Hendrum Economic Development Authority
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PRESENT: Mick Alm, Francisca Olson, Mike Smart and Amy Walsh. Also present: Rodger Pape, Curt Johannsen, and Keri Plemmons (Secretary-Treasurer). Absent: Paul Baukol and Tony Guttormson.
CALL TO ORDER: President Alm called the regular meeting of the Hendrum EDA to order at 6:05 p.m.
CITIZENS’ FORUM: Roger Pape discussed the website that will be advertising the lots and his targeting plan for sales.
CONSENT AGENDA: MOTION: M. Smart moved; seconded by A. Walsh to approve the minutes from the February 9, 2016, regular EDA meeting which was recessed and completed on February 16, 2016. Aye: Alm, Olson, Smart and Walsh. Nay: None. Absent: Baukol and Guttormson. MOTION DECLARED PASSED APPROVE AGENDA: MOTION: M. Smart moved; seconded by A. Walsh to approve the agenda with the following additions: Unfinished Business: D. Fiber Optic and New Business: A. Terms/Roster; B. Covenants; C. Purchase Agreement; and D. Shock & Awe Grant Idea. Aye: Alm, Olson, Smart and Walsh. Nay: None. Absent: Baukol and Guttormson. MOTION DECLARED PASSED
REPORT OF OFFICER’S & COMMITTEES: PRESIDENT’S REPORT: No report. SECRETARY-TREASURER’S REPORT: Financial Report/Claims: K. Plemmons presented the financial report and claims totaling $991.23. MOTION: A. Walsh moved; seconded by M. Smart to approve the financial report and pay claims in the amount of $991.23. Aye: Alm, Olson, Smart and Walsh. Nay: None. Absent: Baukol and Guttormson. MOTION DECLARED PASSED
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Awards Yard/Christmas: No report. Spring Event: Postponed. Annual Appointments: Tabled. Fiber Optic: An estimate of $5,000 was provided by arvig to bring fiber optic lines to the Professional Building. This was determined to be too cost prohibitive.
NEW BUSINESS: Terms/Roster: Tabled. Covenants: The changes being proposed to the Wild Rice Addition covenants were reviewed. MOTION: M. Smart moved; seconded by A. Walsh to recommend approval of the covenant changes to the city council. Aye: Alm, Olson, Smart and Walsh. Nay: None. Absent: Baukol and Guttormson. MOTION DECLARED PASSED Purchase Agreement: Roger Pape brought a copy of a purchase agreement for Lot 4, Block 4 of the Wild Rice Addition. The agreement will need to be looked over by the city attorney. MOTION: A. Walsh moved; seconded by M. Smart to give Milton Alm and Keri Plemmons the authority to sign the purchase agreement once acceptable contract language has been agreed upon. Aye: Alm, Olson, Smart and Walsh. Nay: None. Absent: Baukol and Guttormson. MOTION DECLARED PASSED Shock & Awe Grant Idea: The grant application will be written and submitted by Mayor Johannsen to seek funding for the Civic Center/Fire Hall bathroom remodel project.
Having no further business, M. Smart moved; seconded by A. Walsh to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Keri Plemmons, EDA Secretary-Treasurer