Friday Newsletter

3rd March 2017


Well done to all of our award winners this week!

WEAR YOUR SLIPPERS FOR SHELTER Thank you to everyone who donated to Shelter and wore their slippers on the last day before half term plus a huge thank you to the girls whose idea it was to raise money for this cause. We have sent a cheque for £123.94 to Shelter. Thank you again.

FANCY FEET WHIRLY WHEELS Thank you for all of the entries into the Fancy Feet Whirly Wheels Poster Competition. The prize winner was Lucas Kingdon who won the prize for best design. Posters are now displayed around our school. – Well done Lucas! Please remember our Fancy Feet Whirly Wheels Challenge is running again on Tuesday 7th & Tuesday 14th March where we ask that you make an extra effort to travel to school more sustainably ie. walking, cycling, scootering or if you need to bring the car then Park & Stride (park a little further away and walk a little further). Children will complete a chart in the classroom logging how they travelled to school on those days and everyone who travelled more sustainably will be entered into a County wide draw with loads of great prizes on offer. We hope you can take part. Thank you. RECEPTION YOGA SESSIONS Anyone wanting to join their child for our Yoga sessions on Thursday afternoons from 2.40pm – 3.00pm please make sure you complete and return the attached slip so we know who is coming. Yoga has great benefits to the children including helping with physical development for writing. If you’ve already returned your slip then please just come along to the main school entrance for the start time wearing comfortable clothing. The sessions begin next Thursday 9th March. Thank you.

SCIENCE WEEK We have a Science week in school from Friday 10th March to Friday 17th March where pupils will be taking part in science workshops and activities. We need lots and lots of junk for modelling during that week – boxes, kitchen roll tubes, plastic bottles, yoghurt pots etc. plus some classes need copper coins, carrier bags and old jeans and t-shirts. Please start collecting and send any into school with your child. Thank you. Classes are hosting activities which they would like parents/carers to join in with if possible, details of which can be found below: CLASS DATE & TIME OF ACTIVITY ACTIVITY WHAT IS NEEDED Nursery Thursday 16th March – Making Spider 8.45am & 12.15pm Catchers Reception Tuesday 14th March – Science 2.00pm Investigations Year 1 Tuesday 14th March – Junk Modelling Any junk for 9.45am modelling please Year 2 Thursday 16th March – Making Bird Feeders Yoghurt Pots if you 10.00am have any please Year 3 Tuesday 14th March - Making Bird Feeders Copper Coins & 9.45am Plastic Bottles if you have any please Year 4 Tuesday 14th March – Bracelet Making Carrier Bags if you 11.15am have any please Year 5 Friday 17th March – Building an Insect Any parents/carers 9.15am Observer coming along must wear warm waterproof clothing please and be prepared to work outdoors Year 6 Thursday 16th March – Upcycling Jeans Any old jeans and t- 11.15am shirts if you have them please

E-SAFETY SESSION FOR PARENTS We are holding a short 15 minute e-safety session where parents/carers are invited into school to learn more about keeping your child safe online. The session will be at the end of the school day on Tuesday 21 st March from 2.45pm. We feel in the world that we now live in it is very important that parents attend this session to help inform them of how best to protect your child online. Please complete the attached reply slip and return it to school so we know how many can attend. We hope to see you there!

YEAR 6 SATs From Monday 8th May until Thursday 11th May 2016 all Year 6 students will be sitting SATs. These are national tests which all Year 6 pupils across the country must take. Year 6 SATs are very important and we would like to stress the importance of children attending school and arriving on time every day during the lead up to the SATs and during SATs week. Can we also ask that you refrain from taking your child out of school for appointments during the lead up and especially during the actual SATs week. Thank you for your cooperation and continued support. IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR PARENTS/CARERS Can we please remind all parents/carers that if children have sickness and diarrhoea please do not return them to school until 48 hours after the last episode. Even if children are feeling better in themselves they may still carry the germs and in our school environment these are easily spread. Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation in trying to minimise the risk of such infections.

IMPORTANT REMINDER REGARDING DRIVEWAY Can we please ask parents/carers to remind children when entering school premises to be aware of vehicles using our driveway, especially when children are attending Breakfast Club, as they cross the road at the top of the path when staff and other driveway users are also there. Can we also remind visitors and disabled drivers who use our driveway to take care at all times. Thank you.

HEAD LICE Cases of Head Lice have been reported in school this week. Please check your child’s hair regularly and treat where necessary. Thank you.

ATTENDANCE Class attendance for week ending 17th February 2017 Reception 90.71% Year 1 91.58% Year 2 97.33% Year 3 94.83% Year 4 93.60% Year 5 97.42% Winners this week! Year 6 91.33%

BEAT THE CHALLENGE Class percentage for children who were on time for week ending 3rd March 2017 Reception 99.29% Year 1 99.67% Year 2 100% WOW! Winners this week! Year 3 99.66% Year 4 98.8% Year 5 99.36% Year 6 98.67% There were 14 late marks in our registers this week. Please be punctual. This means your child is included in all learning and lessons are not disrupted by latecomers. Bell rings at 9.00am.


I would like to take part in the Reception Yoga sessions starting on Thursday 9th March 2017.

Signed:______Parent/Carer of: ______


I/we* can/cannot* attend the Parent E-Safety Session on Tuesday 21st March 2017 at 2.45pm

Name(s) of child(ren):______

Signature of Parent/Carer:______