Rampton Parish Council s1

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Rampton Parish Council s1

Rampton Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of the Rampton Parish Council held on the 10th Apr 2017 in the Village Hall, Manor Grounds, Rampton, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0JU. The meeting commenced at 7:00pm.

Members Present Cllr Muriel Arden Chairman Cllr Barrie Doyle Vice-Chair Cllr Ivor Lewin Cllr Libby Hauton Cllr Pam Hawkins Cllr Ted Morris BEM

Also, Present Ed Knox Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer District Cllr Teresa Critchley County Cllr John Ogle 5 Members of the Public

RPC/155/16 To Shortlist Applicants for the Village Warden role & discuss interview arrangements This item was closed to the press and public due to confidential nature. After discussion, Cllr Libby Hauton Proposed, Cllr Pam Hawkins Seconded and the council resolved to invite all three applicants for interview with Cllrs Lewin, Hawkins and Arden forming the interview panel. Action Clerk to arrange interview confirmations for 18th April.

At 7:30pm the meeting opened to admit the Press & Public

RPC/156/16 Housekeeping Cllr Arden advised the location of the fire exit assembly point, fire exits & toilet facilities.

RPC/157/16 Apologies for Absence After discussion, the council resolved to accept the apologies of Cllr Sheppard who was on holiday.

RPC/158/16 Declarations of Interest Cllr Ted Morris declared an interest in RPC/160/16 because he is Chairman of Rampton Bowls Club. Cllr Morris did not partake in any debate or decision making process under this item.

RPC/159/16 To Approve Minutes of the Previous Meeting After discussion, the council resolved to accept the minutes. The chairman signed the minutes of 13th March 2017 as a true and accurate record.

The Agenda Items were altered slightly to allow the discussion of the RCEF grant application to take place earlier because the guest speaker had a long drive ahead to Northumberland.

RPC/160/16 To Consider an Application for a Rural Community Energy Fund Grant (RCEF) The Chairman invited guest speaker, Chris McDonagh to discuss the details surrounding the grant and Mr McDonagh gave a talk which covered the information as detailed in last month’s minutes (RPC/150/16). Additional information reported included:  Reassurance that Stage 1 (up to £20,000) is a grant which has no requirement to ever be repaid, it also does not commit the Council to proceed with Stage 2.  The RCEF Grant is community driven, for community owned projects.

1  Stage 1 pays for a consultant to assess the land for viability from both a planning perspective and to gauge community support.  The Consultant can arrange open events at the village hall, community centre, leaflet drops, on-line surveys etc, to interact with the local community.  The consultant would liaise with any potential landowner neighbouring the Parish Council land (Diocese of Southwell, Diana Eyre’s Educational Foundation, EDF, Tarmac etc) to ascertain if they are willing to be involved in a larger project.  The approximate 11 Acres of Parish Council & Moopool Charity Land would be an ideal starting point in size for a project.  Chris visited the land prior to the meeting and suggested that its location next to the EON and EDF Power stations, with Powerlines overhead and next to the Trent suggests a potentially favourable site.  Should Stage 1 prove a viable project is possible, with planning consent, community support and potential investors interested, the Council can then debate proceeding with a possible stage 2.  Stage 2 is an unsecured loan of up to £150,000 with no maximum repayment term. The loan would be used to pay for the project.  Chris advised he would email the Clerk his presentation document for the Council members to read. The Chairman closed the meeting to allow members of the public to comment on the presentation:  Adjournment – Public Discussion on RCEF Grant The public members who spoke felt it was a good idea, and something that they urged the Council to proceed with Stage 1. It was felt that ‘green’ is the way forward and a potential community energy project would maximise income that the Parish Council would be able to invest to benefit the local community. The public felt that should the Council proceed with Stage 1, the Consultant should approach Diana Eyre’s Educational Foundation, the Diocese of Southwell and surrounding landowners to capitalize on the size of the project. The Chairman reconvened the meeting. RPC/160/16 Continuation of Consider an Application for an RCEF After discussion, Cllr Hawkins Proposed, Cllr Arden Seconded and the council unanimously resolved that the Clerk is to proceed with the Stage 1 process. Action Clerk to liaise with Chris McDonagh to progress this.

RPC/161/16 Matters Arising: 1) To Receive Bowls Club Work Report: a. Spoil Heap Cllr Arden reported that:  Council members had visited Pinder Park for a site visit which included looking at the spoil heap.  60 tonnes are required for the zip-wire.  There will be large amount of spoil left over. Cllr Arden invited members to debate the After discussion, Cllr Hawkins advised that the area currently looks a mess, the spoil is of heavy clay consistency. Cllr Hawkins Proposed, Cllr Lewin Seconded that the Bowls Club shall ensure 60 tonnes is reserved for the zip-wire, the zip-wire mound is to be seeded to make a safe grassy mound that is suitable for children, the remaining spoil is to be taken away and a good reinstatement arranged. Action the Bowls Club to arrange.

