Hardley School & Sixth Form BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services

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Hardley School & Sixth Form BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services

Hardley School & Sixth Form BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit 14: Driving and the Public Services

Hardley School & Sixth Form

Faculty of Business & Vocational Studies

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services

Assignment Briefing Document

Unit 14: Driving and the Public Services

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1. Your teacher(s) will tell you how long you have to complete the assignment and the access you may have to resources.

2. Read the Assignment carefully and make sure that you understand the work you should hand in and what is required of you. If you are uncertain, discuss it with your teacher(s).

3. The ASSIGNMENT requires you to work by yourself and to produce original work. You should not share your work with any other learners. For example, if you produce an illustration diagram electronically, you should not give it to another learner. Similarly, you should not accept and use such information from others. You are required to sign that the work submitted is your own.

4. If you work in a group at any stage, you must present your own responses to each task for assessment.

5. Information taken from sources for research, e.g. Internet and textbooks, must be identified and not presented as your own work. You should list the sources used.

6. Some tasks may require Observation Records/Witness Statements. Your teacher(s) will organise for these to be completed and you must attach these to your submitted work.

7. In presenting your final work, you should not include draft work or reference materials such as handouts, notes and leaflets, unless the tasks specifically ask you to do so.

8. Presentation of your work:  Check that you have completed all tasks.  Label work with the appropriate task/sub task number.  Present tasks in the correct order.  Label each page with your name and page number.  Submit all electronic materials in paper format  Clearly label video or audiotapes submitted as part of your assignment.  All papers should be securely bound.  The completed ASSIGNMENT should NOT be presented in plastic envelopes, a box file or a lever arch file.

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BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services

Unit 14: Driving and the Public Services

Within the public services, driving is particularly involved with the emergency services and it is important that you have an understanding of the legal requirements to be able to drive on British roads. In addition to driving, Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are the main linkage and all the emergency services are in some way involved. As collisions are a common occurrence on roads, therefore learners need to appreciate some of the common traffic offences that cause them and the factors that can result.

The majority of collisions will involve the emergency services having to respond and once at the scene of an RTA, they have to work closely with each other. It is important that you understand the responsibilities of each of the main services when they are at the scene of the accident and how they co-operate with each other.

The unit will allow you to know what legal requirements are placed upon you when learning to drive and more importantly upon successfully completing a driving test. You will understand some of the common traffic offences committed on British roads which result in road traffic collisions and explain drivers’ attitudes and behaviour towards driving. You will also identify the benefits of learning advanced driving skills.

To try and reduce collisions on British roads, the Department for Transport has introduced a series of local and national road safety campaigns targeting common traffic offences which result in collisions. You need an understanding of these campaigns to highlight the need for responsible driving and the reduction of collisions and injuries on British roads.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit you should: 1 Know the requirements of pre- and post-test driving 2 Know common traffic offences and driver attitudes 3 Understand the role of emergency services in responding to road traffic collisions

Page 3 of 18 Hardley School & Sixth Form BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit 14: Driving and the Public Services 4 Understand the importance of road safety campaigns, initiatives and strategies in accident prevention.

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Assignment 1: Learning to Drive

Learning to drive is a ‘must’ for most people, and passing the test is likely to get more difficult as the years go by. You should therefore learn as much about driving as you can, at the earliest possible age, and pass your driving test as soon as you can. The need is even greater if you want to join the uniformed public services, although the armed forces will sometimes teach you to drive after you have joined.


Learning to drive is an issue that is of great interest and importance to Sixth Form Students. As such your Head of Sixth is intending to organise some sessions on learning to drive as part of the Sixth Form tutorial programme. You have been asked to prepare a presentation which can be used in assembly and tutor time giving information on the stages of learning to drive and documentation associated with car ownership.

Your presentation must include information on all of the following:

Pre-test driving

Driving licenses are issued by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). The type of licence you need for learning to drive is called a provisional licence. Without it you cannot drive on a public road. Within your presentation you must include:

1: Getting a Provisional Licence

1) An explanation of the ways that you can apply for a provisional licence 2) An explanation of the requirements of applying for a provisional licence

2: Learning to Drive

Page 5 of 18 Hardley School & Sixth Form BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit 14: Driving and the Public Services Once you have received you provisional driving licence you can begin learning to drive. Most people learn to drive by taking lessons, and doing some private driving practice.

