Apush Summer Assignment

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Apush Summer Assignment

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APUSH Summer Asssignment - Time Period #1 1491 -1607 On a North American continent controlled by American Indians, contact among the peoples of Europe, the Americas, and West Africa created a new world.

Introduction: What you will be asked to complete over the summer is very similar to tasks you will be asked to complete next year. This assignment is of the utmost importance because it covers time period #1. We will not spend much time on this in class, however, you will be responsible for the material.


Chapter Synopsis: Having course material introduced and reienforced textually is a solid approach to achieving content mastery. All chapter homework guided readings begin with a 300 word chapter synopsis. Your job is draw TWO key points from the short chapter introduction.

Chapter Guided Readings: Each chapter you read this year will have a collection of questions to guide you through the 40 pages of content. We will be covering nearly 40 chapters in the 110 class meetings before the national exam, so the guided reading questions are designed to move you through an average of 1.5 chapters per week in an efficient manner. There are two types of guided reading questions:

#1 Standard written responses – generate your answers from the chapter content.

#2 Outlined and subheading responses – generate THREE pieces of specific factual information and generate a 1 to 2 sentence explanation of the subheading in the space provided.

Written Expression: All assignened chapter readings will also include either a SAQ (Short Answer Question) or a LEQ (Long Essay Question) to practice your historical thinking skills in preparation for the national exam in May 2017..

SUPPLEMENTAL READINGS Your outside readings will encompass historical journals, scholarly articles, historical novels, or biographies to complement course content and examine alternative perspectives. You will be expected to generate notes in a variety of formats. P a g e | 2

NPR Podcast Notes: 'A Voyage Long and Strange' to America's Past http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=90034700

HISTORICAL CONTEXT: Who was involved? What ideas, events, or people are emphasized? What are the CAUSES of the events or topics being discussed? What are the CONSEQUENCES of the events or topic being discussed? P a g e | 3

Chapter #1 New World Beginnings

Chapter Synopsis: Several billion years ago, that whirling speck of dust known as the earth, fifth in size among the planets, came into being. About six thousand years ago only a minute ago in geological time—recorded history of the Western world began. Certain peoples of the Middle East, developing a primitive culture, gradually emerged from the haze of the past. Five hundred years ago—only a few seconds in the past, figuratively speaking—European explorers stumbled on the American continents. This dramatic accident forever altered the future of bot. The accepted, though not only, theory is that the first arrivals walked across a frozen land bridge for Asia. Their progeny quickly adapted to the surroundings and blossomed into the many different native tribes, including our own mighty Caloosa. Christopher Columbus’ arrival in 1492 changed everything. The transition of goods, food, ideas, and diseases is called the Columbian Exchange. The natives had no resistance to the European diseases and died by the thousands. The Spanish quickly claimed large parts of the New World. The French and English struggled to get their fledging colonies going as well. Eventually, Europeans began to settle in the hemisphere. The countries of Spain, England, and France fought for dominance in the new world. The French and Indian War was the biggest manifestation of the struggle. The English won and began to tax the fledgling American Colonies to replenish the imperial coffers. The colonists disliked the taxes and began to protest, which would have significant ramifications in the 1770’s.

Please provide TWO key points that can be drawn from the chapter synopsis.


KEY POINT #2 P a g e | 4

1. Introduction What conditions existed in what is today the United States COMMENTS, CONCERNS or that made it "fertile ground" for a great nation? CLARIFICATIONS

2. The Earliest Americans Describe some of the common features North American Indian culture.

3. Indirect Discoverers of the New World What caused Europeans to begin exploring?

4. Europeans Enter Africa What were the results of the Portuguese explorations of Africa?

5. Columbus Comes upon a New World What developments set the stage for “a cataclysmic shift in the course of history?”


6. When Worlds Collide CLARIFICATIONS Consider the positive and negative effects of the Atlantic Exchange.

Explain the subheading

7. The Spanish Conquistadors

Explain the subheading

COMMENTS, CONCERNS or 8. The Conquest of Mexico P a g e | 6

Why was Cortes able to defeat the powerful Aztecs? CLARIFICATIONS

9. The Spread of Spanish America What is the “Black Legend,” and to what extent does our text agree with it? P a g e | 7

APUSH Time Period #1 1491-1607 Document Based Question (Practice)

Analyze the European explorers’ perception of Native Americans and its impact on their social and political relationships.

Document A Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda Belittles the Indians (1547)

The Spanish have a perfect right to rule these barbarians of the New World and the adjacent islands, who in prudence, skill, virtues, and humanity are as inferior to the Spanish as children to adults, or women to men, for there exists between the two as great a difference between savage and cruel races and the most merciful, between the most intemperate and the moderate and temperate and, I might even say, between apes and men….

