of boreal forests. In Terrestrial Global Productivity (eds. Roy J., Saugier B., Mooney H.A.), pp. 211-244. San Diego, Academic Press. 2. Park C.C. 2003 Tropical rainforests. New York, Routledge. 3. Bruijnzeel L.A., Scatena F.N., Hamilton L.S. 2010 Tropical Montane Cloud Forests: Science for Conservation and Management, Cambridge University Press. 4. Girardin C.A.J., Malhi Y., Aragao L.E.O.C., Mamani M., Huasco W.H., Durand L., Feeley K.J., Rapp J., Silva-Espejo J.E., Silman M., et al. 2010 Net primary productivity allocation and cycling of carbon along a tropical forest elevational transect in the Peruvian Andes. Global Change Biol 16, 3176-3192. 5. Nadelhoffer K.J. 2000 The potential effects of nitrogen deposition on fine-root production in forest ecosystems. New Phytol 147, 131-139. 6. Elith J., Leathwick J.R., Hastie T. 2008 A working guide to boosted regression trees. J Anim Ecol 77, 802-813. 7. De'ath G. 2007 Boosted trees for ecological modeling and prediction. Ecology 88, 243-251. 8. Friedman J.H., Meulman J.J. 2003 Multiple additive regression trees with application in epidemiology. Stat Med 22, 1365-1381. 9. Hedges L.V., Gurevitch J., Curtis P.S. 1999 The meta-analysis of response ratios in experimental ecology. Ecology 80, 1150-1156. 10. Viechtbauer W. 2011 Meta-analysis package 'metafor' (1.60) for R. (

4 Table S1

Results of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with fine root production as the dependent variable, soil N (or P) as the covariate, and ecosystem type as the factor

Source df MS F P Model r2

Soil N 1 1.513 19.231 <0.001 0.395 Ecosystem 7 2.265 28.767 <0.001 Soil N×Ecosystem 7 0.653 8.293 <0.001 Residuals 389 0.078

Soil P 1 0.023 0.0031 0.955 0.385 Ecosystem 7 1.519 20.376 <0.001 Soil P×Ecosystem 7 0.166 2.227 0.033 Residuals 214 0.075

5 Table S2

Boosted regression tree (BRT) analysis for all ecosystems showing the influence of ecosystem type, soil type, leaf type (broadleaves vs. coniferous), and soil nutrients on fine root production. BRT was also performed for individual system type except tropical grasslands and wetlands due to limited numbers of observations. The performance of BRT models was assessed by % deviance (variance) in fine root production explained. In the model, predictors with large values in influence indicate more explanatory power. Total: all predictors, All: all ecosystems, BF: boreal forests, TSF: temperate/subtropical forests, lowF: lowland tropical forests, monF: montane tropical forests, tempG: temperate grasslands, TU: tundra.


Predictor All BF TSF lowF monF tempG TU

Ecosystem type 19.72 / / / / / / Soil type 28.29 14.13 10.76 11.25 16.59 23.17 52.28 Leaf type 0.05 0 0.23 0 0 / / pH 3.24 1.48 1.75 0.58 0 0 0 Organic matter 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total C 3.07 0.06 1.30 0.02 0 0 0 Total N 9.70 13.19 8.85 0.22 24.23 33.72 0.71 Total P 3.72 2.89 4.45 1.65 0 0 0 Available N 1.41 0 0.07 0 0 0 0 Available P 0.83 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 Total 70.11 31.75 27.41 13.77 40.82 56.89 52.99

6 Table S3

Whole-model r2 and P values in a series of general linear models with increasing numbers of independent variables. We do not perform more complex models due to the limited sample size. The ‘+’ includes the relevant predictors and their interactions.

Model r2 P value

One factor model Ecosystem type (ET) 0.266 <0.001 Soil type (ST) 0.161 <0.001 Leaf type (LT) 0.069 <0.001 Total N 0.018 0.004 Total P 0.011 0.018 pH 0.013 0.013 Organic matter (OM) 0.002 0.183 Total C 0.004 0.120 Available N (AN) 0.005 0.079 Available P (AP) 0.001 0.530 Total N+total P 0.046 <0.001 Total N+total P+ET 0.523 <0.001 Total N+total P+ET+ST 0.710 <0.001 Total N+total P+ET+ST+LT 0.724 <0.001

7 Table S4

General linear model analyses of fine root production in nutrient addition experiments.

Source N addition P addition


Nutrient addition rate (N) 176.880 <0.001 6.380 0.013 Ecosystem type (ET) 8.820 <0.001 1.078 0.380 Soil type (ST) 12.970 <0.001 3.447 <0.001 N×ET 14.463 <0.001 0.469 0.830 N×ST 7.132 <0.001 1.023 0.415 ET×ST 0.964 0.485 0.076 0.998 N×ET×LT 5.895 0.017 / / Model r2 0.714 0.390

8 Figure S1

Responses of fine root production to fertilizer addition by nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and combined N and P (N+P) based on paired data from the same site, sampling date, fertilization type and rate (n=63, 59 and 36, respectively). The dot with error bars shows the mean response ratio with the 95% confidence interval.

9 Figure S2

Responses of fine root production to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) or combined N and P (N+P) additions in different soil types. The numbers out and in parentheses represent response ratio and the number of observations in each soil type, respectively. The dot with error bars shows the mean response ratio with the 95% confidence intervals.

10 Figure S3

Responses of fine root production to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) or combined N and P (N+P) additions between leaf types (broadleaves vs. coniferous). The numbers out and in parentheses represent response ratio and the number of observations in each leaf type, respectively. The dot with error bars shows the mean response ratio with the 95% confidence intervals.

11 Supplementary References

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33 R codes

### Figure 1 soil N-biome rm(list=ls())

### read in data<-read.csv(file.choose()) head(

### calculate mean and sd bf<-subset(,$biome=="1BF") temf<-subset(,$biome=="2temF") lowland<-subset(,$biome=="3lowland") montane<-subset(,$biome=="4montane") temg<-subset(,$biome=="5temG") trog<-subset(,$biome=="6troG") tu<-subset(,$biome=="7TU") wet<-subset(,$biome=="8wet") terr<-rbind(bf,temf,lowland,montane,temg,trog,tu) trof<-rbind(lowland,montane) mean(bf$FRP);sd(bf$FRP) mean(temf$FRP);sd(temf$FRP) mean(lowland$FRP);sd(lowland$FRP) mean(montane$FRP);sd(montane$FRP) mean(temg$FRP);sd(temg$FRP) mean(trog$FRP);sd(trog$FRP)

34 mean(tu$FRP);sd(tu$FRP) mean(terr$FRP);sd(terr$FRP) mean($FRP);sd($FRP) mean(trof$FRP);sd(trof$FRP)

### test assumption boxplot(split($FRP,$biome),xlab="Ecosystem type",ylab="FRP",col="green") shapiro.test($FRP) shapiro.test(bf$FRP) shapiro.test(temf$FRP) shapiro.test(lowland$FRP) shapiro.test(montane$FRP) shapiro.test(temg$FRP) shapiro.test(trog$FRP) shapiro.test(tu$FRP) shapiro.test(terr$FRP) shapiro.test(trof$FRP)$FRP<-log10($FRP+1) bf<-subset(,$biome=="1BF") temf<-subset(,$biome=="2temF") lowland<-subset(,$biome=="3lowland") montane<-subset(,$biome=="4montane") temg<-subset(,$biome=="5temG") trog<-subset(,$biome=="6troG") tu<-subset(,$biome=="7TU")

35 wet<-subset(,$biome=="8wet") terr<-rbind(bf,temf,lowland,montane,temg,trog,tu) trof<-rbind(lowland,montane) shapiro.test($FRP) shapiro.test(bf$FRP) shapiro.test(temf$FRP) shapiro.test(lowland$FRP) shapiro.test(montane$FRP) shapiro.test(temg$FRP) shapiro.test(trog$FRP) shapiro.test(tu$FRP) shapiro.test(terr$FRP) shapiro.test(trof$FRP) bartlett.test($$biome)

### Regression library(ggplot2)<-read.csv(file.choose()) nnumber <- subset(,biome=="1BF" | biome=="2temF"| biome=="3lowland"| biome=="4montane"| biome=="5temG"|

biome=="6troG"| biome=="7TU"| biome=="8wet") levels(nnumber$biome) table(nnumber$biome)

36 qplot(soilN, FRP,, facets= . ~ biome, geom=c('point', 'smooth'), se=F, method='lm', formula=y ~ x)$FRP<-log10($FRP+1) lmall<-lm(FRP~soilN, lmbf<-lm(FRP~soilN, data=subset(,$biome=="1BF")) lmtemf<-lm(FRP~soilN, data=subset(,$biome=="2temF")) lmlowland<-lm(FRP~soilN, data=subset(,$biome=="3lowland")) lmmontane<-lm(FRP~soilN, data=subset(,$biome=="4montane")) lmtemg<-lm(FRP~soilN, data=subset(,$biome=="5temG")) lmtrog<-lm(FRP~soilN, data=subset(,$biome=="6troG")) lmtu<-lm(FRP~soilN, data=subset(,$biome=="7TU")) lmwet<-lm(FRP~soilN, data=subset(,$biome=="8wet")) lmterr<-lm(FRP~soilN, data=rbind(bf,temf,lowland,montane,temg,trog,tu)) lmtrof<-lm(FRP~soilN, data=rbind(lowland,montane)) summary(lmall) summary(lmbf) summary(lmtemf) summary(lmlowland) summary(lmmontane) summary(lmtemg) summary(lmtrog) summary(lmtu) summary(lmwet) summary(lmterr) summary(lmtrof)

37 ### test slope library(ggplot2) qplot(soilN, FRP,, facets= . ~ biome, geom=c('point', 'smooth'), se=F, method='lm', formula=y ~ x) plot(FRP~soilN, data=bf,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmbf) plot(FRP~soilN, data=temf,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmtemf) plot(FRP~soilN, data=trof,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmtrof) plot(FRP~soilN, data=temg,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmtemg) plot(FRP~soilN, data=trog,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmtrog) plot(FRP~soilN, data=tu,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmtu) summary(inter<-glm(FRP~soilN+biome,<-read.csv(file.choose())$FRP<-log10($FRP+1) source("") library(NCStats)

?NCStats lm1 <- lm(FRP~soilN+biome+soilN*biome,

38 # visualize the results fitPlot(lm1)

# compare all pairs of slopes using an FDR control compSlopes(lm1)

# compare all pairs of slopes using the Holm method of control compSlopes(lm1,control="holm")

#### export data for graph

### overall

FRPgraph<-read.csv(file.choose()) head(FRPgraph)

FRP0graph.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(FRPgraph,!$FRP))), gbm.x=2:5, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5)

FRP1graph.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(FRPgraph,!$FRP))), gbm.x=2:5, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5) summary(FRP0graph.gbm);text(10,6.2, "FRP", adj=0) summary(FRP1graph.gbm);text(10,6.2, "FRP", adj=0) gbm.plot(FRP0graph.gbm, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE) gbm.plot(FRP1graph.gbm, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE)

####### 0 model

39 soilN<- seq(from=min(na.omit((FRPgraph$soilN*FRPgraph$FRP)/FRPgraph$FRP)),to=max(na. omit((FRPgraph$soilN*FRPgraph$FRP)/FRPgraph$FRP)),length=500)

