Literacy Weekly Plan s1

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Literacy Weekly Plan s1

Literacy Weekly Plan CLOCKWORK Date: 14-01-15 Year group: 6 Class: Curie

Weekly Speaking and Listening Objectives: Weekly Learning Objectives: To make notes whilst listening for a sustained period and discuss how note To understand how writers use different structures to create taking varies depending on context and purpose coherence and impact.

IEP Targets Text/s: Clockwork by Philip Pullman Yathugulaen -To be able to extend simple sentences. Lucy – To use phase 5 sounds when spelling unknown words. Group targets: Key vocabulary: Fritz, Karl, Clockwork, tavern,  I can start my sentences in different ways. Level 2

 I can vary my sentence structure Level 3  I can vary the length, structure and subject s of sentences.. Level 4  I can use a variety of sentence lengths, structures and subjects.. Level 5

5 L.I. To be able to identify I can recap the events in a Read from p47 to the end L.A. Children work in a Think of one similarities and story. of part 2 p65. group with support to thing you have differences in the text. I can compare two stories Share as a class what has identify what is the learnt and how picking out similarities and now happened in the story. same and what is you learnt it. differences. Have questions to prompt different. I can identify evidence in the children. Challenge – can you the text to support my Are these stories the find evidence to thinking. same or different? support your thinking. In their books children draw up a table and record what is the same and what is different.

Use of ICT Smart board Adult support Mr Dowdle to support Yasser and Fatima Day Learning Intention Success Criteria Whole-Class/ Differentiation and Plenary Independent Work extension

6 L.I. To make inferences I can think of a question for Read from p67 to p92. L.A. – Children draw Children share about a character Karl. Recap what happens in and annotate a picture their eulogies. I am able to recap aspects of part 3. of Karl including Karl’s personality and his life. What do we know about aspects of his I can write a short speech Karl the apprentice? With personality and events describing Karl. a talking partner think of in his life. questions for Karl and hot Challenge – Include seat as Karl. descriptive language Using all this information so that the reader is the children are to write a able to recall the eulogy for Karl – a short character of Karl. speech about Karl’s life. Use of ICT Smartboard Adult support Mr Dowdle to support Olti and Jake 7 L.I. To be able to use I can act in role using part As the clock strikes ten all the L.A. – Supported in the Children peer townspeople gather to see the new drama to interpret part of the text. figure. The class are to act this freeze frame. Provide assess each of a story. I can use my senses and moment. (Give the students a copy of a bank of feelings other’s work. page 88 to get an idea of some of the the text to describe what actions that the figures in the clock do). words to help them I see. The class need to act out each of the and give a scaffold to Clockwork figures, plus you need a Gretl I can write a description and a Prince Florian. help them write. from a character’s point of Practise the clockwork movements as Challenge: To include the teacher reads the words’ The hour view. began to strike and mime your clockwork plenty of interesting actions, in turn, as each hour is struck. vocabulary and Teacher to read it again and act out the clock striking but this time when the complex sentences. clock strikes ten, everyone should become townspeople (except those 2 acting Prince Florian and Gretl), looking up to see the two figures waking up on the ledge high above. Improvise different reactions. What do they see? What do they do?

Students are to write a piece about being part of the crowd in that town square. Describe what it felt like, what you saw and what was said. Students may wish to use this to start their writing: ‘People were crammed shoulder to shoulder and every face was turned up like a flower to the sun. The Hour began to strike…..’ Model on the board.

Use of ICT Smart board camera Adult support Mr Dowdle to support Helmand and Gisorth 8 L.I. I can summarise key Reread p76 of the story L.A Children supported Children read To write the ending to a events. which says Fritz’s story and plan the story each other's story. I can discuss ideas for an ends unfinished. together. Have a work and then ending. Reread p76 scaffold to help them. take turns I can plan and write my own With talk partners asking questions ending. children discuss how the Challenge; To end it about parts story might have ended. with a climax so the they do not Share ideas with the rest reader is left in understand. of the class. suspense. Children then plan their ending of the story and start to write it. Stop children after introduction and get them to share so far and then continue. Use of ICT Smart board Adult support Mr Dowdle to support Vinujan, Hanan and Amran 9 L.I. To be able to use I can identify a complex Re-cap what a complex L.A. Children try to Complete an complex sentences sentence. sentence is . Show use at least one exit ticket I can use complex examples possibly from complex sentence. sentences in my writing. children’s work. Children Challenge – to use write one on white boards. complex sentences Children continue writing throughout their trying to use complex writing. sentences. Use of ICT Smart board Adult support Mr Dowdle to support Sarah 10 L.I. To edit and improve I can peer mark using a Children look at examples L.A. Children try to Highlight my writing. success criteria. of their work that could add words to up-level complex I can edit and improve my be improved. What is the a sentence. sentences for work. difference between Challenge – can they self- I can self-assess using editing and improving? re-order a sentence or assessment. outcomes. Children improve part of change it into a their writing and complete complex sentence? outcomes. Use of ICT Smart board Adult support Mr Dowdle to support Helmand, Yasser, Gisorth and Vinujan

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