1. Class Description
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History 10AB 2014-15
In this Pack 1. Class Description 2. Class Schedule 3. Class Advice/Policy 4. Grading Policy 5. Writing Rubric 6. LAUSD Grade Criteria 7. Parent Note Form
Contact Me Parents and Students may contact me in a variety of ways:
I am available and can best attend to particular issues by appointment. It should be made at least one day in advance—many things must have been planned for each day, so I will generally not be available on the same day—it is a professional and personal courtesy which will allow me to give you the best attention in the most time possible. Of course, small matters can be dealt with after class, the same day. Feel free to ask then.
Available times: Students: Period four conference, lunch Parents: Any day during conference period; appointment and main office clearance suggested for proper service.
10625 Plainview Ave, Tujunga, CA 91042, United States of America
Telephone: Main Office: 818.951.5400 Fax: 818.352.3577 Internet: e-mail: [email protected] (mail project files direct, not through school link) Verdugo url: http://verdugohs.org (class web page is found here)
Parents may follow their student’s progress on-line by obtaining a password from LAUSD and using the LAUSD Family Module: form available on-line at http://notebook.lausd.net/portal/page?_pageid=33,1123960&_dad=ptl&_schema=PTL_EP
The completed paper must be given to Drs. van Baal, on campus, in person.
1. Class Description: Class Description and Syllabus, 2014-15
History 10AB, VHHS (MMCMC)
World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World
Description: This course is a one year study of the developments that have taken place in and between parts of our modern world from roughly the European Renaissance to today. We will look at how cultures have conflicted and cooperated. We will also study geography--describing the physical environments on which people live and how they interact with them. We will realize how important it is to have an open mind to all varieties of knowledge from the vast treasure of multi- cultural sources available to us. Multi-Media Communications Magnet students will have a CORE team of English, art, and social science teachers periodically. Their aim is give students the state-required content while still adapting to the skill-development and technological progress of Magnet students. Communication between student, faculty, the counselor, and the family is very important to a successful education.
2. Class Schedule: Actual accomplishment varies with aggregate student needs:
A Term B Term Orientation CSSSS 10.06: Post WWI Era CSSSS 10.01: Early Thought and Modern CSSSS 10.07: The Totalitarians Western Civilization CSSSS 10.08: World War II CSSSS 10.02: Democracy CSSSS 10.09: Post World War II CSSSS 10.03: Industrialization CSSSS 10.10: Nationalism and Nation CSSSS 10.04: Imperialism Building CSSSS 10.05: World War I CSSSS 10.11: Current and Future Issues
Text (Be sure to bring it every day! Work, study, review each evening!): Class Text: World History: The Modern World Publisher: Prentice Hall
Make-up work: e-mail: [email protected] (recommended, to not fall behind) hard copy through the Attendance Office: (will result in falling behind as student will have current work to do as well) 3. Class Advice/Policy Punctuality--Be on time or receive work habits and cooperation Us on your progress reports! Tardies: students with an unexcused tardy lose valuable instruction and assignment time--no extensions. Work Habit and Cooperation Us will be given following this schedule: Midterm PR: x3; Final PR: x5/term o Tardies will be excluded from Discussion opportunity for the day. Truancy is against the law! Students coming to class without legal documentation (cleared on the SIS system) explaining their absence are noted as truant. The red slip (RPN) is only shows a note was turned in. Work Habit and Cooperation Us will be given for one infraction if it is not cleared by report time. In both cases of tardies and truancies, contact with parents will be made by the school and/or instructor and extensive (3 or more days in length) truancies will be reported to the Dean's Office and School Police. Advice: 1. Do not miss class three or more days—the school will contact your parents. Be sure you make up your work in the allowed time (you have as many days as you legally missed). 2. Do your history work every class period and every school day (LAUSD recommends 2 hours for the Verdugo schedule). This will ensure you know your history for the discussions, the exams, and the Final Exam.