FRP0graphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilN)); names(FRP0graphSN)<-c("soilN"); FRP0graphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Nav)); FRP0graphSN$Pav<- mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Pav)); FRP0graphSN$soilP<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$soilP))

FRP0graphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(FRP0graph.gbm,FRP0graphSN,n.trees=FRP0graph.gbm$$best.tree s,type="response"); FRP0graphSN<- data.frame(FRP0graphSN$soilN,FRP0graphSN$Y)

FRP0graphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilN)); names(FRP0graphSN)<-c("soilN"); FRP0graphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Nav)); FRP0graphSN$Pav<- mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Pav)); FRP0graphSN$soilP<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$soilP))

FRP0graphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(FRP0graph.gbm,FRP0graphSN,n.trees=FRP0graph.gbm$$best.tree s,type="response"); FRP0graphSN<- data.frame(FRP0graphSN$soilN,FRP0graphSN$Y)

##soil P soilP<- seq(from=min(na.omit((FRPgraph$soilP*FRPgraph$FRP)/FRPgraph$FRP)),to=max(na. omit((FRPgraph$soilP*FRPgraph$FRP)/FRPgraph$FRP)),length=500)

FRP0graphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilP)); names(FRP0graphSP)<-c("soilP"); FRP0graphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Nav)); FRP0graphSP$Pav<- mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Pav)); FRP0graphSP$soilN<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$soilN))

FRP0graphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(FRP0graph.gbm,FRP0graphSP,n.trees=FRP0graph.gbm$$best.trees ,type="response"); FRP0graphSP<- data.frame(FRP0graphSP$soilP,FRP0graphSP$Y)

FRP0graphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilP)); names(FRP0graphSP)<-c("soilP"); FRP0graphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Nav)); FRP0graphSP$Pav<- mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Pav)); FRP0graphSP$soilN<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$soilN))

FRP0graphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(FRP0graph.gbm,FRP0graphSP,n.trees=FRP0graph.gbm$$best.trees ,type="response"); FRP0graphSP<- data.frame(FRP0graphSP$soilP,FRP0graphSP$Y)

FRP0graphsoilNP<-cbind(FRP0graphSN, FRP0graphSP)

40 ###### 1 model

##soil N soilN<- seq(from=min(na.omit((FRPgraph$soilN*FRPgraph$FRP)/FRPgraph$FRP)),to=max(na. omit((FRPgraph$soilN*FRPgraph$FRP)/FRPgraph$FRP)),length=500)

FRP1graphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilN)); names(FRP1graphSN)<-c("soilN"); FRP1graphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Nav)); FRP1graphSN$Pav<- mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Pav)); FRP1graphSN$soilP<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$soilP))

FRP1graphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(FRP1graph.gbm,FRP1graphSN,n.trees=FRP1graph.gbm$$best.tree s,type="response"); FRP1graphSN<- data.frame(FRP1graphSN$soilN,FRP1graphSN$Y)

FRP1graphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilN)); names(FRP1graphSN)<-c("soilN"); FRP1graphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Nav)); FRP1graphSN$Pav<- mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Pav)); FRP1graphSN$soilP<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$soilP))

FRP1graphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(FRP1graph.gbm,FRP1graphSN,n.trees=FRP1graph.gbm$$best.tree s,type="response"); FRP1graphSN<- data.frame(FRP1graphSN$soilN,FRP1graphSN$Y)

##soil P soilP<- seq(from=min(na.omit((FRPgraph$soilP*FRPgraph$FRP)/FRPgraph$FRP)),to=max(na. omit((FRPgraph$soilP*FRPgraph$FRP)/FRPgraph$FRP)),length=500)

FRP1graphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilP)); names(FRP1graphSP)<-c("soilP"); FRP1graphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Nav)); FRP1graphSP$Pav<- mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Pav)); FRP1graphSP$soilN<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$soilN))

FRP1graphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(FRP1graph.gbm,FRP1graphSP,n.trees=FRP1graph.gbm$$best.trees ,type="response"); FRP1graphSP<- data.frame(FRP1graphSP$soilP,FRP1graphSP$Y)

41 FRP1graphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilP)); names(FRP1graphSP)<-c("soilP"); FRP1graphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Nav)); FRP1graphSP$Pav<- mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$Pav)); FRP1graphSP$soilN<-mean(na.omit(FRPgraph$soilN))

FRP1graphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(FRP1graph.gbm,FRP1graphSP,n.trees=FRP1graph.gbm$$best.trees ,type="response"); FRP1graphSP<- data.frame(FRP1graphSP$soilP,FRP1graphSP$Y)

FRP1graphsoilNP<-cbind(FRP1graphSN, FRP1graphSP)

FRPgraphsoilNP<-cbind(FRP0graphsoilNP, FRP1graphsoilNP)


#### individual biome graphsoilNP<-read.csv(file.choose()) head(graphsoilNP) bf<-subset(graphsoilNP, graphsoilNP$biome=="1BF") temf<-subset(graphsoilNP, graphsoilNP$biome=="2temF") lowland<-subset(graphsoilNP, graphsoilNP$biome=="3lowland") montane<-subset(graphsoilNP, graphsoilNP$biome=="4montane") temg<-subset(graphsoilNP, graphsoilNP$biome=="5temG") trog<-subset(graphsoilNP, graphsoilNP$biome=="6troG") tu<-subset(graphsoilNP, graphsoilNP$biome=="7TU") wet<-subset(graphsoilNP, graphsoilNP$biome=="8wet")

#### boreal forests bfsoilNPgraph <- gbm.step(data=(subset(bf,!$FRP))), gbm.x=4:7, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(1,1,1,1),

42 tree.complexity=2, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5) gbm.plot(bfsoilNPgraph, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE)

##bf-soil N soilNbf<- seq(from=min(na.omit((bf$soilN*bf$FRP)/bf$FRP)),to=max(na.omit((bf$soilN*bf$FRP )/bf$FRP)),length=500) bfgraphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilNbf)); names(bfgraphSN)<-c("soilN"); bfgraphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); bfgraphSN$Pav<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); bfgraphSN$soilP<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilP)) bfgraphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(bfsoilNPgraph,bfgraphSN,n.trees=bfsoilNPgraph$$best.trees,type= "response"); bfgraphSN<- data.frame(bfgraphSN$soilN,bfgraphSN$Y)

##bf-soil P soilPbf<- seq(from=min(na.omit((bf$soilP*bf$FRP)/bf$FRP)),to=max(na.omit((bf$soilP*bf$FRP)/ bf$FRP)),length=500) bfgraphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilPbf)); names(bfgraphSP)<-c("soilP"); bfgraphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); bfgraphSP$Pav<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); bfgraphSP$soilN<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilN)) bfgraphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(bfsoilNPgraph,bfgraphSP,n.trees=bfsoilNPgraph$$best.trees,type=" response"); bfgraphSP<- data.frame(bfgraphSP$soilP,bfgraphSP$Y)

bfgraphsoilNP<-cbind(bfgraphSN, bfgraphSP)

### temperate forests temfsoilNPgraph <- gbm.step(data=(subset(temf,!$FRP))), gbm.x=4:7, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(1,1,1,1),

43 tree.complexity=2, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5) gbm.plot(temfsoilNPgraph, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE)

##temf--soil N soilNtemf<- seq(from=min(na.omit((temf$soilN*temf$FRP)/temf$FRP)),to=max(na.omit((temf$soil N*temf$FRP)/temf$FRP)),length=500) temfgraphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilNtemf)); names(temfgraphSN)<-c("soilN"); temfgraphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); temfgraphSN$Pav<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); temfgraphSN$soilP<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilP)) temfgraphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(temfsoilNPgraph,temfgraphSN,n.trees=temfsoilNPgraph$$best.tree s,type="response"); temfgraphSN<- data.frame(temfgraphSN$soilN,temfgraphSN$Y)

##temf--soil P soilPtemf<- seq(from=min(na.omit((temf$soilP*temf$FRP)/temf$FRP)),to=max(na.omit((temf$soilP *temf$FRP)/temf$FRP)),length=500) temfgraphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilPtemf)); names(temfgraphSP)<-c("soilP"); temfgraphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); temfgraphSP$Pav<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); temfgraphSP$soilN<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilN)) temfgraphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(temfsoilNPgraph,temfgraphSP,n.trees=temfsoilNPgraph$$best.trees ,type="response"); temfgraphSP<- data.frame(temfgraphSP$soilP,temfgraphSP$Y) temfgraphsoilNP<-cbind(temfgraphSN, temfgraphSP)

### lowland tropical forest lowlandsoilNPgraph <- gbm.step(data=(subset(lowland,!$FRP))), gbm.x=4:7, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(1,1,1,1),

44 tree.complexity=2, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5) gbm.plot(lowlandsoilNPgraph, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE)

lowlandsoilPgraph <- gbm.step(data=(subset(lowland,!$FRP))), gbm.x=5:7, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(1,1,1),

tree.complexity=2, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.75) gbm.plot(lowlandsoilPgraph, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE)

##lowland--soil N soilNlowland<- seq(from=min(na.omit((lowland$soilN*lowland$FRP)/lowland$FRP)),to=max(na.omit(( lowland$soilN*lowland$FRP)/lowland$FRP)),length=500) lowlandgraphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilNlowland)); names(lowlandgraphSN)<- c("soilN"); lowlandgraphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); lowlandgraphSN$Pav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); lowlandgraphSN$soilP<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilP)) lowlandgraphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(lowlandsoilNPgraph,lowlandgraphSN,n.trees=lowlandsoilNPgraph$ l$best.trees,type="response"); lowlandgraphSN<- data.frame(lowlandgraphSN$soilN,lowlandgraphSN$Y)

##lowland--soil P soilPlowland<- seq(from=min(na.omit((lowland$soilP*lowland$FRP)/lowland$FRP)),to=max(na.omit((l owland$soilP*lowland$FRP)/lowland$FRP)),length=500) lowlandgraphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilPlowland)); names(lowlandgraphSP)<-c("soilP"); lowlandgraphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); lowlandgraphSP$Pav<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); lowlandgraphSP$soilN<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilN)) lowlandgraphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(lowlandsoilPgraph,lowlandgraphSP,n.trees=lowlandsoilPgraph$$be

45 st.trees,type="response"); lowlandgraphSP<- data.frame(lowlandgraphSP$soilP,lowlandgraphSP$Y)

lowlandgraphsoilNP<-cbind(lowlandgraphSN, lowlandgraphSP)

#######montane tropical forests montanesoilNPgraph <- gbm.step(data=(subset(montane,!$FRP))), gbm.x=4:7, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=1, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.75) gbm.plot(montanesoilNPgraph, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE)

##montane--soil N soilNmontane<- seq(from=min(na.omit((montane$soilN*montane$FRP)/montane$FRP)),to=max(na.omit ((montane$soilN*montane$FRP)/montane$FRP)),length=500) montanegraphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilNmontane)); names(montanegraphSN)<- c("soilN"); montanegraphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); montanegraphSN$Pav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); montanegraphSN$soilP<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilP)) montanegraphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(montanesoilNPgraph,montanegraphSN,n.trees=montanesoilNPgraph$gbm.c all$best.trees,type="response"); montanegraphSN<- data.frame(montanegraphSN$soilN,montanegraphSN$Y)

