REORGANIZATION Mayor Doug Friend Opened the Reorganization Meeting and Asked for Nominations

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REORGANIZATION Mayor Doug Friend Opened the Reorganization Meeting and Asked for Nominations


President Frazee called the meeting to order and opened with silent prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Brian Frazee, Tara Hoffman, Ed Hoffman, Jeff Frazee & Bill Knight

OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Lori Frazee, Sec/Treas. & Doug Friend, Mayor. Ray Savage III & Mark Dunham from Marclay Ambulance. Gary & Marge Rishel from Henry Clay Township.

PUBLIC COMMENT – Gary Rishel addressed Council concerning sewage. Henry Clay Township Supervisors received a complaint concerning several businesses located on Route 40. The complaint was also made to the DEP who instructed the Township to have their SEO investigate. Mr. Rishel asked if it became necessary and feasible, would the Borough would allow another section of the Township to tap into the existing sewage system. He said the Supervisors are interested in meeting with Council informally and discussing the matter. Township Secretary, Marge Rishel will contact the Borough Secretary to determine a suitable date and time for a workshop.

Tara Hoffman made a motion to accept August’s minutes. Ed Hoffman seconded. Carried.

RECEIPTS: -GENERAL FUND- 1. Central Tax Bureau $ 254.69 Earned Income Tax – July 2. SCTV 157.92 Franchise Fees - July 3. Lori L. Frazee, T.C. 223.51 Real Estate Taxes - Aug 4. Somerset Trust 132.87 Interest (6-20-06)

-SEWAGE FUND- 1. Deposit 8-8-06 $879.77 Monthly Fees 2. Deposit 8-15-06 280.00 Monthly Fees 3. Deposit 8-21-06 1476.96 Monthly Fees 4. Deposit 8-29-06 566.00 Monthly Fees 5. Deposit 8-30-06 364.00 Monthly Fees 6. Somerset Trust 122.37 Interest (8-20-06)

-ROAD FUND- 1. Somerset Trust $2000.00 Transfer from Road CD 2. Somerset Trust 4.46 Interest (8-20-06)

EXPENSES: -GENERAL FUND- 1. Allegheny Power $ 45.54 Borough Bldg electric (Pd 8-19) 2. NPWA 35.00 Borough Bldg Water (Pd 8-19) 3. Somerfield Cable TV 31.25 Borough Bldg Phone 4. VITALink 11.24 Clasp Envelopes 5. Lori Frazee 9.47 Postage – reimbursement 6. Luther P. Miller 375.92 Borough Bldg – Propane 7. Lori L. Frazee 9.98 Tax Collector Commission ($11.18 Gross)

-SEWAGE FUND- 1. PennVest 192.59 Loan Payment (Auto WD 9-1-06) 2. Somerset Trust 800.00 Transfer to Sewage CD (8-8-06) 3. Somerset Trust 1163.33 LOC Finance Charge (Pd 8-22-06) 4. Somerset Trust 1000.00 LOC Principal Payment (Pd 8-22-06) 5. Allegheny Power 442.83 STP Electric (Pd 8-19-06) 6. Postmaster 39.00 Stamps 7. NPWA 35.00 STP Water – Apr 8. Somerfield Cable TV 36.25 STP Phone 9. H&H Water Contrls Inc 1600.00 Plant Operations –Apr (Pd 6-14) 10. H&H Water Contrls Inc 487.00 STP Chemicals (Pd 6-14) 11. VITALink 29.99 Envelopes

-ROAD FUND- 1. Allegheny Power $ 312.75 Streetlights 2. Herald Standard 184.58 Legal Ad – Bids for Paving 3. Herald Standard 63.42 Legal Ad – Meeting to Award Bid

Ed Hoffman made a motion to accept the receipts and pay the expenses as listed. Tara Hoffman seconded. Carried.

NEW BUSINESS: Liquid Fuels Audit – State Auditor reviewed the Borough’s 2004-05 Road Fund records and found everything to be in order.


NPWA – Work will be starting soon on the water line extension to Fort Necessity.

Earned Income Tax Collection – Letter was sent to Centax via certified mail confirming termination of their services as of December 31, 2007. Council received the return receipt from the letter.

DCNR Grant – Site meeting with DCNR rep & Mr. Art Capella was canceled and will be rescheduled. Ed Hoffman submitted a drawing prepared by Kelly Glisan with plans for the Borough lot.

Comprehensive Plan – Brian Frazee reported on the meeting at Stewart-Ohiopyle VFD on August 7, 2006. Funds were donated by 84 Lumber Classic for the Comp Plan. Officials from the various municipalities discussed priority issues for their particular town. Each participating municipality was asked to appoint 3 people to serve on a Steering Committee. Volunteers are needed. No one was appointed at this meeting.

NIMS Training/Roof/Wood Chips – Reminder – Quotes are still needed for the roof. Wood chips will be purchased in the spring. NIMS training is still available online.

Paving/County Aid – Borough applied for County Aid for a paving project and was notified they were awarded a $3000 allotment. Bid specs for Project 06-26-408-50CA were received from PennDot and advertised in the Herald Standard. A special meeting was scheduled and advertised for September 11, 2006 at 6:30pm for opening bids. If bids come in too high, Council may decide to cut back on the paving job. Paving must be completed by October 31. 2006.


*H&H Water Controls signed and returned the contract. The contracted rate for plant operations is $1600/month and expires on April 20, 2007. They also sent the NPDES Discharge Monitoring Report & Lab Analysis Report for June.

*EADS – Sent a letter to Council they received from Allison Park addressing the punchlist items. AP notified EADS they were planning to come to Markleysburg sometime during the week of August 14th, however, no one gave Council any advance notice of their visit. Brian Frazee will review the punchlist items to see what, if anything, they have completed.

*RLB Construction – Sent a letter to Council asking how many ‘extra taps’ were available since they were told the Sewage Treatment Plant was operating under-capacity. Brian Frazee will contact them.

*Filing Citations – Citations were filed on August 24, 2006 with District Justice Wendy Dennis for Jeffrey Hartman and Charles Moore, Jr. for failing to tap into the mandatory sewage system.

Ambulance Board - President Frazee asked Council if anyone was interested in volunteering to be a board member for Marclay Ambulance. Tara Hoffman offered to sit on the Board, if she is permitted to do so. Ray Savage III indicated that none of the other municipalities have appointed board members yet. He also said the Ambulance Corp. has not finalized their by-laws.

Ed Hoffman motioned to adjourn. Tara Hoffman seconded. Carried.

CRIME WATCH – Nothing reported.

Minutes taken and typed by: Lori L. Frazee, Secretary/Treasurer

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