The Odyssey Quiz 3 Review Sheet – Pages 914 - 924

1. Who does Odysseus see in the underworld?

2. Summarize the 3 main points of Tiresias’ prophesy A. Helios B. Suitors C. Atonement

3. What do Tiresias and Homer have in common?

4. Circe describes three monsters and offers advice on how to safely navigate home. Explain what she has to say about each of the following

Danger Description Advice Sirens



Helios Cattle

A man surf-casting on a point of rock / for bass or mackerel, whipping his long rod to drop the sinker and the bait far out will hook a fish and rip it from the surface to dangle wriggling through the air (12.822-826).

5. The above is an example of what? To what is it drawing a comparison to?

6. On what island does Helios live?

7. Why are the men tempted to butcher Helios’ cattle?

8. What reason does Eurylochus give to justify butchering the cows?

9. Why does Odysseus not stop them from killing the cows? 10. Who does Odysseus blame for his not being there when the men butchered the cows?

11. Who punishes Odysseus’ men for eating Helios’ cattle?

12. Where does Odysseus land after he loses his ship and the men?

Possible Essays

1. Describe Odysseus’ leadership? What makes him a good leader? What makes him a poor leader? Cite specific details from the story that illustrate the type of leader you describe.

2. What is the role of women in “The Odyssey.” Think about the various examples of females in the text. Describe how they are portrayed and what you think that says about the author and the culture in which he is writing. Cite specific details from the text.

3. At this point in the story, what would you say is Odysseus’ most prominent tragic flaw? Cite 3 specific passages that illustrate this.