“Those who pass their driving test have had, on average, about 45 hours of professional training combined with 22 hours of private practice. Learners who prepare this way, with a combination of plenty of professional training and plenty of practice, do better in the test” (Source: Driving Standards Agency www.dsa.gov.uk/)

Within your presentation you must include the following: a) Private and professional tuition

You are to provide a summary of the two different ways of learning to drive. You must include:  general facts, such as the syllabus of driving lessons,  the legal requirements,  the advantages and disadvantages of each method. b) The tests

There are two different tests that have to be taken – the theory and the practical test. Within your presentation you must include a full explanation of each of the different types of test. You must ensure that you include:  Background information on each test, such as when and why it was introduced, and the structure of the assessment, eg the duration of the test  An full explanation of the syllabus, and what each section of the syllabus includes

Post-test Driving

Once you have passed both your theory and practical tests you will have achieved your driving licence. There are however also further advanced driving tests, which can be taken after the basic test has been passed. Within your poster you are to include information on:  RoSPA Advanced drivers Association

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Car Ownership

Once you have passed your test you are able to drive your own car, and/or drive someone else’s. However, there are a number of legal requirements to doing this. You must include information on each of the following within your presentation: a) Documentation

Along with your driving licence, you need to have the following documents to legally drive a car:  A valid vehicle licence disc  A vehicle registration document  An MOT (Ministry of Transport) certificate if the car is more than three years old  Car insurance You are to research each of these, and include explanations of each of them (you must include explanations of the different types of insurance) within your handbook, along with samples of each.

Presentation Guidelines You are to prepare and deliver a professional presentation using appropriate presentation techniques. It is recommended that you use a data projector and software such as "Microsoft Powerpoint" to enhance the quality and impact of your presentation. Your presentation will be witnessed by at least one member of staff, who will provide individual witness statements for your portfolio. Evidence of your presentation, such as a print-out of the slideshow must also be inserted into your portfolio.

These tasks will provide evidence for P1

Grading Criteria

To achieve a pass, you To achieve a merit, you To achieve a must: must: distinction, you must:

Page 7 of 18 Hardley School & Sixth Form BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit 14: Driving and the Public Services P1: outline the stages of learning to drive and documentation N/A associated with car N/A ownership


Assignment 2: Traffic Offences and the Driver

Traffic offences are incidents on the road where a driver breaks the laws of driving. They are defined under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Many of the offences are caused by a drivers attitudes and behaviour, and a number of the offences can cause road traffic collisions. Responsibilities are things that drivers have a duty to do, many of which are laid down in law.

Task 1: Traffic Offences and Driver Attitudes and Behaviour

As part of the local police services efforts to reduce road traffic incidents in your area, you have been asked to produce a leaflet. You need to include the main traffic offences and show how driver attitudes and behaviour can contribute to these.

You must ensure that you have including a definition of a road traffic collision and an explanation of each of the following road traffic offences:  Speeding  Dangerous driving  Careless driving  Using mobile phone  Driving through red light  Not wearing a seatbelt  Alcohol abuse  Drug abuse

Page 8 of 18 Hardley School & Sixth Form BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit 14: Driving and the Public Services You must also identify and explain typical driver attitudes and behaviours that can contribute to these offences being committed. You may wish to consider factors such as:  fitness to drive eg health, tiredness, stress  attitude and behaviour  alcohol and drug abuse  daily routines  lifestyle

This task will provide evidence for P2 and P3

Task 2: The Impact and Effect of Road Traffic Accidents

Within your leaflet you are also to explain (MERIT) and evaluate (DISTINCTION) the range of effects and impact a Road Traffic Accident can have on individuals and victims whom have been directly involved at the scene and the aftermath effects.

You need to consider the impact on each of the following:  Victim  Driver  Witnesses

This task will provide evidence for M1 and D1

Presentation Guidelines

Within your leaflet you may wish to include diagrams, photographs, news- clippings, data in graph form and quotations from people you have talked to. The leaflet must be written in your own words.

Grading Criteria

To achieve a pass, you To achieve a merit, you To achieve a must: must: distinction, you must:

Page 9 of 18 Hardley School & Sixth Form BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit 14: Driving and the Public Services P2: describe how driver M1: Explain a range of attitudes and D1: Evaluate the range effects and behaviour contribute to of effects and impacts a road traffic offences impacts a road traffic accident traffic accident can have on P3: identify common can have on individuals and traffic offences which individuals and victims cause road traffic victims collisions


Assignment 3: The Responsibilities of Drivers

All drivers have a responsibility to follow the Highway Code when they are on a public road. Drivers who are employees (ie paid to drive) have some extra responsibilities, mainly laid down by law to ensure that they don’t put themselves and others at risk.

A) Individual Responsibilities

You are to research and obtain a copy of the Highway Code. You are then to produce an A4 or A3 fact-sheet that can be displayed around college so that your peers are familiarised with these responsibilities. Your fact-sheet must summarise the responsibilities of individual drivers as outlined in the Highway Code.

B) Responsibilities of Employers

Employers have extra responsibilities regarding their employees that need to drive as part of their job. Within your factsheet you must provide information on these extra responsibilities. You must include:  Insurance  Drivers’ hours  Time constraints  Record keeping

Page 10 of 18 Hardley School & Sixth Form BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit 14: Driving and the Public Services  Driver profiling  The role of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in road traffic collisions  Investigation of vehicular workplace collisions

This will provide evidence for P4

Presentation Guidelines Within your fact-sheet you may wish to include diagrams, photographs, data in graph form and quotations from people you have talked to. The fact-sheet and flyer must be written in your own words.

