The Incredible Cell Model Project

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The Incredible Cell Model Project


You will be required to construct a 3-D model of a plant or animal cell showing correct descriptions and locations within the cell. All models MUST be three dimensional. The project may or may not be made of edible materials (there will be a limited amount allowed to be edible).

Procedures 1. Some groups will be assigned to create an animal cell and other groups will be required to create a plant cell. The model must follow the general shape, size, and composition of a particular cell assigned. Use the cell diagram sheet given to you, a picture from your textbook, or the internet to construct your model.

2. The cell must be labeled as a plant or animal cell with a sign or on a sheet of paper.

3. Each model must include and have labeled ALL of the following organelles  Cell Membrane  Microfilaments or microtubules  Nucleus  Cilia OR Flagella (if animal cell)  Cytoplasm (NOT both)  Smooth ER  Lysosomes (if animal cell)  Rough ER  Plastids (if plant cell)  Golgi Bodies  Cell Wall (if plant cell)  Ribosomes (both on ER & in cytoplasm)  Nucleolus (xtra credit)  Mitochondria  Chromosomes (xtra credit)  Vacuole (must be large in plant cell)

4. There must include either a key that is on a separate sheet of paper or a flag that identifies each structure correctly and properly.

5. A short description of the function for each cell component must be included on the key or on the sign (place it on the back of the sign).

6. The cell components should be placed on or within the basic cell itself. Objects used for components should represent the basic shape and relative size of the actual cell component and should be recognizable and distinguishable from the other cell components. The same object may only be used to represent two different cell components ONE time. (For instance you may use two different color M&Ms to represent two components but then all the other objects must be different from each other). That includes using things like markers, icing, etc.

7. When placed on the model, the cell components must be in their relative locations. For instance the nucleus should be toward the center and the golgi bodies should be toward the cell membrane.

8. Neatness such as grammar and spelling included in the grading as well as creativity.

9. If you are allowed to make an edible model, all objects used as components must be edible and must go together (ie no green peppers on a cake or sprinkles on a cheese pizza). However you may have your model within a container. The edible materials must be able to be kept for at LEAST 3 days without refrigeration.

10. If you have a non-edible project ALL materials must be non-edible. CP Biology Card Color and Number: ______Cell Model Grading Sheet Pd: ______

A) The cell is identified as a plant or animal cell. If yes place a 1 on the line ___/1

The shape of the cell is represented correctly. If it is a plant cell it should be rectangular ___/1 in shape and round shaped if it is an animal cell. If correct place a 1 on the line.

There is a separate key or signs that identify the cell components. If yes place 1 on the line ___/1 Total of A ___/3

B) The twelve components are present on the cell. Place a 1 on the line if present but not labeled correctly on the key or sign. Place 2 on the line if present and identified correctly on the key or on the sign Place a -2 (negative 2) on any component that is present on a cell that it should not be on (Make sure to subtract negatives from the total)

Cytoplasm ___/2 Lysosomes ___/2 Cell Membrane ___/2 (if animal only) Nucleus ___/2 Cell wall ___/2 Mitochondria ___/2 (if plant only) Ribosomes ___/2 Plastids ___/2 Rough ER ___/2 (if plant only) Smooth ER ___/2 Nucleolus ___/1 Golgi Bodies ___/2 (xtra credit, worth 1 pt only) Microtubules or ___/2 Chromosomes ___/1 Microfilaments (xtra credit, worth 1pt only) Vacuoles ___/2 Cilia or Flagella ___/2 Total of B ___/24 (if animal only)

C) The function of each component should be included on the key or on the sign. If the function is present and correct for each cell component place a 1 on the line.

Cytoplasm ___/1 Cilia or Flagella ___/1 Cell Membrane ___/1 (N/A if plant cell) Nucleus ___/1 Lysosomes ___/1 Mitochondria ___/1 (N/A if plant cell) Ribosomes ___/1 Cell wall ___/1 Smooth ER ___/1 (N/A if animal cell) Rough ER ___/1 Plastids ___/1 Golgi Bodies ___/1 (if N/A if animal cell) Microtubules or ___/1 Microfilaments Total of C ___/12 Vacuoles ___/1

D) How neat and creative was your classmate when making this model? Base your decision on a scale from 0 points to 3 points with 0 points being for sloppy work and 4 points being for neat, creative work.

Total of D ___/3 E) Do the size and shape of the objects used accurately represent the cell components.

Circle any of these that is NOT correct in the model:  Nucleus is the largest cell component (except vacuole if a plant cell)  Ribosomes are the smallest cell component  If an animal cell, only cilia or 1 flagella is present, NOT Both  Only 1 object was used more than one time for two separate cell components

List any cell component on the model that you think does NOT accurately represent the relative size or shape of the cell component (Do Not include any that you already circled above)

Add up the total of all circled and listed things and place the value on the line Total of E ____

F) Does the locations of the objects on the model match with the locations of the cell components on the cell?

Circle any of the following that is NOT correct in the model:  The cell membrane is the outer most barrier if it is an animal cell  The cell wall is the outer most structure (cell membrane is next inside) if it is a plant cell  The nucleus is close to the center of the cell  The cytoplasm fills the volume of the inside of the cell and the other components are on the cytoplasm.  The ER is close to the nucleus  Ribosomes are both on (or directly beside) the ER and also located within the cytoplasm  Golgi bodies are close to the cell membrane.  If nucleolus and/or chromosomes are present, they are in the nucleus.  Cilia or flagella, if present, are outside the cell membrane  If a plant cell, the vacuole is the close to as large or larger in size than the nucleus

Add up all the circles from F and place the value on the line Total of F ____

G) Check the entire model for spelling errors. Circle every word that is spelled incorrectly. How many words were incorrectly spelled ____? Divide this number by 4 and round up to the nearest whole number if necessary. Place this value in the line to the right. Total of G ____

H) If the model was to be non-edible add up all the edible items that represent cell components on the model. If the model was to be edible add up all the non-edible items that represent cell components on the model. If not all the edible items go together add two to your score. Place this total on the line to the right.

Total of H ____




TOTAL A-D _____ - TOTAL E-H ______GRAND TOTAL _____/42

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