Reminders for the Fall, 2013-Spring 2014 School Year Personal Issues that affect your work: o Please inform me in advance of any issues that will interrupt your ability to study: family obligations, job, extracurricular activities, health, etc. o Make sure the health office informs me of any issues you have on file for special accommodation. o I will expect you to keep up with work according to the schedule unless I am aware of your issues. The school is supposed to inform me, but it may not give information fast enough to help you or me. The school must be informed of the issue at the same time and approve the arrangement. Thank you. Student Pack: **Student Pack, this document set you are reading. 1. Class description 2. Class Syllabus 3. Class Advice/Policy 4. Grading Policy 5. Writing Rubric 6. LAUSD Grade Criteria. 7. Parent Note form. Signed Parent Note: **Signed Parent note from the student package showing they have seen and understand the Student Package must be turned in on the required date. Materials: o Mandatory: Bring your materials everyday: . text (if assigned one), . 5 sheets of blank paper, . a pen, . a pencil. o Optional: Dictionary, color pencils, erasing pen, etc. o Borrowing from others must be done before the class begins or penalties will be given. o Students are responsible for all other materials. Students should copy missing notes by hand or use the copier in the library = ____¢/copy. Some documents are available on the school web page and may be read/ printed out as needed. Tutoring: I am available for tutoring by appointment, usually my conference period, but can arrange before or after school (no later than 4PM). Appointments help guarantee my presence and let me prepare the materials for an efficient meeting. You should make arrangements one day ahead of your visit, prepare the work you want to study and/or matter you want to discuss, and be on time (I will go about other work if you are 15 minutes late). School ID: You must have your school ID card with you at all times. NO pass will be given out without one (unless there is a serious emergency.) Hall Pass--Students may use the hall pass under all of the following circumstances (any one will disqualify a person for permission): o Have current VHHS ID card o Have a GPA of a C mark or better o Have no current U in Cooperation or Work Habits o Includes any truancies, excessive tardies, referrals to Dean. o Have their textbook o Have their homework done o Were on-time to class that day PWT: Students falsely using my name in their school bus dealings will receive Us in both works habits and cooperation for the entire semester. Class Prep Time: You and/or your group are given time to research and discuss topics and produce answers when called upon. o You will lose time if you are not using it for these purposes. Each abuse will result in a loss of one minute. Credit: Write your name and the date on all papers whether they are to be given to the teacher or not. This is very important for organization. Homework: Do your homework every night. If you miss one homework assignment per week, the maximum grade on your homework pack will be limited to a "C" mark. o Be sure to check the participation form when you come into class or will not call you and automatically put 0 points for that grade if your turn comes up. Text book Cover: Keep your book covered at all times. Be sure your name is written inside of the front cover. Text book check-out/in: You are responsible for checking out and checking in your text book in the text book room. Your complete signature is required for check out and check in. If you miss going with the class, you must go on your own. No allowance will be made for not doing so expeditiously. RPN: The RPN is not a clearance of an absence, but it does say you have checked in with the attendance office. Your absence is not cleared until it has the correct designation on the ISIS attendance system published daily by the school and LAUSD. Clear all "no-note" or "truancy" absences as soon as possible. Otherwise, "no-note" returns become truancies. Truancies affect your work habits and cooperation grades = U/U. Make-Up Work: Returning Absentees must come by at the end of the period for the day they return to get make-up work. They may also come during period four. o They have as many days as they were absent to turn in the make-up work. o Absences just prior to an exam may delay an upcoming exam, as well as multiple day absences. Late Work: may be turned in up to one week before the final exams. Maximum of "C" only. See posted term deadline on board/on class web page for last possible day. Electronics: Be sure to turn off all electronic devices that might disrupt class discourse(phone, player, etc). Failure to do so, or repeated events (3 or more) will result in two Us on the next progress report (may be worked off by having no further events by grade- posting time.) o Students found texting during lesson time will turn in their phone or be escorted to the Dean, and receive Us in work habits and cooperation on the next report card. o Students using laptops and found doing non-class work, will receive Us in work habits and cooperation on the current report, and lose their computer rights in this classroom for the rest of the semester. o Students may listen to music or use their phones (for Internet or texting only) after class exams unless they have a U, D or Fail mark in the class. Keep the volume inaudible past your ears. Plagiarism: Any copying from another source without notation or quotation will reduce your assignment grade to a Fail. o Your work must be written in your own words for a better grade. o Use bibliographic citation or quotation marks to cite copied sources.
