Carlisle Canoe Club
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Carlisle Canoe Club
Committee meeting minutes 23rd October 2014
Present: Tony Colla (Treasurer), Zoe Southern (Secretary), Walter McPhee, John McAllister, Stephen Kavanagh, Jim Wilson (Chairman), Mike Saunders, Antony Pike-Bowyer
Apologies: Mark Rutherford, Susan Rutherford, Mike Hewitt, Ben McAllister, Ray Petrie, Lizzie McGaffin.
Minutes of last meeting:
Seen and agreed.
Matters arising:
Talkin Tarn: it was discussed and agreed that the club will not renew membership for use of Talkin Tarn. We can always go back if the bad weather proves to be an issue but this year the weather has been good. Beginners course: the issue surrounding payment for beginners course was discussed and it was decided that the charge to do a beginners course would be scrapped, with beginners instead being asked to pay their membership fees up front when they booked a spot on the beginners course. The beginners course will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evening as there has been difficulty in finding coaches to do Saturday sessions.
Treasurers report:
Accounts/finance: Current Account: £ 3972.38 Business Account: £ 3210.04 Petty Cash: £ 99.41 Total: £ 7281.83
Tony mentioned that so far this year the club is breaking even on the pool sessions. The club recently renewed it’s BCU affiliation and it was noticed that there has been a drop in the number of members who have a BCU membership. This has resulted in the club paying more for BCU affiliation. The club has also spent money on Kenny P’s BCU lifeguard training that he will start next week and also on kit insurance and the pool fees recently. Recent trips:
Austria: well done to Ben Johnston on his amazing achievement of 15th place in the Adidas Sickline Championship! Nith and Scaur Water Leven Pinkston White Water Course Foundation Safety and Rescue Training course End of season BBQ by the Sands Ullswater CCC Slalom
Jim W o Jim announced that John Mc has volunteered to be vice- chairman, the role that was discussed at the AGM. All present agreed that this was a good idea. o Jim also discussed the changes to the constitution that were suggested at the AGM (to limit the time each person can be in a committee position to 3 consecutive years and to add the position of vice president) and Tony agreed to make these changes. o Jim confirmed the first aid course is organised with an external trainer. The club will pay for this training as it is coaches and safety kayakers taking part. o Jim has come up with a new 3 year plan for the club based on his meeting he had regarding clubmark accreditation. o Jim suggested the club makes an Xmas calendar, which is something that has done well in the past. Zoe will speak to Lizzie regarding this as Lizzie has organised this in the past and decide whether to order in advance or use an online service and order as required. o Jim raised the possibility of another club Xmas night out and bowling was agreed on as it was a success last year. Lizzie was nominated to take the lead in organising. Zoe o There were hypodermic needles found next to the river close to the get on point behind the Sands. This was reported to Carlisle Council environmental health department who came and cleaned them up. Please be careful and keep your eye out for anymore needles and either report anything to the environmental health department or let one of the committee know and they will do this.
Antony P-B o Antony mentioned that there has been discussion on paddling forums that questions whether BCU boat insurance covers boats when they are used for coaching purposes, even when the coaching is voluntary. It was decided that the wording of the club policy should be checked to make sure we are covered. o Antony mentioned he will now be doing the coaching rota. o Club trips down the Eden have been arranged for Sunday 23rd and Sunday 7th December. It was suggested that a trip close to Xmas would be fun so Antony will try and arrange an Xmas fancy dress paddle on the 21st December. o There is also a borders paddling weekend on the 1st and 2nd December with the Esk and Nith being paddled. There is an event page on Facebook and you can speak to Antony if you are interested. o The new club open boat has been fitted out and will be delivered to the club soon.
Tony C o Tony is going down to Ullswater with some club members on the 15th November and asked if anyone else would be interested in attending or helping out on the day to make it an organised club lake trip.
Stephen K o Stephen asked when the 2* open boat assessment would be held and it was arranged for the following Saturday with Jim.
John Mc o Club kit audit: this showed there are some items of club kit missing such as buoyancy aids and paddles. If you have anything at home can you please return it to the club or contact John. o One of the yokes on a club open boat was damaged through wear and tear and John has ordered a replacement which will be fitted shortly. o John mentioned he has spoken with the mayor of Carlisle who used to paddle and expressed an interest in the club if there was an event he could be invited to.
Walter Mc o Walter mentioned he is organising an Alps trip for next year. See him if you are interested. He will be running river trips on Sundays so people can prepare and improve their paddling. These trips will be advertised on Facebook so keep an eye out.
Antony will finalise the coaching rota and circulate.
Next committee meeting is on Thursday 27th November at 6.45pm upstairs in the Sands Centre.