1. in Regard to Political Structure, Postclassical India

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1. in Regard to Political Structure, Postclassical India

Quiz Ch. 15 A India D)The Muslims, unlike previous invaders, bypassed the 1. In regard to political structure, postclassical India Gangetic plain in preference for southern India. A. rivaled Tang China in respect to size and E)Islam proved to be a temporary setback to India but w administrative brilliance. as quickly replaced by Buddhism. B. was most influenced by Byzantium C. copied the Chinese model after being conquered 4. How did Islam and Hinduism differ? by the Tang. A)Hinduism stressed the egalitarianism of all believers, D. developed no single centralized imperial while Islam was more rigid in terms of orthodox belief. authority. B)Islam stressed the egalitarianism of all believers, while E. was more similar to imperial Rome than to Tang Hinduism was more rigid in terms of orthodox belief. China. C)Islam stressed the egalitarianism of all believers, while Hinduism embraced a caste-based social system. 2. The campaigns of Mahmud of Ghazi and his forces D)Hinduism stressed the egalitarianism of all believers, resulted in while Islam embraced a caste-based social system. A. the rapid decline in Hinduism. E)Hinduism was monotheistic, while Islam was polytheist B. the conversion of over half of India’s population to ic but both had a supreme God. Islam. C. a hastening in the decline of Buddhism. 5. How did Hinduism respond to the challenge of Islam? D. a revival in Buddhist thought because of the A)Hindus abandoned their emphasis on many deities in f general desire for salvation in the face of avor of monotheism in the person of Shiva. oppression. B)Hindus placed greater emphasis on the devotional or E. an explosive growth in the popularity of the Jains. bhaktic cults of gods and goddesses such as Shiva and Vishnu. 3.What was the difference between the Islamic invasions C)Hindus converted to Islam in increasing numbers, until of India and previous incursions of the subcontinent? Muslims outnumbered Hindus in the subcontinent. A)With the Muslims, the peoples of India encountered for D)The Brahmins accepted Islam as a variety of orthodox the first time a large-scale influx of invaders with Hindu belief, while anticipating the incorporation of the civilization as sophisticated as their own. Muslim immigrants into the Indian caste system. B)With the Muslims, the peoples of India encountered for E)Hindus created a new warrior class and began a milita the first time an invasion from the west rather than the ry campaign which led to the eventual demise of Islam east. in India. C)The Muslims were rapidly able to unify all of India into a single empire.

Quiz Chp 15 B India 1. An invasion in 451 C.E. by the White Huns, began the 4. What was the difference between the Islamic collapse of the invasions of India and previous incursions of the a. Gupta dynasty. subcontinent? b. Mauryan dynasty. A. With the Muslims, the peoples of India encountered c. Byzantine Empire. for the first time a large-scale influx of invaders with a d. Chola kingdom. civilization as sophisticated as their own. e. Han dynasty. B. With the Muslims, the peoples of India encountered for the first time an invasion from the west rather than 2. Islam reached India by all of the following routes the east. except C. The Muslims were rapidly able to unify all of India into a. conquest by Arabic invaders. a single empire. b. missionaries sent by the emperor Harsha. D. The Muslims, unlike previous invaders, bypassed the c. Islamic merchants. Gangetic plain in preference for southern India. d. migrations from Turkish-speaking peoples from E.Islam proved to be a temporary setback to India but central Asia. was quickly replaced by Buddhism. e. Both b and d are true 5. The bhakti teacher Guru Kabir believed 3. India was a natural location for the establishment of a. that the only true path to salvation was through emporia because of complete devotion to Allah. a. its central location in the Indian Ocean basin. b. in a harshly exclusive faith. b. the continuous problem of Chinese pirates. c. that Shiva, Vishnu, and Allah were all c. its cold, dry climate. manifestations of a single, universal deity. d. the absence of any monsoon winds. d. that true disciples had to renounce the foreign e. its strong, centralized government. influence of Islam and return to Hinduism. e. that Buddhism was the only true faith.

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