17.1 Atmosphere Characteristics Composition of the Atmosphere

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17.1 Atmosphere Characteristics Composition of the Atmosphere

17.1 Atmosphere Characteristics

Composition of the Atmosphere

Weather ______, and it refers to the ______of the atmosphere at any given time and place. ______, however, is based on ______of weather that have been collected over ______. Climate helps describe a ______or ______.

Weather is constantly changing, and it refers to the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place.

The most important measurable properties of weather and climate are:






Major Components

Air is a mixture of different ______and ______, each with its own ______properties.

Know the major components, and their percentages.

Nitrogen=______, Oxygen=______, Argon= ______

______=.039%....but VERY Important!

Ozone=very small %...... but VERY Important! Variable Components

______is the source of all ______and ______. Like carbon dioxide, water vapor ______heat given off by Earth. It also absorbs some ______.

______is a form of oxygen that combines ______oxygen atoms into each molecule (O3).

If ozone did not filter most UV radiation and all of the sun’s UV rays reached the surface of Earth, our planet would be ______for many living organisms.

Human Influence

Emissions from ______account for nearly ______the primary pollutants by weight.

Where do the other pollutants come from?

Height and Structure of the Atmosphere

The ______rapidly ______as you travel away from Earth until there are too ______gas molecules to detect.

Pressure Changes

Atmospheric pressure is simply the ______of the ______above.

Temperature Changes

The atmosphere can be divided ______into ______layers based on ______.

The ______is the bottom layer of the atmosphere where temperature ______with an increase in ______.

The ______is the layer of the atmosphere where temperature ______to a height of about 20 kilometers. It then begins a gradual increase until the ______.

The ______is the layer of the atmosphere immediately above the stratosphere and is characterized by ______temperatures with height.

The ______is the region of the atmosphere immediately above the mesosphere and is characterized by ______temperatures due to the ______of very short-wave solar energy by oxygen. Earth-Sun Relationships

Earth’s Motions

Earth has ______principal motions—______and ______.

Earth’s Orientation

Seasonal changes occur because ______relative to the sun continually ______as it travels along its orbit.

Solstices and Equinoxes

The summer solstice is the solstice that occurs on ______21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere and is the “official” first day of ______.

The winter solstice is the solstice that occurs on ______21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere and is the “official” first day of ______.

The autumnal equinox is the equinox that occurs on ______22 or 23 in the Northern Hemisphere.

The spring equinox is the equinox that occurs on ______21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere.

Length of Daylight

The length of ______compared to the length of ______also is determined by Earth’s ______in orbit.

17.2 Heating the Atmosphere

Energy Transfer as Heat ______is the ______transferred from one object to another because of a difference in the objects’ ______.

______is a measure of the average ______of the individual atoms or molecules in a substance.

Three mechanisms of energy transfer as heat are:





Conduction is the ______of ______through matter by ______.

One object is ______another object.

For the atmosphere, conduction is the ______important method of heat transfer.


Convection is the transfer of heat by ______or ______within a substance.

Takes place mostly in ______like air or water

Can happen in solids that act like fluids (ex: ______)


Before we discuss radiation, let’s look at the electromagnetic spectrum.

Radiation is the transfer of energy (heat) through ______by ______that travel out in all directions.

Unlike conduction and convection, which need material to travel through, ______can travel through the vacuum of ______.

______objects, at any temperature, emit ______.

______objects radiate ______total energy per unit area than ______objects do.

The ______radiating bodies produce the ______wavelengths of maximum radiation.

Objects that are good ______of radiation are good ______as well.

What Happens to Solar Radiation?

When radiation strikes an object, there usually are three different results.

1. Some energy is ______by the object.

2. Substances such as water and air are ______to certain wavelengths of radiation.

(In other words, it ______the object).

3. Some radiation may ______the object without being absorbed or transmitted. Reflection and Scattering

______occurs when light bounces off an object. Reflection radiation has the same ______as incident radiation (the first rays of the radiation).

______produces a larger number of ______rays that travel in different directions.

Small ______particles and ______in the atmosphere scatter some incoming radiation in all directions (this is why there is still light in the shade, and why the ______is ______). 17.3 Temperature Controls

Factors other than latitude that exert a strong influence on temperature include:






Why Temperatures Vary

Land and Water

Land ______more rapidly and to higher temperatures than ______. Land also ______more rapidly and to ______temperatures than water.

Geographic Position

The geographic setting can ______temperatures experienced at a ______.

For example, a ______can have a huge influence on the ______.


The ______can greatly influence temperatures ______at a specific location.

Cloud Cover and Albedo

______is the fraction of total radiation that is ______by any surface. Many clouds have a high ______and therefore ______back to space a significant portion of the ______that strikes them.

World Distribution of Temperature

______are ______on a weather map that connect points where the ______is the same.

Isotherms generally trend ______and ______and show a ______in temperatures from the ______toward the ______.

Figure 20 on page 493

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