2 2) To Receive Bowls Club Work Report: a. Drainage on No Man’s Land Cllr Arden reported that:  Drainage may be required for the area between Pinder Park and into the 7 acres let as farmland.  Cllr Doyle explained that past levelling caused exposed clay on the west end of Pinder Park, therefore ‘no man’s land’ is a very wet boggy area.  County Cllr Ogle advised that to deal with the problem the area would need to be dug down 2 to 3 feet, a pipe laid at the bottom, then filled with a porous material such as gravel, coke or ash and fed into a ditch. County Cllr Ogle expected costs to easily be around £800 per acre. After discussion, the Council agreed that whilst something must be done, it will be left for the time being due to the costs involved. Potentially, it could be looked into by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering group who could work together with Council Members to ascertain if grant funding could be obtained for this work. Action Cllr Arden to liaise with steering group.

3) To Discuss Pinder Park Entrance Area Cllr Arden reported that:  The Barrier used to be operated voluntarily by the village warden and is now in the open position all the time.  Cllr Arden questioned whether the barrier was needed, potentially for security reasons and whether parking should be allowed in front of the barrier?  The Clerk contacted Kate Biggs from Highways to clarify the purpose and need of the barrier, the area in front of the barrier and visibility splays. Kate advised as follows: “Visibility splays allow a driver leaving the site to see oncoming vehicles (and vice versa). The he vehicular visibility splay at Pinder Park must be 2.4m x 43m (within which there should be no obstruction to vision above 600mm in height, measured from the channel level of the adjacent carriageway). A 2.4m ‘x’ distance is measured from the kerb line into the site. The 43m ‘y’ distance is measured along the kerb line in each direction. If you link the points up you will end up with a triangle in each direction. These are the visibility splays. Within these splays there should be no obstruction to vision above 600mm in height (measured from the channel level of the adjacent carriageway). Pedestrian visibility splays of 2.0m x 2.0m are required on each side of the access. These are separate to the vehicular visibility splays and allow the driver to spot any pedestrians walking along the footway and vice versa. Within these splays there should be no obstruction to vision above 600mm in height. Hedges must always be cut back so that they do not encroach into the approved visibility splays. In the opinion of the Highway Authority, the hardstanding in front of the barrier has no defined use. There is no requirement for an entrance barrier. A planning condition required the approved car park to be located beyond the current location of the gate/barrier (with 12 parking spaces) to be constructed.” Cllr Arden encouraged members to debate the subject and Cllr Hawkins Proposed (i) that the barrier is removed to encourage people to park in the proper parking area, install smart looking fencing, set back with grass under, along the whole length of the roadway. At the car-park top end install a lockable double-gate or wide gateway to allow for security, safety and grass cutting. (ii) To preserve the visibility splay area in front of the current barrier location, install a ‘feature’ such as plant troughs and paving at the required distance from the low front fence. No objections, motions i & ii carried. Action

3 A second visit by council members to the park be arranged to decide how much visibility to leave. Cllr Lewin said he would obtain prices for the fencing and gate.

RPC/162/16 To Receive Police Report The Clerk reported that PC Bailey was unable to attend the meeting due to work commitments. However, he advised by email there were no crimes in the Parish, outside of Rampton Secure Hospital.

RPC/163/16 To Receive update on the Village Hall Work & Roundabout Newsletter Cllr Lewin reported that the clerk has confirmed in writing Mrs Jones’s consent for the waterpipe work. The work has been booked to take place during the week commencing 24 th April. Action, Cllr Lewin shall ensure all hall users are notified of the work. The Editor of the Roundabout Newsletter has advised there is a maximum amount of page coverage per Parish Council as it covers several local villages and parishes. Cllr Lewin asked the Council if it was ok if he and Janet are to enter a summarised edited version of the minutes into the newsletter. After Discussion, the Council agreed that this was ok and Cllr Lewin and Janet shall provide an edited summary for the Roundabout.

RPC/164/16 To Receive Risk Assessment Update Cllr Pam Hawkins reported that:  She is still working on the final version of the risk assessment.  Cllr Arden advised this is the final document the Council are waiting for to enable to completion of the Health & Safety Policy document review.  Cllr Hauton has previously agreed to type up the finished risk assessment for Cllr Hawkins.  Cllr Hawkins confirmed she will finish the assessment shortly. Once the typing is complete, this needs to be emailed to the Clerk to form the Appendix of the updated Rampton Parish Council Health & Safety Policy. Action, Cllrs Hawkins, Hauton and Clerk.

RPC/165/16 To Receive District Councillors Report Dist Cllr Teresa Critchley reported that:  Police Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping has appointed more Special Constables.  All Parish Councils are encouraged to organise petitions in support of replacing PC Bailey with a full Police Constable Role and additional Police present in the area. Dist Cllr Critchley would provide the Council with a suitable petition template.  The NHS STP consultation proposes that our area joins Doncaster, Barnsley and Sheffield. A poorly advertised public meeting, arranged by Healthwatch and BCVS was held in Misterton, as a result only 4 people attended. The consultation organisers stated they had contact every Parish Clerk in the area’s affected but no clerk has received such communications to the Dist Cllrs knowledge. Dist Cllr Critchley left leaflets for members regards the consultation.  Travellers are camped again at Cottam Road the matter is being investigated with the planning department.

