Take the Nebo Challenge for a Healthy Hero Classroom
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Take the Healthy Lifestyle Classroom Challenge
Frankly, many of our children’s eating habits are poor. Only two percent of children meet all USDA Food Pyramid recommendations. Most children do not eat enough fruits, vegetables or whole grains. Obesity rates among children keep expanding, with unprecedented negative health consequences. See: http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/266798/ Constant exposure to low-nutrient foods makes it difficult for children to learn how to make healthy food choices. Our students need leaders to provide a healthy school environment. Changing an unhealthy culture is a difficult endeavor. Teachers and students should celebrate healthy decisions. As this generation of students face unprecedented unhealthy environmental influences, my classroom will meet that healthy challenge. How do I take the Healthy lifestyle classroom challenge?
Commit your classroom to these three things: 1) Teachers will offer mostly non-food rewards. If food or drink is offered it will be mostly healthy and low sugar/fat. See: http://www.rcs.k12.va.us/wellness/altfood.pdf
2) Teachers will instruct parents and students who provide celebrations to offer mostly non-food or healthy foods. See: http://www.austin.isd.tenet.edu/schools/docs/SHAC_Healthy_CelebrationsBW.pdf
3) Teachers will foster and promote a positive attitude towards activity, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. A great way of accomplishing this is to have your students participate in the Healthy Lifestyle Challenge, just like the employees.
Turn your name into your school wellness specialist telling he or she that your classroom commits to becoming a healthy lifestyle challenge classroom.
What will I receive for being a healthy hero classroom? 1) Most importantly, your classroom will be a healthy environment for your students. Feel proud you are doing your part to raise a healthy generation of students. 2) By committing, you will receive a nice certificate with your name on it to show your classroom is a healthy lifestyle classroom. 3) If you complete the year by doing the three things, you will receive an attractive healthy hero reward for your classroom. Simply tell your school wellness specialist that you made reasonable effort follow the three requirements by April 20, 2009.
What is the Nebo policy for student wellness regarding rewards in class? Nebo School District Student Wellness Policy, EFA states: “Classroom snacks should feature healthy choices.” (5.1.4) In addition, no snacks shall be over 250 calories per package. Even if you do not commit to be a healthy lifestyle classroom, please follow district policy and offer healthy choices.