Introduction Letter

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Introduction Letter



Carnegie Library of Munstead 510 10th Avenue Munstead, ST 15120 (412)-461-0007

May 23, 19…

Mrs. Ruth Owens Personnel Director Atkins Memorial Library 47 Cooper Road Montgomery, AL 36106

Dear Mrs. Owens:

This is a letter of introduction and recommendation for Mrs. Anita N. Rothstein, who has ably served as Children`s Librarian here for eight years. Mrs. Rothstein received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Comparative Literature just prior to coming to work here. She began studying for her Master`s in Library Science shortly after her arrival, and earned her degree two years later. Mrs. Rothstein`s main duties have been the reorganization of the children`s section, which was much in need of reorganization when she arrived here, and the day-to-day running of this section, which has included the selection and ordering of new books and periodicals. In addition to her regular duties, she took on the added task of arranging special programming for area children. She raised money for a wide variety of special speakers and performers, and during her time here our children benefited greatly from her efforts. Because she so efficiently took over a multitude of duties here, I don`t feel that moving from a small establishment to u much larger one will overwhelm her. She has been very quick to learn, to improvise when necessary, and to accept responsibility. In short, I`m sorry to be losing Anita, but I do feel that our loss will be your gain. If you`d like further comments regarding her, feel free to give me a call.

Very truly yours, Diana T. Green Head Librarian

INVITATION, INFORMAL -to a business event

Global Hardware Associates 87 Highland Drive Chicago, IL 60147 Telephone 312-120-0444

June 26, 19…..

Mr. William Mann Baker Company 14 Bank Street Bartlett, IL 60432

You`re cordially invited:

to come to our Industrial Hardware Exhibits to be held on July 10, 19…, at the Civic Center, 25 High Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The newest industrial hardware will be on display. Representatives from leading hardware manufacturers will be on hand to answer your questions. Parking facilities will be available at the Civic Center Garage. Travel directions and a map are enclosed for your convenience. Won`t you join your business associates for an interesting and rewarding day at the Civic Center`s Industrial Hardware Exhibits on July 10.

Wayne D. Thoren, Sales Manager

INVITATION, INFORMAL -to a social event

Sandra B. Wilhelm 47 Bridgewater Road Oxmoor, ST 21574

May 26, 19….

Dear Sheila and Michael,

Sam and I would like to invite you to a dinner party on June 28 at seven o`clock. The party is an informal one to help welcome Jeffrey Nirenberg, our new Finance Director, and his wife Christine to the area. We are hoping all of the officers of the corporation and their husbands or wives will attend. In addition, we are inviting a few other friends of Wilhelm and Cook to join us. We know that Jeffrey and Christine would be delighted if you would accept. Please let us know only if you can`t come. Our home number is 987- 8613. If we don`t hear from you, we`ll be expecting you.

Best regards, Sandy JOB LETTER -offering a job

Communications Media Corporation/Hawthorne Building/Pierce and Fremont Streets/Houston, TX 77001

CMC Telephone (713) 898-7642 898-2746

July 15, 19…..

Ms. Donna A. Reeve 4527 Van Dam Boulevard Fairfield, ST 12321

Dear Ms. Reeve:

This letter constitutes our formal offer to you of the position of Assistant Director of Administration at Communications Media Corporation. Your duties will consist of assisting the Director of Administration in all professional areas of corporate administration and in carrying out special projects that relate to corporate communications and staff development, as assigned by the Director of Administration. This is a full-time position, paying a salary of $ 27,500 a year less the deductions required by law for federal and state taxes and Social Security. You will receive a salary review after six months and annually thereafter. Increases will depend on the company`s general policy and on your contributions to our administrative activities. Fringe benefits and other details regarding employment are explained in the employee manual that is being sent to you separately. We have agreed that you will begin work on August 1, 19…. On that day, please bring with you the proof of your U. S citizenship or resident- alien status. A driver`s license with photo ( or a state-issued identification card with photo) and a Social Security card will suffice. If one of these is not available, you may bring alternative documents as explained on the enclosed form I-9. Unfortunately, if you do not bring the appropriate documents, you will not be able to begin work. If this offer is acceptable to you, please sign and date the carbon copy of this letter and return it to us for our files. Sincerely, Brandon W. Kiley Director of Administration

