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2. Second European Citizens Convention

U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

U.E.F. NEWSLETTER place, thanks to the commitment of the people N° 33 in charge and of the Austrian federalist activists. I would like to thank them for all their work and efforts. Thanks also go to the INDEX: team from Brussels, which prepared and managed the dissemination of the practical 1. FOREWORD by Michel Morin and political information that contributed so much to the success of these events, and both 2. SECOND EUROPEAN CITIZENS’ of these reflect the current strength of our CONVENTION supranational organisation. 3. XXI UEF CONGRESS This Newsletter is devoted mainly to what took place during the Convention and the 4. OTHER PAST EVENTS Congress. The key question is, is it possible  Marienberg Talks on European Unity for everyone to endorse the plans and  60 years of Europa Union in Hessen conclusions which were discussed and  JEF International Summer University adopted to engage in the new federalist  Europa Forum Neumarkt campaign? I would like this foreword to be a testimony. As a new member of the European 5. NEW UEF BUREAU Bureau, I will try, for the moment, to maintain an objective point of view on what may 6. FUTURE EVENTS appear banal and familiar to experienced  23rd International Seminar, Ventotene militants.  60 years of European federalism, Hertenstein, Switzerland In my opinion, when European citizens and  Two day seminar on the future of federalist militants meet together to discuss Europe, Besançon, France and reflect, democracy in Europe moves forward. The construction of the European 7. PRESS RELEASES Union with all its contradictions and the move  New UEF Campaign: A towards a federal state with its ensuing European referendum for a European engagements quite obviously do not stop at Constitution the doors of a Congress of the UEF! But  Second European Citizens’ Convention without being too self-centred or too self-  G8: Putin-hugging instead of tough satisfied, I believe that we can regard our demands work as laying down values and hope for the years to come. 8. NEWS FROM THE SECRETARIAT First of all, one constant characterises the 9. CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES Congress. All the policy guidelines call upon the expression of European citizens. Some members wanted to make the further ratifications of the ECT a priority, for others 1. FOREWORD BY MICHEL MORIN the priority was the mobilisation of the citizens of the most integrated states and for For three days, the University of Vienna others it was a radical referendum. The hosted the 2nd Convention of European majority wanted to fight for a European Citizens and the 21st supranational Congress referendum in 2009, prolonging the lengthy of the UEF, and during this time interesting step from the Convention to the process of and productive meetings and activities took UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 1 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006 ratification of the ECT in all countries. We foreseeable future to impact on, the debates remain thus an organisation which sees the and the strategic choices to be made. emergence of a European citizenship and the Following the discussions and the debates, a reinforcement of European democracy as vast majority finally emerged for the adoption being fundamental. There is also a common of the General Resolution on the Political confidence in the collective power of the Strategy and this majority was also in favour people of Europe, which, whilst richly diverse of the other motions. This process are nonetheless engaged in the same demonstrates that we are able reconcile a democratic model. Not an original concept for radical outlook with a commitment to us perhaps, but, seen from the outside, one transform what exists in reality. History never that makes the federalists the "ultra- turns out exactly as planned. This is as true of democrats" of European construction, and this Europe as it of anywhere else, and, because is a strong common point for us all, going all of us are determined to move towards a beyond any strategic differences. federal European state, we will be all the more able to work together to face In the debates themselves, the Congress once tomorrow’s challenges. again focused on the supranational dimension of our organisation: the ideas, the strategies, Please follow this link to read the original the debates and the alliances formed beyond French version of the foreword: national memberships. Of course, the size of http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ each member organisation determines its uef/PREFACEMMorin.doc respective power and influence but, within each representation, the ideas and the proposals overrode purely national 2. SECOND EUROPEAN CITIZENS’ considerations. CONVENTION The realities of the external world permeated the walls of the old university to influence the strategic options and reflections. Everyone is now fully aware that complexity is an essential characteristic of the construction of the Union and also the route towards the federal Europe that we want. This is not new. Thus the importance of the European On Thursday 28 and Friday 29 June the authorities obliges federalists to continually Second European Citizens’ Convention took analyse their evolution and to take account of place in Vienna (Austria). The Convention their realities, but without simply tagging was organized jointly by UEF Austria, JEF along behind either the European institutions Austria and UEF supranational. or governmental policies. On the other hand, there is a danger of getting locked into an It was a great success, as it gathered over 200 idealised project, which could be defined participants from all over Europe, of all ages. without taking account of all the Members of the European Parliament and of contingencies. national Parliaments, representatives of Civil Society and general public convened to The complexity has increased during recent discuss the current situation of Europe and the years because of the widening of the Union challenges of the future, and to relaunch the and the ratification of the ECT. These two European constitutional process. factors impacted on, and will continue for the

