Homily Highlights for May 22 Trinity Sunday

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Homily Highlights for May 22 Trinity Sunday

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Sermon Page

Homily Highlights for May 22 – Trinity Sunday CREATOR, REDEEMER, EVER-PRESENT GUIDE

“Oh Lord, our governor, how exulted is your name in all the world.” (Psalm 8:1) “Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5:1) “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.” (John 16:13)

THE GIFT OF JOY AND WONDER IN ALL YOUR WORKS This phrase is from the closing prayer of our Baptism Service perhaps recognizing that it is the Wonders of God’s Creation that first awakens in us the presence of God and calls us to thanksgiving “for the beauty and wonder of your creation, in earth and sky and sea.” We rejoice in God our Creator. Yet all in nature is not beautiful as we are reminded by many natural disasters. We need something more from our God, which brings us to Christmas.

JESUS CHRIST AS “EMMANUEL, GOD WITH US” In the wake of what we call natural disasters, the human response is as varied as looting and compassionate relief efforts. The symbol of the Red Cross is the symbol we would most associate with the response of compassionate relief. Although not a religious organization in its origins in mid-19th century Christian Europe, the symbol of the cross is taken to be instantly understood as the symbol of compassion and healing and would often be used to distinguish medics on the field of battle as well. So our vision of God is enlarged beyond the powerful and mysterious creator who sends both blessing and disaster to the inspiring power of compassion in Jesus Christ, who in hanging on the cross for our sins reveals an astounding solidarity with human suffering by the living God, who would turn looters into ministers of compassion and healing. In Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, we experience a kind of second generation of God’s being that does not leave us to die either in the rubble of disasters or the wounds of our sins.

GOD AS EVER-PRESENT GUIDE In the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts and dwelling in the cooperative power of many and varied gifts at work in the faith community, we can experience God as an ever-present guide who not only continually reminds us of the teachings of Jesus but gives us the power to grow into disciples of Jesus. God as Creator, Redeemer and Ever-Present Guide may be called the MYSTERY of the Trinity but we find that God’s very being is the answer to human need and human hope because God loves the world that he made.

Father Hagerman Homily Highlights for May 15 – The Day of Pentecost SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD

“This is the Spirit of truth...and he will be in you” (John 14:17) THE WONDROUS WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The Spirit of the living God breathed life into all creation and we thank God for that gift of life. The Spirit of the living God empowered the ministry of Jesus Christ showing us the face of a loving God and the model of what it means to be human in the image and likeness of God. (Genesis 1:27) The Spirit of the living God gives gifts for service (1 Corinthians 12) and gifts for living well and wisely (Isaiah 11:2) The Spirit of the living God creates family and all forms of healthy community and the gift of love overflows beyond ourselves. What an abundance of blessings it is for all of us and everyone brought to Holy Baptism when we say “You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ’s own forever.”

THE NEED FOR CONTINUAL RENEWAL All who are baptized have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ’s own forever. Every year of our lives we must continue to “own” that new identity of being a child of God in Jesus Christ. It is renewed powerfully in the Sacrament of Confirmation performed by the Bishop and when we celebrate Holy Baptism and renew our own Baptismal Covenant refocusing ourselves on the essentials of Christian Faith and Practice: 1. The Historic Faith of the Apostles’ Creed 2. The Holy Eucharist—In which we hear the Apostles teaching and the words of Christ in Scripture and join our hearts in prayer and the sacrament of the breaking of the bread. 3. The spiritual disciplines of resisting evil, confessing our sins and embracing the Lord’s forgiveness and gift of wise spiritual growth in our lives. 4. Proclaiming by word and example the Good News of God in Christ—Our parish mission statement. 5. As we proclaim God’s love for all, we are challenged to live it by loving our neighbor as ourselves and striving for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of every human being. In all these things the Holy Spirit brings us a new Pentecost and renews our faith.

Father Hagerman Homily Highlights for May 1 – The Sixth Sunday of Easter REVELATION: A BOOK OF HOPE

“On either side of the river is the tree of life...and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations” (Revelation 22:2) The Book of Revelation is a fitting close to the Bible, for its final chapters depict the completion of the message and process of redemption which is the main focus of Holy Scriptures. It is above all a message of hope that has often been misunderstood in the midst of its mysterious and colorful imagery.