##montane--soil P soilPmontane<- seq(from=min(na.omit((montane$soilP*montane$FRP)/montane$FRP)),to=max(na.omit( (montane$soilP*montane$FRP)/montane$FRP)),length=500)

46 montanegraphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilPmontane)); names(montanegraphSP)<- c("soilP"); montanegraphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); montanegraphSP$Pav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); montanegraphSP$soilN<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilN)) montanegraphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(montanesoilNPgraph,montanegraphSP,n.trees=montanesoilNPgraph$ ll$best.trees,type="response"); montanegraphSP<- data.frame(montanegraphSP$soilP,montanegraphSP$Y)

montanegraphsoilNP<-cbind(montanegraphSN, montanegraphSP)

######## temperate grassland

temgsoilNPgraph <- gbm.step(data=(subset(temg,!$FRP))), gbm.x=4:7, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=2, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5) gbm.plot(temgsoilNPgraph, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE)

temggraphsoilP<-read.csv(file.choose()) temgsoilPgraph <- gbm.step(data=(subset(temggraphsoilP,!$FRP))), gbm.x=5:6, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(1,1),

tree.complexity=1, learning.rate=0.0000000000005, bag.fraction=1) gbm.plot(temgsoilPgraph, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE)

##temg--soil N soilNtemg<- seq(from=min(na.omit((temg$soilN*temg$FRP)/temg$FRP)),to=max(na.omit((temg$soi lN*temg$FRP)/temg$FRP)),length=500)

47 temggraphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilNtemg)); names(temggraphSN)<-c("soilN"); temggraphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); temggraphSN$Pav<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); temggraphSN$soilP<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilP)) temggraphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(temgsoilNPgraph,temggraphSN,n.trees=temgsoilNPgraph$$best.tre es,type="response"); temggraphSN<- data.frame(temggraphSN$soilN,temggraphSN$Y)

##temg--soil P soilPtemg<- seq(from=min(na.omit((temggraphsoilP$soilP*temggraphsoilP$FRP)/temggraphsoilP$F RP)),to=max(na.omit((temggraphsoilP$soilP*temggraphsoilP$FRP)/temggraphsoilP$FR P)),length=500) temggraphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilPtemg)); names(temggraphSP)<-c("soilP"); temggraphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(temggraphsoilP$Nav)) temggraphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(temgsoilPgraph,temggraphSP,n.trees=temgsoilPgraph$$best.trees,t ype="response"); temggraphSP<- data.frame(temggraphSP$soilP,temggraphSP$Y)

temggraphsoilNP<-cbind(temggraphSN, temggraphSP) write.csv(temggraphSP,"temggraphSP.csv",row.names=F)

####### tropical grassland/savanna too small dataset size

######## tundra tusoilNPgraph <- gbm.step(data=(subset(tu,!$FRP))), gbm.x=4:6, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(1,1,1),

tree.complexity=1, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=1) gbm.plot(tusoilNPgraph, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE)

48 ##tu--soil N soilNtu<- seq(from=min(na.omit((tu$soilN*tu$FRP)/tu$FRP)),to=max(na.omit((tu$soilN*tu$FRP) /tu$FRP)),length=500) tugraphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilNtu)); names(tugraphSN)<-c("soilN"); tugraphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); tugraphSN$Pav<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); tugraphSN$soilP<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilP)) tugraphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(tusoilNPgraph,tugraphSN,n.trees=tusoilNPgraph$$best.trees,type=" response"); tugraphSN<- data.frame(tugraphSN$soilN,tugraphSN$Y)

##tu--soil P soilPtu<- seq(from=min(na.omit((tu$soilP*tu$FRP)/tu$FRP)),to=max(na.omit((tu$soilP*tu$FRP)/t u$FRP)),length=500) tugraphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilPtu)); names(tugraphSP)<-c("soilP"); tugraphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); tugraphSP$Pav<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); tugraphSP$soilN<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilN)) tugraphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(tusoilNPgraph,tugraphSP,n.trees=tusoilNPgraph$$best.trees,type=" response"); tugraphSP<- data.frame(tugraphSP$soilP,tugraphSP$Y) tugraphsoilNP<-cbind(tugraphSN, tugraphSP)

######### wetlands too small datasize

wetsoilNPgraph <- gbm.step(data=(subset(wet,!$FRP))), gbm.x=4:5, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(1,1),

tree.complexity=1, learning.rate=0.000005, bag.fraction=1) gbm.plot(wetsoilNPgraph, n.plots=4, write.title = FALSE)


##wet--soil N soilNwet<- seq(from=min(na.omit((wet$soilN*wet$FRP)/wet$FRP)),to=max(na.omit((wet$soilN*w et$FRP)/wet$FRP)),length=500) wetgraphSN<-data.frame(cbind(soilNwet)); names(wetgraphSN)<-c("soilN"); wetgraphSN$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); wetgraphSN$Pav<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); wetgraphSN$soilP<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilP)) wetgraphSN$Y<- predict.gbm(wetsoilNPgraph,wetgraphSN,n.trees=wetsoilNPgraph$$best.trees,ty pe="response"); wetgraphSN<- data.frame(wetgraphSN$soilN,wetgraphSN$Y)

##wet--soil P soilPwet<- seq(from=min(na.omit((wet$soilP*wet$FRP)/wet$FRP)),to=max(na.omit((wet$soilP*we t$FRP)/wet$FRP)),length=500) wetgraphSP<-data.frame(cbind(soilPwet)); names(wetgraphSP)<-c("soilP"); wetgraphSP$Nav<-mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Nav)); wetgraphSP$Pav<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$Pav)); wetgraphSP$soilN<- mean(na.omit(graphsoilNP$soilN)) wetgraphSP$Y<- predict.gbm(wetsoilNPgraph,wetgraphSP,n.trees=wetsoilNPgraph$$best.trees,ty pe="response"); wetgraphSP<- data.frame(wetgraphSP$soilP,wetgraphSP$Y)

wetgraphsoilNP<-cbind(wetgraphSN, wetgraphSP)

graphsoilNP<-cbind(bfgraphsoilNP, temfgraphsoilNP, lowlandgraphsoilNP, montanegraphsoilNP, temggraphsoilNP, tugraphsoilNP) write.csv(graphsoilNP,"Fig1&2gbm.csv",row.names=F)

50 ### Figure 2 soil P-biome rm(list=ls())

### read in data<-read.csv(file.choose()) head(

### calculate mean and sd bf<-subset(,$biome=="1BF") temf<-subset(,$biome=="2temF") lowland<-subset(,$biome=="3lowland") montane<-subset(,$biome=="4montane") temg<-subset(,$biome=="5temG") trog<-subset(,$biome=="6troG") tu<-subset(,$biome=="7TU") wet<-subset(,$biome=="8wet") terr<-rbind(bf,temf,lowland,montane,temg,trog,tu) trof<-rbind(lowland,montane) mean(bf$FRP);sd(bf$FRP) mean(temf$FRP);sd(temf$FRP) mean(lowland$FRP);sd(lowland$FRP) mean(montane$FRP);sd(montane$FRP) mean(temg$FRP);sd(temg$FRP) mean(trog$FRP);sd(trog$FRP) mean(tu$FRP);sd(tu$FRP)

51 mean(terr$FRP);sd(terr$FRP) mean($FRP);sd($FRP) mean(trof$FRP);sd(trof$FRP)

### test assumption boxplot(split($FRP,$biome),xlab="Ecosystem type",ylab="FRP",col="green") shapiro.test($FRP) shapiro.test(bf$FRP) shapiro.test(temf$FRP) shapiro.test(lowland$FRP) shapiro.test(montane$FRP) shapiro.test(temg$FRP) shapiro.test(trog$FRP) shapiro.test(tu$FRP) shapiro.test(terr$FRP) shapiro.test(trof$FRP)$FRP<-log10($FRP+1) bf<-subset(,$biome=="1BF") temf<-subset(,$biome=="2temF") lowland<-subset(,$biome=="3lowland") montane<-subset(,$biome=="4montane") temg<-subset(,$biome=="5temG") trog<-subset(,$biome=="6troG") tu<-subset(,$biome=="7TU") wet<-subset(,$biome=="8wet")

52 terr<-rbind(bf,temf,lowland,montane,temg,trog,tu) trof<-rbind(lowland,montane) shapiro.test($FRP) shapiro.test(bf$FRP) shapiro.test(temf$FRP) shapiro.test(lowland$FRP) shapiro.test(montane$FRP) shapiro.test(temg$FRP) shapiro.test(trog$FRP) shapiro.test(tu$FRP) shapiro.test(terr$FRP) shapiro.test(trof$FRP) bartlett.test($$biome)

### Regression library(ggplot2)<-read.csv(file.choose()) sum(!$soilP)) sum(!$soilP)) sum(!$soilP)) sum(!$soilP)) sum(!$soilP)) sum(!$soilP)) sum(!$soilP)) sum(!$soilP))

53 qplot(soilP, FRP,, facets= . ~ biome, geom=c('point', 'smooth'), se=F, method='lm', formula=y ~ x)$FRP<-log10($FRP+1) lmall<-lm(FRP~soilP, lmbf<-lm(FRP~soilP, data=subset(,$biome=="1BF")) lmtemf<-lm(FRP~soilP, data=subset(,$biome=="2temF")) lmlowland<-lm(FRP~soilP, data=subset(,$biome=="3lowland")) lmmontane<-lm(FRP~soilP, data=subset(,$biome=="4montane")) lmtemg<-lm(FRP~soilP, data=subset(,$biome=="5temG")) lmtrog<-lm(FRP~soilP, data=subset(,$biome=="6troG")) lmtu<-lm(FRP~soilP, data=subset(,$biome=="7TU")) lmwet<-lm(FRP~soilP, data=subset(,$biome=="8wet")) lmterr<-lm(FRP~soilP, data=rbind(bf,temf,lowland,montane,temg,trog,tu)) lmtrof<-lm(FRP~soilP, data=rbind(lowland,montane)) summary(lmall) summary(lmbf) summary(lmtemf) summary(lmlowland) summary(lmmontane) summary(lmtemg) summary(lmtrog) summary(lmtu) summary(lmwet) summary(lmterr)

54 summary(lmtrof)

### test slope library(ggplot2) qplot(soilP, FRP,, facets= . ~ biome, geom=c('point', 'smooth'), se=F, method='lm', formula=y ~ x) plot(FRP~soilP, data=bf,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmbf) plot(FRP~soilP, data=temf,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmtemf) plot(FRP~soilP, data=trof,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmtrof) plot(FRP~soilP, data=temg,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmtemg) plot(FRP~soilP, data=trog,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmtrog) plot(FRP~soilP, data=tu,xlab="Soil N",ylab="FRP") abline(lmtu) summary(inter<-glm(FRP~soilP+biome,<-read.csv(file.choose())$FRP<-log10($FRP+1) source("") library(NCStats)


