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Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Parish School of Religion 2016 – 2017
865 Hatchell Lane Denham Springs, LA 70726 (225) 665-5926 (phone) (225) 665-5996 (fax)
Rev. 1 4/6/2016 2 MISSION STATEMENT The primary purpose of Immaculate Conception’s Parish School of Religion (PSR) is to support parents in their role as primary educators of their children as they lead them to grow in their awareness of the presence of God. Growth in faith implies formation, information, and transformation, and is the responsibility of the educator to support those parents who strive to teach their children to live the Gospel as part of the Catholic community and in developing a Christ-centered environment in today’s world.
These policies and procedures are to help parents and students in their awareness of the importance of continuing religious education. We hope to support, encourage, and enable parents to help their children learn more about the Catholic faith. Immaculate Conception encourages all parents to participate in the spiritual growth of their children.
REGISTRATION For the 2016-2017 school year, registration before, during and after classes will be Sunday, February 14, 2016 through March 9, 2016. Parents can register at the Parish School of Religion (PSR) offices during the work day or during class time. After classes end in March, parents can register in the PSR office during our regular office hours.
If all students are registered before May, our staff will be able to enter the information and schedule students. We will then have ample time to order the correct number of text books and supplies, recruit and train catechists and volunteers, send out the schedules, and make corrections before classes start. Handling the majority of the work for registration during the spring and summer allows us to better serve your education needs when classes begin in September. A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed beginning May 1, 2016.
TUITION: 1 child $40.00 per year 2 children $65.00 per year 3 + children $80.00 per year Sacramental Preparation 1st Eucharist $15.00 (in addition to tuition fee) Confirmation Year 1 Standard tuition (as listed above) Confirmation Year 2 $70.00 (includes all expenses) Late Fee Beginning May 1, 2016 $10.00
Please note that students will not be completely registered or assigned to a class until tuition is paid. This year we can accept debit and credit cards in addition to cash and checks made payable to ICC. We do not have the ability to accept online or phoned in payments. The cards need to be swiped in our office. 3 CLASS SELECTION To interface with parishioners’ busy schedules, the Parish School of Religion offers seven sessions each week to accommodate the number of children (over 1,000) seeking religious education and the size limitations of our facilities. Classes are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Once registration is completed and a tuition payment is received, your registration will be processed. When a class reaches full capacity, it is closed and parents are asked to make a second selection.
Immaculate Conception Church Sunday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. – Grades 6-9 and Confirmation Year 1 Monday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. – Grades 1-8 Monday 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. – Grades 1-9 and Confirmation Year 1 Tuesday 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. – Confirmation Year 2 Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. – Grades 1-6 Wednesday 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. – Grades 1-6
Mission Of The Sacred Heart – Livingston Wednesday 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. – Grades 1-9 and Confirmation Year 1
REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF CLASS ASSIGNMENTS If possible, we will make any changes to class assignments to accommodate your schedule. Please call or come into the PSR office to request a change. There is a short time period, just prior to and during the first week of classes, that we will not make changes (Wednesday, September 7 to Wednesday, September 14, 2016). It is too busy during the first week to accommodate these requests. We will resume making changes after September 14.
4 REGISTRATION IN SEPTEMBER, 2016 AND AFTER In an effort to eliminate interruptions to catechists and students, if you register a student the day of class, it must be at least one hour before class starts. This gives us time to correct the roll and gather the necessary supplies for a new student before class begins.
SUNDAY MASS The Eucharist is central to our Catholic faith and weekly participation in the Mass is critical to your child’s faith formation. Faith must be practiced to be meaningful, and attendance at Mass as a family is an important part of your child’s religious education.
ATTENDANCE Students are expected to be present for all classes. Parents will be contacted if a child is absent for five classes. If a student should miss a day of class for any reason, please pick up the lesson from the PSR Office, complete the lesson at home and return the lesson to the PSR Office.
Students in seventh through ninth grades are allowed to attend a make-up class on the alternate night, of the same week, rather than doing written make up work.
If a student does not make up the lesson, the child will be required to take a proficiency test. If a student has missed one year or more of religious education, a conference with the Director of Religious Education is required.
SCHOOL CLOSURES We will not close for rainy days or severe weather advisories. If conditions are unsafe to drive, stay home and pick up the makeup work the following week. We will close when weather conditions force public school closures, and curfews.
