National Pan-Hellenic Council
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National Pan–Hellenic Council 1 Of Columbus State University 4225 University Ave. Columbus, GA 31907
Constitution and Bylaws PREAMBLE
We, the representatives of this historically established community of service fraternities and sororities, similar in structure and background with both graduate and undergraduate chapters, recognizes the need for coordination and cooperation in activities of intercollegiate Greek Lettered fraternities and sororities. These chapters of intercollegiate Greek Lettered fraternities and sororities are recognized by formal organization and do hereby establish such an organization and bind ourselves to abide by the provision of the following Constitution and Bylaws.
Article I. Nomenclature
Section 1: This intercollegiate collaboration of Greek-Lettered fraternities and sororities, shall be known as the National Pan-Hellenic Council Incorporated of Columbus State University, and also known hereinafter as the CSU NPHC.
Article II. Purpose
Section 1: The Purpose of the National Pan-Hellenic Council Incorporated of Columbus State University shall be:
1. To create and maintain high morals between fraternities and sororities. 2. To perpetuate constructive fraternity and sorority relationships, between members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, as well as other Greek Councils and Chapters represented on the campus of Columbus State University. 3. To foster an understanding of the structure and method of operations among the affiliate’s organizations. 4. To coordinate action strategies on matters of mutual concern to the affiliate organizations. 5. To make every available effort to create Greek unity, coordination, and congruence through the promotion of trust, respect, and teamwork between each member organization.
NPHC of CSU Constitution and Bylaws 05 May 2014 National Pan–Hellenic Council 2 Of Columbus State University 4225 University Ave. Columbus, GA 31907
Article III. Membership/ Membership Policies Membership:
Section 1: The Council shall be composed of affiliate chapters of the national organizations that comprise the National Pan-Hellenic Council. Membership in the National Pan-Hellenic Council Incorporated of Columbus State University shall include:
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
Membership Policies:
Section 1: Requirements for obtaining and maintaining Full Membership shall be as follows: A. An entering affiliate organization to the CSU National Pan-Hellenic Council shall complete of one semester of Associate Member status and a non-voting member period, for a totaling amount of one semester’s time. All affiliate organizations associated with the CSU NPHC, shall:
Attend all NPHC Council Meetings and send representation from the Chapter. Pay Council Dues, either once in the fall and once in the spring, or an organization may pay their dues for the academic year. Participate in all NPHC sponsored events and philanthropic/ community service projects. Participation in at least one (1) of each NPHC member organization event with at least two (2) chapter members present is not required, but, an incentive for NPHC Organization of the Year. Not host programs, events, occasions, or anything construed as such, against or on the same day as other NPHC Regular or Associate member organization without prior clearance from the NPHC President, Advisor, and the chapter sponsoring the original event. Turn-in updated rosters and chapter calendars by stated deadlines. Maintain a minimum of five (5) active members. Perform all other duties in accordance with the Office of Greek Life standards set forth by Columbus State University, the Columbus State University Code of Conduct and National Affiliate Organization’s regulations.
NPHC of CSU Constitution and Bylaws 05 May 2014 National Pan–Hellenic Council 3 Of Columbus State University 4225 University Ave. Columbus, GA 31907
B. Any chapter that is recognized by The Columbus State University National Pan-Hellenic Council and its national organization during the given semester shall be allowed one (1) vote by the Executive Board Representative, also known as the voting representative.
C. Each affiliate organization shall be entitled to one (1) voting representative and one (1) alternative representative. The alternate representative shall only vote when the voting representative is unavailable. The voting representative will be recognized before the actual vote.
D. The affiliate NPHC Chapters shall appoint voting representatives, (1) Executive Board Representative and (1) Alternative Representative, also known as a General Body Representative. The voting representative and alternative representatives shall be chosen by the individual chapters of the NPHC and presented before the Council’s Officer Transitions. The name of the (1) voting representative, also known as the Executive Board Representative and (1) alternative representative, also known as General Body representative, are required to be submitted to the current NPHC Vice-President. The Executive Board position is determined by the Council’s rotation of Offices each year. Duties of these officers shall be outlined according to the respective position in Article Six. Replacements to the Representative’s position will only be made if the previous representative graduated from the University, completely withdrew from the University, or was deemed an inactive member of their respective chapter by their international headquarters. In the event that a member organization has an extenuating circumstance in which a voting representative must step down, it is at the discretion of the Council President to deem the circumstance extenuating and it is the responsibility of the affiliate organization to replace the representative within two weeks of resignation.
