Administrative Services Staff Meeting s6

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Administrative Services Staff Meeting s6

Administrative Services Staff Meeting September 10, 2002

PRESENT: __x_Rocky Bonura ____Janice Ely __x_Alex Kelley ____Lynnda Nelson __x_Janet Clarke __x_Pam Fees __x_Donna Manno __x_Allene Quarles __x_Mike D’Amico __x_Bob Gann __x_David Miller __x_Marcy Wade __x_Maurice Elmore __x_Vic Hanson ____Andy Nasatir __x_Satish Warrier

Minutes: The minutes of September 4 were approved with the following changes: Under Janet Clarke: Add: “The issue is whether or not they can offer services other than district business and whether they can charge for it.” It was noted that as a general practice, non-District business should be conducted on the notary’s own time. A new procedure on this is needed. Under Donna Manno: change bullet #1 to “She was unhappy that they ran out of food for the Flex Day BBQ, especially the less expensive items like beans, salad and drinks.” Change bullet #4 to “Classified employees will not be required to do a specific number of hours of professional development this year. The SD will track attendance at workshops or classes held on campus and will attempt to collect information about classes that employees attend off-campus.” Board Update: The October Board meeting has been changed to October 7. Board Policy 7400 (Travel) was pulled from last night’s Board agenda due to Bill Beverly’s perception that a clear policy statement was not being made. Accreditation Task Force: In response to Steve Fasteau’s August 12 memo (handout) regarding the Accreditation Self Study Report and the recommendation for establishment of theme task forces, the following appointments from Administrative Services were announced. 1. Program Review Task Force: Janet Clarke and Mike D’Amico 2. Staff Performance Task Force: Allene Quarles and Maurice Elmore (It was noted that the evaluation process has been established in new ECCE contract; however, it is perceived that formalized workshops are what they are looking for to insure that everyone knows how to use the new instrument). 3. Planning and Budget Linkage Task Force: Pam Fees and Cheryl Shenefield 4. Governance and Consultation Task Force: Alex Kelley and Bob Gann No SCA appointments were made because Pat Caldwell wasn’t at the meeting, and those from Academic Affairs were mostly “to be named.” Meetings probably won’t start until the other appointments are made. The question was raised as to who would be responsible for calling these meetings. Budget: Copies of the CCLC update showing the budget as approved by governor were shared with the group. A newspaper review (handout) echoes the feelings throughout the state that the budget is unrealistic. It was noted that the state cannot fund us and the budget could still be heavily deficited in November. Final determination probably won’t be until after the election; however, there is a real possibility of mid-year cuts. ECC may need to reduce class offerings (L.A. is already doing this) and may need to look at cutting whole programs rather than a percentage across the board. Servicing grant programs, for example, is very expensive, and this cost comes at the expense of our base programs. The Board adopted ECC’s 2002-03 budget yesterday. Let Pam know if you have any changes to make before the final printing, which will have the word “Final” printed on the back. Noted:  Matching monies for state matching funds for 2002-03 still need to be identified.  TRANs money has been borrowed for cash financing.  Page 97 in the Budget Book shows funding shortfalls for the science complex renovation project. This is a multi-year deficit that will be cumulative.  Page 71 in the Budget Book shows a possible method of funding equipment for the Natural Science renovation project. Frozen Positions: After discussions at the Cabinet level yesterday re: filling frozen positions (July 17 memo), the following positions will start being filled in September. 1. Academic Affairs: Administrative Assistant (Business), Division Dean (Math) and Schedule Technician (Academic Affairs) 2. Administrative Services: Plumber (Facilities), Dispatcher (Campus Police) 3. Student and Community Advancement: Business Coordinator (SBDC), Accounting Assistant (SBDC), Director (EOP & S/CalWORKS), Assistant Director (Financial Aid) Comments:  An electrician is needed more than a plumber at this time.  Much of the work on the Accreditation Report depends on the Web Developer. If the college is serious about the Web, it needs to support it. Temporary/casual people have no continuity and no vested interest in the college, and ITS ends up getting all the complaints about their work. This problem exists in other divisions as well.  Lack of police officers will really impact the college.  Administrative Services has streamlined its organization and weeded out all but essential positions; the other areas have not.  The Network position is vacant. Vic and Alex need to meet on this. There will be more Cabinet discussions on filling positions, so Vic needs updated information on each position. Cabinet will also discuss the continued use of out-of-classification work and how it should affect the employee when that job opens; consequently, he needs (for Monday) a listing of working out of classification positions, including how employees were selected and how long they have served in that capacity. The process also needs to be documented. There was also discussion about how every time there is a down turn in the budget, a hiring freeze is implemented, use of temporary people is discouraged, and yet the college expects the same or an increased level of service. Committee Reports/Division Issues  Maurice Elmore: Natural Sciences showed no appreciation for having their classrooms ready in time for the start of school. Instead, they chose to complain about a possible problem with their balances. He will be on vacation starting a week from tomorrow.  Allene Quarles: The Health Fair will be on October 1. Those who are in the three companies being dropped need to choose a new one. The default company is Blue Shield.  Janet Clarke: The CAJPA conference is this week. New user training is on Monday, and refresher training will be on the 23rd.  David Miller: They are wrapping up construction projects. Kudos to Maurice and crew for their work on the Natural Science portable classrooms.  Satish Warrier: They need to know when they can take the network out of the NS building.  Bob Gann: The Chancellor’s Office has tentatively approved funding for the following scheduled maintenance projects:  Technical Arts building fire alarm replacement  South loop heat piping replacement  Primary electric phase 3 replacement  Women’s locker HVAC replacement The NS building plans have been returned. The architects will now make revisions and resubmit them to the state architect. It is hoped that construction will start in January.  Alex Kelley: The MIS reports will be late because of incorrect data from Admissions. He and Satish need to meet with interested parties as to what they want on the enrollment stats.  Pam Fees:  They are working on the 311 Report and on input for registration.  Some problems with check distribution for temps are anticipated due to incorrect information in the primary job assignment codes.  October 4 is Brenda Wilson’s (aka Reilly) last day.  Marcy Wade:  Consortium training will take place at Long Beach on the 19th (already booked) and at Mt. SAC this Thursday. Everyone is encouraged to take advantage of these training sessions, especially since the college has already paid for them.  The Benefits Committee approved a long term care option, and CNA will administer it. It will be effective January 1 and will be payroll deductible.  The Board approved Domestic Partnership health coverage, which will be available for same sex partners or different sex partners who are 62 or older.  The union is pushing the use of improvement plans in disciplinary actions.  CDC negotiations should start soon. POA can start to negotiate after the October Board meeting.  Mike D’Amico:  Parking is still at a premium, especially at peak times during the day. Things are better at night.  They are working short handed, without two officers and a dispatcher; consequently, they have had to cut out the mid shift.  Donna Manno: A draft copy of the October Flex Activities was shared with the group for input.

Faculty Computers: It was reported that a faculty member complained that faculty were not given a choice of computers this year. It was noted that, in the past, they had been given a choice in laptops (either PC or MAC); however, due to the 11th hour mandate from the president to have computers ready for first day of school, there was no time to solicit preferences.

Meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m. staf910

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