RETREATS Retreats will be given for students who are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Sacramental retreats are mandatory.
5 THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST All seventh and eighth grade students will watch The Passion of the Christ directed by Mel Gibson during Lent. This movie is rated R because of the violence Christ endured during his last hours of life. We need your permission to show this movie to your minor child. Permission slips will be attached to registration forms for seventh and eighth grade students. If we do not get a permission slip during the registration process, we will contact you approximately six weeks before the movie is shown. Please sign and return the slips to our office. If you do not want your child to see the movie—it is difficult for some to see the blood and violence—let us know and please keep them at home. Make-up work from the book will be assigned for the three weeks spent watching and discussing the movie.
SAFE ENVIRONMENT LESSON “Dioceses are to maintain “safe environment” programs which the diocesan bishop deems to be in accord with Catholic moral principles. They are to be conducted cooperatively with parents, civic authorities, educators, and community organizations to provide education and training for children, youth, parents, ministers, educators, volunteers, and others about ways to make and maintain a safe environment for children and young people.”
-USCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, Article 12 (June 14, 2002)
Because of the above policy, the Diocese of Baton Rouge has mandated a Safe Environment lesson entitled, Circle of Care. All students are required to participate unless a parent signs an “Opt Out” letter. You can view the lesson at Click on Child Protection link at the bottom of the page and then click on “Safe Environment Curriculum.” Scroll through the lessons to find the grade level lesson for your child. Decide whether to send your child to ICC for class or print the necessary lesson and present the material to your child at home. If you “opt out,” please keep your child at home on the date we have scheduled the lesson.
SAFE ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS All employees and volunteers deemed to have ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors in the course of their ministries or employment are required to:
1. Complete the EAPPS application for a background check.
2. Complete the Acknowledgment of the Code of Ethics and Behavior for Adults who Minister with Children in the Diocese of Baton Rouge.
3. Complete the Safe and Sacred training module for Adults.
4. Have their name screened through the Louisiana State Sex Offender Registry.
6 ARRIVAL OF STUDENTS The main entry doors will be unlocked during scheduled office hours for the Faith Formation Center (FFC).
All students are to report to the FFC no earlier than fifteen minutes before class.
15 minutes prior to class, the east, west and north entry doors will unlock.
5 minutes after the bell rings the east, west, and north entry doors will lock.
This is a safety precaution. The only entry door the staff can effectively monitor is the main entrance.
You can use the entry door nearest your child’s classroom to ease traffic flow in the hallway.
The bell system is automated and updated the same as computers and cell phones, therefore, our start and end times should be the same as your cell phone.
COVERED DROP-OFF This lane is for one way, continuous traffic flow.
No Parking in the drop-off lane. Do not line up in the drop off lane waiting for the bell to ring or let someone out to pick up a student while you wait in the drop off lane.
Pull up, let a student out and drive away.
If you see your child waiting, pull in, pick them up and drive away.
In all other cases – PARK!
There are plenty of close, easy access parking spaces near the building. For safety reasons, please use the drop off lane properly. If you park in the drop off lane, and students walk between the cars to get to the parking lot, it’s a safety hazard. Someone will try to go around you and may not see a student crossing between the cars.
If it’s raining, let students out under the covered area and we will walk little ones to class.
PARKING The new south parking lot (in front of the FFC) has a Fire Lane. Please observe and obey this ordinance.
STEPS, BRICK SEATS AND PLANTERS For everyone’s safety, please do not let your child run, jump on/off or play on these raised objects.
VISITORS 7 All visitors (adult and student) must report to the office for a pass to enter the classroom. All visitors are required to follow the rules of proper conduct in the classrooms and Church.
DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS A few minutes before the bell rings, all entry doors will unlock.
Parents wait outside until the bell rings.
Use the entry door closest to your child’s classroom
First through fifth grade students will be dismissed, to an adult, at the classroom door. No student in grades one through five is to walk in the parking lot without adult supervision.
Students in grades seven through eleven will be dismissed from the classrooms and meet you in the parking lot.
On days when sixth grade meets with high school students who are dismissed from the classrooms (Sunday and Monday) they will be dismissed from the classroom. When sixth grade meets with elementary students (Wednesday) who are dismissed to an adult at the classroom door, then sixth grade will dismiss in the same manner.
