Students of Color Data

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Students of Color Data

Overview Data Updated 4/8/02 Caveats  All students are domestic, degree-seeking, on-campus students.  Foreign students were included in the residency status report for contextual purposes.  NSSE data does not isolate degree-seeking students or foreign students but does control for on-campus student status only. The number of students of color participating in NSSE is small.

Overall  Nearly half of all Black and Hispanic students are transfer students. Fall 2009 enrollment of Hispanic student shifted to nearly two-thirds being enrolled as first- time freshmen. Approximately 70% of Caucasian students are first-time freshmen.  Students of color compare favorably to Caucasian students in assessment of NSSE Data.  First to second year retention rates for students of color lag behind Caucasian students. Low numbers in the populations make the percentages very sensitive to small changes.  Black students are much more likely to be a student athlete than non-Black students – yet their retention rates are lower whereas athletes are retained as a higher rate than the all student first to second year average.  There is a higher percentage of male students among students of color as compared to Caucasian students.  Students of color lag behind Caucasian students in both retention and graduation rates.  Academic preparation of Hispanic and Black students, as measured by ACT scores, may contribute to retention issues and may need to be addressed through targeted programming.

Asian/Pacific Islander Students  Population trend: fall ’06 = 16 students fall ‘07 = 19 students fall ’08 = 15 students fall ’09 = 22 students  This population is far from reaching a critical mass of 5% - barely exceeding a half of percent of the target population in the fall of ‘09.  Although males dominated this population, comprising as high as 73% of the population in the fall of ’06, a shift in gender distribution has been occurring with 55% of the Asian/PI students being female in fall of ’09.  During the fall of ’06 all students entered as first-time freshmen, however since then there has been a growing proportion of transfer students with 43% of new students entering as transfers in the fall of ’09.  Asian students primarily attend college full time.  The majority of Asian students are foreign. Domestic students tend to be in-state students.  It is uncommon for an Asian student to be a student-athlete.  Asian students tend to enter with ACT scores that are at or above institutional averages, with 67% of Asian students entering with ACT scores at 21 or above compared to 65% of Caucasian students in that same ACT range.  Students major in a variety of areas.  Asian students tend to be retained at a lower rate than Caucasian students: 8 percentage points below from ‘06 to ’07 34 percentage points below from ’07 to ’08 19 percentage points below from ’08 to ‘09 From ’07 to ’08 they were retained at a lower rate than all other students of color included in this report. Although retention improved for this group from ’08-’09, they are still being retained at a lower rate than other students of color.  2009 NSSE data indicate that Asian students have more positive student-faculty interactions than do their Caucasian peers.

Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students  Population trend: fall ’06 = 59 students fall ‘07 = 58 students fall ’08 = 64 students fall ’09 = 71 students  This population has not reached a critical mass of 5% - but does appear to growing slowly: 1.67% of the degree-seeking on-campus student body during the fall of ’08 1.85% of the degree-seeking on-campus student body during the fall of ’09  Although males consistently dominate this student population, FHSU is experiencing a slow growth in female Black students. Females comprised 15% of the fall ‘06 Black student population and 28% of the fall ’08 Black student population. Fall ’09 data showed another slight dip in the percentage of females (24%).  Fall ’09 experienced a shift in attendance from 30% of FHSU Black students being transfer students to 53% being transfer students.  Black students primarily attend college full time.  FHSU Black students are a strong blend of both in-state and out-of-state students with growth tending to be in the out-of-state population. 60% of Black students were out-of- state students in the fall of ’08 and the fall of ‘09.  Approximately half of the Black students are student-athletes.  Approximately 39% of Black students have ACT scores of 21 or above Approximately 61% of Black students have ACT scores below 21 with approximately 8% falling below 16. This group is the most at risk relative to ACT scores.  In the fall of 2008 19% of Black students entered as undecided majors. Only 7% of Black students were undecided on a major in the fall of 2009.with the two most popular majors being Health and Human Performance and Justice Studies – each serving about 18% of the Black student population.  Black students tend to be retained at a lower rate than Caucasian students but the retention rate of these students is improving: 33 percentage points below from ’07 to ’08 8 percentage points below from ’08 to ‘09  Black students had the highest student engagement measures of all student groups on three of the four 2009 NSSE measures (academic challenge, student-faculty interactions, and active and collaborative learning).