Section 2: Requirements for all chapters, to be considered financial, regular or associate continue as follows:
Maintain an active roster that includes a minimum of two (2) members. Shall have both a Columbus State University Faculty and Chapter/Alumni advisor. Shall pay dues in the amount of $60.00 per semester, or $120.00 per year. Dues are due by the second Council meeting of the Semester.
Section 3: Violations of Membership Policies are punishable by fines to the affiliate organization. Fines must be paid by the offending chapter, in full, within two weeks of notification. The schedule of fees is defined below:
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Schedule of Fees: Unexcused absence at weekly/ biweekly Council meeting by one delegate: $50 fine PER MEETING (Excused absences will be granted at the discretion of the NPHC President) Unexcused Tardiness at NPHC sponsored events and meetings: $10 per person (Excused Tardies will be granted at the discretion of the NPHC President) Late payment of Council Dues: $20.00 PER WEEK (up to four (4) weeks). Unexcused absence at NPHC sponsored events/service projects/philanthropies: 51% or $50 fine Sponsoring any program, event, project, or any gathering that can be construed as such, without the explicit and written consent of the organization with the assigned date, that directly or indirectly conflicts with another member organization (regular or associate): $175.00 PER EVENT. o 1st Offense: Verbal Warning, notification sent to chapter president, Graduate Advisors, and Greek Life Adviser. o 2nd Offense: Written notice of Probation; terms of probation to be determined by NPHC President and Advisor; notification sent to chapter president, advisors, and national office. o 3rd Offense: Equivalent to one full calendar year of being below two (2) members. Written notice of loss of NPHC recognition.
Article IV: Delegate Meetings
Section 1: The Secretary and Judicial Chair will work together to keep up-to-date files on attendance, minutes, agendas, fines, dues, or other fees on a regular basis.
Section 2: Each member organization is required to send one (1) delegate to every weekly or bi- weekly delegate meeting. Each member organization should also have an alternate delegate available if one of the official delegates cannot make a meeting. Executive members and Alternate members do count as attendance for their respective organization. Other members of the affiliate organization may attend meetings, but are not allowed to vote for the delegates.
Section 3: A delegate is excused at the President’s discretion only if prior notification is given twenty-four hours in advance.
Section 4: Meetings of the council shall be weekly or bi-weekly (at the President’s discretion) and given notification if changes occur.
Section 5: Quorum of the voting member chapters must be present to conduct business. Quorum shall be established as a majority (half of the voting members plus one). A quorum shall be necessary to conduct any business.
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Section 6: Special or emergency meetings, called by the President will be announced at least one week prior to the date, unless he/she determines that immediate action is necessary or extenuating circumstances apply.
Article V - Selection and Rotation of Officers
Section 1: At the end of the NPHC Academic Year, new Executive Board officials shall be nominated and rotated. A. Each organization should be responsible for appointing a member to service for the next academic year. By the last meeting of the Spring Semester and Before the Special Elections Meeting, officials will be nominated by their respective chapter for their appointed position. Nominees may serve in the “space,” based on their rotation or they may “pass on” the position to the following organization.
B. The appointed Executive Board Member shall choose his or her Alternate member from their chapter. In the event, the Executive Board member cannot find an Alternate, he or she will be appointed by the Council President.
Section 2: No individual organization may hold more than two NPHC Council Executive positions during the academic school year, including President and Vice President.
Article VI - Selection of Officers
Section 1: The Term of Office shall be two semesters, including the Fall and Spring semesters. The newly elected members will officially assume their duties of the first scheduled meeting of the academic school year.
Section 2: Members that are selected to serve as an officer must be enrolled in school at least part-time student and can’t be eligible for graduation until the end of the spring semester of that academic school year.
Article VII– Removal from Office
Section 1: Vacancies: The resignation of an Executive Board Member shall be submitted to the assembled Council in written form. In the event that an officer is unable or unwilling to fulfill his or her duties, removal from office may result by unanimous vote from the remaining officers. Removal from office may occur due to, but not limited to, unfulfilled duties, repeated absences, or lack of participation.
