Reasonable Accommodation Policy For

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Reasonable Accommodation Policy For



If a prospective resident, current resident or member of a prospective resident or current resident’s household has a disability, he/she may request a reasonable accommodation. Reasonable accommodations are changes, exceptions, or adjustments to a rule, policy, practice, or service that may be necessary for a person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling, including public and common use spaces.

Reasonable accommodation requests shall be submitted in writing to the Board. Request forms for reasonable accommodations are available by contacting the Board.

The Board Representative shall notify the requestor in writing of the decision regarding the request within 30 days of the completed written request.


If you, a member of your household, or someone associated with you has a disability, and believes that there is a need for a reasonable accommodation which will provide you with an equal opportunity to use and enjoy your dwelling (e.g. the allowance of assistance animals, the creation or reservation of accessible parking, etc.), please complete this form and return it to a Board Representative. The Board Representative will assist you in completing this form, and will respond to your request in writing within 30 days.

Name of resident or potential resident: ______Date: ______

Signature of resident or potential resident: ______

The person (s) who has a disability requiring a reasonable accommodation is:

______Me ______A person associated or living with me

Name of person with disability: ______

______Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number

Page 1 of 6 I or persons associated or living with me have a disability and request the following:






Reasons for the requests: ______





By signing this request form, I understand I may be responsible for the costs incurred in providing a reasonable modification. I also may be responsible for costs incurred in restoring the modification to original condition. I further understand that additional information or documentation may be required to fully evaluate my request, including third-party certification of disability and/or licensed contractor input for physical alterations.

______Requestor Date

Page 2 of 6 APPENDIX D


Dear: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______

On this date ______, you submitted the request for reasonable accommodation attached hereto.

We have (check all that apply):

_____ Approved your request. The following reasonable accommodation will be permitted:




_____ The change is effective immediately .

_____ The reasonable accommodation will be permitted by this date: ______

_____ The change or exception you requested cannot be granted because: ______




_____ We can neither approve or deny your request without further information. We need the Following information: ______




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_____ We denied your request because: ______







______Signature Date

______Board Representative Date

*If you have any questions or need assistance with this form, please contact a Board Member at: (954) 781-0350 ext. 201 Page 4 of 6 TO: [THIRD PARTY] [ADDRESS] [CITY, STATE, ZIP]


To: ______,

The resident identified above has sought the reasonable accommodation and/or modification described in the attached request for a reasonable accommodation form. State and federal laws require housing providers to make reasonable modifications and/or accommodations to either the dwelling or other parts of the housing community and/or to policies, procedures, services, services, or regulations when such changes are not unduly burdensome and are necessary because of a disability of a resident, a potential resident, a household member, or a guest, so that the disabled individual can have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy the housing and/or facilities.

Federal regulations under the Fair Housing Amendments Act, Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act define “disability” as: a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; a record of having such an impairment; and/or being regarded as having such an impairment. A physical or mental impairment includes:

 Any physical disorder or condition;  Cosmetic disfigurement  Anatomical loss affecting one of more of the following body systems: neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory, speech, organs, cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genitourinary, hemic and lymphatic, skin, and endocrine;  Any mental or psychological disorder, such as cognitive delays, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and/or learning disabilities;  Drug addiction and alcoholism; if the person is currently active in a recovery program. So that Sea Monarch Condominium, Inc. can fully and properly evaluate the request, please complete, sign, and return the following page.

IMPORTANT: The medical/social service professional certifying the disability and need for an accommodation and/or modification IS NOT required to reveal the specific nature and/or severity of the individual’s disability.

Page 5 of 6 As a medical/social service professional with the knowledge necessary to make a determination, I am able to advise that:

______, qualifies as an individual with a disability as defined above (Name of person making request) and that the following accommodation and/or modification is consistent with the needs associated with his or her disability.

Accommodation / Modification: ______


Expected duration of disability: ______


List major life activities that are limited by the disability: ______




Identify how the accommodation / modification, if approved, will alleviate / offset the limitations of the major life activities referenced above: ______


I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

______Signature of Medical / Social Professional Date

______Printed Name Title

______Address City, State, Zip

______Telephone Number

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