4. Our Grades come from:
--Cornell Notes : • A: • Do all homework – Add corrections from class notes – Write page numbers where answer was found. • Do all weekly assignments on schedule • Do any class notes (not homework). – Complete PPT for a day's lesson posted the following evening. It is not necessary to print them out unless you choose to use them for the exam (regular only) – Does not have to be word for word • Earn a B average or better on the exam • Nine or more analytical or sophisticated questions, observations, connections on left hand side. • Include all correctly completed print outs from on-line
• B: • Do all homework – Add corrections from class notes • Do all weekly assignments on schedule • Do any class notes (not homework) – Complete PPT for a day's lesson posted the following evening. It is not necessary to print them out unless you choose to use them for the exam (regular only) – does not have to be word for word • Earn a B average or better on the exam • Four to eight analytical or sophisticated questions, observations, connections on left hand side. • Include all correctly completed print outs from on-line
• C: • Do all homework • Do all weekly assignments on schedule • Do any class notes (not homework) – Complete PPT for a day's lesson posted the following evening. It is not necessary to print them out unless you choose to use them for the exam (regular only) – does not have to be word for word • Earn a C average or better on the exam
• D: • Do about 1/4 homework • Do all weekly assignment schedules • Do any class notes (not homework) – Complete PPT for a day's lesson posted the following evening. It is not necessary to print them out unless you choose to use them for the exam (regular only) – does not have to be word for word • Earn a D mark on the Exam
• Fail: • Do not turn in • Do no homework • Do no weekly assignment schedules
--Homework: posted on both the classroom white board and the class on-line page at the beginning of each week. It is graded as part of the Cornell Notes, Discussion, and Project grades. Students will be responsible for knowing all terms by the time specified on the homework board and listed correspondingly on the class web page (verdugohs.org). Students will check off on the homework roster when they come in class that they have the ready to answer in the course of the class lecture (usually a PowerPoint). Students will also need the unit terms/names for group projects. Accurate use and coverage of homework terms/name will result in the best grades. Honors students must cover all relevant material in their answers for the best grades.
Studying your Cornell Notes and text nightly is key to passing the exam with a fair to excellent mark. No notes are written on the left side, only analysis.
--Class Discussion: this is our daily analysis of what we are studying (4 pts event. Number of events depends on number of students on roster; homework assignments during the CSSSS thematic unit, how many students sign-up for homework CD; and responses to other projects and assignments) A: Student shows full, analytical, and immediate knowledge of history content without referring to any notes or text. B: Student shows full, somewhat analytical, and somewhat immediate knowledge of history content, but refers to notes or text. C: Student takes much time by referring to notes or text or reads answer directly from text or has copied directly from text. D: Student reads well, but much of the information is not understood.
--Projects: Will be assigned periodically (one-day, multi-day, multi-week). The grade depends on how much effort the student makes to meet the requirements for a given mark (rubric). All projects (including extra credit) should be neat, organized, have correct information, have correct spelling and punctuation (up to -5% off for each issue)).
Exam: two types Unit Exam: Multiple-choice. (taken at the end of each CSSSS thematic unit. Text-based. Value: up to 60 questions @ 1 point/question answered correctly = 60 points. All vocabulary and key ideas will be covered on this exam. Study your Cornell Notes and the text (regular classes may use their Cornell Notes during the exam with a C average or better). Graded one point per correct answer. Writing (summary, quick-response). Frequent checks on key ideas/concepts from the CSSSS thematic unit. Timed and based on the writing criteria below. Periodic Assessment: LAUSD/VHHS SS Dept Exam. Multiple choice.