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Section 2: A motion to remove an officer must be presented to the President with adequate reason and supporting evidence. All officers must be notified of such a motion and an officer meeting will be held to discuss the removal.
Section 3: Unanimous vote among officers, excluding the officer in question, will automatically result in removal from office. If more than two-thirds of a vote for removal, the motion may be brought to the members. Majority vote will result in removal from office.
Article VIII: Officers and Officer Responsibilities
The Executive Board of the NPHC shall consist of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Judicial Chair (ad-hoc position), Sargent-at-arms, Parliamentarian, Historian and Chaplain.
Section 1: Members of the Executive Board shall:
1. Chair a standing committee and make necessary appointments to special committees when applicable. 2. Administer routine business between meetings of the NPHC when advisable and such other business as has been approved for action by NPHC vote. 3. Hold regularly scheduled executive board and general body meetings. 4. Report all action taken by the executive board at the next general body meeting of the NPHC and the Secretary shall record the actions in the minutes of the meeting. 5. Not miss more than two (2) NPHC meetings of any kind. If more than two meetings are missed the NPHC executive board shall take a vote to determine if the officer shall remain in his/her position. If more than three unexcused meetings are missed, the officer shall forfeit his/her position. For an absence to be excused, notification must be given to the President or Vice President at least 24 hours in advance. 6. Be enrolled full time at Columbus State University.
Section 2: President
1. Shall have overall responsibility for the operations of the NPHC of Columbus State University, its programs, and officers.
2. Shall call and preside at all regular and special meetings of NPHC. The President reserves the right to call meetings, as necessary.
3. Shall schedule meetings with various university administrators and serve as the liaison to university and community administrators.
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4. Shall insure the implementation and completion of NPHC officer training, evaluation, goal setting, strategic planning, reports and program development as outlined in the job descriptions, program implementation, constitution and bylaws, officer expectations, officer goals and council goals.
5. Shall appoint a representative to serve as the official liaison of NPHC to various other student and community groups if not outlined in the officer’s job description.
6. Shall maintain a complete and current president’s file which will include: a copy of the current NPHC Constitution, bylaws, budget, NPHC resolutions, current correspondences, officer reports, chapter reports, goals and evaluations.
7. After consultation with NPHC Advisor, shall review, approve, and sign as necessary all appropriate contracts involving the NPHC (no other council officers are authorized signers).
8. Shall perform all other duties pertaining to council goals and specific officer goals.
9. Shall serve as the tie-breaking vote in cases of a tie.
10. Shall attend every NPHC Executive Board meeting, and delegates meeting and all other appropriate meetings as necessary.
11. Shall provide support including attendance at appropriate council-sponsored and co- sponsored events (unless excused).
12. Shall assist in the coordination of all NPHC committees and work with these committees to complete the tasks at hand.
13. Shall meet regularly with the Greek Advisor and shall maintain constant communication with the IFC and NPC Presidents to plan and discuss current issues.
14. Attend NPHC National Conference, if finances allowed, fees will be paid by the council.
15. If an NPHC position becomes vacant, the President has the authority to assign and authoritative position.
Section 3: Vice-President
1. In the President’s temporary absence, perform the duties of that office. 2. The Vice-President may serve as a committee liaison in the absence of the President. The Vice-President may also attend the Greek Life President’s Forums in the absence of the Council President.
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3. The Vice-President shall collect reports from all standing committees, including the appointment and disbandment of special committees.
4. Shall supervise the transition of outgoing officers to new officers including passing on notebooks and resource materials, end of semester/year reports, etc.
5. Coordinate one NPHC community service project per semester.
6. Shall serve as chair of programming/ community service committee.
7. Shall Chair Campus and Community Programs. The Vice-President may coordinate, but may not be limited to:
a. One (1) NPHC community service project per semester, which may include, but not limited to the Annual Event, “Strolling for a Cure.”
8. Perform any other duties as assigned by the President.
9. Attend NPHC National Conference, if finances allowed, fees will be paid by the School.
Section 4: Secretary 1. Take the minutes at each delegate meeting of NPHC and each meeting of the executive board.
2. Shall work with the Judicial Chair to Maintain a File of Attendance Records, Meeting Minutes, Agendas, Fines, Dues, or any other fines on a regular basis.