Hispanic Students  Population trend: fall ’06 = 120 students fall ‘07 = 139 students fall ’08 = 149 students fall ’09 = 173 students  This population is closer to reaching a critical mass of 5% than Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, or Native American students. Hispanic students comprised 3.89% of the student population during the fall ’08 semester and 4.51% during the fall ’09 semester, and 5.97% during the spring ’10 semester.  There is a good gender mix of Hispanic students.  Hispanic students primarily attend college full time.  The majority of FHSU Hispanic students are from Kansas (67% in the fall of ’09).  Student-athletes are not likely to be Hispanic.  ACT scores of 21 or above: 42% fall ‘08 40% fall ‘09  ACT scores below 21: 58% fall ‘08 60% fall ‘09  ACT scores below 16 increased from 4% fall ’08 to 10% fall’09. This places these students more at academic risk.  The top three major departments for Hispanic students: fall ’08 fall’09 Art and Design (13%) Art and Design (13%) Management & Marketing (9%) Nursing (10%) Undecided (9%) Psychology (10%)  Hispanic students tend to be retained at a lower rate than Caucasian students but the retention rate of these students is improving: 10 percentage points below from ‘06 to ’07 18 percentage points below from ’07 to ’08* 7 percentage points below from ’08 to ‘09*

*From ’07 to ’08 and from ’08 to ‘09 Hispanic students were retained at a higher rate than all other groups other than Caucasian students. Native American of Alaskan Native  Population trend: fall ’06 = 18students fall ‘07 = 21 students fall ’08 = 16 students fall ’09 = 18 students  This population is far from reaching a critical mass of 5% - consistently less than 1% point of the on-campus student population.  Fall enrollment data indicate a three-year trend of a shift from females (61% in the fall of ’06 to males 63% in the fall of ’08). Fall ’09 data indicated 56% of the students were male.  Although Native American students tend to enroll as first-time freshmen, the transfer student population grew from 17% in the Fall of ’06 to 33% in the fall of ’08. (29% were transfers in the fall of 09).  Native American students primarily attend college full time.  The majority of Native American students are from Kansas (83% in the fall of ’09).  Student-athletes are unlikely to be Native American.  Native American students perform slightly below institutional averages w/ great variation from semester to semester. A low N creates great variation in percentages as an individual impacts distribution by 7-14%  Students major in a variety of areas.  Native American students tend to be retained at a lower rate than Caucasian students: 18 percentage points below from ‘06 to ’07 20 percentage points below from ’07 to ’08 19 percentage points below from ’08 to ‘09  2009 NSSE data indicate that Native American students have more enriching educational experiences than do their peers. Number of Degree-Seeking Students of Color Enrolled

Figure 1 : Fall Attendance – Percentage of Asian/Pacific Islander Students



0.39% 0.37% 2006 = 15/4028 2007 = 19/3943 2008 = 15/3832 2009 = 22/3833

Figure 2: Spring Attendance – Percentage of Asian/Pacific Islander Students


0.46% 0.45% 0.42% 0.38% 2006 = 17/3734 2007 = 14/3698 2008 = 15/3536 2009 = 19/3534 2010 = 16/3551 Figure 3: Fall Attendance – Percentage of Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students

1.85% 1.67% 1.47% 1.46%

2006 = 59/4028 2007 = 58/3943 2008 = 64/3832 2009 = 71/3833

Figure 4: Spring Attendance – Percentage of Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students

1.75% 1.75%

1.42% 1.38% 1.41% 2006 = 53/3734 2007 = 51/3698 2008 = 50/3536 2009 = 62/3534 2010 = 62/3551 Figure 5: Fall Attendance – Percentage of Hispanic Students


3.89% 3.53%

2.98% 2006 = 120/4028 2007 = 139/3943 2008 = 149/3832 2009 = 173/3833

Figure 6: Spring Attendance – Percentage of Hispanic Students


2006 = 91/3734 3.88% 3.82% 2007 = 114/3698 3.08% 2008 = 135/3536 2.44% 2009 = 137/3534 2010 = 212/3551 Figure 7: Fall Attendance – Percentage of Native American or Alaskan Native

0.53% 0.47% 0.45% 0.42% 2006 = 18/4028 2007 = 21/3943 2008 = 16/3832 2009 = 18/3833

Figure 8: Spring Attendance – Percentage of Native American or Alaskan Native

0.59% 2006 = 15/3734 0.48% 0.42% 2007 = 13/3698 0.40% 0.35% 2008 = 21/3536 2009 = 17/3534 2010 = 15/3551 Gender Distribution of Degree Seeking Students

Figure 9: Fall – Gender Distribution of Asian/Pacific Island Students

73% 68% 60% 55% 45% 2006 = 15 40% 2007 = 19 32% 2008 = 15 27% 2009 = 22

Females Males

Figure 10: Spring – Gender Distribution of Asian/Pacific Island Students

73% 71%

59% 56% 53% 2006 = 17 47% 44% 41% 2007 = 14 2008 = 15 29% 27% 2009 = 19 2010 = 16

