Rev Tan Jin Huat

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Rev Tan Jin Huat

Berita STM August 2002 Volume XIX No. 3

Worship in Crisis

Bishop Julius Paul of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia invited me to present a lecture on the topic “The Relevance of Traditional Churches” at their Synod on May 24, 2002. Having recognized the changing trends in both the society and contemporary churches, we are still convinced that traditional churches, especially mainline denominational churches, are still relevant. We need to reinvent our heritage and traditions progressively and prayerfully in order to contribute positively to the general health and growth of the Church. We have to re- appreciate our wonderful heritage and re-appropriate our tested traditions for the present and the future. In the process we need to restate the basics, and to be examined by the fundamental principles of the teaching in the Bible. We need to think critically on three areas, namely worship, pastoral leadership, and church order and structure. May I begin with worship here.

In recent years we see a dramatic change in worship styles in churches everywhere. Paul Basden, in The Worship Maze: Finding a Style to Fit Your Church (Downers Grove: IVP, 1999), helpfully distinguished five different worship styles. Liturgical worship, as in the Catholic and some high Anglican churches, is very formal and structured, with a fourfold pattern of adoration, confession, proclamation and commission. The key text behind this tradition is Isaiah 6:1-8. Traditional worship, as in the Anglican, Lutheran and Methodist churches, are less structured but guided. With reference to key texts of Col 3:16 and Eph 5:19-20, the emphases are on praise and preaching. Revivalist worship, as in the early Wesleyan movement, tends to be more emotionally charged, with enthusiastic songs and dynamic preaching. The contemporary Praise and Worship style allows more freedom in terms of expression and looks to 1 Cor 12-14; 1 Tim 2:8 and Psalms Ps 47:1, 63:4 & 150 for examples. Broadly speaking, it is rather informal, outwardly celebrational and physically expressive. It seeks to bring believers into intimate communion with the immanent Lord of love. Lastly, Seeker Worship takes non-Christians as the target audience and thus adjusts the worship order to be as user-friendly as possible.

As one can see, the mood of the worship is drastically different in different styles. The musical instruments used are also very different. And one may wonder why the different styles are attracting different kinds of people. The question is, can we ignore the current challenges and different expectations? Some may feel very strongly for heritage and argue against changes. But some have opted to abandon whatever traditions. Our conviction is to reinvent the heritage for the modern world. Ultimately, we need to ask ourselves, is our worship bringing glory to God and drawing people nearer to God?

Rev Dr Ezra Kok

The STM 20th Graduation Service

Date : 19th October 2002 (Saturday) Time : Tea - 3.00 p.m. Service - 4.00 p.m. Venue: Seremban Campus Speaker: Dr Sientje Merentek-Abram (Executive Director & Dean of ATESEA)


Bishop Emeritus C N Fang, who was the first bishop of the Methodist Church in Malaysia and also one of the founding fathers of STM, was called home to the Lord on 5th May, 2002. The funeral service was held on 10th May. The late Bishop Fang, together with the late Bishop E B Muthusami of ELCM and the late Bishop Tan Sri J G Savarimuthu of DWM, were founding members of STM. The demise of Bishop Fang is a great loss to the STM Community. While serving as Bishop of the Methodist Church in Malaysia, he was also the President of the Chinese Annual Conference. He served as the first President of the Council of Churches in Malaysia from 1975-77 and was also one of the founding fathers of the Christian Federation of Malaysia, which was formed in 1985. Before his retirement in 1988, he helped to form the World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches. Our heartfelt sympathies and deepest condolences go to Mrs Fang and the family. As he desired, the family has donated his personal library and some archival materials to the STM Library. We express our sincere gratitude to the family. May the Lord continue to comfort and uphold them.