3. Prepare agendas for upcoming meetings.
4. Maintain copies of all minutes and distribute to the following NPHC chapter presidents and delegates.
5. Keep and record attendance at all events and meetings.
6. Disseminate information of all member chapters as requested by the officers or deliver mail that a member chapter may receive at the NPHC office.
7. Collect programming calendars and updates from chapters, and make notes of what chapters have not submitted calendars.
8. Be responsible for scheduling rooms for NPHC meetings and events.
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9. Develop executive board and delegate phone lists.
10. Place ads in the Saber and other publications about NPHC sponsored events.
11. Book media outlets including, but not limited to CSUTV, local television, and radio stations for NPHC programming.
12. Perform any other duties as assigned by the President.
13. Attend NPHC National Conference, if finances allowed, fees will be paid by the council.
Section 5: Treasurer
1. Prepare a budget to submit to the delegates by the first meeting of the academic year.
2. Serve as the Chair for the Fundraising Committee and shall coordinate at least two (2) fundraisers per year. A “fundraiser” may only be considered as such if it is a separate event or program from other events where admission is charged. The Committee shall be made up of NPHC affiliate members totaling no more than (5) members per year. This committee shall be formed and presented to the Council by the second meeting of the academic year.
3. Regulate the finances of the NPHC in strict line with the budget.
4. Cooperate with the Student Government Association and apply for annual funding.
5. Collect all dues and payments owed to NPHC and notify the President.
6. Pay all bills owed by NPHC and notify the President.
7. Prepare dues statements for chapters at the start of each academic year. This task should be completed by the first week of the academic year.
8. Shall collect all Dues from chapters by the second meeting of the Academic Year.
9. Collect semester dues by the end of the fifth week of school in the fall, and by the end of the fifth week of school in the spring.
10. Shall work with the executive board and NPHC advisor in preparing an SGA Budget request.
11. Perform any other duties as assigned by the President.
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12. Attend NPHC National Conference, if finances allowed, fees will be paid by the council.
Section 6: Judicial Chair 1. Shall work with the Secretary to Maintain a File of Attendance Records, Meeting Minutes, Agendas, Fines, Dues, or any other fines on a regular basis.
2. Shall Serve as the Liaison Between NPHC and IFC, NPC Councils.
3. Shall coordinate one (1) community service program per year with each of the other Councils represented at Columbus State University.
4. Shall Serve as the Student Government Association Representative. In his absence, the Sargent-At-Arms shall serve as the NPHC Student Government Association Representative.
5. Shall Coordinate and Chair the Judicial Committee. The Judicial Committee will be responsible for hearing the grievances of the NPHC Council and bring these grievances to the Executive Board, Advisers, and Office of Greek Life’s attention.
6. Shall work with the Parliamentarian to coordinate a Robert’s Rules of Order Workshop.
Section 7: Parliamentarian
1. In the Absence of the Judicial Chair, the Parliamentarian shall perform the duties of that office.
2. In collaboration with the Office of the Judicial Chair, the Parliamentarian shall create and enforce a Code of Conduct for minor, internal offenses. In the event that these offenses may not be resolved through the Judicial Council, these issues may be resolved with the Office of Greek Life or the Office of Student Affairs.
3. Shall serve on the Judicial Committee.
4. Shall serve as a liaison of NPHC to various student groups and organizations.
5. Shall coordinate in conjunction with the Vice President, NPHC programs and events.
6. Shall coordinate Social Policy Training and risk management. This shall be done with the Office of Greek Life.
7. Shall coordinate Robert’s Rules of Order Workshops at least once per year. The scheduled date of this workshop shall be coordinated with the Council-Wide Calendar and it may be done in conjunction with other Greek Councils.
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8. Shall keep a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order to consult as needed.
9. Shall mediate discussion in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
10. Ensures the efficient conduct of business in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
11. Shall serve as Chair of the Bylaw committee.
12. Shall maintain copies of the CSU NPHC Constitution and Bylaws. The Parliamentarian is also responsible for updating these documents with the Offices of Greek Life and Student Life.
13. Perform any other duties as assigned by the President.
14. Attend NPHC National Conference, if finances allowed, fees will be paid by the council.
Section 8: Public Relations Representative (Historian)
1. Update the council on National information and events including conferences, summits, webinars, conference calls, etc. The Public Relations Chair shall coordinate this information with the Adviser and Council President.
