European Policy Towards Ethnic Minorities

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European Policy Towards Ethnic Minorities


S 2628 European Policy and Practice towards the Roma Department of Public and Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University with support of the Curriculum Development Competition, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

Lecturers: Dr. Ilona Klímová, PhD, PhDr. Laura Laubeová, Lucie Cviklová, PhD candidate & guest speakers Place: Jinonice 2019 Time: Wednesday 17:00 – 18:20 Semester: Summer 2004/2005 ECTS Credits: 6

Syllabus Draft version - to be updated soon

Background The principles of equality, non-discrimination, observance of human rights and protection of ethnic minorities are fundamental European values. Ethnic discrimination in its various forms and manifestations has been made illegal through the recent EU anti-discrimination directives, recognising that it is harmful to the social and educational development of individuals and to Europe as a whole. It can lead to marginalised and socially excluded groups, unemployment and poverty in ghettoised districts and negatively influence already disadvantaged regions. One of the traditionally most severely marginalized and excluded groups have been the Roma, Gypsies, and Travellers. The course aims to explain reasons behind prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination against these ethnic groups and to introduce students to public and social policy measures dealing with these negative phenomena at the European level as well as in the Czech Republic.

Course structure The course will be composed of 12 lectures followed by discussions-cum-seminars. For each discussion three students will be required to prepare a single sheet of A4 presenting an article from the discussion list for that class in the format of ARGUMENT, QUESTION, CONNECTIONS, AND IMPLICATIONS: AQCI - as explained below (PLEASE READ OVER!) THE PRESENTERS MUST SUPPLY THE LECTURER AND EACH STUDENT WITH A COPY OF THEIR AQCI.

Readings The reader contains all materials listed for class readings. All other materials may be obtained from the instructor or are to be found in the library. A sufficient number of copies of the readers will be placed in the University library study room in Jinonice and can be (repeatedly) borrowed out for a maximum of one month.

Students´ Assessment: Three AQCI’s and their presentation 45% Research essay (up to 3,000 words, due the first day of week 11) 40% An oral presentation on one of the lecture topics or on the research essay 15%

In case a student will not meet any of the above requirements he/she will be required to take a written test during the regular examination period. The test will cover all compulsory readings and all lectured topics.

Each class the discussion will be based around the AQCIs presented. Those who do not have to prepare an AQCI 1 Syllabus need not but may find it helpful nonetheless to do so in order to structure their reading and thinking. (Only three AQCI’s will be marked per person.) AQCI’s should be written on a single reading.

The structure of an AQCI should be as follows (i.e. you should keep the numbered paragraph structure).


1.CENTRAL QUOTATION. Quote a sentence (or excerpts from linked sentences) from the text that you think is central to the author's (or authors') implicit or explicit argument(s). Always cite the page.

2. ARGUMENT. In a few sentences, state the author's explicit or implicit argument. Be sure to include both: what the author is arguing for, and what s/he is arguing against.

3. QUESTION. Raise a question which you think is not fully, or satisfactorily, answered by the text. The question should be a question of interpretation or of inquiry, not simply a question of fact.

4. EXPERIENTIAL CONNECTION. Say, in a few lines only, how the argument confirms or contradicts your own experience or common sense.

5. TEXTUAL CONNECTION. Connect the argument of this text to an argument or point you find in another reading assignment covered in this course or one you have picked up from earlier study at the University or elsewhere. Present a quote from the other text (citing it properly), and explain how the present text's argument contrasts with, contradicts, confirms, clarifies, or elaborates the other text's argument or point.

6. IMPLICATIONS. Lay out what this argument (#2 above) implies for understanding or improving society, relations between individuals, or groups (e.g., inter-ethnic, nations, etc.) or any facet of social or cultural reality (a few sentences only).

AQCIs should not exceed one typed page. They should be typed or word-processed, proofread and printed with the same degree of care as other essays.

For the list of compulsory reading please consult the Reader:

Other recommended literature and documents: Acton, Thomas. Scholarship and the Gypsy Struggle, Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2000. Acton, Thomas (ed) (1997) Gypsy politics and Traveller identity. Hatfield:UHP. Agenda 2000. Commission Opinion on the Czech Republic´s application for membership of the European Union ; plus regular reports ( Bagilhole, Barbara. Equal Opportunities and Social Policy: Issues of gender, race and disability. London: Longman, 1997. Bakker, Peter, Milena Hubschmannova, Valdemar Kalinin, Donald Kenrick, Hristo Kyuchukov, Yaron Matras, and Giulio Soravia. What is the Romani language? Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2001. Banton, Michael. The International Politics of Race. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2002. Barany, Zoltan (2002) The East European Gypsies. Regime Change, Marginality, and Ethnopolitics. Cambridge: CUP, pp. 282-324 (State Institutions and Policies toward the Gypsies). CERD General Recommendations on Roma (full text) CoE Framework Convention on protection of national minorities. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices- Czech Republic. Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor U.S. Department of State, 2001, 2002, 2003 Crowe, David M. A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. Crowe, David M., and John Kolsti, eds. The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. New York: Armonk, 1991. Danbakli, Marielle, ed. Roma, Gypsies: Text Issued by International Institutions. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2001. Enlarging the European Union. Accession Partnership- Czech Republic. Annex- recommendation for Action, internet ( ERRC, 2 Syllabus

