Workshop Schedule, Topics and Presenters

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Workshop Schedule, Topics and Presenters

Workshop Schedule, Topics and Presenters - LDS Singles Conference - December 29, 2007

Important, please note  You may register for as many as three workshops either at the DC Stake Center on Friday, December 28, or at the Annandale Stake Center on Saturday, December 29.  You are requested to have done some reading to prepare for Workshops 3 and 4.  You are required to have purchased a yogi mat for safety to prepare for Workshop 5.

Workshop Schedule

Date Time Event Place Fri Dec 28 6:30 a.m. - 7:45 p.m. Workshop Registration DC Stake Center Sat Dec 29 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Workshop Registration Annandale Stk Center Sat Dec 29 11:15 a.m. - Noon Workshop I (Concurrent sessions) Annandale Stk Center Sat Dec 29 1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Workshop II (Concurrent sessions) Annandale Stk Center Sat Dec 29 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Workshop III (Concurrent sessions) Annandale Stk Center

Workshop Topic Presenter

1. Fun Book of Mormon Study Techniques and Ken Alford Ideas

This workshop will help participants gain new Brother Alford is an active duty Army Colonel insights and learn new ways to make Book of currently serving as a Professor and Mormon study a rewarding and spiritually Department Chair at the National Defense satisfying experience – focusing on the University in Washington, DC. He is the importance of inviting the Spirit as a precursor author of two Book of Mormon books and over to personal revelation and testimony. a dozen other religious publications for gospel teachers; he also writes a weekly newsletter sent to several thousand Seminary teachers. He teaches Tuesday evenings in the Mount Vernon CES Institute program. He and his wife, Sherilee, have four children and three cute granddaughters.

2. Climbing Out of Your Relationship Ruts Brent L Bowen

This workshop will focus on how to climb out Brother Bowen is a Licensed Marriage and of the ruts in your life that are poisoning your Family Therapist with long experience in the perspective, frustrating your freedom and military, the federal government and the private growing deeper with time such that you can sector. He has been in two bishoprics, on a add spark to your relationships with God and high council, and was the male single adult other people, perhaps even an eternal chairman for his stake and two regions between companion. marriages. He teaches couples communications and anger management and gives seminars in “How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk (or Jerkette).” He is in an A+ marriage, the father of 4 and the grandfather of 8.

3. Book Discussion Group I: The Divine Amber Esplin Center , by Stephen R. Covey

In The Divine Center, Stephen R. Covey Sister Esplin is the author of two LDS novels compares centering one’s life on Christ to and an essay published in BYU Studies. She focusing on twelve other possible centers. To studied French at BYU and early American get the most out of this workshop, please come history at the College of William and Mary in having read the book, and be ready to share Williamsburg, Virginia. Some of her favorite your perspectives on Covey’s treatise as well as childhood memories are of having her mother your own experiences with various centering read to her, and she has always loved reading principles. How well does Covey present his and writing. She works as a copy editor in message? What have you learned about how to Washington, D.C., and is also in the process of keep Christ at the center of your life, and what writing her third novel. effects from focusing on Christ have you witnessed?

4. Book Discussion Group II: Christmas Jars , by Jason F. Wright

The holiday season has inspired countless stories of inspiration. Jason Wright’s Christmas Jars is one such tale, the fictional account of a journalist whose life is transformed by the principles that Christmas represents. To get the most out of this workshop, please come having read the book, and be ready to share your perspectives on the novel. Do you identify with the characters? Why do you think this genre is so popular and timeless?

5. Introduction to Yoga Jenny George

Come de-tox and de-stress while building your Sister George has been teaching yoga for three body's strength and stamina with an energetic years to students of all ages at Bally’s Total and contemplative yoga practice. This class is Fitness. Jenny's practice began as an approach an all levels, vinyasa style yoga course suitable to combine fitness and stress relief. She is for beginners, as well as, experienced yogis. A currently taking Master-level courses in social variety of standing and sitting poses will be work at VCU in order to combine traditional explored during class with an emphasis on talk therapy and yogic principles to create an body awareness and alignment in each posture. energetic group healing practice. She has Basic yoga principles of breath and meditation practiced and studied yoga with a variety of will also be covered during this 45-minute teachers for five years and is certified through class. Clothing should allow for a full range of YogaFit. motion and an ability to observe the body's . alignment during each posture. All attendees are encouraged to bring a small pillow. They are required to bring a yoga mat for safety. The mat is sold at TJ Max, Ross, and Marshalls for $10 - $15. The mat has many uses. .