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 2 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

Key note speech by Didier DONFUT, Mr. Donfut stressed the importance of a joint Belgian State Secretary for European preparation of the EU’s Spring Summit and Affairs meetings gathering the 12 ministers for Employment, Social Affairs and Research. Mr. Donfut expressed his concern with the The reinforcement of the Eurogroup was crisis which Europe is now facing, in terms of necessary, as the Lisbon Strategy was not citizens’ discontent and defection from the totally adequate, especially in terms of the original European project. He stated that one method adopted (“open method of of the biggest problems which were slowing coordination”). down the European process is the Euroscepticism about the possibility of All this should be realized as soon as possible, building a common European feeling in since Europe is rapidly loosing ground and countries which are culturally and politically credibility. The goal should be a competitive very different. However, this diversity is a Europe towards the rest of the world, and not potentially enriching asset that Europe should a Europe where Member States are in cultivate as a lesson of experience. So, the competition. problem was not the diversity, but the difficulty of finding a common great vision To read the speech, please click here: that could embody the integration. http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ uef/speech_DDvienne290606_FMonier.doc Mr. Donfut then expressed his support of the idea of allowing a group of Member States, To read a summary paper of Guy sharing an integrated and coherent political Verhofstadt’s main points, please click here: goal, to form a core group, while the rest of http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ the enlarged Union should continue to ensure uef/verhofstadt.doc peace and security for our continent without paralyzing the process of deepening the Union. This “core group” would be The Workshops progressively joined by the countries which are able to make the necessary efforts. It On Friday morning, the Convention was should not be a “private club”, but it should divided into 4 Workshops, discussing the act as a driving force attracting other following topics: “A European Government countries and convincing them that intense for the Economy?”, “Which Social Model for cooperation is more efficient. Europe?”, “The Young Generation: How to Fully Engage Europe’s Human Potential?”, He expressed his unconditional support to the “European External Action: Europe as a book of Belgian Prime Minister Guy Power for Peace?”. Verhofstadt “The United States of Europe”, as well as to the speech given by the latter at the Workshop 1: “A European Government European Parliament. First of all the for the Economy?” was moderated by importance of a new European socio- Alfonso IOZZO. Pat COX, President of the economic governance, focused on the Euro European Movement International, and area should be stressed. Then, the Eurogroup former President of the European Parliament should be reinforced and become the real was the guest speaker. pillar of the socio-economic governance; however there should be concrete plans in Pat Cox outlined the undeniable achievements order to realize the Eurogroup reinforcement. of the EU. Yet, Europe was going through a Among the proposals of the Prime Minister, severer confidence crisis in which the “avant-

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 3 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006 garde” of Europeans, the European federalists was moderated by Peter MATJASIC from and the European Movement, had the “duty to JEF. The keynote speaker was Risto RAIVIO make the most of our combined energies”. who is the acting Head of Unit Directorate General for Education and Culture, Unit D4, He also stressed the importance of having a Civil Society: Partnerhips and Visits. eurozone and a European Central Bank: “the euro has been a force for considerable macro- Risto Raivio presented the DG Education and economic stability in the European economy”. Culture, incl. Youth, Civil Society and Sport. He began by outlining the mission statements Concerning the book of Belgian Prime of his DG: Minister Verhofstadt, Mr. Cox outlined the 1) Building a Europe of knowledge (focusing fact that some of his suggestions are still too on the Lisbon strategy objectives). similar to the many solemn declarations 2) Developing the European cultural area which have been dishonored by politicians in (cultural diversity as richness and strength of the last years. the Union; common cultural heritage; raising awareness about it) 3) Involving citizens in European integration (promoting several mobility programmes that provide forms of active participations, possibility to participate in the European adventure, development of mutual tolerance).

The debate centered on concrete questions From left to right: Alfonso IOZZO, Pat COX about the Erasmus programme, EVS and the Bologna reforms. For Workshop 2:“Which Social Model for Europe?” we had the honour to welcome To read the full report about Workshop 4, former EU Commissioner Mrs. Monika please click here: WULF-MATHIES. Paola Vacca moderated http://www.federaleurope.org/index.php? the workshop, which was mostly attended by id=4570 Italians. In Workshop 4: “European External Action: Europe as a Power for Peace?” Philipp AGATHONOS was keynote speaker of this workshop that was moderated by Sergio PISTONE.

