Socialstudies/C.R.Etime:1Hour40mins s1

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Socialstudies/C.R.Etime:1Hour40mins s1



Tua Market Ginnery SM



C.C 3 C .C Shops D.O


S itu Market C.C

Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KM

Key Tarmac road Forest Town boundary PS Police Station

Murram road Shrub D.O District Office Permanent Church River and buildings C.C Chiefs camp bridge Locational School SM Sawmill Quarry boundary 1. What is the direction of Tua Market 3. Which one of the following economic from activities is NOT carried out in Kalawa Situ market? area? A. South East B. North East A. Mining B. Saw milling C. South West D. North C. Livestock keeping D. Trading West 4. How many locations are there in Kalawa 2. Which one of the following crop is area? likely to A. Two B. Three be grown in Kalawa area? C. One D. Four A. Maize B. Cotton 1 C. Sugarcane D. Coffee

hich one of the following groups of peopl . e E mainly inhabits Southern Sudan? 5. The presence of shrub in the South qu A. Semites B. Bantus Western at C. Cushites D. Nilotes part of Kalawa area indicates that the or 11. Which one of the following area EasternAfrica A. experiences hot and dry climate D. countries is second largest in size? B. is good for pyrethrum growing Al A. Sudan B. Tanzani C. has infertile soil tit a D. experiences soil erosion ud C. Ethiopia D. Somali 6. The residents of Kalawa area are e a likely to be 10 12. The original economic activity of A. muslims B. christians . the Luo C. Hindu D. pagans before they settled in their present 7. Which one of the following facilities W homeland is was ______urgently needed in Kalawa area? A. fishing B. crop A. Social hall B. Cattle dip farming C. Library D. Dispensar C. pastrolism D. bee y keeping 8. Which one of the followng groups of 13. What kind of vegetation is likely people to be consists members of nuclear family? found in an area that receives rain A. Jane, brother and mother fall of B. Jane, father and aunt between 500 and 1000 mm per ye C. Jane, brother and grandmother ar? D. Jane, cousin and uncle A. Rain forest 9. What is the name of the imaginary B. Savanna grassland horizontal lines that rans across the e C. Srub and thicket arth? D. Desert vegetation A. Lattitudes B. Longitude 14. Which one of the following s Kenyan community was ruled by a king befor e the coming of Europeans? . A. Abawanga B. Nandi

2 17. The climate of the shaded region marked M is most likely to be C. Luo D.Ameru. A. cool and wet B. hot and wet 15. Three of the following were ways by which C. Hot and dry D. cool and dry young people learned in the past. Which one 18. Which one of the following statements is is NOT? TRUE about the whole region represented A. Imitaton B. Working by the map? C. Stories D. Reading A. The Prime Meridian passes through the 16. Which one of the following communities region belongs to the same language group with B. The whole region is found in the North Sebei? ern A. Maasai B. Somali Hemisphere C. Sabaot D.Alur C. The whole region covers approximatel Use the map of Eastern Africa below to y answer question 17-20 6 million km2 D. Most of the countries in the region are landlocked.

EXCEL EXAM A2 STANDARD SIX The country marked P C. know the number of people in the country the smallest in EastrnAfrica D. know the largests and smallest community B. has well distributed rainfall Who among the following prominent C. shares a mountain with Tanzania D. mostly experience savannah climate Which one of the following groups of people is believed to have migrated from the region marked M before they settled in the country marked P? A. Langi B Bachiga C. Dinka D. Toposa In some TraditionalAfrican community m en married more than one wife. This practice is known as A. bigamy B. monogamy C. extended D. polygamy 22. The government of Kenya conducts the population census after every ten years mainly to A. know the number of children born every y ear B. enable planning for the needs of its people 28. Who among the following belongs to the (BEAC)? judiciary arm of the government ? A. William Macknon B. Carl Peters A. Attorney General B. Speaker C. Cecil rhodes D. Captain Lugard C. President C.Chief whip 31. Which one of the following is the main 29. The second verse of the second stanza of function of parliament? Kenya NationalAnthem says A.Making laws A. Build this oour nation together B.Conducting elections B. In common bond united C. Implementing laws C. With hearts both strong and true D. Interpreting laws D. Bless this our land and nation 32. The diagram below represents a windvane. 30. Which one of the following was the leader To which direction is the wind blowing? of the British East African Company N traditional Kenyan leaders was the leader W ofAbagusii during the pre-colonial period? A. Masaku B Mekatilili S E C. Sakawa D. Samoei The main cause of accidents on Kenyan road is A. poor roads B. lack of strict traffic rules