DWK/hva enclosure

JOB LETTER -turning down an applicant

Batterston Furniture Company 16 Flower Street Malvern, ST 23406 (300)-604-3232

August 16, 19…

Mr. John F. Zimmerman 628 Humphrey Street Oakdale, ST 23412

Dear Mr. Zimmerman:

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your application for the sales position that we have advertised recently. We are sorry to say that we have chosen another candidate to fill this position; however, we want you to know that we appreciate your interest in the Batterston Furniture Company. Your application will be kept on file. If we have an opening that is suitable for you in the near future, we will be in touch with you again.

Sincerely, Gloria R. Markham Sales Manager Pismo-predstavljanje:

Biblioteka Carnegie of Munstead 510 10th Avenue Munstead, ST 15120 (412)-461-0007

23. Maj, 19.....

Gospodja Rut Ovens Personalni direktor Atkins Memorial Library 47 Cooper Road Montgomery, AL 36106

Draga gospodjo Ovens:

Ovo je pismo koje predstavlja i preporučuje gospodju Anitu N. Rothstein , koja je ovde uspešno obavljala posao dečjeg bibliotekara osam godina. Gospodja Rothstein je stekla zvanje diplomiranog filologa za komparativnu književnost baš pre no što je došla da radi ovde. Počela je da sprema ispite na master studijama iz oblasti bibliotekarstva ubrzo pošto je stigla ovde, i stekla je zvanje mastera dve godine kasnije. Glavne dužnosti gospodje Rothstein bile su reorganizacija dečjeg odeljka, kome je reorganizacija i bila mnogo potrebna u trenutku kada je ona stigla ovde, kao i svakodnevno upravljanje ovim odeljkom, koje je uključivalo izbor i narudzbinu novih knjiga i stručnih časopisa. Uz svoje redovne dužnosti, preuzela je na sebe i dodatni posao uredjivanja specijalnih programa za decu iz kraja. Sakupljala je novac za razne posebne govornike i izvodjače, i dok je ona ovde radila naša deca su imala mnogo koristi od njenog truda. S obzirom da je ona tako efikasno preuzela na sebe gomilu obaveza ovde, smatram da joj to što ide iz malog preduzeća u mnogo veće neće predstavljati problem. Ona mnogo brzo uči, improvizuje kada je to neophodno, i prihvata odgovornost. Ukratko, žao mi je što gubim Anitu, ali znam da će naš gubitak biti vaš dobitak. Ako želite još neke komentare koji se tiču nje, slobodno me pozovite. Veoma iskreno vaša, Diana T. Green Upravnik biblioteke

POZIV, NEFORMALNI -na poslovni dogadjaj

Global Hardware Associates 87 Highland Drive Chicago, IL 60147 Telephone 312-120-0444

26. Juni, 19... godine

Gospodin William Mann Baker Company 14 Bank Street Bartlett, IL 60432

Ljubazno se pozivate da : dodjete na izlaganje naše industrijske gvoždjarske robe, koje treba da se održi 10. jula 19... godine, u gradskom centru, 25 High Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois, od 9 do 15 časova. Biće izložena najnovija industrijska gvoždjarska roba. Predstavnici vodećih proizvodjača gvoždjarske robe biće na raspolaganju za odgovaranje na vaša pitanja. Prostor za parkiranje biće obezbedjen u garaži gradskog centra. Priloženi su putna uputstva i mapa, zarad vaše udobnosti. Pridružićete se vašim poslovnim saradnicima na izlaganju industrijske gvoždjarske robe u gradskom centru, 10. jula, danu interesantnom i korisnom, zar ne? Wayne D. Thoren, menadzer prodaje