From left to right: Paolo VACCA, Monika WULF- MATHIES

Workshop 3: “The Young Generation: How to Fully Engage Europe’s Human Potential” was rather small. The workshop From left to right : Philipp AGATHONOS, Sergio PISTONE, Franz KREMEINER, guest, Christian GLÖCKNER

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 4 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

Panel Discussion Feedback questionnaire In order to improve our work, we kindly ask One of the highlights of the Second day of the you to let us know your opinion about the Convention was the panel discussion about Convention. Please fill out the feedback the future of the Constitutional project. The questionnaire which you will find in our discussion was moderated by UEF President Website at: Mercedes Bresso. The speakers came from http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ various policy fields and shed their own light uef/QuestionnaireEN.doc (English version) on the current situation. The various speakers or: spoke from his or her own background and http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ vast professional experience. Therefore, the uef/Questionnaire_DE.doc (German version) discussion was a very much appreciated and or: valued contribution to the Convention. The http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ panel consisted of Mr. Jo LEINEN, MEP, uef/Questionnaire_FR.doc (French version) President of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, and return it to: Ms. Elisabeth TICHY-FISSLBERGER, Austrian [email protected] or per Presidency of the EU, Deputy Director-General Fax to: +32 2 626 95 01 by 31 August 2006. for European Affairs, and Ms. Floriana SIPALA, All your comments are valuable to us. Please European Commission, Member of Mrs. Margot feel free to say whatever you think. WALLSTRÖM’s cabinet.

Convention Website

Click here for the speakers, working documents and other information: http://www.federaleurope.org/index.php? id=4125 Click here to see the pictures: http://www.federaleurope.org/index.php? id=4573

The opening panel: from left to right: Philipp AGATHONOS, 3. XXI UEF CONGRESS Didier DONFUT, Reinhard RACK At the occasion of the XXI UEF Congress, which took place from Friday 30 June to Sunday 2 July in Vienna, some 200 participants, delegates, guests and observers gathered in order to discuss crucial European policy issues. Moreover, being the Congress the sovereign body of the UEF, the Congress’ mission is also to define the UEF’s policy line for the next years, as well as elect the organs of the organisation.

The panel discussion : from left to right : Elisabeth TICHY- Address to the Congress by the President FISSLBERGER, Mercedes BRESSO, Floriana SIPALA, Jo LEINEN In her key note speech, Mercedes BRESSO, President of UEF, stated that the discomfort

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 5 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006 of European citizens vis-à-vis the process of the European Parliament gave the opening European integration was due to the fact that speech at the XXI UEF Congress. the EU appears to be incapable of facing problems European are concerned with, such In his speech, Mr. Cox acknowledged the as socio-economic security, internal security, present crisis of the European Union, but was and international security. While European determined not to give way to pessimism. He citizens wanted more and not less Europe, said Europe needed its Europeans now more political elites were incapable of than ever. He stressed we must keep our demonstrating that the European Constitution vision alive, because after half a century of brings progresses of great importance to build European integration, the figures were a more efficient and more democratic Europe. impressive: 25 member states; 465 million citizens, which together, represent the 3rd The road ahead for the UEF was now to biggest population entity in the world; 20% of support the ratification process. Taking into world trade; the Euro is the second largest account that Declaration N°30 states that in reserve currency in the world, which was a case 20 Member States have ratified, the significant achievement for a new currency. European Council has to take a decision on “We are as Europeans a very powerful the continuation of the process. The President combination and potentially a very powerful requested a new Convention amending the influence,” Mr. Cox stated. constitution so that the majority right replaces the veto right and the third part of the treaty is He also called for a new ethic for European eliminated. The amended text would then be political leaders. He accused them of the put to a referendum parallel to the European blame-it-on-brussels-syndrome: “leaders go elections in 2009. A petition supported by to the European Council on Sunday, but they 1.000.000 citizens should be launched, don’t give a damn about it from Monday to requesting a Convention that is indeed Saturday. So when you have a referendum on constituent and a ratification referendum to be Sunday, you can’t ask everybody to be held together with the European elections of Europhile when you’ve been full of 2009. Europfobia for the rest of the week.”

To read the full speech, please click here: Mr. Cox urged for more responsibility: “don’t http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ blame Brussels, don’t blame George Bush, uef/speech_BRESSO_EN.doc don’t blame globalization, but take your responsibility and act accordingly.” