Antarctic Meteorological Data: Availability, Applications, & Considerations For Real-Time Data Assimilation

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Antarctic Meteorological Data: Availability, Applications, & Considerations For Real-Time Data Assimilation

Antarctic Meteorological Data: Availability, Applications, & Considerations for Real-Time Data Assimilation

Shelley L. Knuth1, Matthew A. Lazzara2, Arthur M. Cayette3, and Charles R. Stearns4 1-2,4Antarctic Meteorological Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 3Space and Naval Warfare System Center, Charleston, South Carolina

The Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC) of the University of Wisconsin-Madison has a part of its grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), United States Antarctic Program (USAP), to collect and disseminate weather data for atmospheric and related scientific studies. Data collections include, but are not limited to, historical logs and records of manned and unmanned surface observations, composite satellite images, as well as images of various icebergs, which have been tracked since 2000. These data sets are of great value for historical record, scientific study, and the daily lives of those who travel to and from Antarctica. The various land, sea, and air rescues by the USAP over the past few years have also been reliant on the AMRC’s available data. While many of the AMRC’s data collections are used by those studying numerical weather prediction, there are many more observations that may not be included in these efforts or known about to numerical modelers when this data may be quite valuable. Adding additional data sets to the models will also aid Aviation Technical Services (ATS) and other forecasters when they predict the upcoming weather by providing a more accurate description of the current situation. While there will be some unique issues when dealing with these observations, such as irregularities with respect to time, communication delays, non-traditional observational sources, and a need to consider for which uses (research or science) the data would be most valuable, this data should be made aware of, and considered for inclusion into various numerical weather prediction outlets. This presentation will introduce Antarctic meteorological data sources, outline some example applications demonstrating the critical value of the observations, and discuss some of the issues faced when utilizing Antarctic meteorological observations. 1. Introduction and archived for historical studies. The AMRC provides the most complete, The Antarctic Meteorological Research comprehensive package of weather data Center (AMRC) and the Automatic available for this continent without Weather Stations project (AWS) at the residents or standard resources. University of Wisconsin-Madison have been providing the Antarctic community While much of this data is used as well as the general public with key extensively for either forecasting or Antarctic data for over twenty years. research, there is still an abundance of Because of the significance of the data collected by the AMRC that may Antarctic on a global scale, maintaining not be widely known to be available. It is an extensive collection of weather data is this specific data that will be able to important not only for the Antarctic, but provide high latitude numerical weather for other global locations as well. prediction with a stronger advantage in Antarctic meteorology is associated with the forecasting of Antarctic weather. everything from the polar vortex (e.g. Schwerdtfeger, W., 1970) to ENSO studies (Smith and Stearns, 1993), to ice core drilling (e.g. ITASE). To do the research that is so important locally and globally, significant, updated data collections must be maintained.