Compare, then, these gifts of prudence, talent, magnanimity, temperance, humanity, and religion with those possessed by these half-men, in whom you will barely find the vestiges of humanity, who not only do not possess any learning at all, but are not even literate or in possession of any monument to their history except for some obscure and vague reminiscences of several things put down in various paintings; nor do they have written laws, but barbarian institutions and customs

Document B Bartolomé de Las Casas Defends the Indians (1552)

They [Native Americans] are not ignorant, inhuman, or bestial. Rather, long before they had heard the word Spaniard they had properly organized states, wisely ordered by excellent laws, religion, and custom. They cultivated friendship and, bound together in common fellowship, lived in populous cities in which they wisely administered the affairs of both peace and war justly and equitably, truly governed by laws that at very many points surpass ours, and could have won the admiration of the sages of Athens…. The Indians will embrace the teaching of the gospel, as I well know, for they are not stupid or barbarous but have a native sincerity and are simple, moderate, and meek, and, finally, such that I do not know whether there is any people readier to receive the gospel. Once they have embraced it, it is marvelous with what piety, eagerness, faith, and charity they obey Christ’s precepts and venerate the sacraments. For they are docile and clever, and in their diligence and gifts of nature, they excel most peoples of the known world. P a g e | 8

Document Activity: Analyze the European explorers’ perception of Native Americans and its impact on their social and political relationships. Document A Document B Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda Belittles the Bartolomé de Las Casas Defends the Indians (1547) Indians (1552)

Speaker Who is the writer/speaker? Who do they represent?

Occasion When/where are they writing? Provide any other background information.

Audience Who are they writing/speaking to?

Purpose Why might they saying this? What are they trying to achieve?

Subject What arguments do they give to support their position? P a g e | 9

NPR Podcast Notes: '1491' Explores the Americas Before Columbus (8:35) http://www.npr.org/2005/08/21/4805434/1491-explores-the-americas-before-columbus

HISTORICAL CONTEXT: Who was involved? What ideas, events, or people are emphasized? What are the CAUSES of the events or topics being discussed? What are the CONSEQUENCES of the events or topic being discussed?

Supplemental Reading - The Columbian Exchange by Alfred Crosby P a g e | 10

Professor Emeritus, University of Texas at Austin SOURCE LINK: http://www.gilderlehrman.org/historynow/06_2007/historian2.php

Directions: Read the Columbian Exchange by Alfred Crosby and generate notes. Use the link above… (You will need these notes to answer questions and write.)

Supplemental Reading Notes - The Columbian Exchange by Alfred Crosby

Please answer each question thoroughly and completely. If you have treated this assignment lightly, you will be at a disadvantage in writing essays that call for “substantial and appropriate outside information.” Read The Columbian Exchange (http://www.historynow.org/06_2007/historian2.html ) by Alfred Crosby and complete the prompts below.

In two or three well thought out sentences, summarize the major point of this reading. (Please be thorough. This will be very important to you late in the year when reviewing for the AP test or NYS Regents Exam) ______

In a couple of sentences, what was the bias of the author? From what perspective does the author write--political, social, and economic? Why is this significant in the document you have read? ______

Continued on the next page P a g e | 11

Different from the “what is the main point” question above, list several things that you learned from this reading, things that you did not know before doing this reading. ______

The purpose of this assignment is to help you be prepared to refer to historians or historically significant individuals in your AP test essays. In the space below, write down quotes from the document that you think might be useful. Try to be selective--choose those that are genuinely typical of the writer’s thinking or that highlight a major point in the writer's thinking or argument. Include page numbers so that you can find them again when we review. ______P a g e | 12

Chapter #1 : New World Beginnings – Short Answer Question

With the dawn of the 16th century, there came together in Europe both the motiviation and the means to explore and colonize territory across the seas. Discuss the above statement with reference to the following: Religion, Trade, and Technology

SAQ- New World Beginings ______P a g e | 13

Ballston APUSH Summer Assignment - The Interview

Your task is to interview a member of your family, a neighbor who can provide a first person account of their experiences as they relate to a significant event or events in U.S. History . Feel free to create your own questions, and to discover your own important dates. You might want to give an advance copy of these questions to your interviewee. Have her/him choose questions s/he would like to answer. Ideally you and your interviewee would collaborate to select the most appropriate questions. Be certain to get the most basic information (e.g., full name, date of birth, etc.).

After you have completed the interview please add pictures, links, or embedded youtube clips to supplement the information.

When and where were you born?

Were there any fads during your youth that you remember vividly?

Where did you attend grade school? high school?

Do you have a college degree? If so what was your field of study?

How did you decide on a career?

If you served in the military, when and where did you serve and what were your duties?

What would you consider the most important inventions made during your lifetime?

How is the world now different from what it was like when you were a child?

What US. President have you admired the most and why?

Ask a question (or questions) about a particular historical event. Based on your interviewees age, select events from the list below.

Are there other important events (local, national, international) that have affected you?

Was there a person that really changed the course of your life by something s/he did?

Was the most stressful experience that you ever lived through? What helped you get through it?

Have you ever met any famous people? Describe what happened.

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