55 lm1 <- lm(FRP~soilP+biome+soilP*biome,

# visualize the results fitPlot(lm1)

# compare all pairs of slopes using an FDR control compSlopes(lm1)

# compare all pairs of slopes using the Holm method of control compSlopes(lm1,control="holm")

############### Figure 3 meta-biome

###### nitrogen addition-bimome rm(list=ls()) library(metafor)

### read in data dat.Naddeco<-read.csv(file.choose())

### calculate log transformed response ratio and corresponding sampling variances

### calculate log ratio of means and corresponding sampling variances dat.Naddeco <- escalc(m1i=Xe, sd1i=Se, n1i=Ne, m2i=Xc, sd2i=Sc, n2i=Nc, measure="ROM", data=dat.Naddeco, append=TRUE) dat.Naddeco

####or yiNaddeco <- with(dat.Naddeco, log(Xe/Xc))

56 viNaddeco <- with(dat.Naddeco, (1/Ne)*(Se/Xe)^2 + (1/Nc)*(Sc/Xc)^2)

### meta-analysis of log ratio of means using a random-effects model resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco) resNaddeco

### get estimate of heterogeneity for each level of the level factor resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="01BF")) round(resNaddeco$tau2, 4) resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="02temF")) round(resNaddeco$tau2, 4) resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="03troF")) round(resNaddeco$tau2, 4) resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="04lowland")) round(resNaddeco$tau2, 4) resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="05montane")) round(resNaddeco$tau2, 4) resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="06temG")) round(resNaddeco$tau2, 4) resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="07troG")) round(resNaddeco$tau2, 4)

57 resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="08TU")) round(resNaddeco$tau2, 4) resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="09WL")) round(resNaddeco$tau2, 4) resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="10overall")) round(resNaddeco$tau2, 4)

### examine if the level factor actually has an influence on the average log response ratio

### (see results of Test of Moderators) resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods=~factor(level), method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco) resNaddeco

### get estimated average log response ratio for each level resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods=~factor(level) - 1, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco) resNaddeco

### back-transformed the estimated average log response ratios for each level predict(resNaddeco, transf=exp, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),






58 c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0),




### forest plot of the estimated average response ratios for each level predsresNaddeco <- predict(resNaddeco, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),









c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1))) predsresNaddeco resNaddeco <- rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Naddeco, subset=(level=="01BF")) nnumberresNaddeco <- subset(dat.Naddeco,level=="01BF" | level=="02temF"| level=="03troF"| level=="04lowland"| level=="05montane"| level=="06temG"|

level=="07troG"| level=="08TU"| level=="09WL"| level=="10overall") levels(nnumberresNaddeco$level) table(nnumberresNaddeco$level)

59 par(family = 'A', font.main=1) par(mfrow=c(1,3)) forest(predsresNaddeco$pred, sei=predsresNaddeco$se, atransf=exp, xlim=c(-3,3), at=log(c(.5, 1, 2)), pch=16, cex=1,

slab=c("Boreal forests", "Temperate/subtropical forests","Tropical forests",

" Lowland tropical forests"," Montane tropical forests",

"Temperate grasslands", "Tropical grasslands",

"Tundra", "Wetlands","Overall" ),

xlab="", psize=1.5) text(-3, 12, "Ecosystem type", cex=1, pos=4) text( 2.99, 12, "Response ratio [95% CI]", cex=1,pos=2) title("Forest Plot of Esimted Average Reponse Ratios for Each Level")

### Categorical moderator variables

## Random effects within each level rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, data = dat.Naddeco, subset = (level=="01BF")) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, data = dat.Naddeco, subset = (level=="02temF")) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, data = dat.Naddeco, subset = (level=="03troF")) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, data = dat.Naddeco, subset = (level=="04lowland")) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, data = dat.Naddeco, subset = (level=="05montane")) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, data = dat.Naddeco, subset = (level=="06temG")) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, data = dat.Naddeco, subset = (level=="07troG")) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, data = dat.Naddeco, subset = (level=="08TU"))

60 rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, data = dat.Naddeco, subset = (level=="09WL")) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, data = dat.Naddeco, subset = (level=="10overall"))

##create dummy variables dat.Naddeco$a.01BF <- ifelse(dat.Naddeco$level == "01BF", 1, 0) dat.Naddeco$a.02temF <- ifelse(dat.Naddeco$level == "02temF", 1, 0) dat.Naddeco$a.03troF <- ifelse(dat.Naddeco$level == "03troF", 1, 0) dat.Naddeco$a.04lowland <- ifelse(dat.Naddeco$level == "04lowland", 1, 0)

dat.Naddeco$a.05montane <- ifelse(dat.Naddeco$level == "05montane", 1, 0) dat.Naddeco$a.06temG <- ifelse(dat.Naddeco$level == "06temG", 1, 0) dat.Naddeco$a.07troG <- ifelse(dat.Naddeco$level == "07troG", 1, 0) dat.Naddeco$a.08TU <- ifelse(dat.Naddeco$level == "08TU", 1, 0) dat.Naddeco$a.09WL <- ifelse(dat.Naddeco$level == "09WL", 1, 0) dat.Naddeco$a.10all <- ifelse(dat.Naddeco$level == "10overall", 1, 0)

##estimate separate effects for each factor level rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = cbind(a.01BF, a.02temF, a.03troF, a.04lowland, a.05montane, a.06temG, a.07troG, a.08TU, a.09WL,a.10all), intercept = FALSE, data = dat.Naddeco)

## or rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ factor(level), data = dat.Naddeco)

### comparson between every 2 levels rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "01BF"), data = dat.Naddeco) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "02temF"), data = dat.Naddeco)

61 rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "03troF"), data = dat.Naddeco) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "04lowland"), data = dat.Naddeco) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "05montane"), data = dat.Naddeco) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "06temG"), data = dat.Naddeco) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "07troG"), data = dat.Naddeco) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "08TU"), data = dat.Naddeco) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "09WL"), data = dat.Naddeco) rma(yiNaddeco, viNaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "10overall"), data = dat.Naddeco)

###### phosphorus addition-biome rm(list=ls()) library(metafor)

### read in data dat.Paddeco<-read.csv(file.choose())

### calculate log transformed response ratio and corresponding sampling variances

62 ### calculate log ratio of means and corresponding sampling variances dat.Paddeco <- escalc(m1i=Xe, sd1i=Se, n1i=Ne, m2i=Xc, sd2i=Sc, n2i=Nc, measure="ROM", data=dat.Paddeco, append=TRUE) dat.Paddeco

####or yiPaddeco <- with(dat.Paddeco, log(Xe/Xc)) viPaddeco <- with(dat.Paddeco, (1/Ne)*(Se/Xe)^2 + (1/Nc)*(Sc/Xc)^2)

### meta-analysis of log ratio of means using a random-effects model resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco) resPaddeco

### get estimate of heterogeneity for each level of the level factor resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="01BF")) round(resPaddeco$tau2, 4) resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="02temF")) round(resPaddeco$tau2, 4) resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="03troF")) round(resPaddeco$tau2, 4) resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="04lowland")) round(resPaddeco$tau2, 4) resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="05montane"))

63 round(resPaddeco$tau2, 4) resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="06temG")) round(resPaddeco$tau2, 4) resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="07troG")) round(resPaddeco$tau2, 4) resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="08TU")) round(resPaddeco$tau2, 4) resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="09WL")) round(resPaddeco$tau2, 4) resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="10overall")) round(resPaddeco$tau2, 4)

### examine if the level factor actually has an influence on the average log response ratio

### (see results of Test of Moderators) resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods=~factor(level), method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco) resPaddeco

### get estimated average log response ratio for each level resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods=~factor(level) - 1, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco) resPaddeco

### back-transformed the estimated average log response ratios for each level

64 predict(resPaddeco, transf=exp, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),










### forest plot of the estimated average response ratios for each level predsresPaddeco <- predict(resPaddeco, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),









c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1))) predsresPaddeco resPaddeco <- rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.Paddeco, subset=(level=="01BF"))

65 nnumberresPaddeco <- subset(dat.Paddeco,level=="01BF" | level=="02temF"| level=="03troF"| level=="04lowland"| level=="05montane"| level=="06temG"|

level=="07troG"| level=="08TU"| level=="09WL"| level=="10overall") levels(nnumberresPaddeco$level) table(nnumberresPaddeco$level)

par(family = 'A', font.main=1) forest(predsresPaddeco$pred, sei=predsresPaddeco$se, atransf=exp, xlim=c(-3,3), at=log(c(.5, 1, 2)), pch=16, cex=1,

slab=c("", "","", "","", "", "", "", "","" ),

xlab="Response ratio", psize=1.5)

text(-3, 12, "Treatment", cex=1, pos=4) text(2.99, 12, "Response ratio [95% CI]", cex=1,pos=2) title("Forest Plot of Esimted Average Reponse Ratios for Each Level")

### Categorical moderator variables

## Random effects within each level rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, data = dat.Paddeco, subset = (level=="01BF")) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, data = dat.Paddeco, subset = (level=="02temF")) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, data = dat.Paddeco, subset = (level=="03troF")) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, data = dat.Paddeco, subset = (level=="04lowland")) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, data = dat.Paddeco, subset = (level=="05montane"))

66 rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, data = dat.Paddeco, subset = (level=="06temG")) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, data = dat.Paddeco, subset = (level=="07troG")) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, data = dat.Paddeco, subset = (level=="08TU")) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, data = dat.Paddeco, subset = (level=="09WL")) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, data = dat.Paddeco, subset = (level=="10overall"))

##create dummy variables dat.Paddeco$a.01BF <- ifelse(dat.Paddeco$level == "01BF", 1, 0) dat.Paddeco$a.02temF <- ifelse(dat.Paddeco$level == "02temF", 1, 0) dat.Paddeco$a.03troF <- ifelse(dat.Paddeco$level == "03troF", 1, 0) dat.Paddeco$a.04lowland <- ifelse(dat.Paddeco$level == "04lowland", 1, 0)

dat.Paddeco$a.05montane <- ifelse(dat.Paddeco$level == "05montane", 1, 0) dat.Paddeco$a.06temG <- ifelse(dat.Paddeco$level == "06temG", 1, 0) dat.Paddeco$a.07troG <- ifelse(dat.Paddeco$level == "07troG", 1, 0) dat.Paddeco$a.08TU <- ifelse(dat.Paddeco$level == "08TU", 1, 0) dat.Paddeco$a.09WL <- ifelse(dat.Paddeco$level == "09WL", 1, 0) dat.Paddeco$a.10all <- ifelse(dat.Paddeco$level == "10overall", 1, 0)

##estimate separate effects for each factor level rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = cbind(a.01BF, a.02temF, a.03troF, a.04lowland, a.05montane, a.06temG, a.07troG, a.08TU, a.09WL,a.10all), intercept = FALSE, data = dat.Paddeco)

## or rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ factor(level), data = dat.Paddeco)

### comparson between every 2 levels

67 rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "01BF"), data = dat.Paddeco) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "02temF"), data = dat.Paddeco) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "03troF"), data = dat.Paddeco) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "04lowland"), data = dat.Paddeco) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "05montane"), data = dat.Paddeco) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "06temG"), data = dat.Paddeco) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "07troG"), data = dat.Paddeco) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "08TU"), data = dat.Paddeco) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "09WL"), data = dat.Paddeco) rma(yiPaddeco, viPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "10overall"), data = dat.Paddeco)

###### nitrogen &phosphorus addition (N+P) -biome rm(list=ls()) library(metafor)

### read in data dat.NPaddeco<-read.csv(file.choose())

68 ### calculate log transformed response ratio and corresponding sampling variances