Females Males Figure 11: Fall – Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students


78% 76% 72%

2006 = 59 2007 = 58 2008 = 64 28% 2009 = 71 22% 24% 15%

Females Males

Figure 12: Spring – Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students

82% 82% 78% 74% 74%

2006 = 53 2007 = 51 2008 = 50 2009 = 62 26% 26% 2010 = 62 22% 18% 18%

Females Males Figure 13: Fall – Hispanic Students


55% 53% 51% 49% 47% 45% 40% 2006 = 120 2007 = 139 2008 = 149 2009 = 173

Females Males

Figure 14: Spring – Hispanic Students

62% 64% 56% 51% 49% 50% 50% 44% 2006 = 91 38% 36% 2007 = 114 2008 = 135 2009 = 137 2010 = 212

Females Males Figure 15: Fall – Native American or Alaskan Native Students

63% 61% 57% 56%

44% 43% 39% 2006 = 18 38% 2007 = 21 2008 = 16 2009 = 18

Females Males

Figure 16: Spring – Native American or Alaskan Native Students

67% 62% 59% 53% 52% 2006 = 15 47% 48% 41% 2007 = 13 38% 33% 2008 = 21 2009 = 17 2010 = 15

Females Males

Degree Seeking First Time Freshman & New Transfer Distribution Figure 17: Fall – First Time Freshman & New Transfer Distribution of Asian/Pacific Island Students


2006 = 5 64% 57% 57% 2007 = 11 43% 2008 = 7 43% 36% 2009 = 7


First-Time FR New Transfers

Figure 18: Fall – First Time Freshman & New Transfer Distribution of Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students

70% 65%

52% 53% 48% 2006 = 25 47% 2007 = 26 35% 30% 2008 = 27 2009 = 34

First-Time FR New Transfers Figure 19: Fall – First Time Freshman & New Transfer Distribution of Hispanic Students


56% 52% 51% 49% 48% 44% 2006 = 45 36% 2007 = 55 2008 = 46 2009 = 58

First-Time FR New Transfers

Figure 20: Fall – First Time Freshman & New Transfer Distribution of Native American or Alaskan Native Students

83% 78% 71% 67%

2006 = 6 2007 = 9 33% 2008 = 3 29% 2009 = 7 22% 17%

First-Time FR New Transfers Degree Seeking Full Time & Part Time Distribution

Figure 21: Fall – Full Time & Part Time Distribution of Asian/Pacific Islander Students

93% 90% 84% 82%

2006 = 15 2007 = 19 2008 = 15 2009 = 22

16% 18% 7% 7%

Full Time Part Time

Figure 22: Spring – Full Time & Part Time Distribution of Asian/Pacific Islander Students

94% 93% 87% 84%

69% 2006 = 17 2007 = 14 2008 = 15

31% 2009 = 19 2010 = 16 13%16% 6% 7%

Full Time Part Time Figure 23: Fall – Full Time & Part Time Distribution of Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students

97% 97% 91% 93%

2006 = 59 2007 = 58 2008 = 64 2009 = 71

9% 3% 3% 7%

Full Time Part Time

Figure 24: Spring – Full Time & Part Time Distribution of Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students

91% 90% 90% 92% 92%

2006 = 53 2007 = 51 2008 = 50 2009 = 62 2010 = 62

10% 9% 10% 8% 8%

Full Time Part Time Figure 25: Fall – Full Time & Part Time Distribution of Hispanic Students

90% 91% 91% 89%

2006 = 120 2007 = 139 2008 = 149 2009 = 173

10% 9% 9% 11%

Full Time Part Time

Figure 26: Spring – Full Time & Part Time Distribution of Hispanic Students

91% 90% 84% 85% 86%

2006 = 91 2007 = 114 2008 = 135 2009 = 137 2010 = 212 16% 15% 14% 9% 10%

Full Time Part Time Figure 27: Fall – Full Time & Part Time Distribution of Native American or Alaskan Native Students

94% 94% 89% 86%

2006 = 18 2007 = 21 2008 = 16 2009 = 18

11% 14% 6% 6%

Full Time Part Time

Figure 28: Spring – Full Time & Part Time Distribution of Native American or Alaskan Native Students

93% 90%

80% 77% 76% 2006 = 15 2007 = 13 2008 = 21 2009 = 17 24% 20% 23% 2010 = 15

10% 7%

Full Time Part Time Residency Status of Degree Seeking-Students

Figure 29: Fall – In State & Out of State Distribution of Asian/Pacific Islander Students

