ELPA21 Achievement Level Descriptors (Alds) Grade Band 6-8 Page 2 of 2

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ELPA21 Achievement Level Descriptors (Alds) Grade Band 6-8 Page 2 of 2

ELPA21 Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) Grade band 6-8 Page 1 of 2 Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Level 1 Beginning Level 2 Early Level 3 Intermediate Level 4 Early Advanced Level 5 Advanced Intermediate 6th Score Range: 460 or below 6th Score Range: 461-495 6th Score Range: 496-564 6th Score Range: 565-603 6th Score Range: 604 or above 7th Score Range: 485 or below 7th Score Range: 486-533 7th Score Range: 534-608 7th Score Range: 609-641 7th Score Range: 642 or above 8th Score Range: 493 or below 8th Score Range: 494-546 8th Score Range: 547-639 8th Score Range 640-668 8th Score Range: 669 or above When reading grade-appropriate When reading grade- When reading grade-appropriate text, When reading grade- When reading grade-appropriate text, the student at Level 1 is appropriate text, the the student at Level 3 is working on: appropriate text, the student text, the student at Level 5 is working on: student at Level 2 is at Level 4 is working on: working on: working on: identifying a few key words and identifying the main topic and determining the central idea or theme and determining two or more central determining central ideas or themes and phrases in simple written texts; a few key details in simple supporting details; responding to others’ ideas and how they are supported how they are supported by specific identifying basic information within written texts; identifying key comments and answering questions on by specific details; building on details; summarizing key ideas in text; text; responding to simple questions words and phrases; familiar topics; gathering information from ideas of others, adding relevant responding to others' comments and and some wh-questions on familiar responding to simple a few sources; using context clues to and specific evidence; answering questions on a variety of topics. comments and questions on a determine the meanings of general summarizing text; gathering topics, adding relevant and specific variety of topics as well as academic and content-specific words and information from multiple sources evidence; gathering information from some wh- questions; gathering phrases; explaining an author's argument; to summarize ideas, information sources, evaluating its credibility, and and recording information. analyzing the arguments and claims made and observations; analyzing the paraphrasing the data; determining in text, distinguishing between those that arguments and claims made in whether reasoning is sound and are supported by reasons or evidence and text, determining the sufficiency evidence is sufficient to support claims; those that are not. of supporting evidence; determining the meaning of figurative determining the meaning of and connotative language. content-specific words and phrases and some idiomatic expressions.

Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing Level 1 Beginning Level 2 Early Level 3 Intermediate Level 4 Early Advanced Level 5 Advanced Intermediate 6th Score Range: 424 or below 6th Score Range: 425-471 6th Score Range: 472-563 6th Score Range: 564-593 6th Score Range: 594 or above 7th Score Range: 473 or below 7th Score Range: 474-519 7th Score Range: 520-596 7th Score Range: 597-624 7th Score Range: 625 or above 8th Score Range: 483 or below 8th Score Range: 484-532 8th Score Range: 533-618 8th Score Range: 619-646 8th Score Range: 647 or above When writing, the student at When writing, the student When writing, the student at Level 3 is When writing, the student at When writing, the student at Level 5 Level 1 is working on: at Level 2 is working on: working on: Level 4 is working on: is working on: participating in short written participating in short written participating in written exchanges with participating in written exchanges participating in extended written exchanges and presenting simple exchanges; composing claims, some details; constructing a claim about a on a variety of topics and texts; exchanges on a variety of topics and information; expressing an opinion narratives, or informational topic, introducing the topic, and providing asking and answering relevant texts; adding evidence and summarizing about a familiar topic; responding to texts about familiar topics; reasons and facts in logical order; providing questions; paraphrasing to restate ideas; composing narrative and wh- questions about presentations providing a reason or fact to a concluding statement; asking and information; composing narrative informational texts with relevant details using vocabulary from the support the claim; responding answering questions, adding relevant and informational texts with about a variety of topics; constructing a presentation topic. to simple and wh-questions; information; expressing own ideas in specific details about a variety of claim, introducing the topic and recounting a brief sequence of writing; recounting a short sequence of topics; constructing a claim and providing compelling, ordered reasons events in order; using events in order with a beginning, middle, providing sufficient reasons to to support the claim; recounting a frequently occurring general and end; using common transitional words support it; analyzing an argument complex sequence of events with a academic and content-specific and phrases. or claim; using simple, compound beginning, middle, and end; adapting words and phrases. and complex sentences with language choices and style to the transitional words and phrases to purpose and audience; precisely connect events and ideas. expressing ideas while maintaining a consistent style and tone.