RPC/166/16 To Receive County Councillors Report County Cllr John Ogle reported that:

4  BT were supposed to reply to the Broadband Concerns the parishioners had raised via Cllr Hauton. County Cllr Ogle advised he would chase a response for Cllr Hauton.  4G is coming for emergency services, this would work via life signs being transmitted direct via a local mast.  Following the ramraid in Laneham, County Cllr Ogle hoped and encouraged the Council to consider Dist Cllr Critchley’s suggestion of a petition for the replacement of PC Bailey.

 Adjournment - 10 Minute Public Forum The Chairman closed the meeting to allow questions and discussion from the public. Questions asked & concerns raised included:  The area in front of the barrier was for designed as a passing point, a turning area for vehicles entering site to access the designated car-park.  Consider timing the agenda items so that people don’t lose the will to live over the length of the meetings.  Request for an agenda item at the next meeting to allow Council to decide to support Felicity Ferriter in her endeavours to arrange for Rampton Hospital to provide the full names, dates of birth and dates of death of all individuals they interred in the graveyard. Currently, some of the graves are unmarked, some have basic markers with initials on them only, Felicity would like Rampton Hospital to provide dignified grave markers for those former patients interred. The earlies burials of patients who died at Rampton Hospital were in an area at Woodbeck called the ‘Rose Garden’ near the Female Villas. However, when the hospital expanded, the remains of the people were reinterred in a mass grave at Rampton Church. Unfortunately, this is currently located unmarked and underneath the yard spoil heap. Felicity would like support from the Council to also ask the PCC to move the spoil heap to a new location.  Drainage is a problem where the Council indicated on Pinder Park and the Council was encouraged to look into the issue due to the water also gathering on the neighbouring property, White Lodge. After discussion, the Council addressed as many of the questions as possible. The Chairman thanked the public for their comments and reconvened the meeting and asked the Clerk to add the Rampton Hospital graves to the May meeting agenda.

RPC/167/16 Finance: The Clerk circulated the Council members by email prior to the meeting the following: 1. To Approve Financial Accounts Summary for 2016/17 The clerk handed out paper copies of the accounts summary and after discussion, the council resolved that the accounts are approved. The clerk has taken the accounts to the internal auditor Gordon Peters.

2. To Approve Payments: after discussion, the Council approved the following accounts: - Payee Item Amount Ulyett Landscapes Pinder Park & Village Corner Grass Cuts Mar £81.60 E Knox March Net Salary, Mileage & Expenses £420.43 HMRC PAYE E Knox Income Tax £95.00 E-On Post Office Electricity 01.03.2017-28.03.17 £14.28 B Doyle Replacement Village Hall Emergency Lights £74.75 BHF S137 Donation In lieu of Defibrillators £100.00 Total Payments £786.06

5 3. Receipts:

Receipts Received this month: From Item Amount HMRC VAT Refund 01.10.16 to 31.01.17 £330.11 EAR Quickfall & Sons Rent – Forest Garden Field, OS.242, Retford Rd, Rampton 4.81 Acres 01.04.17-30.09.17 £240.50 Santander Deposit Account Interest £1.05 Mr C Raynor Post Office Building Rent Jan-Mar 2017 £195.00 Bassetlaw DC 1st Half Precept £4,492 Bassetlaw DC 1st Half Concurrent Grant £149.50 Bassetlaw DC 1st Half Street Cleaning Grant £481.50 Total Receipts £5,889.66

4. Bank Balances

The Current Account Balance today is £21,408.56 The Deposit Account Balance today is £5,465.31

RPC/168/16 Any Other Business

Cllr Doyle advised that Stuart Lee from Rampton Hospital has agreed to install the defibrillators for free, he is liaising with Stuart regards the village hall. Regards the Post Office building, the Council’s Solicitor and the Clerk have both written to Mr Ewens asking for his approval, they have received no response, Cllr Doyle has phoned Mr Ewens and left several messages and has been unable to contact him. The Clerk & Dist Cllr Critchley advised that at Stokeham the Church Porch, an external wall facing the pavement in Upton and the phone box in Grove were chosen as locations for their defibrillators. Cllr Hawkins advised she would ask the Quickfall’s to see if they are willing to allow the defibrillator on their building. Action Clerk to add to next meeting Agenda to allow a decision to be made.

Cllr Hawkins said she had seen a tree in a dangerous condition with low hanging branches in a lane on Laneham Road and showed Dist Cllr Critchley a photo on her phone. The Council were unable to pinpoint the exact location of the tree but it is likely to be a private landowners’ problem to address, rather than a County Council issue. It is possible its location is just outside the Parish Boundary, within Laneham Civil Parish.

RPC/169/16 Date/Time of Annual Meeting of The Parish Council, The Annual Parish Meeting & Parish Council Meeting

Monday 15th May 2017 7.00pm

RPC/170/16 Closure of Meeting There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting at 9:30 PM.




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