Fashion Design and Construction III & IV
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Course Expectations 2016-2017 Fashion Design and Construction III & IV
Instructor: Beth Kolberg-Bentle LHS Room 503 Phone: (702) 799-1777 Voice Mail Email: [email protected] Website:
Course Scope:
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the psychological and social aspects of clothing, and fundamental concepts of fashion, fashion design and construction. Areas of emphasis include fashion, textiles, clothing construction, merchandising, the use and care of sewing equipment and exploration of careers in the fashion industry.
Course Goals: To construct garments incorporating complex garment features and advanced sewing techniques. To complete alterations of patterns and ready-to-wear clothing. To create fashion products without using a commercial pattern. To illustrate skill in the proper use, care, and minor repair of sewing equipment. To compare performance characteristics of fibers, yarns, and fabrics using the scientific method. To distinguish effects of textile characteristics on design, construction, care, use, and maintenance of fashion products. To design fashion products that take into consideration environmental, ecological, sociological, psychological, technological, and economic trends and issues. To assess market research and fashion forecasting concepts. To evaluate the effects, responsibilities, and trends of the fashion industry on the state, national, and global economy. To develop employability skills for workplace readiness, career development, and job retention within the fashion, textile, and/or design industry.
The following text(s) will be utilized in this course:
Legacy High School Page: 1 Clothing, Fashion, Fabrics & Construction McGraw Hill Glencoe—Classroom Set Fashion! The Goodheart-Wilcox Company, INC. –Classroom set
Student Supplies
Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year:
Text—Classroom set—will not be checked out Lined Binder Paper—a classroom binder will be issued for students to keep work Pencil Large Eraser Pen Colored Pencils and Pens (Optional) 12-inch Ruler Most supplies will be provided for students with their Class Fees Some projects will require additional supplies: Patterns, Fabrics, Notions—A supply list with deadlines will be given with reasonable time for students to do some shopping.
CLASS FEE REQUIREMENT There is a lab fee of $20.00 per year. This fee is due by September 23, 2016.
Unfortunately, the lab fee does not cover everything needed for your child to be successful in this class. I want to make this an instructional and enjoyable class for your child. A sewing lab is expensive to maintain. Sewing machine needles, bobbins, thread, shears, replacement of broken machine parts like the foot pedal, presser foot AND community supplies that are used by all students, are costly. The lab fee helps us to maintain the quality of the lab and provide community supplies that all students will be using. Students must still provide Fabric, Pattern and Notions for individual projects. Please budget accordingly.
Tardy Policy
Tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational program. Every student is required to be in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings. With that in mind, the Legacy High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced. On the first tardy and second tardy students will be given a verbal warning, on the third tardy parent will be contacted, on the 4th tardy student will serve detention with the teacher, and on the 5th tardy students will be referred to the Dean’s office. For all subsequent tardies, the student will be sent to the deans’ office and placed on a Required Parent Conference. In addition to the Legacy Tardy Policy, Legacy will utilize a Tardy Lockout System.
Grading Policy
Grading Scale: 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D
Legacy High School Page: 2 Below 60% F
Academic Expectations Students are expected to complete all assignments in the class. It is impossible for a teacher to measure student mastery without the completion of assignments. Students and parents should check Infinite Campus routinely to stay informed of progress. Infinite Campus passwords may be obtained in the office. Grades are updated weekly. An email link is provided with Infinite Campus so that parent and students can communicate with the teacher easily.
The following procedures will be followed to assist students with the completion of assignments: Missing assignment – student will be given a warning and assignment will be expected to be completed in an agreed upon time frame. Failed attempt to make up assignment during agreed upon time frame – student may be given academic detention with the teacher in classroom and required to complete the assignment. Failed attempt to make up assignment after school in classroom – parent will be contacted via telephone and student will be required to turn in the missing assignments within two school days. Noncompliance will result in a counseling referral.
Semester Grades: 45% Quarter 1/3 Grade 45% Quarter 2/4 Grade 10% Semester Examination
Citizenship Grades:
O = Outstanding – Full Participation and Excellent Behavior- Going Above and Beyond what is expected. S = Satisfactory – Meets Average Participation, Behavior Guidelines and 3 or less Tardies N = Needs Improvement – Occasionally Participates but Behavior is sometimes out of line, no more than 4 Tardies U = Unsatisfactory – Seldom Participates, Doesn’t Adhere to Behavior Policy and/or has 5 or more Tardies
Description of Grading Procedures Warm-Up and Participation/ = 20% Class Assignments and Homework = 40% Tests, Quizzes and Projects = 40 %
Grades will be computed from an accumulation of points earned during the grading period. The categories above will be computed. Grades are earned on a total point system, not your letter grade on specific assignments. You can check Infinite Campus regularly. Save all of your work in your Fashion Notebook (this includes all items related to sewing projects including receipts).