ELPA21 Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) Grade band 6-8 Page 2 of 2

Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Level 1 Beginning Level 2 Early Level 3 Intermediate Level 4 Early Advanced Level 5 Advanced Intermediate 6th Score Range: 409 or below 6th Score Range: 410-439 6th Score Range: 440-497 6th Score Range: 498-564 6th Score Range: 565 or above 7th Score Range: 429 or below 7th Score Range: 430-472 7th Score Range: 473-552 7th Score Range: 553-596 7th Score Range: 597 or above 8th Score Range: 431 or below 8th Score Range: 432-477 8th Score Range: 478-564 8th Score Range: 565-612 8th Score Range: 613 or above When listening, the student at When listening, the student When listening, the student at Level 3 is When listening, the student at When listening, the student at Level Level 1 is working on: at Level 2 is working on: working on: Level 4 is working on: 5 is working on: recognizing a few key words or recognizing the main topic and determining the main idea and a few determining the main idea and determining main idea or ideas and how phrases; responding to simple retelling a few key points; supporting details; paraphrasing the main supporting evidence; each idea is supported with evidence; questions and some wh- questions; responding to simple idea; participating in discussions, building paraphrasing and analyzing gathering information from multiple oral identifying a point made by a questions and wh- questions; on the ideas of others and answering information to determine if the sources and evaluating the credibility of speaker. determining the meaning of questions; determining the meaning of evidence supports the argument; the information; quoting or citing frequently occurring words, general education and content specific posing and answering relevant examples while paraphrasing data and phrases and expressions. words. questions; adding additional conclusions; determining the meaning of relevant information and evidence general academic, context specific, to key ideas. figurative and idiomatic phrases.

Speaking Speaking Speaking Speaking Speaking Level 1 Beginning Level 2 Early Level 3 Intermediate Level 4 Early Advanced Level 5 Advanced Intermediate 6th Score Range: 464 or below 6th Score Range: 465-510 6th Score Range: 511-561 6th Score Range: 562-594 6th Score Range: 595 or above 7th Score Range: 474 or below 7th Score Range: 475-526 7th Score Range: 527-581 7th Score Range: 582-610 7th Score Range: 611 or above 8th Score Range: 475 or below 8th Score Range: 476-527 8th Score Range: 528-589 8th Score Range: 590-618 8th Score Range: 619 or above When speaking, the student at When speaking, the student When speaking, the student at Level 3 When speaking, the student at When speaking, the student at Level Level 1 is working on: at Level 2 is working on: is working on: Level 4 is working on: 5 is working on: using basic and topical vocabulary; offering an opinion or describing a picture or graph using general participating in conversations and making predictions and drawing responding to simple and wh- prediction using simple academic and content-specific vocabulary, discussions with appropriate conclusions from a variety of sources; questions about a presentation; grammatical structures and and compound as well as complex grammatical structures; asking and answering questions, and expressing an opinion about a topic; vocabulary; responding to sentences; constructing a claim and recounting a detailed sequence of stating opinions with appropriate recognizing and using frequently questions with words relevant providing several supporting reasons or events with a beginning, middle, grammatical structures and vocabulary; occurring nouns, phrases, and verbs. to the topic; interpreting the facts in a logical order; adapting language and end; summarizing information recounting a complex sequence of information in a picture or choices to audience; delivering a short oral using simple, compound and events; making a claim with simple, graph about a familiar topic, presentation, or recounting a brief complex sentences; supporting compound, and complex sentences. constructing a claim and sequence of events in order using linking main ideas clearly with relevant providing a supporting reason; words. and specific evidence; deliver oral producing simple and presentations about a variety of compound sentences. topics and experiences.

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