2. Shall Coordinate and Chair the Public Relations Committee. The Committee shall be made up of NPHC affiliate members totaling no more than (5) members per year. This committee shall be formed and presented to the Council by the second meeting of the academic year.
3. Shall keep a collection of historical data, pertaining to NPHC and affiliate organizations.
4. Shall design a scrapbook with all NPHC events and affiliate organization’s events. This scrap book shall be updated yearly.
5. Shall serve as a Campus and Community Liaison to Promote NPHC Events. The Public Relations Chair Shall be Responsible for writing press releases, designing printed materials (or appointing another member to this duty), maintaining social media sites for the Council, designing and maintaining the Council’s website, and disseminating any other media to the Saber, local radio station, CSU TV, etc. for the promotion of NPHC.
6. Attend and take photographs at all NPHC events.
7. Keep records of members and program/ event attendance.
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8. Perform any other duties as assigned by the President.
9. Attend NPHC National Conference, if finances allowed, fees will be paid by the council.
Section 9: Sergeant at Arms
1. Shall maintain and restore order during meetings, as necessary.
2. Shall keep order during any official meeting or setting where business is being conducted.
3. Shall maintain the Robert Rules of Order.
4. Shall monitor the entrance and exit doors at meetings.
5. Shall perform additional duties assigned by the President.
Section 10: Chaplain 1. To provide words of encouragement to all members of the council.
2. To lead the council in prayer at the beginning and end of each council meeting.
3. Lead in prayer or encouraging words at the Council programs/ events.
Section 11: Succession In the event of the permanent vacancy of the President, the current Vice President will assume the title and duties of the President. The Secretary then moves on to the Vice President position and assume all duties of that position. In event of permanent vacancy of any other office, the vacancy will be filled within two weeks by appointment.
Section 12: Resignation In the event, an NPHC member shall resign from their position, he or she shall submit their resignation in writing and present their resignation before the Executive Board. The resigning member shall find his or her replacement from their chapter. If a replacement cannot be found by the resigning member, the current President shall appoint a member to serve.
Article IX: Committees
A member of the executive board shall chair a committee. Committees will be open to all members of individual chapters. If committees are not filled, appointments to individual committees will be made at the discretion of the chair. Executive board members will make every attempt possible to ensure that every chapter is represented throughout the committee makeup.
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Committee #1: Community Service/Philanthropy
An Executive Board member will take responsibility for the coordination, planning, and all aspects of all NPHC sponsored service programs, community service and philanthropies.
1. Responsible for seeking out community service and philanthropic opportunities for the NPHC as a whole.
2. Host at least one philanthropy event a semester.
3. Will coordinate one (1) all-NPHC service project, program, or philanthropy per semester during the academic year.
Committee #2: Social Programming
1. Will notify chapters of upcoming service projects and programs at least two (2) weeks in advance; will notify chapters of upcoming philanthropies at least one (1) month in advance.
2. Responsible for the planning and coordination of NPHC social events (not including CSU-wide programs or Homecoming.)
Committee #3: Reception/Banquet
1. Will consist of the members of the executive board.
2. Responsible for the coordination and planning of all aspects of NPHC Reception/Banquet events.
3. Will finalize any and all reception/banquet activities by March 30th of each year.
4. At least one member of each organization shall sit on this committee.
5. All planning points must be reported to the President and Vice-President upon completion.
Committee #4: Publicity (Historian)
1. Shall coordinate all Summer Orientation Tables and Discovery Day tables.
2. Responsible for the publicity of all NPHC sponsored events, programs, and projects.
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3. Shall create and maintain the NPHC Council’s social media sites and websites.
Committee #5: New Members Orientation (Retreat)
1. Shall host NPHC constitution and bylaws training for new members each semester. a. The committee may elect to host a small reception to welcome new members to the NPHC Council.
2. Shall work to provide opportunities for chapters to interact with other Greek councils as well as other recognized student organizations.
Article X: Chapter and Council Programming
Section 1: The Executive Board shall formulate and recommend to the Council the collaborative activity calendar for the upcoming academic year by May 1 of the spring semester. If it is not possible due to extenuating circumstances, the Executive Board may formulate the collaborative activity calendar by August 30.
