Draft Business Meeting Minutes from 2007
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FALCON Membership Meeting
NIFA Waterfront Centre Washington, DC
October 18-19, 2009
Call to Order Terry Tatsey called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m., October 18, 2009. Due to the delayed start to the membership meeting, partnership reports were presented, with all other business postponed to a special continuation session on the following day.
Partnership Reports Lawrence Shorty (1994 Program Director, USDA Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights) provided an update on the activities of his office. Highlights of his report included the following: The USDA 1994 program has been moved out of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights to a new Office of Advocacy and Outreach within the Departmental Administration. Two 1994 regional liaisons, Velma Real Bird (Western 1994 liaison) and Lisa Yellow (Central 1994 liaison) transferred to the new office with the 1994 program. Mr. Shorty and Stephanie Koziski (Eastern region 1994 liaison) remain in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, and are temporarily detailed to the 1994 program. Mr. Shorty and Ms. Koziski will need to apply for new positions within the Office of Advocacy and Outreach in order to be permanently assigned with the 1994 program. The 1994 tribal scholars program is now accepting applications. Tribal college students receive tuition support and paid internships through two-year associate degree programs and four-year bachelors degree programs, in exchange for employment at USDA after graduation. For more information on the scholars program, contact Mr. Shorty or any of the 1994 liaisons. The USDA/AIHEC Strategic Plan (April 2008 version) has been approved. James Hafer (Agriculture & Natural Resources Program Director, Chief Dull Knife College) announced that applications were now being accepted for the 2010-2011 cohort of Lead-21, a leadership development program for the land grant system. Mr. Hafer is a past participant and current Board member, and encouraged all 1994 representatives to consider applying for the program. Bill Richardson (Project Manager of the Food, Agriculture and Education Information System —FAEIS) provided an overview of the FAEIS database and reported on the uneven participation levels of 1994 institutions in past years. Mr. Richardson encouraged 1994 participation and asked for ideas concerning FAEIS technical assistance and outreach that could support great participation. Andy Ferrin (Senior VP and Chief Marketing Officer of National 4-H Council) and Suzanne LeMenestrel (National Program Leader, Youth Development Research and Acting Director of 1 Youth Development at 4-H National HQ, USDA – National Institute of Food and Agriculture) presented the youth development work of their organizations, available resources, and strategic partnerships. 1994 representatives were invited to a special meeting later in the conference for further discussion. Douglas Steele (Vice Provost and Director of Montana State University Extension and WEDA liaison to the 1994s), provided an update on activities of the Western Extension Directors Association (WEDA). Mr. Steele highlighted some funding opportunities in the western region, and potential areas for 1994/1862 land grant collaboration. Susan Given- Seymour (Northwest Indian College and FALCON) is the 1994 liaison to WEDA. Samuel Donald (CARET representative for minority-serving institutions) reported on the activities of the Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET). CARET is chartered by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU, formerly NASULGC), and is composed of representatives from the 50 states, the U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. CARET advocates for greater national support and understanding of the land-grant university system's research, extension, and teaching programs. There is currently an open 1994 delegate position, with funding for travel. The ideal CARET delegate would be a political adept end-user of 1994 programs and services. Gary Halvorson, Agriculture Division Director, Sitting Bull College, provided an update on his participation on the North Central Regional Association (NCRA) of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors. Gary needs information from the 1994s that he can share with the NCRA to help them better understand the priorities and needs of the 1994s. He is also working to formalize a 1994 member position with the group.
Terry Tatsey adjourned the meeting at 5:30pm, to be continued at approximately 3:45 p.m. on the following day.
Call to Order Terry Tatsey called the continuation of the membership meeting to order at 3:43 p.m., October 19, 2009.
Approve Minutes The draft minutes from the December 8, 2008, FALCON Membership meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve was made by Susan Given-Seymour and seconded by Gary Halvorson. Minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote.
Executive Director’s Report John Phillips provided updates on major accomplishments and key partnerships for 2009. He also identified challenges for the future. The 2008 membership vote results were reviewed and the progress implementing the key directives of the vote were reported as follows: The 2009 FALCON Conference was held in Washington, DC in October. The FALCON articles of incorporation have been amended to add a student-related goal has added to FALCON’s mission, and to change the FALCON full name to "First American Land-grant Consortium."
2 Mr. Phillips shared emerging issues and challenges that were identified in FALCON’s strategic planning process, including continuing to foster the AIHEC relationship, especially as it relates to legislative initiatives (e.g., Research RFA); building financial sustainability within the context of the Federal budget and the economy; developing FALCON leadership by strengthening the FALCON committee structure; and providing value to our members. Mr. Phillips provided a budget update on fiscal year 2010, which showed modest increases in the Tribal College Extension Program (+ $1 million) and the Tribal College Research program (+ $200,000). A discussion regarding the need for significant, transformational, funding increases ensued, and plans were discussed for a major initiative to advocate for increased funding.
Treasurer’s Report Susan Given-Seymour presented the actual and projected income, expenses, and balances for 2009. The balance as of 11/07/2008 was $49,812.11.and the balance as of 9/30/2009 was $64,803.92. Conference revenue and expenses for 2009 were not included in the report.
Other Business John Phillips reported on the annual conference plans for mid-to-late October, 2010, 2011 and 2012. A regional rotation is being proposed for Minneapolis, MN, for 2010; Denver, CO, for 2011; and Albuquerque, NM, for 2012. Mr. Phillips asked if there were any comments concerning those plans and there was general agreement in the proposed regional sites. Terry Tatsey overviewed the plans for new FALCON officers. The current FALCON executive team has been in place for several years and there is a need to rotate positions and provide opportunities for new officers. Mr. Tatsey proposed that he rotate to the ex-Officio position, current VP Virgil Dupuis rotate to President, current Secretary Benita Liston rotate to VP, and current Treasurer Susan Given-Seymour remain as Treasurer. Additionally, Mr. Tatsey entertained nominations for Secretary. Carrie Archdale (Fort Peck Community College) was nominated by Susan Given- Seymour with Cristie James seconding. Gary Halvorson (Sitting Bull College) was nominated by James Garrett with Vernon Schmidt seconding. Motion to close nominations was made by Twyla Jimboy and seconded by Angie Sells. Mr. Phillips outlined the voting process for new officers. Each 1994 institution has one voting member who will be reconfirmed in the following weeks. A Web-based vote will then take place affirming the officer rotations and voting on the new Secretary. As incoming President, Virgil Dupuis provided comments concerning Mr. Tatsey’s effective leadership. Mr. Dupuis expressed FALCON’s appreciation of the USDA NIFA staff for supporting the conference. Mr. Dupuis entertained a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn was made by Terry Tatsey and seconded by Susan Given-Seymour. Adjournment was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Meeting adjourned 5:00 p.m.