6. The Essentials of Emergency Preparedness Ken Hodgdon

This workshop will discuss the fundamentals of Brother Hodgdon is the emergency spiritual and physical preparedness and talk preparedness coordinator for the Annandale about why this is vitally important to each of Virginia Stake. He has been involved in us. emergency preparedness activities personally, professionally, and within the Church for over 20 years.

7. Radiating a Temple Countenance in Daily President Sidney Jones Living

This workshop will share perspectives on how President Jones is First Counselor in the temple worship provides a foundation for Washington, D.C. Temple Presidency. He has enriching your personal and professional life. served in the Church in a variety of leadership positions and has a distinguished career of public service under numerous Administrations.

8. Getting Started with Your Family History Ann Newman and Dr. Kenneth Huffman

This workshop will introduce students to the Sister Newman is Director of the Annandale simplicity of researching their ancestors and Family History Center and has extensive submitting their names for temple work. It will experience orienting patrons on FHC provide a refresher on the latest systems resources. Brother Huffman is a genealogist provided by the Church. The workshop will be and has many years of experience familiarizing conducted in the Annandale Family History students with resources for searching for their Center to take advantage of the extensive ancestors. He has focused on getting the most genealogical collections and electronic from computer tools in order to enhance resources and computer tools. genealogical research and presentation.

9. “All Things Will Work Together for Your Jack R. Rose Good” ( D&C 90: 24 )

This workshop will help participants take a Brother Rose has taught for the Church fresh look at their potential and renew their Education System for over 30 years. He was courage for pursuing positive growth with called as a sealer in 1990 by President correct principles. Hinckley. He has been a speaker with Especially for Youth (EFY) for more than 25 years. He is married to lovely Ronda, and they are the parents of six children and grandparents to 91/2 grandchildren. 10. Surviving Employment Edwin Sapp

This workshop will cover the paradigm shift in Brother Sapp is a Chair of the Writing for the nature of the workplace and describe the Managers courses at the University of battlefield on which we must engage. Maryland's University College and a Welfare Service Missionary for the Church with previous service in bishoprics, missions, stake young men presidencies, and high councils. Ed has taught over 10,000 students and clients how to write effective resumes, develop their contacts and resources, and interview effectively -- resulting in over 90% obtaining higher-paying positions through developing their abilities to communicate their worth.

11. How Prayers are Answered Mark Smith

This workshop is intended to increase our Brother Smith is a father of 4 children and has understanding of how prayers are answered – served as a bishop, seminary teacher, regional not always as we request but in ways that are young adult chairman and high counselor expedient for us (D&C 88:64) and that bless us (including responsibility for the single adult more by preparing us to receive exaltation. The program). He also fulfilled a mission in objective is to give us hope and strengthen our Scotland and served as an assistant to ability to continue in faith, to have patience, Presidents Derek A. Cuthbert and Dennis and to pray without ceasing through periods of Livesey. In his occupation, Mark previously trial and adversity. presided over the largest energy marketing organization in Canada and currently works for a global energy consulting firm in the Washington, DC area.

12. Financial Planning for a More Secure Michael Stevens Tomorrow

This workshop will provide a refresher on Brother Stevens is a partner at Pocock positive steps to accumulate wealth on the way Financial Services in Fairfax VA. He to retirement. graduated with a Finance degree from BYU. Before becoming a financial advisor, he worked for 13 years as an accountant and chief financial officer responsible for accounting, finance, banking, and bonding relationships. Brother Stevens and his wife, Karen, are the proud parents of 4 boys. He is an avid mountain biker and enjoys sports with his sons.

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