Van Zile Hall Governing Board Meeting
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Van Zile Hall Governing Board Meeting August 29, 2004 Lorna Blasche President Roll Call Gavin Courvella Erica Mederos was excused Vice President Ashley Sanders was unexcused
Amber Foust Guests Secretary Peter Minutes Approval Stephanie Climer No minutes were available for approval Treasurer Officer Reports Lauren Brown President: For Homecomming, we are paired with West and Historian Marlatt Halls and the Theme is Wild with Pride. The officers Council meeting was informal and Lorna got some good Jeremy Thornburgh information. KSUARH Rep ARH Rep: We get points for getting residents to go to meetings (1 point each). The hall with the most points gets a party at the end of Ashley Sanders the semester. Meetings are on Wed. at 9p Eric Carter Intramural Chair: Two people were signed up under VZ for Social Co-Chairs sports and four people were signed up under different halls Environmental Chair: Intramural Policy is now try to make an Name effort to find someone to fill in if you cannot fulfill your Intramural Chair obligations. Recycling: papers will probably go back to being picked up room by room. Wednesday will be the best day for Judd Patterson Judd. We need to get some publicity about recycling days. Environmental Chair -Jeremy made a motion to pass the intramural policy. It was seconded by Meaghan. The motion was passed 7 to 0. Meaghan Thompson Advisor Reports Info Coordinator We need to get a budget together as soon as possible. The money from the Strong Complex Computer funde is being diverted Meghan Boyer to the SCC Budget for better allocation to the halls in the Strong Multicultural Chair Complex. The TV is now installed and the remote can be checked out at the front desk. Business from Erica: the door stop activity Amanda Riffel should be on Monday at 7p. SCC Rep New Business New Officers- New officers are Gavin Couvella (VP), Stephanie Camilla Jones Climer (Treasurer), Lauren Brown (Historian), Eric Carter (Co-Social Advisor Chair), Amanda Riffel (SCC Rep) Binders- Lorna wants to make notebooks for all of the officers of Erica Mederos VZ HGB. Camilla noted that the materials that were needed can be Advisor aquired at pittman at no cost to VZ. Meeting Next Week- Next week is Labor Day.
Template made by Hannah Shaffer. -Amber made a motion to cancel next week’s meeting. It was seconded by Jeremy. The motion was passed 7 to 0. Address List- We need an updated list of all HGB members. A list was passed around to give correct information. TV/ Camera Stuff- Last year a bid was placed to increase the socialness of VZ residents. The TV has been delivered, and the DVD and digital camera are in the process of being ordered. The cost of the DVD and camera caused us to go over the alloted ARH budget. We will have to payback the difference ($18.19) to ARH. We also need to contact Mantinence about building a cabinet for the DVD player. Vacuum- We need to find out of a vacuum is something that the residents really want before we spend a good portion of the budget on it. We should see if we can get assistance from other sources.
Old Business Elections- There was only one nomination for each of the appointed positions, except intramural chair, thus, the positions will be filled without a vote. September Programming- Jeremy will look into having local bands come and play infront of VZ. We need to see about the cost of having them play and perhaps the other halls and maybe ARH can help on the cost. We hope to continue CSI night now that we have the big screen, It should be that much better. Lorna will get chips and other items for Thursday. We should try to get residents of the other halls to come. Key Reader- Housing mantinence would be the best place to start trying to get a card reader on the North east intrance of the building. Access to Putnam- instead of trying to get access to Putnam for VZ residents, it might be easier to just contact the Pepsi Co. and get to them to put a machine in the laundry room. We need to call and see. List serve- The list serve will hopefully be reset sometime in the near future. Announcements No meeting on September 5, 2004 (next week)
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:47p
Template made by Hannah Shaffer.