C. overloading A North East B. South West D. careless use of roads C. North West D. South East Which one of the following crops is su 33. The main type of rainfall receive around itable Lake Victoria is known as to be grown in the arid areas in Kenya A. relief rianfall B. sea breeze ? C. convectional rainfall D. orographic rainfall A. Potatoes B. Cassava 34. Which one of the following factors mainly C. Bananas D. Beans influences the climate of HornAfrica? Beef farming is practised in the follow A. Latitude B. Relief ing C. Shape of the coastline D. Altitude areas except 35. Which one of the following vegetations has A. Kiambu B. Koibatek evergreen trees which grow close together C. Machakos D. Uasin Gishu and forms a canopy? Which one of the following was a neg A. Savanna woodlands B. Mountain ative C. Bushes C. Tropical rain forest effect of the coming of Europeans to K3 enya? A. Introduction of formal education B. Racial discrimination C. Introduction of new crops D. Development of towns

EXCEL EXAM A2 STANDARD SIX 36. Which one of the following areas in 46. Which one of the following groups of peo Eastern ple Africa experiences dense population? used the route between Lake Albert and A. Central Tanzania Lake B. Lake Victoria basin Edward during their migration into Easte C. North Eastern Kenya rn D. North Western Kenya Africa.? 37. The main tourist attractions in Kenya is A. Yao B. Baganda A. beautiful sceneries B. wildlife C. Akamba D. Ngoni C. sports C. warm climateUse diagram showing mountain vegetation below 38. Which one of the following is a to answer questions 47 and 48 democratic right of every Kenyan above 18 years of 4500m S

age? 3500m A. Working B. Worshipping 3000m P C. Voting D. Owning property 39. Who among the following prominent 2000

Africans helped to broker peace in K 43 form of communication? Use of enya . A. horns B. e-mail during post election violence in the y C. drums D. smoke ear W 44. Which one of the following Lakes 2008? hi in Eastern A.KoffiAnnan B.Omar ch Africa has hot springs? Bashir on A.Baringo B .Magadi C. Yoweri Museveni C. Nelson e C. Elementaita D. Bogoria mandela of 45. The most common type of trees 40. The second Lancaster house th found in conference was e savanna grasslands is held in the year oll A. Baobab B. A. 1961 B.1964 o Mahogany C. 1962 D.1963 wi C. Cypress D. 41. A thief was caught by villagers ng Euphorbia stealing is maize in your family shamba. Which a is the m BEST action for the villagers’ to take od A. Beat the thief to death er B. Take the thief to the police post n C. Pray for the thief to change D. Warn the thief not to repeat 42. The Kenya-Uganda railway reached Kisumu in the year A. 1900 B. 1899 C.1888 D. 1901 ASL

47. The region marked P represents 4 A. Savanna B. Bamboo C. Moorland D. Rain-forest 48. The region marked S represents A. Health and moorland B. Savanna C. Bare rock D. Bamboo 49. Which one of the following types of soils is the most common at the coast of Kenya? A.Clay B. Volcanic C. Sandy D.Alluvial 50. The element of climate that least influence vegetation distribution in EasternAfrica is A. Temperature B. relief C. Air pressure D. rainfall 51. Two examples of horst mountains in Eastern Africa are mount A.Ruwenzoris and mt Meru B.Mau and Pare C.Pare and Mt Elgon D. Ruwenzoris and Ol Donyo le Ngai 52. Which one of the following elements of a map shows the purpose and content of a map? A Frame B. Title C. Key D. Scale Lorrian D. Bahr-el- . Ghazal 53. The least currency used to buy items K 56. Three of the following in y communities were Kenya today is o the earliest inhabitants of Kenya. W A. ten cents B. one g hich one shilling a is NOT? C. fifty cents D. five cents A. Ogiek B. Terik 54. Which one of the following is the B C. Gumba D. Sirikwa longest . 57. Which one of the followig political river in EasternAfrica? S parties A. Nile B.Athi u led Kenya to Independence? C. Rufiji D. Kagera d A. KenyaAfrican National Union 55. Which one of the following is a d B. KenyaAfrica Union swamp C. Kenya African Democratic Unio found in Uganda? . n D. Kikuyu Central Association 58. Who among the following was the first vice president of Kenya after independenc 5 e? A. Kalonzo Musyoka B. George Saitoti C. Oginga Odinga C. Daniel Moi 59. According to the new constitution, Kenya has been divided into new political areas Known as A. constituencies B.provinces C. countries C. regions 60. The Legislature arm of the government in Kenya is headed by A. President B.Prime Minister C. Attorney General C. Speaker