HISTORICAL CONTEXT The Oxford Annotated Bible explains: “It is probable that the author put the book in its present form toward the close of the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian (A.D. 81-96), when he began to demand that his subjects address him as ‘Lord and God’ and worship his image. For refusing to do so, many Christians were put to death, others like John, the author of Revelation, were exiled...One reason for the author’s couching his teaching in mysterious figures and extraordinary metaphors was to prevent the imperial police from recognizing that this book is a trumpet call to the persecuted assuring them that, despite the worst that the Roman Empire could do, God reigns supreme, and Christ who died and is alive forevermore has the power to overcome all evil.” This is a message of hope for all ages well summarized by the climatic verse of Handel’s Messiah taken from the Book of Revelation: The Kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and He will reign forever and ever. (Revelation 11:15)

Father Hagerman

GENESIS AND REVELATION: COMPARISONS AND CONTRASTS Genesis Revelation 1 First Heaven and Earth 21:1 Last Heaven and Earth 2:2 First Rest 14:13 Final Rest 3 Paradise Lost 21 & 22 Paradise Regained 2:9-10 The Tree and River 22:1-2 The Tree and River 2:18-25 Husband and Wife 19:7 (21:2) The Lamb and the Bride 3 Satan Victorious 12:7, 20:7 Satan Defeated 3 The Divine Face Hidden 22:4 We shall see His Face 3:14, 17 The Curse Pronounced 22:3 The Curse Removed 3:19 Death overtook all 21:4 There is no more death (See also Romans 5:12) 3 Banished from Tree of life 22 Access to Tree of Life 3 Exiles from Earthly Garden 21 Inheritors of Heavenly City 3:24 Angel keeping man out 22:1 Angel welcoming man in Homily Highlights for April 24 – The Fifth Sunday of Easter THE GROWING CIRCLE OF LOVE IN JESUS

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you...” (John 13:34) The New Commandment of love is the center of the teaching of Jesus and the center of Christian life. It would be hard to find any passage of Scripture more important than this one so it is important to understand it as fully as we can. Imagine the power of love in Jesus as an ever expanding circle, a road map of spiritual growth revealed to us in Scripture.

LOVE OF GOD AND NEIGHBOR Jesus cuts through thousands of laws and teachings in the Old Testament Scriptures to bring us to the heart of God’s will. “’Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it: ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 22:37-39) These two commandments are found in the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:5; Leviticus 19:18) Jesus makes them central and puts them in mutual relationship. Love of God finds its concrete expression in love of others and the love of others finds its foundation in the love of God. This is the spiritual work of a lifetime but Jesus does not stop here when teaching about love.

LOVE YOUR ENEMIES Hear again the teaching of Jesus: “You have heard it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:43-44) In this challenging commandment is the call to learn the spiritual discipline of “overcoming evil with good.” (Romans 12:21) It is also a call not to presume who is in and who is out in God’s Kingdom. The dramatic account of Peter’s vision in the Acts of the Apostles today is a foundational Scripture in the Gospel of inclusion: The beginning of the Gentiles, who are, all the people of the world outside the Covenant with Israel, being called to the saving love of God in Jesus Christ.

LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU If all of these teachings on love are not challenging enough, Jesus calls us to learn to love as God loves. “Love one another as I have loved you.” A giving sacrificial love that seeks the good of the other no matter how we are feeling at any given moment. I think we touch this experience in parenting when we must steadily love our maturing children. Scripture also calls us to this standard as a church community in seeking the common good above all else. (1 Corinthians 12 & 13) Finally, this love is eternal as the great vision of the Book of Revelation unfolds: For what is heaven but the place where God IS and where we are united with God’s love forever. Each day holds the challenge and hope of eternity in every call to love in the power of God who tells us “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:5)

Father Hagerman Homily Highlights for April 10 – The Third Sunday of Easter HEROES, SINNERS, AND ORDINARY PEOPLE “O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.” (Psalm 30:13)

PETER AND PAUL ARE CALLED In our Scriptures today great sinners become great heroes of the faith. Paul in a flash of light goes from “breathing threats and murder” to breathing the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. Peter the impetuous fisherman jumps into the sea to seek the Lord whom he had denied three times. Three times he must confess his love of Christ to restore the balance of faith and then the fisherman can become the shepherd who will follow Jesus to his own cross in Rome. How will this extraordinary God of great biblical dramas call us who are ordinary people?