CONDUCT and DISCIPLINE The time for religious instruction in the classroom is limited so it is of utmost importance that students cooperate fully in order to make the best use of time. Our Religious Education staff is here to help each student learn and grow in their faith. For the most part, this is done in a group setting. Please help us to maintain a cooperative learning environment.
Students are not allowed to bring food, drinks, candy, gum, toys, sports equipment, or electronic devices, into the classrooms. The Catechist will ask students to turn off or put away cell phones during class time. Get water and go to the restroom BEFORE the bell rings. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom unless escorted by a staff member. This is especially important since all classroom doors are locked for safety Students are to dress modestly and boys are not to wear caps to church. Property damage is the responsibility of the parents.
CONSEQUENCES For the first offense, the student will be warned by the Catechist or adult in authority. For the second offense, the student is sent to the office to meet with the Coordinator. The Coordinator will discuss the matter with the student and Catechist. A conduct report will be kept in the student’s file. Parents will be notified of second offense. For the third offense, the student’s parents will be notified again and a conference with the parents and Coordinator will be held to discuss the problem. If necessary, the Pastor will be consulted.
8 MISSION OF THE SACRED HEART Religious Education classes for first through tenth grades are offered at the Mission of the Sacred Heart in Livingston. MSH classes are an extension of the program offered at Immaculate Conception. The MSH program follows all policies of program at ICC. Classes for MSH will be on Wednesday at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Enrollment is limited and based upon having a volunteer catechist to cover each grade level and the limited space in the available facilities. HOME SCHOOL Families choosing to home school their children must register with the Parish School of Religion and agree to abide by the home school policies. Grades 1st through 9th can be home schooled. Confirmation Year One and Year Two (grades 10 and 11) must be done in the classroom. The textbooks and curriculum provided by the Parish School of Religion must be followed. The completed work is to be turned in to the grade coordinator. Home school fees are the same as the fee for attending class at ICC/MSH plus a $5.00 charge if you choose to “rent” a parent manual.
9 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION From the moment of Baptism, we have been called by name to follow Jesus’ way to the Father. We are moved to know, love and serve God and we encounter Him most intimately through the Sacraments.
Students who are eligible for the sacramental preparation programs and attend a parochial school must prepare for and receive the sacraments in their own parish and not the parochial school they attend (unless given special permission by both pastors).
PREPARATION FOR THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST RECONCILIATION The sacrament of First Reconciliation will be celebrated during the month of November and will take place during regular class time. Please dress accordingly, no shorts, no tank tops or loud T-shirts. School uniforms are acceptable.
Students must: have received a Catholic baptism; or a Trinitarian baptism accepted by the Catholic Church; have completed first grade religion and are enrolled in a second grade sacramental preparation class; and be in second grade or seven years old before receiving the sacrament.
At least one parent must: attend a Reconciliation retreat with the child; and be present when the child receives the sacrament.
PREPARATION FOR THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST The sacrament of First Eucharist will be celebrated on the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Boys are asked to wear a white shirt with a tie and dark pants and dress shoes. Boys may also wear a suit or sport coat of any color. Girls are asked to wear a white dress, white shoes, and white socks or stockings. Girls may also wear a veil or head piece. Please do not wear gloves.
10 REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRST EUCHARIST Students must: have met the requirements for First Reconciliation; and have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. At least one parent must: attend a sacramental preparation meeting; attend a First Eucharist retreat with the child; and be present when the child receives the sacrament.
PREPARATION FOR THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Every baptized person should receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Without the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, Baptism is still valid and efficacious, but Christian initiation remains incomplete. Confirmation is an important step in a Christian’s faith journey that not only stresses maturity, but also commitment, knowledge, freedom and active participation. Preparation for Confirmation should aim at leading the Christian toward a more intimate union with Christ and with the Holy Spirit.
REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE Candidates must: be in eleventh grade and have completed Confirmation Year 1 before receiving the sacrament in January; have attended at least two years of religious formation from a Catholic school or a Parish School of Religion prior to being admitted to the Confirmation Program;
have 100% attendance by attending all eight classes or the scheduled make-up classes;
attend the Retreat, Day of Prayer and Reconciliation;
prepare for and attend a Confirmation Interview;
write a two page handwritten saint report and a Letter of Request for Confirmation to the pastor;
and complete twenty-five service hours.