C.R.E 61. The first born son of Adam and Eve was called A. Abel B. Seth C. Enosh D.Cain 68. Who among the following people 62. Who among the following was instructed by . Sa demostrated great faith in suffering? God to build can Ark? ul A. Elijah B. Joseph A. Noah B. Abraham C. Joab D. Lot C. Moses D. Jacob 69. Jesus was born in the town of B A. Bethlehem B. Nazareth 63. When Sarah was informed that she would . D C. Galilee D. Jerusalem bear a son at an old age she avi 70. ‘Mathew 3: 2-3’ “Repent for the kingdom A. cried B jumped d of C. laughed D. fainted Heaven is at hand , prepare the way of the 64. Which one of the following virtues didAbrah . So Lord, make his paths straight.” These wor am lomds showed when he agreed to sacrifice his only on were said by son? A. Prophet Isaiah A. Wisdom B. Faith B. Prophet Jeremiah C. Courage D. Selflessness D. C. Jesus Christ 65. Moses married a Midiate woman who was Ah D. John the Baptist ab 71. The first miracle Jesus performed was to Jethro’s daughter by the name A. feed the five thousand people. A. Hagar B. Rebecca B. turn water into wine C. Zipporah D. Ruth C. raise the Jairus daughter 66. The last meal the Israelites ate in Egypt was D. calm the storm called 72. ‘Do not accuse anyone falsely’ is the _____ A. Last Supper B. Communion __ C. Maana D. Passover commandment 67. Who among the following Kings of Israel A. sixth B. seventh was a good harp player? C. tenth D. ninth A. God created man from soil n B. God lives in mountains bo C. There is only one God th D. God named all this creation Ch 76. Which one of the following rites 73. Which one of the following do ris of passage was christians tia believed to be the beginning of a express when they recite the Apostles nit new life in the creed? y world of spirits? A Kindness B. nd A. Birth B. Death Repentance tra C. Initiation D. Marriage C. Faith D. tio 77. By sending his only son to the Forgiveness na earth, God 74. In the TraditionalAfrican Society the lA showed Bukusu fri A. kindness B. trust called their God ca C. love D. faith A. Nyasaye B. Wele n 78. When Jesus shared a meal with Khakaba Zacchaeus he C. Enkai D. Akuj eli proved that 75. Which one of the follwing is a gi A. He loved sinners common belief on B. He came to convert sinners ? C. He was hungry D. Zacchaeus was a good man 79. Christians demostrated their unity with Jesus Christ in his suffering and death by A. going to the church B. praying oftenly C. fasting D. helping the needy 6 80. Who among the following helped Jesus to carry the cross? A. Joseph of Arimathea B. Peter the disciple C. Simon of Cyprene D. Mary Magdalene 81. Which one of the following is the main cause of orphaned children in the society toda y? A. Accidents B. HIV/AIDS epidermic C. Cholera D. Natural causes 82. Which one of the following BEST explains why Christians take gifs to the church duri ng worship A. Pleading for mercy B.Pleasing God and the spirits C. Death and ressurection of Jesus . D D. Delivery of Israelites from Egypt eat 88. Your best friend dropped out of school to b h a e C. Showing gratitude to God nd employed as a helper in a rich man’s hous D. Sign of holiness asc e . 83. The visually handicapped learn by using end Which would be the best advice to give to A. Spectacles B. Lenses ing your C. Head phones D. Braille of J friend? 84. As good christians we should use our talents toesu A. Save all the money to buy nice things A. enrich ourselves s B. Tell him to get a job for you B. help the needy C. Steal money from the rich man to get ri C. earn fame . D ch D. please others eat D. Discuss with him the importance of 85. The second coming of Jesus Christ is likened h a education with nd 89. Three of the following vices cause conflict A.Athief at night Bir in B triumphal entry th o the society. Which one does NOT? C. lightening and thurder f Je A. Corruption B. Tribalism D. storm in the sea sus C. Honesty D. Discrimination 86 The lesson learnt by christians through the 90. A good friend is the one who resurrection of Jesus Christ is that we should A. talk good of you in your presence have B. is always there for you during happines A. tolerance B. hope s C. obedience D. honesty and hour of need 87. During Easter holidays christians usually C. can steal to help you remember D. you complete with in school

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