THE PSALMS AS THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE The Psalms are meant to be said or sung together for they are the voice of all of us. We might not naturally be so dramatic but we do know what it means to cry to the Lord for restoration of health. Our prayer list is always growing. We do know what it means to call for God’s help when we feel we are being treated unfairly. We know seasons of tears and seasons of joy; seasons of life and seasons of death. Ordinary life becomes extraordinary in prayer when we seek God in all seasons. What moves us to seek the Lord? “While I felt secure, I said, ‘I shall never be disturbed.’” (Psalm 30:7) But sooner or later we all get disturbed, don’t we? Into the changes or losses we do not seek comes the Lord who calls us. Perhaps in a flash of light or in the persistent question, do you love me?

WE ARE THE WITNESSES TO THE RISEN CHRIST For every life that shows forth the healing power of forgiveness, the risen Christ lives! For every life that passes from sickness to health upheld by prayer, the risen Christ lives! For every life that learns that in giving we receive, the risen Christ lives! For every life that grows wiser from mistakes rather than being crushed by them, the risen Christ lives! For every life that passes through mourning to new life, the risen Christ lives! For every life transformed to God’s service in the simplicity of who we are, the risen Christ lives! This is for all of us—ordinary people loved by a wondrous God. “Therefore my heart sings to you without ceasing. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.” (Psalm 30:13)

Father Hagerman Homily Highlights for April 3 – The Second Sunday of Easter FROM DOUBT TO THE PEACE OF GOD IN FAITH

GOSPEL “Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you...Thomas, do not doubt but believe.’” (John 20:19, 27)

THE TRUST OF A CHILD As we gather in the second week of the Easter Season, I find myself thinking about faith from the perspective of a young child, for the cradle of loving arms is the place where faith is born long before the word is first spoken. There is warmth, feeding and quick responsiveness, and life in the world feels good and safe. But I remember the first time many years ago when my oldest daughter started restlessly moving in my arms wanting to explore the world of the nursery and home and there were some bumps and falls and tears in that exploring, but as long as there was a steady guide and arms to return to, the world could still feel good and safe. Over the years, the bumps and falls continued but seasoned by times of laughter and sharing and through it all life in the world can still feel good and safe for the child who is loved and learns faith. As the child grows, there are questions and some of the answers are wondrous gifts and surprises and some are bumps and falls and tears….And if there is someone who will hear the questions and walk with you in finding the answers, the world can still seem good if not always as safe as the nursery. God has never turned away from our questions and doubts. They are written as prayers in the Psalms of lament and can lead to a deep and authentic faith. Doubting Thomas is the patron saint of Christians in India, for history and tradition tells us that Thomas went to one of the furthest corners of the world to proclaim the Gospel of the one who knew how to handle his doubts and lead him to an even deeper faith.

LOST CHILDREN IN A WORLD OF DOUBT, HOPEFUL CHILDREN IN A WORLD OF FAITH The gift of love we give to our children can grow into a gift of faith. Baptism plants the seed of the Spirit that marks them “as Christ’s own forever.” It is an irrevocable gift that will reach out to grow; waiting for the nurturing family…..telling the stories, celebrating the blessings, unafraid of the questions and even carrying the doubts with a patience that may challenge our own faith until God’s time of revealing comes for hopeful children in a world of faith. Jesus does not leave Thomas in doubt but comes to him, leads him to faith and sends him. And the promises we make in the Baptismal Covenant will not allow us to leave out children in doubt, lost in a world without faith. The long walk of commitment that is the Easter Faith is made vivid today as we promise to support these children in their life in Christ.

Father Hagerman Homily Highlights for March 27 – Easter Sunday WHY DO YOU SEEK THE LIVING AMONG THE DEAD?

WHY DO YOU SEEK THE LIVING AMONG THE DEAD? The Easter Gospel brings us a powerful question across the centuries from God’s messenger at the empty tomb, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5) The question reminds us that to understand Easter we must begin with Good Friday.