EU race equality directive "Implementing the Principle of Equal Treatment Between Persons Irrespective of Racial or Ethnic Origin" Directive 2000/43/EC (adopted on 29 June 2000). European Commission against racism and intolerance (ECRI): Country by country Approach, Report on the Czech Republic, CRI (97) 50, 1997, European Commission against racism and intolerance (ECRI): Second report on the Czech Republic, CRI (2000) 4, 2000. European Roma Forum European Roma Information Office, Ficowski, Jerzy. The Gypsies in Poland: History and Customs. Warsaw: Interpress, 1991. Fings, Karola, Herbert Heuss, and Frank Sparing. The Gypsies during the Second World War: From 'Race Science' to the Camps. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1997. Fraser, Angus (1995) The Gypsies, Oxford: Blackwell. Fonseca, Isabel. Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey. London: Vintage, 1995. Guy, Will (ed), 2001 Between past and future. The Roma of Central and Eastern Europe. Hatfield:UHP. Guy, Will (1998) Ways of looking at Roma: The Case of Czechoslovakia (1975) in Tong, Diane, ed. Gypsies: An Interdisciplinary Reader, New-York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc.

Hancock, Ian. We Are the Romani People: Ame sam e Rromane dzene. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2002. Hancock, Ian (1987) The Pariah Syndrome, Ann Harbor: Karoma publishers, Inc. Jackson-Preece, Jennifer. National Minorities and the European Nation-States System. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. Kaminski, Ignacy-Marek. The State of Ambiguity: Studies of Gypsy Refugees. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, 1980. Kenrick, Donald, and Grattan Puxon. Gypsies under the Swastika. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1995. Klimova, Ilona. The Romani Voice in World Politics: Transnational Social Movements and the United Nations, Ashgate: Aldershot, 2004. Klimova, Ilona and Alison Pickup (eds.) Nationalities Papers Special issue on Romani migrations, Spring 2003. Klimova, Ilona and Alison Pickup (eds.), Cambridge Review of International Affairs. Volume XIII/2. Spring/summer 2000. Laubeová, Laura “Antiracist legislation and Policies in the EU and their Impact on the Accession Countries” in Panik, Mojca (ed.) Xenophobia and Post-socialism (2002) Ljubljana: Peace Institute, pp.127- 143. Laubeová, Laura “Inclusive School - Myth or Reality” in Cahn, Claud (ed.) Roma Rights: Race, Justice and Strategies for Equality (2002), Amsterdam- New York: IDEA, pp. 86-95. Laubeová, Laura: Role of Education in Preventing Ethnic Conflicts. Case of Roma in the Czech Republic (2000), Cambridge: University of Cambridge, GSFI, Occasional Paper No 15 Lemon, Alaina. Between Two Fires: Gypsy Performance and Romani Memory from Pushkin to Postsocialism. London: Duke University Press, 2000. Liegeois, Jean-Pierre. Gypsies: An Illustrated History. London: Al Saqi Books, 1986. Liegeois, Jean-Pierre (1998): School Provision for Ethnic Minorities: The gypsy paradigm. Interface. Liegeois, Jean-Pierre (1994) Roma, Gypsies, Travellers. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Margalit, Gilad. Germany and Its Gypsies: A Post-Auschwitz Ordeal. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2002. Marushiakova, Elena, and Vesselin Popov. Gypsies/Roma in Times Past and Present: Photo-Book. Sofia: Litavra, 2000. Marushiakova, Elena, and Vesselin Popov. Gypsies in the Ottoman Empire. Hertfordshire: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2001. Marushiakova, Elena, and Vesselin Popov. Gypsies (Roma) in Bulgaria. New York: Peter Lang Verlag, 1997. Morris and Clements (1999): Gaining Ground: Law reform for Gypsies and Travellers, UH Press. MRG Reports on Roma/Gypsies. Okely, Judith (1983): The Traveller – Gypsies. Cambridge: CUP. Open Society Institute (November 2000), Racism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond: Origins, responses, Strategies, Report. Budapest, 19 July 2000. Open Society Institute's Forced Migration Projects (1999): Roma and Forced Migration OSCE HCNM: Lund, Oslo and Hague Recommendations. Panayi, Panikos. Ethnic Minorities in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Germany: Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Turks and others. Harlow: Longman, 2000. Ringold, Dena et al. (2003) Roma in an Expanding Europe. Breaking the poverty cycle. , Executive Summary. A World Bank Study, June 2003, 24 p., Stein, Jonathan P., ed. The Politics of National Minority Participation in Post-Communist Europe: State-Building, Democracy and Ethnic Mobilization, Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2000. Stewart, Michael(1997): The Time of the Gypsies. Boulder: Westview Press. Travellers in Ireland: An examination of Discrimination and Racism. Weyrauch, W.O. (2001) Gypsy Law. Romani legal traditions and culture. Berkeley: University of California Press. Willems, Wim. In Search of the True Gypsy. London: Frank Cass, 1997. Wilmer, Franke. The Indigenous Voice in World Politics: Since Time Immemorial. London: SAGE Publications, 1993. World Bank (2003) The Roma Page ,


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