86% 82% 84% 79%

2006 = 84 2007 = 119 2008 = 107 2009 = 99

16% 13% 11% 7% 5% 4% 4% 3% 1% 1% 2% 2%

In State Out of State Foreign Resident Alien

Figure 30: Spring – In State and Out of State Distribution of Asian/Pacific Islander Students

8 4 % 8 6 % 8 5 % 8 1% 8 2 %

2006 = 89 2007 = 87 2008 = 111 2009 = 107 2010 = 98 16 % 11% 12 % 11% 7 % 5 % 3 % 4 % 3 % 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2 %

In State Out of State Foreign Resident Alien Figure 31: Fall – In State & Out of State Distribution of Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students

60% 60%

50% 47% 47% 43% 2006 = 60 2007 = 59 34% 29% 2008 = 67 2009 = 78

9% 5% 4% 3% 3% 2% 2% 1%

In State Out of State Foreign Resident Alien Figure 32: Spring – In State & Out of State Distribution of Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students

6 0 % 5 8 % 5 5 %

5 0 % 5 0 %

4 4 % 4 3 % 4 3 % 2006 = 54

3 7 % 2007 = 52

2 9 % 2008 = 51 2009 = 65 2010 = 68

9 % 6 % 5 % 4 % 2 % 2 % 2 % 0 % 0 % 1%

In State Out of State Foreign Resident Alien

Figure 33: Fall – In State & Out of State Distribution of Hispanic Students 79%

70% 67% 64% 2006 = 122 2007 = 140 2008 = 149 2009 = 173 19% 21% 16% 16% 11% 13% 11% 9%

2% 1% 0% 1%

In State Out of State Foreign Resident Alien

Figure 34: Spring In State & Out of State Distribution of Hispanic Students

8 5 %

7 8 % 7 2 % 6 8 % 6 2 % 2006 = 93 2007 = 116 2008 = 136 2009 = 137

2 0 % 2 1% 18 % 2010 = 213 13 % 14 % 11% 8 % 9 % 10 % 5 % 2 % 2 % 1% 0 % 1%

In State Out of State Foreign Resident Alien Figure 35: Fall – In State and Out of State Distribution of Native American or Alaskan Native Students

88% 83% 78% 71% 2006 = 18 2007 = 21 2008 = 16 29% 2009 = 18 22% 17% 13%

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

In State Out of State Foreign Resident Alien

Figure 36: Spring – In State and Out of State Distribution of Native American or Alaskan Native Students

8 7 % 8 5 % 8 0 % 7 6 % 7 1% 2006 = 15 2007 = 13 2008 = 21

2 9 % 2009 = 17 2 4 % 2 0 % 2010 = 15 13 % 15 %

0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 %

In State Out of State Foreign Resident Alien Degree- Seeking Student Athletes Figure 37: Fall – Athlete and Non-Athlete Distribution of Asian/Pacific Islander Students

95% 96% 87%

73% 2006 = 15 2007 = 19 2008 = 15 2009 = 23 27%

13% 5% 4%

Athlete Non-Athlete

Figure 38: Spring – Athlete and Non-Athlete Distribution of Asian/Pacific Islander Students

100% 89% 76% 2006 = 17 71% 67% 2007 = 14 2008 = 15 2009 = 19 33% 29% 24% 2010 =16

11% 0%

Athlete Non-Athlete Figure 39: Fall – Athlete and Non-Athlete Distribution of Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students


59% 55% 50% 50% 45% 2006 = 59 41% 2007 = 58 2008 = 64 24% 2009 = 72

Athlete Non-Athlete

Figure 40: Spring – Athlete and Non-Athlete Distribution of Black (not of Hispanic origin) Students

58% 56% 53% 53% 50% 50% 47% 47% 42%44% 2006 = 53 2007 = 51 2008 = 50 2009 = 62 2010 = 62

Athlete Non-Athlete

Figure 41: Fall – Athlete & Non-Athlete Distribution of Hispanic Students 94% 91% 91% 91%

2006 = 120 2007 = 139 2008 = 149 2009 = 175

9% 9% 9% 6%

Athlete Non-Athlete

Figure 42: Spring – Athlete & Non-Athlete Distribution of Hispanic Students

91% 91% 91% 89% 87%

2006 = 91 2007 = 114 2008 = 135 2009 = 137 2010 = 15 13% 11% 9% 9% 9%

Athlete Non-Athlete Figure 43: Fall – Athlete & Non-Athlete Distribution of Native American or Alaskan Native Students