STM Quiet Day & Music and Worship Seminar

The second semester began on 17 June with a Quiet Day for students and faculty. Dr Simon Chan, the Academic Dean of Trinity Theological College in Singapore, led us in reflecting on the theme ‘Resting in the Lord’. He pointed us back to the essential basics of sabbath, solitude and surrender in the Christian life. His sharing challenged us to reevaluate our lives in the light of God’s call. The next day, a Music and Worship Seminar was held. This was open to church pastors and worship leaders. Dr Chan gave a short but thought-provoking session on the Theology of Worship, while Mrs Chan shared about music in worship and how to enrich our worship with songs from around the world. It was, on the whole, a beneficial and enjoyable seminar for many who attended.- Miss Ho Gaik Kim

Mission Trips

Mission Trip to The Bethany Home

All students are required to attend a mission trip during their studies in STM. On 20-22/5 a group of 3rd year students went to the Bethany Home in Perak under the guidance of Rev Dr Solomon Rajah. The purpose of the trip was to expose students to Christian social ministry, especially caring for ‘disabled children’. The Bethany Home is an auxiliary social ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia (ELCM). It is recognized by the Malaysian government as an institution for social work. The Home houses about 20 children with special needs and provides learning programmes for about 145 special children. The STM students had first-hand experience by helping the teachers of these special children, and were divided into two groups to have better interaction with the staff and children. – submitted by Edmund Hunt

Mission Trip to Skudai Taman Universiti

On 11-16/6, under the guidance of Rev Wong Tik Wah, 9 students from the Chinese department went on their mission trip to Taman Universiti, Skudai. With the grace of God, they were involved in the following ministries: (1) Prayer walk. (2) Visited a Rehabilitation Centre for teenagers, testified and shared God’s word while worshipping with them. (3) Helped to spring clean an orphanage, prepared a special lunch and dinner for them, decorated their classroom and spent time with them. (4) Shared with the students of Taman Universiti Secondary School (II) on ‘Knowing myself’, ‘To discover one’s values’ and issues on sex education. (5) Organised a two-day retreat for the students of Taman Universiti Secondary School (II) with the theme ‘To live a wonderful life’. (6) Shared at the Taman Universiti Chinese Methodist Chapel and Ka En Chinese Methodist Chapel for STM Sunday worship services.

The students benifitted and were blessed by this mission trip. The team would like to thank the pastor and members of Taman Universiti Chinese Methodist Chapel for their full support towards the mission trip. Glory be to God!

Passover Meal

STM celebrated the Passover Sehar meal on Maundy Thusrday, 28th March at the dinning hall, with the aim to understand the Jewish background to the Holy Communion observed in the Church today. The background of the Lord’s Supper lies in the Jewish Passover meal that Jesus celebrated with the disciples before his arrest and trial. With Rev Anthony Loke, our Old Testament lecturer, as the leader of the passover meal, all the faculty members, students and staff participated in this meaningful celebration.


Rev Dr Ezra Kok Gave an exposition on Acts 9-14 and conducted Sunday Service at St Barnabas Anglican Church, Klang on 20- 21/4; gave a special talk on vocation & full time ministry to Kinta District CAC Youth Fellowship at Ipoh Chinese Methodist Church on 27/4; attended the Graduation Service at Trinity Theological College, Singapore on 11/5; gave a special lecture on “The Relevance of Traditional Churches” at the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Church held in Sitiawan on 24/5; speaker for Penang Jelutong Chinese Methodist Church Family Camp on ‘Growing Towards A Healthy Family Church’ from 25-27/5; attended the 4th Mission Conference of the World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches held in Penang on 4-8/6; theme speaker on “The Eschatology of Paul” for Singapore Jubilee Presbyterian Church Camp held in Bangi on 12-15/6; conducted Bible Study on Galatians for Merlimau Chinese Methodist Church at STM on 28-29/6; speaker for revival meeting at Tampin Chinese Methodist Church on 12-14/7.

Rev Tan Jin Huat Conducted an exposition on Ephesians at Praise Baptist Church on 28/4 & 5/5; facilitator for Preaching Seminar at Scripture Union’s ON Institute Training for staff workers in East Asia region on 20-22/5; speaker for SS Gospel Chapel Church Camp held at Frasier’s Hill from 24-27/5; conducted Leaders Training Session at St Columbas, Miri on 19-21/7; facilitator for Preaching Seminar at Klang Chinese Methodist Church on 27-28/7。

Rev Anthony Loke Taught on Old Testament Survey at the Adults Bible Study for 6 Sundays (April-May) at Whitefields Assembly Seremban; speaker for KL Wesley Church Family Camp on 25-27/5; speaker for Grace Chapel Kota Kinabalu Church Family Camp held at Kundasang, Sabah on 30/5-2/6; taught ‘Seminar on Book of Isaiah’ at Wesley Methodist Church, Teluk Intan on 29-30/6; speaker for Bountiful Grace Methodist Church Family Camp held at Port Dickson on 19-21/7.