The AMRC offers a selection of continent-wide year-round data freely to the public, including satellite composite images, a variety of model data, and observations of manned and unmanned sites throughout the continent. In some cases, special arrangements have been made to collect available data from Figure 1. A map of the various AWS various agencies and organizations. stations across Antarctica, including These special data collections include the University of Wisconsin’s stations observations from the United States as well as those from other programs. Antarctic Program (USAP) and other (Image courtesy of Kelly Brunt, national Antarctic programs. RPSC). Additionally, the University of Wisconsin-Madison has developed, deployed, maintained, and monitored 2. Real-Time Data Collection AWS sites for over twenty years (Figure 1). More than ten years of satellite data The AMRC maintains an assortment of have been collected, compiled, and real-time and archived Antarctic data distributed for scientific and operational from a variety of sources. Weather data use. Temporary camp surface collected from ship crews, manned observations have also been collected stations, and the hallmark AWS stations are just some of the items included in the Data Type Data Available collection. The unique, low power AWS Satellite Data -Antarctic Composites unit works independently the entire year. (Infrared & Water Vapor) Daily data collection is made available -Antarctic Composties (visible) (Experimental) from these systems in real-time and -NOAA/POES (polar orbiter) archived for further research and study. -GAC, LAC, HRPT -DMSP Satellite composite images have been -OLS & SSMI collected for more than ten years, and -GOES-9 satellite cloud drift have been a significant contribution and water vapor wind charts where traditional upper-air and surface (courtesy of CIMSS) Observations -AWS reports were not available. A loop of the data is created in real-time and then -Synoptic made available to the public. This -PIREP/AIREP information has been used for a variety -METAR of means, including the studies of storm -Ship/Buoy track information for seasonal cause and -Radiosonde effect. The loop has been used to identify long wave and cloud mass -USAP Station Data (climatology & monthly transport issues (Staude, et. al, 2003). collections) Daily operations have incorporated this -Sea Surface Temperature product into forecasting techniques in (SST) (NCEP) order to identify significant weather -Ice Concentration (NCEP) producing patterns (McMurdo Numerical -ECMWF Forecaster’s Handbook, 2003). Weather -UKMET Furthermore, the science community is Prediction WWFM (NCEP) (forecasts and -GFS (NCEP) continuously an observer of this product analysis) for ENSO signatures. Navigational -Polar Orbiter -2 line elements In addition to data available for research -NOAA satellite series purposes, there is also data that the AMRC offers in real-time (Table 1). The Table 1. Table displaying all of the AMRC continues to maintain a data the AMRC has available to the collection of data that is updated on a public, organized by type, and daily basis, available to those who displaying real-time accessibility. require the information for operational purposes, forecasting, or for other Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) applications. A variety of satellite and AMRC hopes to show. images, observations, model data, and navigational data are either generated at While this data may be recognized AMRC or collected from other sources among the Antarctic circles, there is also for distribution to the Antarctic a plethora of other data that may not be community in real-time. This data is as well known. Some of these examples excellent for use in numerical models, as include radiance data from satellites, or a new relationship between the Antarctic polar winds data available from UW- Madison’s Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), that the AMRC collects and validation of the AMPS products to distributes. insure safety of flight and personnel. Real-time data is incorporated into the 3. Real-Time Data Contributions daily forecasts and Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAF) for all Antarctic Also, the AMRC has real-time AWS operations. observations from AWS platforms that do not report on traditional weather Flights to unmanned locations are best communication circuits (e.g. Global prepared and have a high rate of success Telecommunications System). This data when coupled with the observational is archived monthly at the AMRC, and data provided by an AWS unit. The in some instances, can go back several long-standing historical record allows decades. This data could be used to for an advanced knowledge of the enhance numerical weather prediction by regional weather patterns. Real-time data incorporating the raw data within the provides a capability to improve the models, and thus improve forecasting. weather forecasting effort through the One of the most critical applications of monitoring of the location prior to the AMRC’s real-time data is in the daily establishment of this first flight. collection and distribution to operational functions such as the USAP’s Specific contributions can be addressed meteorology operations. This includes by the successful call of the weather distribution to MacWeather, Palmer, the forecasting staff to proceed with the Dr. USAP research vessels, and now AMPS, Shemanski rescue effort as a low- and the display and distribution to the pressure system was advancing toward operational weather forecasters. The the South Pole. The low-pressure system AMPS polar version of the MM5 appeared to be on a trajectory that would produces a twice-daily output of fine develop poor weather conditions prior to resolution products for USAP flight the arrival of the aircraft. AMPS operations. The NWP products from predicted this system to stagger near the AMPS provide operational forecasting Horlick Mountains. AWS units reporting the ability to determine hour-by-hour in this region by AMRC confirmed the precision forecasting in a region of both AMPS prediction, and provided the hostile weather and intense remote flight confidence to proceed with the operations. The accuracy of AMPS is successful flight rescue. dependent on acquiring real-time data from manned and unmanned platforms 4. Future Data and Communications continent wide, with which AMRC currently assists. Current, non-traditional, and projected data sets from planned space efforts will Beyond the direct AMPS ingest of real- greatly assist in harvesting time data, the weather observations meteorological observations from the provide the onsite forecasters the ability Antarctic. There is no place else in the to analyze and display all manned and world where the ingest of these data sets unmanned sites. The collection of have a direct and measurable impact on surface, upper-air, PIREP, and satellite the forecasting skill of numerical data is used to perform hour-by-hour weather prediction systems. With the limited data availability, this marked there could be no numerical weather increase of data will provide a glaring prediction, and thus the two must work change in initial conditions. in unison.

Each space system in operation or being The AMRC provides the Antarctic planned provides data from multiple community as well as all numerical sensors. The information offers weather prediction outlets with a variety extensive possibilities in atmospheric of data, some of which may not be as applications. Other than images, the well recognized as others. Two of the sensors can and will provide a greater most important collections held are those measurement of atmospheric conditions of the AWS units and the satellite and log changes in the environment. composites. While this data is More needs to be done to exploit important, there are many more forms observations from these platforms to available. For example, ship benefit high latitude forecasting efforts. observations, a collection of METAR data, and climatologies of some of the Complications from the remote location major operation centers in Antarctica are of the Antarctic will arise on this great just a few of the collections the AMRC frontier of space-borne information. has to offer. The AMRC strives to offer With limited connectivity on, off, and this information in a timely fashion. By around the continent, the collection and making this data available to all outlets, distribution of the immense including those involved in numerical observational data sets will have to be weather prediction, forecasting and carefully considered. Logistical as well research around the continent will be as communication issues prevent a significantly improved. timely distribution of the data to all those in Antarctica as well as host nations who 8. Acknowledgements will need it. Even though this era of new non-traditional information has the This work is funded in part by a grant potential to improve from the National Science Foundation Antarctic meteorology, the means to Office of Polar Programs #OPP- capture information in a timely manner 0126262. and utilize the data may retard the process. 9. References

7. Summary ITASE publication, Bromwich, David H., Zhichang Guo, Lesheng Bai, and The Antarctic community as a whole Qiu-shi Chen, 2003, Modeled Antarctic relies on the proper collection and precipitation. Part 1: Spatial and distribution of real-time and archived temporal variability. J. Climate, weather data. The data is invaluable not submitted. only for research, but to maintain the daily operations on the continent. Schwerdtfeger, W. (1970). The climate Numerical weather prediction is also an of the Antarctic. World Survey of important tool in tracking the weather Climatology. Chapter 4: 253-355. for forecasting. However, without data Smith, S.R. and C.R. Stearns: Antarctic 2003: An Antarctic Cloud Mass pressure and temperature anomalies Transport Climatology. Conference on surrounding the minimum in the Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, Southern Oscillation Index. JGR, 98, Hyannis, MA. D7, 13,071-13,083, 1993. U.S. Navy Technical Manual. McMurdo Staude, J.A., C.R. Stearns, L.M. Keller, Forecaster’s Handbook, 2003. Space and S.A. Ackerman, and M.A. Lazzara, Naval Warfare Systems Command, SC.

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