Standards of Preparation
All students should focus on the use of correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation on all written assignments. Neatness and pride in workmanship will also be considered. Students are expected to follow directions, put forth their best effort and use class time efficiently. All factors will be considered when grading assignements and projects. Make-up Work, Late Work, and Attendance
Legacy High School Page: 3 Make-up for Absences- Students will be expected to complete ALL assignments missed during an absence. It is the responsibility of the student to see that the make-up work is submitted within five (3) days of any excused absence. If more assistance is needed with assignments, students may meet with their instructor after school daily 1:30 – 2:00 PM. Students may ask for additional time if needed. Class Time is for CURRENT assignments only!! Turning assignments in late will result in partial loss of credit, except when the student has made prior arrangements with the teacher. When problems occur with a timely completion of an assignment the student is responsible to speak with the teacher to make arrangements to complete assignment. Hours of Availability- Students may contact the teacher after school (1:30 – 2:00 PM). Students may schedule an appointment for special assistance. Students who need after school assistance will be notified by the teacher if a conference or other assignments affect the teacher’s availability. Students can meet with teacher after school, with the exception of teacher meetings and conferences. Attendance After the seventh unexcused absence, students will be denied credit and will receive an “F” for the course. Classroom Behavior Expectations Code of Conduct 1. Do not enter the classroom with electronics, hats or other non-class related items (this includes food). 2. Students will be in seats, materials ready and actively working when the bell rings. 3. Be attentive, ask questions and contribute to the class. 4. Be positive, participate, and persevere. 5. Value yourself and show respect to others. 6. Exercise self-control. 7. Teacher ends the class, not the clock.
Classroom Expectations 1. You will actively participate in your learning because I value your education. 2. You will be to class on time because I will start class on time. 3. You will be prepared to learn because I will be prepared to teach. 4. You will follow the school rules because I will enforce the school rules. 5. You will always do your best because I will always give my best.
. Being Tardy to class will affect a student’s right to restroom passes and Daily/Weekly Participation points, as well as Citizenship grade. . #1 Lose a Pass --Warning . #2 Lose a pass -- Warning . #3 Lose a pass – Parent Contact . #4 Lose a pass – Teacher Detention -15 minutes–same day as Tardy! . #5 “U” in citizenship – Lose a pass Dean’s Referral . #6 “U” in Citizenship – Lose a Pass—Dean’s Referral
Legacy High School Page: 4 . Passes will start over at the beginning of each Quarter. Your Restroom privileges can be revoked at any time if you fail to use good judgement. Walking out of class without permission will result in a loss of all pass privileges . Please remember that all of your actions have consequences—Good or Bad—It’s your choice!!
If a student is found to have copied or turned in someone else’s work using his or her name, for an individual assignment or test, he or she will receive a failing grade. Being disrespectful to a fellow student or the teacher during class can result in the loss of daily participation points as well as school disciplinary action. Each student is required to conduct him or herself in a positive and professional manner that is conducive to learning for him or herself and for the other students in the classroom Students will strictly adhere to all safety guidelines used in the fashion lab to prevent injury to themselves and/or others. Students may NOT be allowed to participate//And OR have points deducted from their grade ---- in a lab activity if they do NOT follow the safety guidelines. This is for their safety and the safety of others in the class.
If disciplinary steps are needed, the following procedures will be implemented: o 1st offense – student/teacher conference and documentation o 2nd offense – documentation and parent contact/phone call o 3rd offense – documentation and detention o 4th offense – parent/teacher conference-develop discipline plan o 5th offense --deans’ referral with documentation
Please complete this page, remove from packet and return to school by September 23, 2016.
Acknowledgement of Course Expectations Fashion Design and Construction III & IV
We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.
______Student’s name [last, first] Student’s Signature
______Parent Name Parent Signature
______Home phone Work/Cell phone
Email Address: ______
Class Period ______
Legacy High School Page: 5
Electronic Textbook
If my child’s course has an electronic version of the textbook, that can be accessed at home through the internet, I am giving permission to not check out a text book for this course. I have internet access at home to use the electronic version.
Note: Not all classes offer an electronic version and a textbook will be checked out to the student.
Parent Signature: ______
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