### calculate log ratio of means and corresponding sampling variances dat.NPaddeco <- escalc(m1i=Xe, sd1i=Se, n1i=Ne, m2i=Xc, sd2i=Sc, n2i=Nc, measure="ROM", data=dat.NPaddeco, append=TRUE) dat.NPaddeco

####or yiNPaddeco <- with(dat.NPaddeco, log(Xe/Xc)) viNPaddeco <- with(dat.NPaddeco, (1/Ne)*(Se/Xe)^2 + (1/Nc)*(Sc/Xc)^2)

### meta-analysis of log ratio of means using a random-effects model resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco) resNPaddeco

### get estimate of heterogeneity for each level of the level factor resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="01BF")) round(resNPaddeco$tau2, 4) resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="02temF")) round(resNPaddeco$tau2, 4) resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="03troF")) round(resNPaddeco$tau2, 4) resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="04lowland")) round(resNPaddeco$tau2, 4)

69 resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="05montane")) round(resNPaddeco$tau2, 4) resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="06temG")) round(resNPaddeco$tau2, 4) resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="07troG")) round(resNPaddeco$tau2, 4) resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="08TU")) round(resNPaddeco$tau2, 4) resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="09WL")) round(resNPaddeco$tau2, 4) resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="10overall")) round(resNPaddeco$tau2, 4)

### examine if the level factor actually has an influence on the average log response ratio

### (see results of Test of Moderators) resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods=~factor(level), method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco) resNPaddeco

### get estimated average log response ratio for each level resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods=~factor(level) - 1, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco) resNPaddeco

70 ### back-transformed the estimated average log response ratios for each level predict(resNPaddeco, transf=exp, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),










### forest plot of the estimated average response ratios for each level predsresNPaddeco <- predict(resNPaddeco, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),









c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1))) predsresNPaddeco

71 resNPaddeco <- rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddeco, subset=(level=="01BF")) nnumberresNPaddeco <- subset(dat.NPaddeco,level=="01BF" | level=="02temF"| level=="03troF"| level=="04lowland"| level=="05montane"| level=="06temG"|

level=="07troG"| level=="08TU"| level=="09WL"| level=="10overall") levels(nnumberresNPaddeco$level) table(nnumberresNPaddeco$level)

par(family = 'A', font.main=1)

forest(predsresNPaddeco$pred, sei=predsresNPaddeco$se, atransf=exp, xlim=c(-3,3), at=log(c(.5, 1, 2)), pch=16, cex=1,

slab=c("", "","", "","", "", "", "", "","" ),

xlab="Response ratio", psize=1.5)

text(-3, 12, "Treatment", cex=1, pos=4) text(2.99, 12, "Response ratio [95% CI]", cex=1,pos=2) title("Forest Plot of Esimted Average Reponse Ratios for Each Level")

### Categorical moderator variables

## Random effects within each level rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (level=="01BF")) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (level=="02temF")) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (level=="03troF")) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (level=="04lowland"))

72 rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (level=="05montane")) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (level=="06temG")) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (level=="07troG")) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (level=="08TU")) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (level=="09WL")) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (level=="10overall"))

##create dummy variables dat.NPaddeco$a.01BF <- ifelse(dat.NPaddeco$level == "01BF", 1, 0) dat.NPaddeco$a.02temF <- ifelse(dat.NPaddeco$level == "02temF", 1, 0) dat.NPaddeco$a.03troF <- ifelse(dat.NPaddeco$level == "03troF", 1, 0) dat.NPaddeco$a.04lowland <- ifelse(dat.NPaddeco$level == "04lowland", 1, 0)

dat.NPaddeco$a.05montane <- ifelse(dat.NPaddeco$level == "05montane", 1, 0) dat.NPaddeco$a.06temG <- ifelse(dat.NPaddeco$level == "06temG", 1, 0) dat.NPaddeco$a.07troG <- ifelse(dat.NPaddeco$level == "07troG", 1, 0) dat.NPaddeco$a.08TU <- ifelse(dat.NPaddeco$level == "08TU", 1, 0) dat.NPaddeco$a.09WL <- ifelse(dat.NPaddeco$level == "09WL", 1, 0) dat.NPaddeco$a.10all <- ifelse(dat.NPaddeco$level == "10overall", 1, 0)

##estimate separate effects for each factor level rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = cbind(a.01BF, a.02temF, a.03troF, a.04lowland, a.05montane, a.06temG, a.07troG, a.08TU, a.09WL,a.10all), intercept = FALSE, data = dat.NPaddeco)

## or rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ factor(level), data = dat.NPaddeco)

73 ### comparson between every 2 levels rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "01BF"), data = dat.NPaddeco) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "02temF"), data = dat.NPaddeco) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "03troF"), data = dat.NPaddeco) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "04lowland"), data = dat.NPaddeco) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "05montane"), data = dat.NPaddeco) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "06temG"), data = dat.NPaddeco) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "07troG"), data = dat.NPaddeco) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "08TU"), data = dat.NPaddeco) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "09WL"), data = dat.NPaddeco) rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, mods = ~ relevel(factor(level), ref = "10overall"), data = dat.NPaddeco)

#### combine 3 for Fig 3 par(mfrow=c(1,3))

###### Figure S1: comparable data for NP meta analysis from same sites rm(list=ls())

74 library(metafor)

### read in data dat.NPsame<-read.csv(file.choose())

### calculate log transformed response ratio and corresponding sampling variances

### calculate log ratio of means and corresponding sampling variances dat.NPsame <- escalc(m1i=Xe, sd1i=Se, n1i=Ne, m2i=Xc, sd2i=Sc, n2i=Nc, measure="ROM", data=dat.NPsame, append=TRUE) dat.NPsame

####or yiNPsame <- with(dat.NPsame, log(Xe/Xc)) viNPsame <- with(dat.NPsame, (1/Ne)*(Se/Xe)^2 + (1/Nc)*(Sc/Xc)^2)

### meta-analysis of log ratio of means using a random-effects model resNPsame <- rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, method="DL", data=dat.NPsame) resNPsame

### get estimate of heterogeneity for each level of the level factor resNPsame <- rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, method="DL", data=dat.NPsame, subset=(Fert=="01N")) round(resNPsame$tau2, 4) resNPsame <- rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, method="DL", data=dat.NPsame, subset=(Fert=="02P")) round(resNPsame$tau2, 4) resNPsame <- rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, method="DL", data=dat.NPsame, subset=(Fert=="03NP"))

75 round(resNPsame$tau2, 4)

### examine if the level factor actually has an influence on the average log response ratio

### (see results of Test of Moderators) resNPsame <- rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, mods=~factor(Fert), method="DL", data=dat.NPsame) resNPsame

### get estimated average log response ratio for each level resNPsame <- rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, mods=~factor(Fert) - 1, method="DL", data=dat.NPsame) resNPsame

### back-transformed the estimated average log response ratios for each level predict(resNPsame, transf=exp, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0),



### forest plot of the estimated average response ratios for each level predsresNPsame <- predict(resNPsame, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0),


c(0,0,1))) predsresNPsame resNPsame <- rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, method="DL", data=dat.NPsame, subset=(Fert=="01N")) nnumberresNPsame <- subset(dat.NPsame,Fert=="01N" | Fert=="02P"| Fert=="03NP")

76 levels(nnumberresNPsame$Fert) table(nnumberresNPsame$Fert)

par(family = 'A', font.main=1) forest(predsresNPsame$pred, sei=predsresNPsame$se, atransf=exp, xlim=c(-0.5,2), at=log(c(.75, 1, 2)), pch=16, cex=1,

slab=c("N", "P","N+P"),

xlab="", psize=1.5) text(-0.5, 5, "Treatment", cex=1, pos=4) text( 1.5, 5, "Response ratio [95% CI]", cex=1,pos=2) title("Forest Plot of Esimted Average Reponse Ratios for Each Level")

### Categorical moderator variables

## Random effects within each level rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, data = dat.NPsame, subset = (Fert=="01N")) rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, data = dat.NPsame, subset = (Fert=="02P")) rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, data = dat.NPsame, subset = (Fert=="03NP"))

##create dummy variables dat.NPsame$a.01N <- ifelse(dat.NPsame$Fert == "01N", 1, 0) dat.NPsame$a.02P <- ifelse(dat.NPsame$Fert == "02P", 1, 0) dat.NPsame$a.03NP <- ifelse(dat.NPsame$Fert == "03NP", 1, 0)

77 ##estimate separate effects for each factor level rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, mods = cbind(a.01N, a.02P, a.03NP), intercept = FALSE, data = dat.NPsame)

## or rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, mods = ~ factor(Fert), data = dat.NPsame)

### comparson between every 2 levels rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, mods = ~ relevel(factor(Fert), ref = "01N"), data = dat.NPsame) rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, mods = ~ relevel(factor(Fert), ref = "02P"), data = dat.NPsame) rma(yiNPsame, viNPsame, mods = ~ relevel(factor(Fert), ref = "03NP"), data = dat.NPsame)

########### Figure S2: lnRR--N&P amount rm(list=ls())

### read in data library(HH)

NPrate<-read.csv(file.choose()) head(NPrate) shapiro.test(NPrate$lnRRN) shapiro.test(NPrate$lnRRP)

Nratelm<-lm(lnRRN~Nrate, data=NPrate)

Pratelm<-lm(lnRRP~Prate, data=NPrate) summary(Nratelm) summary(Pratelm)


### Figure S3: meta-soil type

###### nitrogen addition-soil type rm(list=ls()) library(metafor)

### read in data dat.Naddsoiltype<-read.csv(file.choose())

### calculate log transformed response ratio and corresponding sampling variances

### calculate log ratio of means and corresponding sampling variances dat.Naddsoiltype <- escalc(m1i=Xe, sd1i=Se, n1i=Ne, m2i=Xc, sd2i=Sc, n2i=Nc, measure="ROM", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, append=TRUE) dat.Naddsoiltype

####or yiNaddsoiltype <- with(dat.Naddsoiltype, log(Xe/Xc)) viNaddsoiltype <- with(dat.Naddsoiltype, (1/Ne)*(Se/Xe)^2 + (1/Nc)*(Sc/Xc)^2)

### meta-analysis of log ratio of means using a random-effects model resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype) resNaddsoiltype

79 ### get estimate of heterogeneity for each level of the level factor resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Acrisol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Andosol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Arenosol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Calcisol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Cambisol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Ferralsol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Gleyisols")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Histosol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Leptosol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4)

80 resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Lixsol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) esNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Luvisol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Nitisol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Phaeozem")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Podzol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Vertisol")) round(resNaddsoiltype$tau2, 4)

### examine if the level factor actually has an influence on the average log response ratio

### (see results of Test of Moderators) resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods=~factor(soiltype), method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype) resNaddsoiltype

### get estimated average log response ratio for each level resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods=~factor(soiltype) - 1, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype)

81 resNaddsoiltype

### back-transformed the estimated average log response ratios for each level predict(resNaddsoiltype, transf=exp, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),















### forest plot of the estimated average response ratios for each soiltype predsresNaddsoiltype <- predict(resNaddsoiltype, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),



82 c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),











c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1))) predsresNaddsoiltype

resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Acrisol"))

nnumberNaddsoiltype <- subset(dat.Naddsoiltype,soiltype=="Acrisol" | soiltype=="Andosol"| soiltype=="Arenosol"| soiltype=="Calcisol"| soiltype=="Cambisol"|

soiltype=="Ferralsol"|soiltype=="Gleyisols"| soiltype=="Histosol"| soiltype=="Leptosol"| soiltype=="Lixsol" |

soiltype=="Luvisol"| soiltype=="Nitisol"| soiltype=="Phaeozem"| soiltype=="Podzol"| soiltype=="Vertisol") levels(nnumberNaddsoiltyper$soiltype) table(nnumberNaddsoiltype$soiltype)

83 par(family = 'A', font.main=1) par(mfrow=c(1,3)) forest(predsresNaddsoiltype$pred, sei=predsresNaddsoiltype$se, atransf=exp, xlim=c(- 3,3), at=log(c(.5, 1, 2, 4)), pch=16, cex=1,

slab=c("Acrisols", "Andosols", "Arenosols", "Calcisols", "Cambisols",

"Ferralsols", "Gleysols", "Histosols", "Leptosols", "Lixsols",

"Luvisols", "Nitisols", "Phaeozems", "Podzols", "Vertisols" ),

xlab="", psize=1.5) text(-3, 17, "Soil type", cex=1, pos=4) text( 2.99, 17, "Response ratio [95% CI]", cex=1,pos=2) title("Forest Plot of Esimted Average Reponse Ratios for Each Level")

### Categorical moderator variables

resNaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Naddsoiltype)

rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (soiltype=="Acrisol"))

## Random effects within each level rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Acrisol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Andosol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Arenosol"))

84 rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Calcisol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Cambisol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Ferralsol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Gleyisols")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Histosol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Leptosol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Lixsol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Luvisol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Nitisol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Phaeozem")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Podzol")) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, data = dat.Naddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Vertisol"))

##create dummy variables dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Acrisol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Acrisol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Andosol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Andosol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Arenosol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Arenosol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Calcisol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Calcisol", 1, 0)

85 dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Cambisol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Cambisol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Ferralsol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Ferralsol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Gleyisols <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Gleyisols", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Histosol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Histosol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Leptosol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Leptosol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Lixsol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Lixsol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Luvisol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Luvisol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Nitisol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Nitisol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Phaeozem <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Phaeozem", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Podzol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Podzol", 1, 0) dat.Naddsoiltype$a.Vertisol <- ifelse(dat.Naddsoiltype$level == "Vertisol", 1, 0)

##estimate separate effects for each factor level rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ factor(level), data = dat.Naddsoiltype)

### comparson between every 2 levels rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Acrisol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Andosol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Arenosol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Calcisol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Cambisol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype)

86 rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Ferralsol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Gleyisols"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Histosol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Leptosol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Lixsol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Luvisol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Nitisol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Phaeozem"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Podzol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype) rma(yiNaddsoiltype, viNaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Vertisol"), data = dat.Naddsoiltype)

###### P addition-soil type rm(list=ls()) library(metafor)

### read in data dat.Paddsoiltype<-read.csv(file.choose())

### calculate log transformed response ratio and corresponding sampling variances

87 ### calculate log ratio of means and corresponding sampling variances dat.Paddsoiltype <- escalc(m1i=Xe, sd1i=Se, n1i=Ne, m2i=Xc, sd2i=Sc, n2i=Nc, measure="ROM", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, append=TRUE) dat.Paddsoiltype

####or yiPaddsoiltype <- with(dat.Paddsoiltype, log(Xe/Xc)) viPaddsoiltype <- with(dat.Paddsoiltype, (1/Ne)*(Se/Xe)^2 + (1/Nc)*(Sc/Xc)^2)

### meta-analysis of log ratio of means using a random-effects model resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype) resPaddsoiltype

### get estimate of heterogeneity for each level of the level factor resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Acrisol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Andosol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Arenosol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Calcisol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4)

88 resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Cambisol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Ferralsol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Gleyisols")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Histosol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Leptosol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Lixsol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) esPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Luvisol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Nitisol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Phaeozem")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Podzol"))

89 round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Vertisol")) round(resPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4)

### examine if the level factor actually has an influence on the average log response ratio

### (see results of Test of Moderators) resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods=~factor(soiltype), method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype) resPaddsoiltype

### get estimated average log response ratio for each level resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods=~factor(soiltype) - 1, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype) resPaddsoiltype

### back-transformed the estimated average log response ratios for each level predict(resPaddsoiltype, transf=exp, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),









90 c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0),






### forest plot of the estimated average response ratios for each soiltype predsresPaddsoiltype <- predict(resPaddsoiltype, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),















91 predsresPaddsoiltype

resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Acrisol"))

nnumberPaddsoiltype <- subset(dat.Paddsoiltype,soiltype=="Acrisol" | soiltype=="Andosol"| soiltype=="Arenosol"| soiltype=="Calcisol"| soiltype=="Cambisol"|

soiltype=="Ferralsol"|soiltype=="Gleyisols"| soiltype=="Histosol"| soiltype=="Leptosol"| soiltype=="Lixsol" |

soiltype=="Luvisol"| soiltype=="Nitisol"| soiltype=="Phaeozem"| soiltype=="Podzol"| soiltype=="Vertisol") levels(nnumberPaddsoiltyper$soiltype) table(nnumberPaddsoiltype$soiltype)

par(family = 'A', font.main=1)

forest(predsresPaddsoiltype$pred, sei=predsresPaddsoiltype$se, atransf=exp, xlim=c(- 3,3), at=log(c(.5, 1, 2, 4)), pch=16, cex=1,

slab=c("Acrisols", "Andosols", "Arenosols", "Calcisols", "Cambisols",

"Ferralsols", "Gleysols", "Histosols", "Leptosols", "Lixsols",

"Luvisols", "Nitisols", "Phaeozems", "Podzols", "Vertisols" ),

xlab="Response ratio", psize=1.5) text(-3, 17, "Soil type", cex=1.5, pos=4) text( 2.99, 17, "Response ratio [95% CI]", cex=1.5,pos=2)

92 title("Forest Plot of Esimted Average Reponse Ratios for Each Level")

### Categorical moderator variables

resPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.Paddsoiltype)

rma(yiNPaddeco, viNPaddeco, data = dat.NPaddeco, subset = (soiltype=="Acrisol"))

## Random effects within each level rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Acrisol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Andosol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Arenosol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Calcisol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Cambisol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Ferralsol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Gleyisols")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Histosol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Leptosol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Lixsol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Luvisol"))

93 rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Nitisol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Phaeozem")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Podzol")) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, data = dat.Paddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Vertisol"))

##create dummy variables dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Acrisol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Acrisol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Andosol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Andosol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Arenosol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Arenosol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Calcisol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Calcisol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Cambisol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Cambisol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Ferralsol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Ferralsol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Gleyisols <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Gleyisols", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Histosol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Histosol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Leptosol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Leptosol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Lixsol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Lixsol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Luvisol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Luvisol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Nitisol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Nitisol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Phaeozem <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Phaeozem", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Podzol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Podzol", 1, 0) dat.Paddsoiltype$a.Vertisol <- ifelse(dat.Paddsoiltype$level == "Vertisol", 1, 0)

##estimate separate effects for each factor level

94 rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ factor(level), data = dat.Paddsoiltype)

### comparson between every 2 levels rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Acrisol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Andosol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Arenosol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Calcisol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Cambisol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Ferralsol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Gleyisols"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Histosol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Leptosol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Lixsol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Luvisol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Nitisol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Phaeozem"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype)

95 rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Podzol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype) rma(yiPaddsoiltype, viPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Vertisol"), data = dat.Paddsoiltype)

##### N+P addition-soil type rm(list=ls()) library(metafor)

### read in data dat.NPaddsoiltype<-read.csv(file.choose())

### calculate log transformed response ratio and corresponding sampling variances

### calculate log ratio of means and corresponding sampling variances dat.NPaddsoiltype <- escalc(m1i=Xe, sd1i=Se, n1i=Ne, m2i=Xc, sd2i=Sc, n2i=Nc, measure="ROM", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, append=TRUE) dat.NPaddsoiltype

####or yiNPaddsoiltype <- with(dat.NPaddsoiltype, log(Xe/Xc)) viNPaddsoiltype <- with(dat.NPaddsoiltype, (1/Ne)*(Se/Xe)^2 + (1/Nc)*(Sc/Xc)^2)

### meta-analysis of log ratio of means using a random-effects model resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype) resNPaddsoiltype

96 ### get estimate of heterogeneity for each level of the level factor resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Acrisol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Andosol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Arenosol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Calcisol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Cambisol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Ferralsol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Gleyisols")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Histosol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Leptosol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4)

97 resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Lixsol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) esNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Luvisol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Nitisol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Phaeozem")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Podzol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Vertisol")) round(resNPaddsoiltype$tau2, 4)

### examine if the level factor actually has an influence on the average log response ratio

### (see results of Test of Moderators) resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods=~factor(soiltype), method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype) resNPaddsoiltype

### get estimated average log response ratio for each level resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods=~factor(soiltype) - 1, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype)

98 resNPaddsoiltype

### back-transformed the estimated average log response ratios for each level predict(resNPaddsoiltype, transf=exp, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),















### forest plot of the estimated average response ratios for each soiltype predsresNPaddsoiltype <- predict(resNPaddsoiltype, newmods=rbind(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),



99 c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),











c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1))) predsresNPaddsoiltype

resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset=(soiltype=="Acrisol"))

nnumberNPaddsoiltype <- subset(dat.NPaddsoiltype,soiltype=="Acrisol" | soiltype=="Andosol"| soiltype=="Arenosol"| soiltype=="Calcisol"| soiltype=="Cambisol"|

soiltype=="Ferralsol"|soiltype=="Gleyisols"| soiltype=="Histosol"| soiltype=="Leptosol"| soiltype=="Lixsol" |

soiltype=="Luvisol"| soiltype=="Nitisol"| soiltype=="Phaeozem"| soiltype=="Podzol"| soiltype=="Vertisol") levels(nnumberNPaddsoiltyper$soiltype) table(nnumberNPaddsoiltype$soiltype)

100 par(family = 'A', font.main=1) forest(predsresNPaddsoiltype$pred, sei=predsresNPaddsoiltype$se, atransf=exp, xlim=c(-3,3), at=log(c(.5, 1, 2, 4)), pch=16, cex=1,

slab=c("Acrisols", "Andosols", "Arenosols", "Calcisols", "Cambisols",

"Ferralsols", "Gleysols", "Histosols", "Leptosols", "Lixsols",

"Luvisols", "Nitisols", "Phaeozems", "Podzols", "Vertisols" ),

xlab="Response ratio", psize=1.5) text(-3, 17, "Soil type", cex=1.5, pos=4) text( 2.99, 17, "Response ratio [95% CI]", cex=1.5,pos=2) title("Forest Plot of Esimted Average Reponse Ratios for Each Level")

### Categorical moderator variables

resNPaddsoiltype <- rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddsoiltype)

rma(yiNNPaddeco, viNNPaddeco, data = dat.NNPaddeco, subset = (soiltype=="Acrisol"))

## Random effects within each level rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Acrisol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Andosol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Arenosol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Calcisol"))

101 rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Cambisol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Ferralsol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Gleyisols")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Histosol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Leptosol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Lixsol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Luvisol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Nitisol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Phaeozem")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Podzol")) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, data = dat.NPaddsoiltype, subset = (soiltype=="Vertisol"))

##create dummy variables dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Acrisol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Acrisol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Andosol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Andosol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Arenosol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Arenosol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Calcisol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Calcisol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Cambisol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Cambisol", 1, 0)

102 dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Ferralsol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Ferralsol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Gleyisols <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Gleyisols", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Histosol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Histosol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Leptosol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Leptosol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Lixsol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Lixsol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Luvisol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Luvisol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Nitisol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Nitisol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Phaeozem <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Phaeozem", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Podzol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Podzol", 1, 0) dat.NPaddsoiltype$a.Vertisol <- ifelse(dat.NPaddsoiltype$level == "Vertisol", 1, 0)

##estimate separate effects for each factor level rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ factor(level), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype)

### comparson between every 2 levels rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Acrisol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Andosol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Arenosol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Calcisol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Cambisol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Ferralsol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype)

103 rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Gleyisols"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Histosol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Leptosol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Lixsol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Luvisol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Nitisol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Phaeozem"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Podzol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype) rma(yiNPaddsoiltype, viNPaddsoiltype, mods = ~ relevel(factor(soiltype), ref = "Vertisol"), data = dat.NPaddsoiltype)

### Figure S4: meta-BC

###### nitrogen addition-BC rm(list=ls()) library(metafor)

### read in data dat.NaddBC<-read.csv(file.choose())

### calculate log transformed response ratio and corresponding sampling variances

104 ### calculate log ratio of means and corresponding sampling variances dat.NaddBC <- escalc(m1i=Xe, sd1i=Se, n1i=Ne, m2i=Xc, sd2i=Sc, n2i=Nc, measure="ROM", data=dat.NaddBC, append=TRUE) dat.NaddBC

####or yiNaddBC <- with(dat.NaddBC, log(Xe/Xc)) viNaddBC <- with(dat.NaddBC, (1/Ne)*(Se/Xe)^2 + (1/Nc)*(Sc/Xc)^2)

### meta-analysis of log ratio of means using a random-effects model resNaddBC <- rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.NaddBC) resNaddBC

### get estimate of heterogeneity for each level of the level factor resNaddBC <- rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.NaddBC, subset=(BC=="B")) round(resNaddBC$tau2, 4) resNaddBC <- rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.NaddBC, subset=(BC=="C")) round(resNaddBC$tau2, 4)

### examine if the level factor actually has an influence on the average log response ratio

### (see results of Test of Moderators) resNaddBC <- rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, mods=~factor(BC), method="DL", data=dat.NaddBC) resNaddBC

105 ### get estimated average log response ratio for each level resNaddBC <- rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, mods=~factor(BC) - 1, method="DL", data=dat.NaddBC) resNaddBC

### back-transformed the estimated average log response ratios for each level predict(resNaddBC, transf=exp, newmods=rbind(c(1,0), c(0,1)))

### forest plot of the estimated average response ratios for each level predsresNaddBC <- predict(resNaddBC, newmods=rbind(c(1,0), c(0,1))) predsresNaddBC resNaddBC <- rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.NaddBC, subset=(BC=="B")) nnumberresNaddBC <- subset(dat.NaddBC,BC=="B"| BC=="C") levels(nnumberresNaddBC$BC) table(nnumberresNaddBC$BC)

par(family = 'A', font.main=1) par(mfrow=c(1,3)) forest(predsresNaddBC$pred, sei=predsresNaddBC$se, atransf=exp, xlim=c(-3,3), at=log(c(.5, 1, 2)), pch=16, cex=1,

slab=c("Broadleaves", "Coniferous"),

xlab="", psize=1.5) text(-2.3, 3.5, "leaf type", cex=1, pos=2) text( 2.99, 3.5, "Response ratio [95% CI]", cex=1,pos=2) title("Forest Plot of Esimted Average Reponse Ratios for Each Level")

106 ### Categorical moderator variables

## Random effects within each level rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, data = dat.NaddBC, subset = (BC=="B")) rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, data = dat.NaddBC, subset = (BC=="C"))

##create dummy variables dat.NaddBC$B <- ifelse(dat.NaddBC$BC == "B", 1, 0) dat.NaddBC$C <- ifelse(dat.NaddBC$BC == "C", 1, 0)

##estimate separate effects for each factor level rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, mods = cbind(B, C), intercept = FALSE, data = dat.NaddBC)

## or rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, mods = ~ factor(BC), data = dat.NaddBC)

### comparson between every 2 levels rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, mods = ~ relevel(factor(BC), ref = "B"), data = dat.NaddBC) rma(yiNaddBC, viNaddBC, mods = ~ relevel(factor(BC), ref = "C"), data = dat.NaddBC)

###### P addition-BC rm(list=ls())

107 library(metafor)

### read in data dat.PaddBC<-read.csv(file.choose())

### calculate log transformed response ratio and corresponding sampling variances

### calculate log ratio of means and corresponding sampling variances dat.PaddBC <- escalc(m1i=Xe, sd1i=Se, n1i=Ne, m2i=Xc, sd2i=Sc, n2i=Nc, measure="ROM", data=dat.PaddBC, append=TRUE) dat.PaddBC

####or yiPaddBC <- with(dat.PaddBC, log(Xe/Xc)) viPaddBC <- with(dat.PaddBC, (1/Ne)*(Se/Xe)^2 + (1/Nc)*(Sc/Xc)^2)

### meta-analysis of log ratio of means using a random-effects model resPaddBC <- rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.PaddBC) resPaddBC

### get estimate of heterogeneity for each level of the level factor resPaddBC <- rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.PaddBC, subset=(BC=="B")) round(resPaddBC$tau2, 4) resPaddBC <- rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.PaddBC, subset=(BC=="C")) round(resPaddBC$tau2, 4)

### examine if the level factor actually has an influence on the average log response ratio

108 ### (see results of Test of Moderators) resPaddBC <- rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, mods=~factor(BC), method="DL", data=dat.PaddBC) resPaddBC

### get estimated average log response ratio for each level resPaddBC <- rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, mods=~factor(BC) - 1, method="DL", data=dat.PaddBC) resPaddBC

### back-transformed the estimated average log response ratios for each level predict(resPaddBC, transf=exp, newmods=rbind(c(1,0), c(0,1)))

### forest plot of the estimated average response ratios for each level predsresPaddBC <- predict(resPaddBC, newmods=rbind(c(1,0), c(0,1))) predsresPaddBC resPaddBC <- rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.PaddBC, subset=(BC=="B")) nnumberresPaddBC <- subset(dat.PaddBC,BC=="B"| BC=="C") levels(nnumberresPaddBC$BC) table(nnumberresPaddBC$BC)

par(family = 'A', font.main=1) forest(predsresPaddBC$pred, sei=predsresPaddBC$se, atransf=exp, xlim=c(-3,3), at=log(c(.5, 1, 2)), pch=16, cex=1,

slab=c("Broadleaves", "Coniferous"),

xlab="", psize=1.5)

109 text(-2.3, 3.5, "life type", cex=1, pos=2) text( 2.99, 3.5, "Response ratio [95% CI]", cex=1,pos=2) title("Forest Plot of Esimted Average Reponse Ratios for Each Level")

### Categorical moderator variables

## Random effects within each level rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, data = dat.PaddBC, subset = (BC=="B")) rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, data = dat.PaddBC, subset = (BC=="C"))

##create dummy variables dat.PaddBC$B <- ifelse(dat.PaddBC$BC == "B", 1, 0) dat.PaddBC$C <- ifelse(dat.PaddBC$BC == "C", 1, 0)

##estimate separate effects for each factor level rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, mods = cbind(B, C), intercept = FALSE, data = dat.PaddBC)

## or rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, mods = ~ factor(BC), data = dat.PaddBC)

### comparson between every 2 levels rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, mods = ~ relevel(factor(BC), ref = "B"), data = dat.PaddBC) rma(yiPaddBC, viPaddBC, mods = ~ relevel(factor(BC), ref = "C"), data = dat.PaddBC)

110 ###### N+P addition-BC rm(list=ls()) library(metafor)

### read in data dat.NPaddBC<-read.csv(file.choose())

### calculate log transformed response ratio and corresponding sampling variances

### calculate log ratio of means and corresponding sampling variances dat.NPaddBC <- escalc(m1i=Xe, sd1i=Se, n1i=Ne, m2i=Xc, sd2i=Sc, n2i=Nc, measure="ROM", data=dat.NPaddBC, append=TRUE) dat.NPaddBC

####or yiNPaddBC <- with(dat.NPaddBC, log(Xe/Xc)) viNPaddBC <- with(dat.NPaddBC, (1/Ne)*(Se/Xe)^2 + (1/Nc)*(Sc/Xc)^2)

### meta-analysis of log ratio of means using a random-effects model resNPaddBC <- rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddBC) resNPaddBC

### get estimate of heterogeneity for each level of the level factor resNPaddBC <- rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddBC, subset=(BC=="B")) round(resNPaddBC$tau2, 4) resNPaddBC <- rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddBC, subset=(BC=="C"))

111 round(resNPaddBC$tau2, 4)

### examine if the level factor actually has an influence on the average log response ratio

### (see results of Test of Moderators) resNPaddBC <- rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, mods=~factor(BC), method="DL", data=dat.NPaddBC) resNPaddBC

### get estimated average log response ratio for each level resNPaddBC <- rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, mods=~factor(BC) - 1, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddBC) resNPaddBC

### back-transformed the estimated average log response ratios for each level predict(resNPaddBC, transf=exp, newmods=rbind(c(1,0), c(0,1)))

### forest plot of the estimated average response ratios for each level predsresNPaddBC <- predict(resNPaddBC, newmods=rbind(c(1,0), c(0,1))) predsresNPaddBC resNPaddBC <- rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, method="DL", data=dat.NPaddBC, subset=(BC=="B")) nnumberresNPaddBC <- subset(dat.NPaddBC,BC=="B"| BC=="C") levels(nnumberresNPaddBC$BC) table(nnumberresNPaddBC$BC)

par(family = 'A', font.main=1)

112 forest(predsresNPaddBC$pred, sei=predsresNPaddBC$se, atransf=exp, xlim=c(-3,3), at=log(c(.5, 1, 2)), pch=16, cex=1,

slab=c("Broadleaves", "Coniferous"),

xlab="", psize=1.5) text(-2.3, 3.5, "life type", cex=1, pos=2) text( 2.99, 3.5, "Response ratio [95% CI]", cex=1,pos=2) title("Forest Plot of Esimted Average Reponse Ratios for Each Level")

### Categorical moderator variables

## Random effects within each level rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, data = dat.NPaddBC, subset = (BC=="B")) rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, data = dat.NPaddBC, subset = (BC=="C"))

##create dummy variables dat.NPaddBC$B <- ifelse(dat.NPaddBC$BC == "B", 1, 0) dat.NPaddBC$C <- ifelse(dat.NPaddBC$BC == "C", 1, 0)

##estimate separate effects for each factor level rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, mods = cbind(B, C), intercept = FALSE, data = dat.NPaddBC)

## or rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, mods = ~ factor(BC), data = dat.NPaddBC)

### comparson between every 2 levels

113 rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, mods = ~ relevel(factor(BC), ref = "B"), data = dat.NPaddBC) rma(yiNPaddBC, viNPaddBC, mods = ~ relevel(factor(BC), ref = "C"), data = dat.NPaddBC)

soilType biome BC pH SOM C N P NO3 NH4 Nav Pav

####### Table S1 ANCOVA of biome and N or P

### read in data rm(list=ls()) library(HH) biomeNP<-read.csv(file.choose()) biomeNP$FRP<-log10(biomeNP$FRP) shapiro.test(biomeNP$FRP) bartlett.test(FRP~biome, data=biomeNP)

ancova(FRP~soilN*biome, data=biomeNP) ancova(FRP~soilP*biome, data=biomeNP) biomeNancova <- ancova(FRP~soilN*biome, data=biomeNP) biomePancova <- ancova(FRP~soilP*biome, data=biomeNP) attr(biomeNancova, "trellis") attr(biomePancova, "trellis")

114 summary(aov(FRP~soilN*biome, data=biomeNP)) summary(aov(FRP~soilP*biome, data=biomeNP))

lmbiomeN<-(lm(FRP~soilN*biome, data=biomeNP)) lmbiomeP<-(lm(FRP~soilP*biome, data=biomeNP)) summary(lmbiomeN) summary(lmbiomeP)

glmin<-glm(FRP~soilN*biome, summary(glmin) summary(aov(glmin))

### Table S2 Relative importance rm(list=ls()) library(gbm) library(dismo)

### read in data mydata<-read.csv(file.choose()) head(mydata) bf<-subset(mydata, mydata$biome=="1BF") temf<-subset(mydata, mydata$biome=="2temF") lowland<-subset(mydata, mydata$biome=="3lowland")

115 montane<-subset(mydata, mydata$biome=="4montane") temg<-subset(mydata, mydata$biome=="5temG") trog<-subset(mydata, mydata$biome=="6troG") tu<-subset(mydata, mydata$biome=="7TU") wet<-subset(mydata, mydata$biome=="8wet") trof<-rbind(lowland,montane) forest<-rbind(bf,temf,trof) grassland<-rbind(temg, trog)

#### data size length(which(!$FRP)))

####### overall

FRP0.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(mydata,!$FRP))), gbm.x=2:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5)

FRP1.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(mydata,!$FRP))), gbm.x=2:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5)

### how much explantation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")


116 SStotal<-sum((BRTmodel$data$y-mean(BRTmodel$data$y))^2)





FRP(FRP1.gbm) ## % explanation

par(mfrow=c(1,2)) summary(FRP0.gbm);text(10,6.2, "FRP", adj=0) summary(FRP1.gbm); text(10,6.2, "FRP", adj=0)## relative importance

gbm.plot(FRP0.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) gbm.plot(FRP1.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) ## plot

#####boreal forests

FRP0bf.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(bf,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.0005, bag.fraction=0.5)

FRP1bf.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(bf,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5)

### how much explantation


117 { #source("brt.functions.R")







FRPbf1(FRP1bf.gbm) ## % explanation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")







FRP0bf(FRP0bf.gbm) ## % explanation

par(mfrow=c(1,2)) summary(FRP0bf.gbm);text(10,6.2, "bf FRP", adj=0) summary(FRP1bf.gbm); text(10,6.2, "bf FRP", adj=0)## relative importance

gbm.plot(FRP0bf.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) gbm.plot(FRP1bf.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) ## plot

118 #### temperate forests

FRP0temf.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(temf,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.0005, bag.fraction=0.5)

FRP1temf.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(temf,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5)

### how much explantation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")







FRPtemf1(FRP1temf.gbm) ## % explanation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")



119 SSerror<-sum((BRTmodel$data$y-BRTmodel$fitted)^2)




FRP0temf(FRP0temf.gbm) ## % explanation

par(mfrow=c(1,2)) summary(FRP0temf.gbm);text(10,6.2, "temf FRP", adj=0) summary(FRP1temf.gbm); text(10,6.2, "temf FRP", adj=0)## relative importance

gbm.plot(FRP0temf.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) gbm.plot(FRP1temf.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE)

#### temperate grasslands

FRP0temg.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(temg,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.0005, bag.fraction=0.5)

FRP1temg.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(temg,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5)

### how much explantation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")

120 #library(gbm)






FRPtemg1(FRP1temg.gbm) ## % explanation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")







FRP0temg(FRP0temg.gbm) ## % explanation

par(mfrow=c(1,2)) summary(FRP0temg.gbm);text(10,6.2, "temg FRP", adj=0) summary(FRP1temg.gbm); text(10,6.2, "temg FRP", adj=0)## relative importance

gbm.plot(FRP0temg.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) gbm.plot(FRP1temg.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE)

121 #### lowland tropical forests

FRP0lowland.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(lowland,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.0005, bag.fraction=0.5)

FRP1lowland.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(lowland,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.0005, bag.fraction=0.5)

### how much explantation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")







FRPlowland1(FRP1lowland.gbm) ## % explanation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")




122 FRP0lowland<-1-SSerror/SStotal



FRP0lowland(FRP0lowland.gbm) ## % explanation

par(mfrow=c(1,2)) summary(FRP0lowland.gbm);text(10,6.2, "lowland FRP", adj=0) summary(FRP1lowland.gbm); text(10,6.2, "lowland FRP", adj=0)## relative importance

gbm.plot(FRP0lowland.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) gbm.plot(FRP1lowland.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE)

#### montane tropical forests

FRP0montane.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(montane,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:7, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,0),

tree.complexity=2, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.75)

FRP1montane.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(montane,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:7, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=2, learning.rate=0.0005, bag.fraction=0.75)

### how much explantation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")


123 SStotal<-sum((BRTmodel$data$y-mean(BRTmodel$data$y))^2)





FRPmontane1(FRP1montane.gbm) ## % explanation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")







FRP0montane(FRP0montane.gbm) ## % explanation

par(mfrow=c(1,2)) summary(FRP0montane.gbm);text(10,6.2, "montane FRP", adj=0) summary(FRP1montane.gbm); text(10,6.2, "montane FRP", adj=0)## relative importance

gbm.plot(FRP0montane.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) gbm.plot(FRP1montane.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE)

### tropical grasslands

124 ###small data size

### tundra

FRP0tu.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(tu,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:5, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0),

tree.complexity=2, learning.rate=0.0005, bag.fraction=1)

FRP1tu.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(tu,!$FRP))), gbm.x=3:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=2, learning.rate=0.0005, bag.fraction=1)

### how much explantation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")







FRPtu1(FRP1tu.gbm) ## % explanation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")

125 #library(gbm)






FRP0tu(FRP0tu.gbm) ## % explanation

par(mfrow=c(1,2)) summary(FRP0tu.gbm);text(10,6.2, "tu FRP", adj=0) summary(FRP1tu.gbm); text(10,6.2, "tu FRP", adj=0)## relative importance

gbm.plot(FRP0tu.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) gbm.plot(FRP1tu.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE)

###### all forests

FRPfor0.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(forest,!$FRP))), gbm.x=2:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5)

FRPfor1.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(forest,!$FRP))), gbm.x=2:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5)

126 ### how much explantation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")







FRPfor(FRPfor1.gbm) ## % explanation

par(mfrow=c(1,2)) summary(FRPfor0.gbm);text(10,6.2, "FRP", adj=0) summary(FRPfor1.gbm); text(10,6.2, "FRP", adj=0)## relative importance

gbm.plot(FRPfor0.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) gbm.plot(FRPfor1.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) ## plot

###### all grasslands

FRPfor0.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(grassland,!$FRP))), gbm.x=2:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),

tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5)

FRPfor1.gbm <- gbm.step(data=(subset(grassland,!$FRP))), gbm.x=2:11, gbm.y=1, family="gaussian", var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1),

127 tree.complexity=3, learning.rate=0.005, bag.fraction=0.5)

### how much explantation


{ #source("brt.functions.R")







FRPfor(FRPfor1.gbm) ## % explanation

par(mfrow=c(1,2)) summary(FRPfor0.gbm);text(10,6.2, "FRP", adj=0) summary(FRPfor1.gbm); text(10,6.2, "FRP", adj=0)## relative importance

gbm.plot(FRPfor0.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) gbm.plot(FRPfor1.gbm, n.plots=5, write.title = FALSE) ## plot

########## Tablse S3

### read in data whole<-read.csv(file.choose())

128 head(whole) library(psych)

FRP <-log10(whole$FRP)

FRPbiomelm <- lm(FRP ~ biome, data=whole)

FRPsoiltypelm <- lm(FRP ~ soilType, data=whole)

FRPBClm <- lm(FRP ~ BC, data=whole)

FRPsoilNlm <- lm(FRP ~soilN, data=whole)

FRPsoilPlm <- lm(FRP ~(!, data=whole)

FRPavNlm <- lm(FRP ~(!, data=whole)

FRPavPlm <- lm(FRP ~(!, data=whole)

FRPpHlm <- lm(FRP ~(!, data=whole)

FRPsomlm <- lm(FRP ~(!, data=whole)

FRPsoilClm <- lm(FRP ~(!, data=whole)

FRPbiomeFAOlm <- lm(FRP ~ biome*soilType, data=whole)

FRPsoilNPlm <- lm(FRP ~ soilN*(!, data=whole)

FRPsoilNPbiomelm <- lm(FRP ~ soilN*(!*biome, data=whole)

FRPsoilNPbiomeFAOlm <- lm(FRP ~ soilN*(!*biome*soilType, data=whole)

FRPsoilNPbiomeFAOBClm <- lm(FRP ~ soilN*(!*biome*soilType*BC, data=whole)

summary(FRPbiomelm) summary(FRPsoiltypelm) summary(FRPBClm) summary(FRPsoilNlm)

129 summary(FRPsoilPlm) summary(FRPpHlm) summary(FRPavNlm) summary(FRPavPlm) summary(FRPsomlm) summary(FRPsoilClm) summary(FRPsoilNPlm) summary(FRPsoilNPbiomelm) summary(FRPsoilNPbiomeFAOlm) summary(FRPsoilNPbiomeFAOBClm)


########## Table S4

### read in data

NaddRR<-read.csv(file.choose()) head(NaddRR)

NaddRRdata <- subset(NaddRR,level=="01BF" | level=="02temF"| level=="03troF"| level=="04lowland"| level=="05montane"| level=="06temG"|

level=="07troG"| level=="08TU"| level=="09WL")

RR <-log10(NaddRRdata$RR)

NaddRRlm <- lm(RR ~ Nrate*(as.factor(level))*(as.factor(soiltype)), data=NaddRRdata) summary(NaddRRlm); summary(aov(NaddRRlm))

130 PaddRR<-read.csv(file.choose()) head(PaddRR)

PaddRRdata <- subset(PaddRR,level=="01BF" | level=="02temF"| level=="03troF"| level=="04lowland"| level=="05montane"| level=="06temG"|

level=="07troG"| level=="08TU"| level=="09WL")

RR <-log10(PaddRRdata$RR)

PaddRRlm <- lm(RR ~ Prate*(as.factor(level))*(as.factor(soiltype)), data=PaddRRdata) summary(PaddRRlm); summary(aov(PaddRRlm))


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