Region 4 Education Service Center Special Education Director’s Meeting

May 5, 2016 Agenda

A nnoun c e m en t s/Information :

− Welcome and Introductions − Reports − Special Education Directors’ 2016–2017 Meetings − Resources Provided to Districts − This Just In – Hot Topics − Support for Students with Disabilities − Cameras in the Classroom

A c c oun t ab ili t y and C o m p l ian c e :

− Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) − Texas Principal Evaluation & Support System (T-PESS) − PBMAS – Proposed Changes for 2016–2017 − Disproportionality in Discipline − State Performance Plan (SPP) Data Entry − Update on Data Entry for SPP 11 − Options for Speech Therapy Services to Preschoolers with Disabilities − Indicator 17 – Phase I of the State Systemic Improvement Plan and SPP 3 − Update on Data Entry for SPP 12

Spe ci a l E du c a t i o n I n s t r u c t io n and Se rvic e s:

− Autism Satellite Sites Training Review − Annual Registration of Students with Visual Impairment − Technology Loan Program for Students with Visual Impairments − Unified English Braille (UEB)

Manifestation Determination

− Manifestation Determination

Afternoon Sessions

− Updates from Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) − Accessible Educational Materials Region 4 Upcoming Events

− Assistive Technology Team Seminars (ATTS) Applications 2016–2017 − Second Annual Babies’ Day Out

For Your Information: Dispute Resolution

− TEA: Office of Legal Services, Special Education, General Information − Special Education Due Process Hearing Program − Special Education Mediation Program − TEA: Individualized Education Program Facilitation (FIEP) − Region 4 Summary of Data on Complaints, Mediations and Due Process Hearings (Dispute Resolution) − Region 4 Adverse Issue Summary (Dispute Resolution)

For Your Information: Legal Framework

− Legal Framework: Parent’s Guide to the ARD Process (Parent’s Guide) − Legal Framework: Notice of Procedural Safeguards: Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities (Procedural Safeguards) − Legal Framework: Electronic Submission of Local Education Agency (LEA) Policies and Procedures − Legal Framework: Identification of District Transition and Employment Services − Designee and Web link to Transition Employment Guide

For Your Information

− Special Education Director’s Portal − Cycle 9 TWU SLP Master’s Degree Program Statewide Distance Venue − SLP Survey − Preschool Collaborative/Co-Teach Project

Professional Development Opportunities

− Summer Conferences 2016 − Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): Skills Training Institute − Purposeful, Planful, and Playful Language Project − Facilitation Skills for Managing Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Meetings − ARD Facilitator Networking Meeting (2016–2017) − Transformational Special Education Leadership Series − Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (CPI): Trainer of Trainers