Rev Dr Philip Siew Speaker for Presbyterian Southern District Youth Camp held at Rompin on 1-3/5; speaker for Mission Revival Meeting at Mega Chinese Methodist Church on 3-4/5; interpreter for the Chinese Annual Conference Spiritual Fathering Camp held at Port Dickson on 20-23/5; speaker for Baptist National Career Youth Camp held at Cameron Highlands on 26-29/5; speaker for Ampang and Ayer Itam Chinese Methodist Churches’ Retreats held at Cameron Highlands on 29-31/5; Theme speaker for the 4th Mission Conference of the World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches held at Penang on 4-8/6; speaker for the Japanese Christian Fellowship Father’s Day Service in PJ on 16/6; spoke at a Bible Exposition Conference at Muk En Chinese Methodist Church on 28-30/6; speaker for Rasah Jaya Baptist Church Family Camp held at Port Dickson on 19-20/7; speaker for Lay Preachers’ Training Seminar on Natural Church Development in Klang on 27/7.

Rev Dr Solomon Rajah Participated in the Natural Church Development Seminar held at Melaka Bethel Church on 14/5; attended the Synod Meeting of the ELCM Diocesan Assembly held at Sitiawan on 24-26/5

Dr Voon Choon Khing Attended Seminars of the CGST/Regent College Summer School held in Hong Kong on 9-15/6; attended the Christian Counselor’s’ Conference held in KL on 24/6.

Rev Wong Tik Wah Speaker for Evangelistic/Revival Meeting at Kg Jering on 12-13/4; attended the Natural Church Development Seminar in Melaka on 14/5; attended Thomas Oden’s Lectures on ‘Looking at Church Tradition from John Wesley’s point of view’ at Paya Lebar Methodist Church, S’pore on 21-23/5; retreat mentor for Kuching, Sibu & Miri Christian Teachers Revival Camp held in Sibu on 27-30/5; speaker for World Vision “30 Hour Famine” Sunday at Help Institute, KL on 2/6; attended the 4th Mission Conference World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches held at Penang on 4-8/6; speaker for CAC Selangor District Youth Camp held in Genting on 28-30/6; speaker for Evangelistic, Revival Meetings and Sunday Service at Bahau Chinese Methodist Church on 12-14/7.

STM Faculty Visit to Trinity Theological College, Singapore. The STM faculty members visited Trinity Theological College, Singapore from 9-11 May. They had fruitful discussions with the faculty of TTC during their stay there and attended the TTC Graduation Service on 11 May. We want to thank the TTC Principal, Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian and all the faculty members for their warm hospitality.

STM SUNDAYS We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following churches who invited our lecturers to conduct STM Sundays for the period of April to July 2002. We are also very grateful to some of the churches (not listed) who observed STM Sunday on their own.

April 7 Emmanuel Methodist Church PJ 八打灵以马内利堂 Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成 四月 7 日 Whitefields Assembly (C) Seremban 芙蓉庄稼福音堂(中文) Dr Voon Choon Khing 温俊卿

April 14 Sri Petaling Chinese Meth. Chapel KL 大城堡卫理布道所 Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成 四月 14 日 St Mark’s Church, Seremban 芙蓉圣马可堂 Rev Tan Jin Huat 陈仁发 Chin Hock Chinese Meth. Church Manjung 卫理公会清福堂 Rev Wong Tik Wah 黄迪华 Kg Jering Chinese Meth. Church Manjung 哲仁新村卫理公会 Rev Wong Tik Wah 黄迪华 Sepang Chinese Methodist Church 卫理公会雪邦堂 Dss Margaret Chen 陈秀英

April 28 Ipoh Cantonese Methodist Church 怡保卫理公会广东堂 Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成 四月 28 日 Gunung Rapat Chinese Methodist Church 昆仑喇叭卫理公会 Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成 Port Dickson Chinese Methodist Church 波德申卫理公会 Dss Margaret Chen 陈秀英

