Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement)

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Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement)

Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement)

Action Plan for Houses of the Oireachtas Service [at 27 January 2011] 1. Better human resource management

To include, for example, actions around the reduction of staff numbers; the redeployment of staff to areas of greatest need; the restructuring/reconfiguration of service delivery; changes to work practices; revisions in attendance arrangements; absence management; performance management etc.

Terms of the Public Target Date for Service Agreement Action/commitment Implementation 2010 – 2014 Resources Reduction in Public Service Numbers 1.5 4.3 Capacity to achieve specified revised target reduction in staff numbers while maintaining services to Q4 2014 4.4 the greatest possible extent.

Recruitment Target of 10% by end 2012 has already been achieved by end 2011: we will have regard to revised 1.7 targets (e.g. 12% by 2015 announced in December 2011) as announced. 1.13 4.3, 4.11 In the very limited number of vacancies that may be filled, the Service will continue to apply its open- To be considered for 6.3.1, 6.3.3 recruitment policy when filling posts sanctioned by the Commission each recruitment process Resources Reduction in Public Service Numbers: Increased Sittings 1.5 Maintain continuous, high quality parliamentary support Services for increased sittings of the Houses 4.3 (including Friday sittings and proposed Committee weeks-see Programme for Government) 4.4 Assess likely demand for services and capacity to meet that demand as part of annual resource Q4 2012, 2013 and 2014 planning process Terms of the Public Target Date for Service Agreement Action/commitment Implementation 2010 – 2014 Resources Reduction in Public Service Numbers : Petitions System 1.5 4.3 Support proposed new ‘Petitions System’ when established- see also Delivering for the Citizen 4.4 Q1 2012

Resources and Overtime attendance management Review of overtime across the Service and achieve reduction of 10% in accordance with Department Q1 2012 of Public Expenditure and Reform instruction (January 2012) Resources Allowances 1.4 4.3 Review of allowances across the Service in accordance with Department of Public Expenditure and Q1 2012 4.4 Reform instruction (January 2012)

Resources Merge/ integrate certain functions 1.4 1.5 Measure full year non-pay efficiencies from merger of two travel related functions (staff savings Q4 2012 4.3 already achieved in 2011) 4.4 Measure pay and non-pay efficiencies achieved from merger of MIF, Risk and Finance functions Q1 2012

Measure efficiencies achieved from integration of all Pensions’ functions Q1 2013

Conclude review of potential for integration of Procedural Sections functions Q3 2012

Measure efficiencies achieved from the establishment of the Facilities Management Function Q4 2012 Resources Reorganisation 1.4 Review service provision in the Superintendent’s Section to include reorganisation of internal mail Q2 2012 1.10 arrangements

Assess potential for outsourcing across the Service Q3 2012

2 Terms of the Public Target Date for Service Agreement Action/commitment Implementation 2010 – 2014 Resources Audit Resources 1.4 4.4 Reduce consultancy services on audit function Q4 2012 Redeployment Redeployment within Public Service 1.7 4.3 Redeployment of one EO to CSO for 12-18 months agreed wef May 2011 Concludes in 2012 4.4 Assess scope for temporary redeployment of clerical staff to the Passport Office during Summer Q2 2012 Recess (redeployed in 2011)

Strategies for cross-sectoral mobility agreed – central agreement required Q4 2012

Exchange/ temporary redeployment mechanism agreed for AP and PO grades Q3 2012 Attendance Patterns Attendance patterns 1.4 Review opening/ closing hours of all LH complex: objective is rationalisation of service in particular Q1 2012 1.8 on non-sitting days 4.1 4.4 Attendance arrangements for new recruits (i.e. in limited circumstances where replacements are being Q1 2012 4.9 allowed) to reflect the parliamentary session e.g. 40 week working year/ attendance on sitting days only.

Facilitation of Shorter Working Year and other leave arrangements. 2012-2014

Attendance Patterns Attendance Management & Management 1.4 Achieve a 10% reduction on 2011 sick absences using standardised methodology for reporting sick Q4: 2012, 2013, 2014 4.1 leave and reduced cost of absence. 8% reduction achieved in 2011 with 12% reduction in cost of 4.4 absences. Monitor and maintain reductions in 2012, 2013 and 2014.