WHO KILLED JESUS? We can approach that dark day as a detective mystery asking the question: Who killed Jesus? We begin with motive. In the crucifixion of Jesus what were they trying to kill? Why were they trying to silence him? Jesus in his earthly life was a great teacher and healer and Scripture is his witness. To connect with the power of his teaching, let’s start with the witness of one whose life was transformed by his relationship with Jesus. Just days after denying him and fleeing in fear, Simon Peter is proclaiming that he still lives and the world is changed. Peter speaks in our New Testament reading from Acts, “I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. You know the message he sent to the people of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ.” (Acts 10:34-36) A message of radical inclusiveness. A family of God that transcends bloodlines and national boundaries, a gospel of peace. Is this a threatening message to those filled with pride and seeking enemies in those who are “the other.” Can we even handle it now? Who killed Jesus?

THE MESSAGE OF ISRAEL’S PROPHET To know Jesus as teacher we must know the faith of Israel in which he was nurtured and how, especially in the teaching of the prophets, his own teaching is shaped. We hear from the prophet Isaiah in our Old Testament reading, giving us a vision of God’s Kingdom, the Kingdom Jesus came to proclaim.

“No more shall the sound of weeping be heard in it, or the cry of distress. No more shall there be in it an infant that lives but a few days, or an old person who does not live out a lifetime … They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat...they shall not labor in vain or bear children for calamity...Before they call, I shall answer...the wolf and the lamb shall feed together...They shall not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain says the Lord.” (Isaiah 65:19-25) A family of God for all nations, living in justice and peace, caring for the vulnerable. Who could be threatened by that? THE ILL LED CROWD The voices of Good Friday cried out, “Crucify him, crucify him.” In ignorance the crowd cried for violence manipulated by corrupt power in politics and religion. God’s gift of freedom turned against God. Is the pattern strange to us? Across the ages Jesus challenges us. “You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.” (Matthew 16:3)

IN WHOSE NAME DO WE GATHER? Jesus was not silenced. All the instruments of violence and coercion wielded by Pilate and the Roman Empire could not silence Jesus. We gather today in his name, still challenged by his vision and values.

We shall not seek the living among the dead.

We shall not turn from the call of our living God to be a House of Prayer for all people, for all nations.

We shall not turn from the call of our living God in our Baptismal Covenant to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.”

Today is not the end of the story, it is the beginning—a new season to embrace with joy and hope God’s gift of life renewed.

Father Hagerman Homily Highlights for March 13 – The Fifth Sunday in Lent THE HARVEST OF GRACE “May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy.” Psalm 126:5 “Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:13-14

BENEATH THE JAIL DOOR I arrived last Tuesday at my Prayer and Bible Study Class at the Jennifer Road Detention Center to find that half of my class had been “locked down” or confined to their cells. Apparently it was a rough day on A-3. I had made what now appeared to be a fortunate decision to bring the bulletin from St. Stephen’s for its very powerful set of readings last Sunday for our Study. The bulletin fit nicely beneath the locked doors of the cells and the men gave me a smile and a thumbs up as we said a prayer through the glass. I often tell them, “Remember nothing can lock God out but our own hearts.” It was a striking moment of grace – the kind that happens when our routine is disrupted by the unexpected. Forgetting what lies behind, however sad, if we keep our eyes on Christ, we find him beckoning us forward to a gift of new beginnings, sowing in tears, reaping in the joy of a hard wisdom. We may do some straining to lift up our hearts, but we do not need to do that straining to win God’s love; that has been done for us in Jesus. Amazing Grace how sweet the sound.

ANOINTED BY GRACE In today’s Gospel, Jesus is at dinner with friends and is anointed by one of his dearest friends named Mary. It is an anointing that looks ahead to the burial of Jesus after his death on the cross for us when we are anointed by grace. The meaning is missed by Judas who is upset that he will not have more money to steal. Mary, the faithful friend, will be there to anoint Jesus at his burial. Judas will be hanging in a tree of despair, unable to take with him any of his ill gotten money. Judas never does get it, for Jesus died for him too and could have restored him by grace to discipleship as he did to Peter who denied him three times. Judas could only look backward.

THE POOR YOU ALWAYS HAVE WITH YOU We often misunderstand this response of Jesus to Judas as a kind of fatalism in an unjust world. Nothing could be more mistaken. Jesus is quoting the book of Deuteronomy (15:11) which reads, “For the poor will never cease out of the land; therefore I command you. You shall open wide your hand to the needy and to the poor in the land.” The Christ who teaches us that whatever we do to the least of his people we do to him. (Mt. 25:31) is never going to give us a counsel of indifference in the face of suffering. The counsel is always for compassion, reflecting the heart of a compassionate God who so loved us that “while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Amazing Grace how sweet the sound … for all of us.