May 19 Seremban Wesley Methodist Church 芙蓉卫斯理堂 Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成 五月 19 日 Whitefields Assembly (E) Seremban 芙蓉庄稼福音堂(英文) Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成

June 9 Penang St Paul’s Church (C) Service 槟城圣保罗堂(中文) Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成 六月 9 日 Christ Church Penang 槟城基督堂 Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成

June 16 Skudai Chinese Methodist Chapel 士古来卫理布道所 Rev Wong Tik Wah 黄迪华 六月 16 日 Kajang St Catherine’s Anglican Church 加影圣嘉特琳堂 Dss Margaret Chen 陈秀英

June 23 Muk En Chinese Methodist Chapel, Cheras 蕉赖沐恩布道所 Mr Chew Kean Kee 周建基 六月 23 日 Faith Methodist Church Cheras 卫斯理信心堂 Rev Anthony Loke 陆彦辉

June 30 Bountiful Grace Meth. Church S’ban 芙蓉卫理公会恩庆堂 Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成 六月 30 日 Teluk Intan Wesley Methodist Church 安顺卫斯理堂 Rev Anthony Loke 陆彦辉 Muk En Chinese Methodist Church Setapak 卫理公会沐恩堂 Rev Dr Philip Siew 萧帝佑 Banting Chinese Methodist Church 万津卫理公会 Rev Dr Solomon Rajah Chinese Meth. Cantonese Church KL 吉隆坡卫理公会广东堂 Dr Voon Choon Khing 温俊卿 Chinese Meth. Church Pudu Branch 卫理公会半山芭分堂 Dr Voon Choon Khing 温俊卿 Merlimau Chinese Methodist Church 万里望卫理公会 Mr Chew Kean Kee 周建基

July 14 Tampin Chinese Methodist Church 淡边卫理公会 Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成 七月 14 日 Our Saviour’s Church KL 吉隆坡救主堂 Dss Margaret Chen 陈秀英 St Gabriel’s Church KL 吉隆坡圣加百列堂 Dss Margaret Chen 陈秀英

July 28 Bercham Wesley Methodist Church 巴占卫斯理堂 Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成 七月 28 日 Grace Methodist Church Ipoh 怡保卫斯理恩典堂 Rev Dr Ezra Kok 郭汉成


Dr Tim Dearborn, the Director of the Institute for Global Engagement, a division of World Vision USA and a lecturer at Fuller Theological Seminary and Regent College, visited STM and had lunch with the faculty on 3 May. We are very grateful to Mr Goh Keat Peng, Director of World Vision Malaysia, for arranging the meeting.


STM Alumni HomeComing Day 27th June 2002 was the first STM Alumni Homecoming Day. 28 alumni ranging from the first batch of 1983 to recent graduates of 2001 came for this event. Some alumni came from as far as Kota Bharu, Teluk Intan, Ipoh, Yong Peng, Melaka, Jerantut and Bentong. The event began with the Thursday morning chapel service where Rev. Dr. Viji preached on 'Sin'. It was a timely message as not many preachers would touch on this subject and be willing to put themselves under the indictment and conviction of the sermon. The alumni were hosted by STM for a Community Lunch with the students and faculty. At 2.30pm, the alumni met with the faculty for a time of informal sharing. Many helpful suggestions were given on how to improve the Alumni Fellowship as well as STM. The Homecoming Day continued with tea with the students at 4.30 pm and a friendly volleyball match between alumni and students. The score was 2-0 in favour of the students but the alumni will be back next year, hopefully in better shape! The day’s programme ended with a subscription dinner in a local chinese restaurant with some of the faculty members. It was a wonderful time of catching up between alumni and faculty. – Rev Anthony Loke

News From Abroad Pastor Kang Phal Da Ra Cheat from Cambodia was with us from 1998-2001 and graduated in October 2001 and returned home to serve the Lord. He is now a faculty member of the Phnom Penh Bible School (the largest Bible School in Cambodia) and teaches New Testament studies. In a letter to STM, he said that he missed all the friends he had made while here.