POZIV, NEFORMALNI -na društveni dogadjaj

Sandra B. Wilhelm 47 Bridgewater Road Oxmoor, ST 21574

26. Maj, 19… godine

Dragi Sheila i Michael,

Sam i ja bismo voleli da vas pozovemo na svečanu večeru 28. juna u 7 sati. Zabava je neformalne prirode u cilju priredjivanja dobrodošlice u naš kraj Jeffrey Nirenberg, našem novom finansijskom direktoru, i njegovoj ženi Christine. Nadamo se da će doći svi činovnici iz korporacije i njihovi bračni partneri. Osim njih, pozvani su i neki drugi prijatelji Wilhelm and Cook da nam se pridruže. Znamo da bi Jeffrey i Christine bili oduševljeni kada biste prihvatili poziv. Molimo vas da nas obavestite ako ne možete doći. Naš kućni broj telefona je 987-8613. Ako nam ne javite suprotno, očekujemo vaš dolazak.

Najlepši pozdravi Sandy

PISMO VEZANO ZA POSAO -poslovna ponuda

Communications Media Corporation/Hawthorne Building/Pierce and Fremont Streets/Houston, TX 77001

CMC Telephone (713) 898-7642 898-2746

15. Juli, 19... godine

Gospodja Donna A. Reeve 4527 Van Dam Boulevard Fairfield, ST 12321

Draga gospodjo Reeve:

Ovo pismo predstavlja našu formalnu ponudu vama za mesto pomoćnika direktora u Communications Media Corporation. Vaše obaveze sastojaće se od asistiranja direktoru administracije u svim profesionalnim sferama korporacijske administracije i u izradi posebnih projekata koji se odnose na komunikacije u firmi i na razvoj osoblja, onako kako to odredi direktor administracije. Ovo je posao sa punim radnim vremenom, plata je 27, 500 dolara godišnje, naravno ta plata biće smanjena za iznos koji pokriva državne takse i socijalno osiguranje. Dobićete na uvid obračun plate posle 6 meseci i jedanput godišnje nakon toga. Povećanje plate zavisiće od opšte politike rukovodjenja kompanijom i od vašeg doprinosa našim administrativnim aktivnostima. Beneficije za zaposlene i drugi detalji koji se tiču zaposlenih objašnjeni su u priručniku za zaposlene koji će vam biti poslat odvojeno. Složili smo se da počnete sa radom 1. avgusta, 19... godine. Toga dana, molimo vas, ponesite sa sobom dokaz da ste gradjanin SAD-a ili pak dokaz da ste stranac koji ima dozvolu boravka. Vozačka dozvola sa fotografijom ( ili lična karta sa fotografijom koju je izdala država) i karta socijalnog osiguranja biće dovoljne. Ako to ne možete da donesete, možete doneti alternativnu dokumentaciju kao što je objašnjeno na priloženom formularu I-9. Na žalost, ako ne donesete odgovarajuću dokumentaciju, nećete moće da počnete da radite. Ako vam je ova ponuda prihvatljiva, molimo vas da se potpišete i stavite datum na indigo kopiju ovog pisma i da nam je vratite natrag za našu arhivu.

Iskreno, Brandon W. Kiley Administrativni direktor Imate prilog

PISMO VEZANO ZA POSAO -odbijanje kandidata

Batterston Furniture Company 16 Flower Street Malvern, ST 23406 (300)-604-3232

16. Avgust, 19... godine

Gospodin John F. Zimmerman 628 Humphrey Street Oakdale, ST 23412

Dragi gospodine Zimmerman:

Hvala vam što ste nam pružili mogućnost da razmotrimo vašu molbu za mesto agenta prodaje za koje smo nedavno dali oglas. Žao nam je što moramo da vam kažemo da smo za to mesto izabrali nekog drugog kandidata; ipak, želimo da znate da mi cenimo vašu zainteresovanost za Batterston Furniture Company. Vaša molba se čuva u dokumentaciji firme. Ukoliko, u bliskoj budućnosti, budemo imali neko slobodno radno mesto koje vama odgovara, ponovo ćemo stupiti u kontakt sa vama.

Iskreno, Gloria R. Markham, menadzer prodaje

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