Section 2: Each member chapter shall be required to submit a tentative calendar of all programs or events by the first Executive Board meeting of the semester.
Section 3: The CSU NPHC shall abide by all Risk Management Code set forth by the Department of Greek Life and Parent Programs, as well as, policies set forth by the Office of Student Affairs at Columbus State University.
Section 4: Programming
1. Sponsoring any program, event, project, or any gathering that can be construed as such, without the explicit and written consent of the organization with the assigned date, that directly or indirectly conflicts with another member organization (regular or associate): $100-500 (to be decided at the discretion of the Council President).
2. NPHC Weeks, also known as Greek Weeks will be administered during the Officer’s Transition each year. Greek weeks will be hosted in the Fall and Spring Semesters. The administration or dispersion of weeks shall be done at the discretion of the President. No chapter is allowed to host more than one (1) week per academic year. If a chapter hosts more than one week (or anything that may be construed as such), the violation shall be punishable by a fine at the discretion of the President.
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Section 5: Member organizations, regular or Associate, will not co-sponsor, host on behalf of, or provide privileges otherwise reserved for recognized student organizations, to any non-recognized Greek letter organizations
Section 6: Any violation, explicit or implicit, to be determined by the NPHC advisor, of either Section 3 or Section 4 will result in a possible suspension and loss of recognition.
Article XI: Membership Intake
All organizations within the NPHC must follow all state and local laws pertaining to hazing, as well the Columbus State University’s hazing policy.
Section 1: Chapters must be in good standing with state, regional, and national levels of their respective organizations.
Section 2: Each chapter must have a signed and notarized copy of the Columbus State University Hazing Agreement on file with Greek Life. The Document must be submitted within 30 days after the first day of classes of the semester.
Section 3: Violation of any state, local, university, or organizational regulations will result in termination of approval for intake and suspension of the chapter pending investigation.
Section 4: Associate members will not be allowed to have intake without consultation and consent of the NPHC Advisor.
Article XII: NPHC Step shows and “Coming Out” Shows
Section 1: In keeping with the goal of promoting culture, class and civility at the collegiate level, any fraternity or sorority recognized by the Columbus State University NPHC Council must refrain from public displays that exhibit lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior or uses of music, songs, or chants that relay the same. These violations are punishable by warning (at the discretion of the President) and fines (at the discretion of the President) not to exceed $100.00 per act.
Section 2: Step shows, “Coming Out” shows, new member presentations or presentations resembling the introduction of new members (including “sneak-peak” shows) will not involve the degradation and/ or belittlement by way of vandalism of an organizations paraphernalia, shield, or other tangible valuables of any Greek-letter organizations including but not limited to fraternities and sororities affiliated with the NPHC. These
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violations are punishable by fine that shall not exceed $150.00 and will be considered at the discretion of the President.
Section 3: Members of the NPHC Council shall not sponsor any program, event, project, or any gathering that can be construed as such, without the explicit and written consent of the organization with the original assigned date, that directly or indirectly conflicts with another member organization (regular or associate): $100.00 per act.
Article XIII: Academic Policies Section 1: In order to remain active in status, a member organization shall maintain at least a COLLECTIVE 2.50 cumulative G.P.A. among its active members, be in good participatory and financial standing with the National Pan-Hellenic Council. Undergraduate members of the NPHC shall be comprised of members that are financial and active within their respective national affiliate organization. An organization rendered inactive will lose all voting privileges, cannot hold officer positions and its calendar will be rendered nullified.
a. Each voting member of the affiliate organization must have maintained at least a 2.50 cumulative G.P.A., be in good standing with the University, and be active within his or her affiliate organization.
b. Each affiliate organization shall submit a current chapter roster to the Recording Secretary no later than the second (2nd) general meeting of each academic semester.
c. In order for an individual to hold an office in NPHC, the individual must be enrolled at least half-time for the current academic year and be in good standing with their national organization.
d. The Council will also adopt any Educational Succession Plans from the National Headquarters of NPHC.
Article XIV: Amendments to the Bylaws
Section 1: Amendments to the bylaws may be permitted given that a majority (quorum) of the voting membership is present at the time of the vote.
Section 2: Amendments may be made only after the requirements for Section 1 are met, and the body approves of the proposed amendment with a majority affirmative vote.
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