Father Hagerman

Homily Highlights for March 6 – The Fourth Sunday in Lent LOST AND FOUND

“If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: Everything old has passed away; see everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18-19)

THE DINNER PARTY Our Gospel today begins with a dinner party. All the worst people in town were invited. Jesus was there and the Pharisees noticed and said, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Jesus is glad they noticed and tells three stories together about the lost (Luke 15): the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son.

CASTING THE STORY OF THE PRODIGAL SON Who do most identify with in this famous parable of the lost or prodigal son? Perhaps we have in some way touched the experience of all three at some time in our lives. The Prodigal Son is lost, living badly, estranged from God, alienated from his family. He is sinking deeper into a life of self-destruction when we are told that “he came to himself.” And started on the road home not knowing what would happen, for the way of repentance and reconciliation can be risky. The question is raised for every lost son or daughter: Can you take that first step toward home? The Father is hurt, worried and anxiously waiting. Perhaps, not an uncommon experience for many parents. The Father has a choice. He can lock the door, but God speaks to the heart—He is my son. The question is raised for everyone: Is there someone out on that road waiting for you? Are you going out to meet him? The Jealous Brother speaks in the voice of everyone who cries that “Life is not fair.” Can a world so full of tragedy and grace come from the hand of an orderly God? Can we imagine ourselves as much in need of grace as those we believe are not living as well as we are? There is a party in which Jesus and the forgiving Father are at the table welcoming sinners who can be made new. Are you going in to the celebration? HOW DOES THE STORY END? There are many possibilities of how this story could end. My faith tells me that if the angry brother takes even one step to enter the celebration, he will find also that his father is running out to meet him. For “If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: Everything old has passed away; see everything has become new! All this is from God, Who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.”

Father Hagerman

Homily Highlights for February 28 – The Third Sunday in Lent COME TO THE WATERS “You are my God, I seek you. My soul thirsts for you. So I will bless you as long as I live. I will lift up my hands and call on your name.” Psalm 63:1, 4

“Everyone who thirsts come to the waters.” Isaiah 55:1

CAN I GET YOU SOMETHING TO DRINK? I have visited with many people in their homes during many years of parish ministry, and have always appreciated the welcome and hospitality. It often takes the simple form of “Can I get you something to drink?” In the Southern tier of New York State, I was part of a 3 church ministry team in a parish of several counties. There would sometimes be a long drive through winter weather and I was glad when someone welcomed me with a hot cup of coffee. On summer days in New England, I drank a lot of iced tea. In the midst of the important events in many lives - the new babies to baptize, the loss of loved ones, the anticipation of planning a wedding - the simple act of sharing even a glass of water was a way to relax and invite the presence of God into a family’s life.

GOD’S ANSWER TO OUR THIRST To the prayer expressed in the psalm of a soul thirsting for God, God’s answer is clear and simple: “Everyone who thirsts come to the waters”. The invitation is to a life of deeper meaning and belonging, the daily bread and drink of the soul belonging to the family of God through the waters of Baptism. Growing into a meaningful relationship with Jesus from which Jesus tells us, comes the living waters of life in the Spirit of God which enriches everything in our lives. (John 4:10-14) Life in God’s Spirit, to use an image from today’s Gospel, makes our lives fruitful in God’s vineyard (God’s Kingdom).

THE INVITATION OF LENT The Season of Lent is, above all, an INVITATION to a deeper relationship with God. Come to the waters. Let the words of today’s psalm sing out with renewed meaning. “I will bless you as long as I live,” for I have discovered a new sense of thankfulness for your blessings in my life. Come to the waters. “I will lift up my hands and call on your name,” for my joys are deeper, my problems less perplexing and my sorrows seasoned with the hope of rising again because I have you to call on in every season. Come to the waters.

