PERSUASIVE ESSAY/Powerpoint Presentation

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PERSUASIVE ESSAY/Powerpoint Presentation

Persuasive Essay

Objective: A. Students must use six outside sources that relate to their topic and support/counter argue their claims. Four articles must support their claims and the remaining two have to counter their view. Two sources must be primary sources. B. The student’s job is to persuade their reader in viewing their argument as the stronger of the two.

Prewriting:  Step #1-Select a controversial topic worthy of writing about that is school appropriate & submit your Topic Proposal.  Step #2- Research various academic sources that support and counter argue your position and create an annotated bibliography.  Step #3- Create a strong arguable thesis statement  Step #4-- Create an outline of your essay  Step #5-Write a Rough Draft and include at least 6 or more rhetorical devices.  Step #6-Peer Edit. Revise, revise and revise again.  Step #7- Submit a hard copy to the teacher.

Drafting:  Create a rough draft of your essay following persuasive essay guidelines discussed in class.  Embed quotes from your sources into your own sentences and cite each one in the proper format.  QUOTES SHOULD NEVER STAND ALONE WITHIN A SENTENCE.  Every student should go through at least 3 drafts before tuning in their final copy.  Include a “Works Cited” page in the proper MLA format.


Topic Proposal:  Topic Proposal Form is due Friday, January 25. Choose a topic, complete the Topic Proposal Form and list 6 sources you will use. Topics must be approved by Mrs. Claybar.

Annotated Bibliography:  Create an annotated bibliography. Use or and use the resources linked on the wiki ( to accomplish this. Six sources are required. Due Monday, January 28.

Thesis Statement:  Students must submit an academically written thesis statement Tuesday, January 29. Use the Thesis Machine to help create your thesis. Turn in your Thesis Machine with the typed thesis statement.

Outline:  Students must submit a formal outline due Wednesday, January 30. Follow the MLA format for an outline.

Rough Draft: 1* Each student needs to bring a typed rough draft so we can peer edit in class. The rough draft must be typed and include at least four to five written pages. The rough draft due date is Monday, February 4.

Final Draft: Thursday, February 7.

Expectations: 2* All parts of this assignment must be typed. 3* Four to five full pages. 4* Typed and double-spaced. 5* MLA Format 6* Include rhetorical devices / avoid fallacies 7* Turn your papers in neat, with all corrections done prior to turning in your paper in class.

**In addition to the cumulative points outlined here, each part of this assignment will also count as a daily grade.** Break Down Of Points: . Topic Proposal Form 5 points . Annotated Bibliography 10 points . Thesis 10 points . Outline 10 points  Rough Draft 20 points  Peer Edit Sheet 5 points . Final Draft 100 points ______ Total Points 160 points

I am grading on: 8* Structure- Paragraphs and sentences are well developed and flow into one another. The paper is easy to read. 9* Organization- Paper is organized well. Introduction explains what the paper will discuss. Sub-topics (COUNTER ARGUMENTS) are presented in a logical pattern, which emphasizes and supports the thesis statement. Strong conclusion. 10* Grammar and Mechanics-Virtually no grammatical errors. If there are any, they do not distract from the paper. The paper is relatively clean from spelling errors, capitalization problems, etc. (less than two per page) 11* Developing the Central Idea- The writer establishes a well-developed central idea (thesis statement) by using supporting evidence (facts, concrete details, etc.)  Syntax- the student presents a variety of sentence types and utilizes transitions.  Diction-the student uses appropriate word choice for their subject matter.  Voice-The author utilizes the appropriate tone and/or voice for their argument and exhibits fluidity and passion for their topic.  MLA Format

*All deadlines are final

Characteristics of a Persuasive Essay:  The writer’s position on the issue is clearly stated in the thesis statement within the introductory paragraph.  A series of arguments developed throughout the body paragraphs supported with researched evidence and detail.  A final argument or conclusion drawn from the arguments.  Written to engage the reader.  Engages the reader in the first paragraph by giving contexts for writer’s opinions and purpose for writing. Begin with a great hook or lead to gain reader interest and attention.  Expresses the writer’s opinion clearly; free from strong emotion, which can weaken the argument.  Maintains the focus with a consistent point of view throughout.  Provides specific, relevant details that support the writer’s point of view and focus.  Avoids phrases like: I think, in my opinion, it seems to me, or I for one…  Avoids introductions that state: My paper is going to be about…, In my essay, I will…, I want to tell you about…,

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