Spanish Ii- Course Syllabus

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Spanish Ii- Course Syllabus


Sara Amador [email protected] Haydee Bensi [email protected] Angelica Casanova a [email protected] Yadira Gonzalez y [email protected] Sandra Moreno s [email protected] Elizabeth Small [email protected]

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an introduction to the Spanish language. It is taught through the skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Students will learn to understand the Spanish language as it is spoken at a basic level and to communicate with simple verbal or written responses. Spanish sounds will be learned through imitation. Basic grammar and sentence structure will be taught in basic, everyday vocabulary. Basic cultural themes of the Spanish-speaking world will be introduced and interspersed through the course.


COMMUNICATION: The student communicates in a language other than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. CULTURES: The student gains knowledge and understanding of other cultures. CONNECTIONS: The student uses the language to make connections with other subject areas and to acquire information. COMPARISONS: The student develops insight into the nature of language and culture by comparing the student’s own language and culture to another. COMMUNITIES: The student participates in communities at home and around the world by using languages other than English.

TEXTBOOK: Realidades 1 (available to all students online)

WORKBOOK: Realidades 1 workbook: Writing and Video Activities (PDF Version ONLY)


Major grades (tests, projects, oral presentations) will account for 60% of the grade for the grading period; minor grades (daily work, classroom participation) will account for 30% of the grade, 10% homework.

HOMEWORK: Expect homework as it is part of the learning process. Homework is due in class or on BlackBoard. Late or incomplete homework will receive 10 pts off per day. Make sure you bring or submit (online) your home-work or it will be considered late. You will NOT be allowed to leave class to get homework/computer.

TESTS /QUIZZES: There are several quizzes, 3 major assignments per Marking Period. Being absent the day before a scheduled test or quiz because of an appointment or school activity does NOT excuse you from taking it. If absent the day of the test because of illness, please make it up within 2 weeks.

MAKE-UP WORK & RE-TESTS: Students are allowed to retake any minor/major grade assignment. All students need to attend tutorials prior to re-taking any MAJOR GRADE assignment. GRADE REPAIR: Students will have the opportunity to receive instruction to recover marking period grades. When a student enrolls in the Grade Repair Class, the students will receive quality instruction. The curriculum will recapture any skills they are lacking so that they are prepared to receive credit and also be prepared for the EOC assessment. This intervention plan may include students attending after school Grade Repair or Grade Repair during the day. The highest grade a student can earn is 75. This grade will replace the lower grade. Students enrolled in Pre-AP courses may enroll in grade repair and receive Pre-AP credit for up to 1 marking periods per semester. Students enrolled in AP courses may enroll in grade repair and receive AP credit for up to 1 marking periods per semester. AP courses will have the following additional requirements in order to recover the grade and GPA point value: list writing assignment students will need to complete.

TUTORIALS: Students who are having trouble need to attend tutorials on a regular basis. Language skills build upon one another, therefore, issues and concerns need to be cleared up as soon as they appear. It is a department requirement that the student attend a tutorial session prior to re-taking an assessment. Below, is the tutorial schedule. Any other time, by appointment only.

Teacher Tutorial Day/time/location Teacher Tutorial Day/time/location Sara Amador Tuesdays 6:45-7:15 am Haydee Bensi Tuesdays 6:40-7:10 am Thursdays 2:30-3:00 pm Rm 311 Thursdays 2:30-3:00 pm Rm 324 Angelica Casanova Tuesdays 2:50-4:30pm Rm 7B Yadira Gonzalez Thursday 2:30-3:30pm Rm 6B Sandra Moreno Tuesday 2:30-3:30 pm Rm 4B Elizabeth Small Mondays 2:50-3:50pm Rm 214

TEST DAYS: Spanish Test Dates are Wednesdays and Fridays.

FINAL EXAMS: Fall semester exams will be the week of Dec 12 (2016). Spring Semester exams will be the week of May 29 (2017)

EXEMPTIONS: Students in grades 9,10, 11, and 12 will be eligible for a second semester final examination exemption in Spanish if they meet the requirements below, receive passing grades the first semester in class and have a second semester average grade of 80 or above.  Have no more than four (4) absences in the first semester and no more than four (4) absences in the second semester  Have not received detention for tardies in either the first or second semester  Have not been placed in the in-school suspension (ISS), alternative education classes or suspended  Have maintained a conduct grade of “E,” “S,”or “N” during both the first and second semester.

USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Any unauthorized use of electronic devices in class is prohibited, this includes but is not limited to cell phones, iPod and/or iPads. Devices will be confiscated as a consequence and turned in to the student’s House office.

SCHOOL LAPTOPS: Students will be expected to follow the guidelines for using computers in class.  Students are expected to come to class with their devices charged and ready to take part in the lesson.  Students should have laptops open and in use only when instructed to do so by the teacher.  Laptops should not be used for entertainment (games, streaming video, or audio). Students who are caught using devices in any manner other than instructed by the teacher or in any way that violates the policies in the student handbook will be subject to disciplinary action.

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