Final Exam: looks at how well you have retained your knowledge of life skills terms (one class period: (sheltered only) open note, open text—no sharing, no talking). Multiple choice, Scantron media. 70 Multiple choice questions. 2 points/correct answer. = 140 points.
ExtraCredit: With written teacher permission only (see the extra credit page on the class web page) Extra Credit will end one week prior to the final exam date. No EC will be given five school days prior to that deadline. Progress Report and Final Mark Scale (to reflect international grading scales)
also applies to projects and written work (unless otherwise noted on rubric) A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 65-79% D (Fail) = 50-65% (no LAUSD credits) Fail = 0-49%
5. Writing Rubric
There are several writing projects in this class: Summary: The summary is used to review the day’s lesson content. Minimum daily writing is a 5- sentence paragraph. This must have the following format for a C-: 1 topic sentence 3-4 points (general details about the content studied) conclusion (optional—required for A consideration)
Writing for a B? First, all summaries assigned in a given week must be done. Then, each of the points made in the description above should be discussed further, with multiple, specific examples detailed. It must have a pertinent conclusion.
Writing for an A? First, all summaries must be written as according to the description for a B. The big difference here is analysis of what has been studied. The conclusion must feature some form of awareness of the “big picture”. Many students think this is their opinion, or an explanation of the purpose of studying the content. Actually, it is the display of a connection to our experiences today.
Example: after doing the “getting to know you” exercise, which involves reading and understanding instruction and the questions, developing and using social skills to meet others, notation skills, etc., A student would write the following to show a connection:
“…..The skills I used today will make be a marketable worker as I grow older. Social skills will allow me to meet people and learn from them easily. Notation skills will help me remind myself of important ideas. Following instructions carefully will make it possible for me to get the job done quickly and correctly. Together, these skills will make it possible for me to get a job, learn and perform efficiently, and, most likely, promote fast.”
Brief Response: Exams will include brief responses: they must be answered in complete sentences, but only need to be as long as they need to be to correctly and thoroughly fulfill the requested information. These do not need to meet the VHHS standards.
Quick Response: A one-paragraph response to a particular CSSSS-based prompt. Students will use the basic Verdugo Hills High School ELA writing standards (every Verdugo students has been given this booklet, let me know if you have not) to write the response for a maximum "B" mark. Students striving for an "A" mark should do the following: Include an additional sub-topic and accompanying discussion.
Essay: An essay sums up an entire unit of content study. It consists of multiple paragraphs; again, using the Verdugo Hills High School ELA writing standards (every Verdugo student has been given this booklet, let me know if you have not). Each paragraph deals with a specific question arising from the curriculum. First-draft essays are written in class over a two-day period. Students are given a five-day rewrite period to edit and resubmit their work for higher grade.
Essays follow the same rules as summaries. They involve more paragraphs, but use the same writing skills listed above.
All essays for this class will have guided topics that must be done according to the instructions on the worksheet.
Plagiarism: Any copying from another source without notation will earn you a Fail mark, with no right to redo it. Your work must be written in your own words. Use quotation marks to cite copied sources and make some kind of citation about the source.
Copy and paste this part of the page, print it out, and return
Signed Parent Note:
Dear Mr. Ortiz: I have received the world history student pack from my son/daughter/ward,
(name)______, and will read it to be better able to support my child’s education.
______print parent name parent signature comments (please share any information I should know to help you daughter/son do well in this class)
_____ : check here if you do not approve your daughter/son watching any history clips from an R-rated film. Turn this note in by ______, and you will receive 20 points. Grade drops 4 points for each day it is late until it is only worth 4 points.