Grading Criteria

To achieve a pass, you To achieve a merit, you To achieve a must: must: distinction, you must:

Page 11 of 18 Hardley School & Sixth Form BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit 14: Driving and the Public Services P4: describe the responsibilities of both individuals and employers regarding N/A N/A driving safely and within the law


Assignment 4: The Responsibilities of the Emergency Services when dealing with Road Traffic Accidents

What happens at a road traffic collision depends on the seriousness of the incident. The more serious the incident the bigger the response, and the more people are likely to be involved.

To prepare for the following task, you will need to speak to representatives from each of the ‘blue-light’ services, namely the police service, ambulance service, and the fire and rescue service. You could invite a representative in to college to talk to you, or you could arrange a visit to a station. The focus of these sessions will be to collect information on the role of each of the services in responding to road traffic collisions.


You are to work in pairs to prepare and deliver a presentation on the role of emergency services in responding to road traffic collisions. You must give explanations of the role that the services play and their responsibilities when dealing with road traffic collisions. You should also provide some scenarios to illustrate each of the services roles in responding to those particular scenarios.

This will provide evidence for P5

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You should also:

Explain how the emergency services work together when dealing with road traffic accidents.

This will provide evidence for M2

Evaluate the importance of the emergency services working together when dealing with road traffic accidents.

This will provide evidence for D1

Presentation Guidelines You must work together to prepare and deliver the presentation with both of you contributing equally – a written observation of this will be provided by your assessor as portfolio evidence. You must deliver your presentation in a formal business manner using appropriate presentation techniques. It is strongly recommended that you use a data projector and presentation software such as "Microsoft Powerpoint" to enhance the quality and impact of your presentation. Your presentation will be witnessed by at least two members of staff, who will provide individual witness statements for your portfolio. Evidence of your presentation, such as a print-out of the slideshow must also be inserted into your portfolio.

This task will provide evidence for P5, M2 & D1

Grading Criteria

To achieve a pass, you To achieve a merit, you To achieve a must: must: distinction, you must:

P5: outline the M2: explain how the D1: evaluate the responsibilities of the emergency services importance of the emergency services work together when emergency services when dealing with road dealing with road working together when traffic accidents traffic accidents dealing with road traffic accidents


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Assignment 5: Road Safety Campaigns, Initiatives and Strategies

Making our roads safer is the responsibility of both the central government, through the Department for Transport, and also our local government and councils. Both central and local governments are actively involved with road safety initiatives including campaigns, education, police going into schools, road signs, road works and traffic calming.


You are to write an article for a local newspaper that focuses on raising the profile, and highlighting the relative success of, both national and local road safety campaigns, initiatives and strategies in accident prevention. Your article should consist of the following main sections

A) Overview of local and national road safety campaigns, initiatives and strategies

Describe the range of road safety campaigns, initiatives and strategies that are used by both central and local government. You must use examples that you have researched to illustrate your explanations. You must include evidence of research that you have completed on at least two national and two local road safety campaigns, initiatives and strategies based on accident prevention. You must also ensure that you have described the campaigns from their conception to implementation.

You may wish to consider the following when selecting your local and national campaigns, initiatives and strategies;

National Provision  Issues: speeding; drink driving; mobile phones; tiredness; motorway driving;  Media: eg television programmes and adverts, posters, leaflets, internet, radio;  speed reduction and traffic calming;  responsibility of central government;  RoSPA and IAM

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Local Provision  driver improvement and development schemes;  school visits;  cycling proficiency and pedestrian awareness;  responsibility of local councils eg road safety officers;  speed reduction initiatives and strategies in accident prevention;  black spots and collision spots within local areas

This will provide evidence for P6

B) Analysis of the success of road safety campaigns in accident prevention.

You are to assess the success of at least two national and local road safety campaigns, initiatives and strategies. You must include evidence of your research and present your evidence in an appropriate format, such as using graphs and tables.

This will provide evidence for M3

Presentation Guidelines Within your article you may wish to include photographs, data in graph form and quotations from people you have talked to. The article must be written in your own words.

These tasks will provide evidence for P6, M3 & D2

Grading Criteria

To achieve a pass, you To achieve a merit, you To achieve a must: must: distinction, you must:

P6: Explain how M3: assess how national and local road successful road safety safety campaigns, campaigns have been N/A initiatives and in accident prevention. strategies in accident prevention.

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Assignment’s tasks Assessment Criteria

Assignment 1 P1

Assignment 2 P2, P3, M1 & D1

Assignment 3 P4

Assignment 4 P5, M2 & D2

Assignment 5 P6 & M3

Deadline for Unit 14:

Unit resource list


Department for Transport – The Highway Code (The Stationery Office, 2004) ISBN 0115524495 DSA – The Official Driving Manual (The Stationery Office, 1999) ISBN 0115521917 DSA – The Official Driving Test (The Stationery Office, 20a01) ISBN 0115522549


Child Accident Prevention Trust www.capt.org.uk Derbyshire Fire – Community Safety www.derbyshire-fire- service.co.uk/safety_info.ihtml?catid=548 Driving Standards Agency www.dsa.gov.uk National Safety Council www.nsc.org Safety for All www.safety-for-all.com The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents www.rospa.co.uk

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