Ms Yeak Ngok Moi (1998) who got married in January 2002 叶玉梅校友(1998)于今年一月出阁之喜。

Karthikan Sibanyanam (2000) married Ms Rosanna Nath Nicholas on 6/7/2002 Karthikan Sibanyanam 校友(2000)与 Rosanna Nath Nicholas 结婚之喜。 Benny and Jade Ng (2000) were blessed with a baby boy in January this year. Benny 和 Jade Ng (2000) 校友於今年一月蒙神赐予一位男婴。

Ms Ling Hua Hiong (1999) and husband Mr Sakthivel (STM library staff) were blessed with a baby girl, Sue Ann Ling Sakthivel, on 31/5. 林华香校友(1999)与丈夫 Sakthivel 先生(图书馆职员)於 5 月 31 日蒙神赐予一位女婴。

Chinese TEE The Chinese TEE was launched on 14/4 at the St Peter’s Church Ipoh. About 100 people attended the service. The first course, ‘Old Testament Survey’, by Rev Canon Ng Moon Hing & Rev Frank Lin was well received by 60 attendants of which 39 people have registered officially. The next course is ‘Basic Christian Doctrine’ which commences in July.

English TEE Courses from September – December 2002

Kuala Lumpur / Petaling Jaya

16, 22 & 23 Nov Ethics at Work Miss Ho Gaik Kim & others

Seremban Campus Contemporary Issues in 2-5 Oct Missions Dr Tormod Engelsviken


4-7 Sept Interpreting the NT Mr Lim Kar Yong

Kota Kinabalu

2-5 Oct Interpreting the NT Mr Lim Kar Yong

Contact - Ms Sarah Yap, The TEE Director E-mail: [email protected]


Description Amount RM

1. LCD Projector (1,600 Lumens brightness) 18,000.00 电脑投射机 2. Pentium IV Notebook Computer 5,500.00 一架笔记本电脑 3. Baby Grand Piano 25,000.00 小型三角琴 4. Upright Piano for new Chapel 8,000.00 竖立钢琴 5. 3 units of OHP 250 Watts (@ 800.00) 2,400.00 三架投影机 (250 瓦特) 6. 1 unit of OHP 400 Watts 1,000.00 一架投影机 (400 瓦特) 7. Laser Printer (networked with extra memory) 3,500.00 镭射打印机 8. Digital Camera (2.1 pixel with 2X Zoom) 2,500.00 数码照相机 9. Video Camera (for recording Homiletic lessons) 2,000.00 一加录影机 (上讲道学课堂用) 10. New 10 Seater Van 70,000.00 一辆十个座位小型货车 11. 3 units of PA System for Lecture rooms (@ 1,500.00) 4,500.00 三部音响系统 12. 2 units of Loud Hailers (Megaphone (@ 300.00) 600.00 两个麦克风

Thank You STM Building Fund Committee On June 26 2002, the STM Building Fund Committee called for the last meeting. We are very thankful to the Lord for all the members and all their hard work. The Committee was set up in 1993 by the Council to oversee the building project of the STM campus in Seremban. Through their faithful service and tireless effort the Building Fund Committee together with our former Principal, the Rev Dr Hwa Yung, raised over RM10 million for the building project in 7 years. Funds were raised locally from churches, individuals, philanthropists and through fund- raising dinners that were held in the Klang Valley, Johore Bahru, Ipoh, Penang and Kuantan. Besides raising funds locally, the Committee also toiled tirelessly to solicit funds from our overseas partners. We praise and thank God that the building was completed in 1997 and by January 1998, the academic year began at our own new campus in Seremban.

To the Building Fund Committee we record our sincere and heartfelt thanks and appreciation. The members had faithfully served in the Committee to ensure that the task entrusted to them would come to fruition. We are indebted to God for using them as His instruments to bless us with a beautiful campus.


Total Donation and Income 10,994,123

Total Expenditure to Date 10,796,255

Balance of Building Fund 197,867

With the completion of the building project, Mr. Peter Lee, Chairman of the Building Fund Committee, hosted an Appreciation and Thanksgiving Dinner at the Smokehouse Restaurant KL as a fitting closing of the Building Fund Committee. Thanks be to God.

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