Confirmation Year Two Orientation Meeting (students entering 11 th grade) Candidates and at least one parent must attend the Confirmation orientation meeting on Monday, August 8 or Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. The meeting is the same on both nights. You can choose the one which best fits your schedule.
Confirmation Year One Orientation Meeting (students entering 10th grade) One parent must attend a Confirmation orientation meeting on either Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. or Monday, August 22, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting is the same on both days you only need to attend one meeting.
11 STUDENT MASSES We will hold a student Mass on Monday, October 24, 2016 at 4:30 and 6:30 and on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 4:30 and 6:30. Parents please join us for Mass. Students go to the classroom first. The Catechist will call attendance after the bell and the class will proceed to the Church for Mass. You are invited to your child’s classroom and to sit with the class during Mass.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL This year we will have a “Barnyard Roundup, “where Jesus gathers us together, calls us by name, and loves us now and forever, not matter what! VBS will be held June 20–24, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. VBS is for children entering Kindergarten through fifth grade. The fee is $15.00 per student. Registration will be April 25 to May 25. The children enjoy games, songs, skits and crafts. Join us for a week of friendship, fellowship and fun. Please call Barbara Normand or Jane Stahl for more information (225) 665-5926.
Immaculate Conception Church During the first week of classes, September 11-14, 2016, there will be a parent meeting in the chapel on the 2nd floor. All meetings are the same. You only need to attend one meeting even if your children attend different days/sessions.
Mission of the Sacred Heart During the first week of classes, September 14, 2016, there will be a parent meeting in the parish hall.
12 PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION GENERAL CALENDAR – 2016-2017 Week 1 9/11-14 Orientation Week 2 9/18-21 Week 3 9/25-28 Week 4 10/2-5 Week 5 10/9-12 Week 6 10/16-19 Week 7 Sunday, 10/23 No Class ICC Parish Fall Festival—SUNDAY ONLY Week 7 10/24-26 All Grades—School Parents and students attend Mass for Monday Mass and Wednesday sessions. Week 8 10/30-11/2 Priesthood Sunday Classes will send cards, letters and thank you notes to honor our priests. Week 9 11/6-9 Week 10 11/13-16 11/20-23 No Class Thanksgiving Holidays Week 11 11/27-30 All Grades—Circles Diocesan Lesson of Care Week 12 12/4-7 Close Semester Advent Prayer/Party Winter Break Week 13 1/22-25 Week 14 1/29-2/1 Week 15 2/5-8 Week 16 2/12-15 2/19-22 No Class Parish Mission all families are invited to participate. 2/26-3/1 No Class Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday Week 17 3/5-8 Week 18 3/12-15 Week 19 3/19-22 Week 20 3/26-29 Week 21 4/2-5 Close Semester End of Year Prayer/Party
13 PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION SECOND GRADE CALENDAR – 2016-2017 Week 1 9/11-14 Week 2 9/18-21 Week 3 9/25-28 Week 4 10/2-5 Week 5 10/9-12 Week 6 10/16-19 Week 7 Sunday, 10/23 No Class ICC Parish Fall Festival Week 7 10/24-26 All Grades—School Mass Parents and students attend Mass for Monday and Wednesday sessions. Sunday October 30 Reconciliation Retreat Main Hall 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Monday Classes Week 8 10/30-11/2 Priesthood Sunday Classes will send cards, letters and thank you notes to honor our priests. Sunday November 6 Reconciliation Retreat Main Hall 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday Classes/MSH Week 9 11/6-9 First Reconciliation Church (During Class Time) Week 10 11/13-16 First Reconciliation Rectory (During Class Time) Celebration 11/20-23 No Class Thanksgiving Holidays Week 11 11/27-30 All Grades—Circles of Care Diocesan Lesson Week 12 12/4-7 Close Semester Advent Prayer/Party Winter Break Week 13 1/22-25 Week 14 1/29-2/1 Week 15 2/5-8 First Eucharist Parent During Class Time Meeting at ICC Week 16 2/12-15 First Eucharist Parent During Class Time Meeting at MSH 2/19-22 No Class Parish Mission all families are invited to participate. 2/26-3/1 No Class Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday Week 17 3/5-8 Week 18 3/12-15 Week 19 3/19-22 Week 20 3/26-29 Week 21 4/2-5 Close Semester End of Year Prayer/Party Saturday 4/29 First Eucharist Practice Main Hall/Church 1:00—3:00 and Retreat p.m. Sunday 5/7 First Eucharist Church 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. Masses
Confirmation Orientation is for the candidate and at least one parent. Monday, August 8, 2016 Candidate and at least one 7:00-8:30 p.m. Faith Formation Building or parent attends Tuesday, August 9, 2016 *The Confirmation Orientation is the same on both nights. You only need to attend one night.
Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation Event Date Description Make-up Class Class 1 Sep 13 Are you talking to me? Lesson 18 Sep 19 Class 2 Sep 20 Who is Mary? Lesson 19 Sep 26 Class 3 Sep 27 What would Jesus do? Lesson 20 Oct 3 Class 4 Oct 11 Do I have what it takes? Lesson 21 Oct 17 Class 5 Oct 18 Why wait? Lesson 22 Oct 24 Class 6 Oct 25 How do I build the Lesson 23 Oct 31 kingdom? Class 7 Nov 8 Where do I go from here? Lesson 24 Nov 14 Saturday Sep 10 Confirmation Retreat 1 Angola State Penitentiary: “Embracing our Faith” Class 8 Nov 15 Mass and Benediction Nov 28 Readings & Rite of Confirmation Saturday Nov 19 Confirmation Retreat 2 Angola State Penitentiary: “Embracing our Faith”
Interviews begin the first Confirmation Interviews Sign up for individual appointments with Fr. day of the Christmas Frank (approximately 15 minutes). holidays for LPS – Jan 6 Sunday Jan 8 Day of Prayer St. Joseph Cathedral—Mass at 12:00 Noon Wednesday Jan 18 Confirmation Practice 7:00 – 8:45 p.m. in the Church Friday Jan 20 Sacrament of Confirmation Report to Main Hall by 6:00 p.m. Mass begins at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Confirmation Class Schedule 6:00 p.m. Mass—Report to the church. Roll will be taken in church. 6:30 p.m. A light supper will be served in the Main Hall. 7:00 p.m. Classroom instruction with a Confirmation catechist. 8:00 p.m. Dismissal from the Religious Education classrooms.
Name Title Phone Email Barbara Normand Coordinator for Grades 665-5926 ext. 227 [email protected] One through Six
Gwen Richard Coordinator for Grades 665-5926 ext. 223 [email protected] Seven through Eleven, Director of Religious Education
Jane Stahl Secretary and Child 665-5926 ext. 208 [email protected] Protection Coordinator
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS September through March our office hours are: Sunday: 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. Monday and Wednesday: 12:00 Noon to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
April through August our office hours are flexible, please call us to schedule an appointment.
Office phone: (225) 665-5926 Fax: (225) 665-5996 P. O. Box 1609, Denham Springs, LA 70727 865 Hatchell Lane, Denham Springs, LA 70726
16 IMMACULATE STUDENT MINISTRY Hi! My name is Kevin, and that beautiful lady next to me is my wife Heather. I am the “Youth Guy” here at ICC and my job is to work alongside the PSR to help spiritually form your child. We like to call ourselves Immaculate Student Ministries or ISM. Our mission is to lead our students to ENCOUNTER Jesus, EMPOWER them to learn about and take ownership of their faith, and to always ENCOURAGE each young person that steps onto our campus. ISM has a weekly meeting for middle school students called Encounter on Tuesday nights and we have a weekly meeting for high school students on Wednesdays we call Wednesday Night Live. In addition to those meetings, we organize monthly activities such as game nights, movies, sporting events, parties, and trips. We also make sure that each month we take time to serve our community and parish with various service projects. ISM is designed to give every student a well-rounded and dynamic faith. Please give us the honor of taking a journey with your child. Life can be an adventure, and all too often it can be a scary and confusing one for middle and high schoolers. We are here for your child. We are here for you. If you have any questions or I can be of any assistance to you or your family, please contact me at any time. We are so excited about the future here at ISM and we pray you and your family will be a part of it!
Grace & Peace, Kevin Acord Student Minister Immaculate Conception Church [email protected] 225.268.9962
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