95% 89% 81% 83%

2006 = 18 2007 = 21 2008 = 16 2009 = 18

19% 17%100% 11% 92% 82% 87% 5% 81% 2006 = 15 2007 = 13 Athlete Non-Athlete 2008 = 21 2009 = 17 2010 = 15 Figure 44: 19% 18% Spring – 13% 8% Athlete & 0% Non-Athlete Distribution Athlete Non-Athlete of Native American or Alaskan Native Students Distribution of ACT Scores for Degree-Seeking Students

Note in this section percentages are calculated within race/ethnic group and not by ACT score

Figure 45: Fall 2006 Distribution of ACT Composite Scores

78% Asian = 10 62% Black = 26 49% 42% Hispanic = 77 38% 40%38% 33% 30% 30% Native Am. = 9 19% White = 2965 9% 11% 11% 3% 3% 4% 0% 0% 2%

15 & Under 16-20 21-29 30 & Above

Figure 46: Spring 2007 Distribution of ACT Composite Scores


53% Asian = 9 43% 43% 40% Black = 23 33% 33% 32% 33% 30% 29% Hispanic = 70 22% Native Am. = 7 14% 14% White = 2730 7% 4% 3% 2% 0% 0%

15 & Under 16-20 21-29 30 & Above Figure 47: Fall 2007 Distribution of ACT Composite Scores


50% 48% 45%47% 47% Asian = 12 62% 41% 60% Black = 27 33% 51% 33% 50% 30% Hispanic = 86 26% 45% Asian = 10 43%43% Native Am. = 15 17% Black = 22 White = 2839 30% 32% Hispanic = 90 7% 27% 7% 4% 23% 3% 2% 0% 0% 0% Native Am. = 14

10% White = 2545 7% 15 & 6%Under 16-20 21-29 30 5%& Above 3% 3% 0% 0% 0%

15 & Under 16-20 21-29 30 & Above

Figure 48: Spring 2008 Distribution of ACT Composite Scores

Figure 49: Fall 2008 Distribution of ACT Composite Scores 75%

62% 57% 54% 55% Asian = 8

45% 42% Black = 37 Hispanic = 98 32% 30% 25% Native Am. = 11

14% White = 2790

4% 3% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

15 & Under 16-20 21-29 30 & Above

Figure 50: Spring 2009 Distribution of ACT Composite Scores

67% 62% 60% 56%56% Asian = 9 Black = 36 40%40%

32% 31% Hispanic = 88

22% Native Am. = 10 White = 2535 11%11% 5% 3% 3% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0%

15 & Under 16-20 21-29 30 & Above

Figure 51: Fall 2009 Distribution of ACT Composite Scores 67% 62%

53% 54% 50% Asian = 9 40% Black = 36 38% 39% 33% Hispanic = 121

22% Native Am. = 13 White = 2723 11% 8%10% 8% 3% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0%

15 & Under 16-20 21-29 30 & Above

Figure 52: Spring 2010 Distribution of ACT Composite Scores


62% 59% Asian = 4 50% 48% 50% 45% Black = 32 Hispanic = 148 30%32% 25% Native Am. = 10 16% White = 2498 7% 3% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

15 & Under 16-20 21-29 30 & Above Fall-to-Fall Retention Rates

Figure 53: Enrolled Fall 06 and Returned Fall 07

62% 68%

60% 58%

50% Asian = 3/5 Black = 8/13 Hispanic = 14/24 Native American = 2/4 White = 435/643

Figure 54: Enrolled Fall 07 and Returned Fall 08


59% 57% Asian = 3/7 44% Black = 4/9 43% Hispanic = 16/27 Native American = 4/7 White = 498/651 Figure 55: Enrolled Fall 08 and Returned Fall 09

69% 61% 62%

50% 50% Asian = 2/4 Black = 11/18 Hispanic = 15/24 Native American = 1/2 White = 462/670 2009 NSSE Data (means) Freshmen & Seniors

Academic Challenge

56% 55% 52% 51%

45% Asian - 15 Black - 3 Hispanic - 11 Native American - 3 White - 363

Student-Faculty Interactions


53% 52% 51% 46% Asian -15 Black - 3 Hispanic - 11 Native American - 3 White - 362 Enriching Educational Experiences

51% 41% Asian - 15 34% 32% 31% Black - 3 Hispanic - 11 Native American - 3 White - 363

Active & Collaborative Learning


50% 48% 46% 45% Asian - 15 Black - 3 Hispanic - 11 Native American - 3 White - 360 Supportive Campus Environment


65% 63% 63% 55% Asian - 15 Black - 3 Hispanic - 11 Native American - 3 White - 362

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