Father Hagerman

Homily Highlights for February 21 – The Second Sunday in Lent WHOM CAN WE TRUST? “The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1)

TRUSTING GOD In a world filled with damaged relationships, personal disappointments, public scandals, disrespect, misleading rhetoric as the common currency of political communication, and increased terrorist threats, trust is difficult to extend. The question “whom shall I fear?” in the psalm today might bring a long list of possibilities in response. The need to trust God is compelling but not easy.

The final verse of the psalm is honest even while it offers encouragement.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage, wait for the Lord.”

This psalm is a prayer for patience, for trust, for the ability to wait for the Lord. To wait even when the answer to prayer is not clear or quick. To wait and to seek:

“Come,” my heart says, “seek his face!”

“Your face Lord do I seek.” (v. 11)

SEEKING GOD IN A SPIRITUALITY OF COMPASSION Jesus calls us to seek his face in the needs of others. “When I was hungry, you gave me food.” (Matthew 25)

In today’s Gospel, even as he is being hunted by Herod, the focus of Jesus is on his works of healing in body and spirit. Jesus models and teaches a spirituality of compassion. Fear for himself is eclipsed as his heart reaches out to the struggling children of Jerusalem: “How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings.” There is a confidence in God in the face of the threat of death and rejection by his people, “On the third day I finish my work.” The day of resurrection.

WHEN JESUS TAKES US BY THE HAND It is wise advice when we are told that in times of trouble, when our problems might seem overwhelming, to seek a way to help someone else. Try to be part of the answer to someone else’s prayer for help. Do not be surprised if when we pray for Jesus to take us by the hand for comfort and strength that he leads us to the place where his own ministry continues. In the final step of the 12 step recovery programs—there is a call to use the lessons of the 12 step journey to bring the message to others; pain transformed to mission. A new comfort and strength that grows from purpose. This is the work of a God I can trust.

Father Hagerman

Homily Highlights for February 14 – The First Sunday in Lent JESUS FULFILLS THE LAW WITH LOVE

“Love your neighbor as yourself, for love is the fulfilling of the law.” (Romans 13:9, 10)

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Matthew 22:37)

THE DEVIL IN THE CANDY STORE A story is told by a professor of religion about a mother talking to her young son concerning a lesson he had just heard in Church School about being tempted by the devil. The mother asked her son, “If we were at a store, and Dad and I were in one aisle and you were in another aisle, and there was candy, and the devil said, ‘You should take some!’ What would you say back to the devil?” She notes that her son’s face lit up with a genuinely sweet grin as he replied, “Oh, I would say, ‘Thank you!’”

Discerning the devil in the candy store is not always easy for adults let alone for children, so it comes in handy to have a clear and simple commandment from God that says, “You shall not steal.” Jesus, who does some serious confronting of temptation in today’s Gospel, appreciates the value of God’s law that he would have learned himself as a child in the synagogue and from his parents. He often commends and praises the observance of the commandments in his Gospel encounters, but he is always moving us deeper, deeper into the love that is the fulfilling of the law.

LOVE’S LESSONS ARE FOR ALL AGES We properly start teaching our children very young not to take what does not belong to them but we also follow the lead of Jesus in leading them into the deeper kingdom of love: “Share with others, help those in need.” A child who can bring a can of soup to the food bank collection can start learning a walk with Christ that moves from proper restraint to active compassion. It is the walk of a lifetime.

WALKING IN GOD’S KINGDOM OF LOVE The season of Lent is about strengthening our walk in God’s Kingdom of Love. There are spiritual disciplines of restraint and spiritual disciplines in which we strengthen our life of prayer, study of God’s Word, and service in Christ’s name and power. The Gospel today reminds us of the temptations that come between us and God. Jesus overcomes them and invites us into the power of his grace by which we too can overcome. We are to know that we don’t live by bread alone even while we are called to feed the hungry, We are called not to put God to the test even while we trust in God’s providence and presence in our lives in prosperity and adversity. Jesus rejects the power of “the kingdoms of the world” as offered by the devil saying “Worship the Lord your God and serve only him.” This is a chilling temptation, for the world of power is for adults the candy store where the devil’s temptations are not easily discerned. Christ’s guidance is simple and sure; it is in serving God that the Wisdom to serve the people rightly is found. Whether we carry the authority of a parent or a public official, we need God’s guidance, for without it an idol will move into the spiritual vacuum. “Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.” In this we will serve others well and follow the law of love which is the heart of all God’s commandments.

Father Hagerman

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