Attendance Patterns Attendance Management & Management 1.4 Full implementation of the electronic System for Recording Attendance. Q2 2012 1.8  Bar and Restaurant 4.4  Superintendent’s Section

3 Terms of the Public Target Date for Service Agreement Action/commitment Implementation 2010 – 2014 Reconfiguration Reduction and Rationalisation of State Properties and Office Accommodations 1.7 To relocate staff and surrender accommodation dispersed over a number of buildings in phases. 1.8 1.9 Phase 2: Agriculture House or alternative property 2012-2014 4.3 6.3 6.4 Performance Performance Management, Organisational Capacity and Organisational Development Management, 1.13 Fully implement the new central PMDS structure Q1 2012 4.12 Provide a system for electronic submission of PMDS forms Q1 2013

Improve procedures for managing identified underperformance e.g. improvement programmes for Q1 2012, 2013 and 2014 individuals. Q3 2012 Deliver a leadership and management development programme for PO and AP grades to strengthen the Service’s management capability. Q3 2012 Implement recommendations of Organisational Development Project Roll-out commences Improve organisational capacity through procedural training and Knowledge transfer initiatives March 2012

2012-14 Ensure capacity to do our work through Business Continuity Planning Strategy and agreed actions

4 2. Better Business Processes

To include, for example actions to increase efficiency and productivity; rationalise core structures, business processes, accommodation requirements etc; establish shared service approaches, establish cross-functional teams/ new work structures, optimise the potential of new technology to streamline operations and generate efficiencies etc.

Terms of the Public Target Date as per Service Agreement Action/commitment Current Action Plan 2010 - 2014 Greater Efficiencies VFM

1.4 Measures efficiency and productivity gains resulting from the implementation of the Q32012 4.1 recommendations of the VFM Report for the production of the Official Report of Debates. 4.3 Conclude, approve and implement VFM & Policy Review of the Communications Plan 2010-12 Q3 2012

Conduct VFM & Policy Review of the Library & Research Service Q4 2012

Identify topics for VFM Review Programme for 2013-2014 Q4 2012 Contracts and other efficiencies

Achieve a 5% reduction or equivalent from contractors and suppliers not subject to recent Q2 2012 procurement processes i.e. pre 30/06/2010 contracts

Explore scope to combine broadcasting and sound contracts Q4 2013 Explore potential for operational savings in Broadcasting Q2 2012

Explore in-sourcing of eVoting; Achieve Long Term in-house solution, if beneficial – short-term Q4 2013 interim solution achieved.

Identify and implement efficiencies in and for the ICT Unit Q4 2012

Fully Implement EFT for 100% of payments Q2 2012 Greater Efficiencies Procurement 2012-2014 1.4 Continue use of NPS procurement contracts and framework agreements for common goods and service, where appropriate 5 Terms of the Public Target Date as per Service Agreement Action/commitment Current Action Plan 2010 - 2014 Resources Committees 1.4 4.4 Mid-term Review of administrative supports for the Committee System of the 31st Dáil (with Q3 2013 impact of EU Scrutiny to be assessed Q2 2012)

Shared Services Shared Services 1.11 There are external dependancies in achieving targets. However, objective for the Service is full 2012-2014 participation in shared services for HR, Payroll, Finance and Pension Payroll.

Explore potential of Shared IT Support contract with other Office/Agency etc. Q4 2012

Business Process Projects 4.13 Roll-out the Legislative Workbench (LWB) project. Q1 2012

Conclude and measure efficiencies arising from the Debates Authoring project. Q1 2012

Rationalise service delivery on Parliamentary documents (Parliamentary Printing Contract, Q1 2012 eLegislation, and PQs)

Quantify efficiencies and savings arising from the new ‘eDocuments Laid’ system developed and Q1 2013 implemented following a Business Process Improvement (BPI) project

Business Process Business Process Improvement (BPI) – related to VFM and project targets already listed 4.13 Q2 2012 Measure efficiencies from BPI projects implemented in 2011

Identify areas for BPI review in 2013-14 Q3 2012

Enhance organisational capability in BPI with second round of training Q2 2013

6 3. Delivering for the Citizen

To include, for example, actions to enhance service delivery to the public, including changes to the technology used, more online services, service integration, efforts to reduce information burdens on citizens through better data management/sharing of data, including around identity etc

Terms of the Public Service Target Date as per Action/commitment Agreement 2010 Current Action Plan - 2014 New Technology New Technology and Information Services

1.10, 1.11, 1.14 Implementation of Communications Plan 2010-12 Q4 2012 4.13, 4.15 Develop an Information Strategy for the Service Q2 2012 Develop an ICT Strategy Q2 2012 Develop an Enterprise Architecture for the Service Q4 2012

New Technology Customer Charter 2011-2013: 4.13 Review achievements under Customer Charter 2011-2013 Q4 2012 Q4 2013 New Technology Continue to exploit the apps market to deliver functionality and services e.g. up-to-date, accurate and 2012- 2014 4.13 user friendly information to citizens (related to Information Services above)

New Technology Broadcasting 4.13 Review pilot parliamentary channel ‘Oireachtas TV’ on digital channel Q2 2012


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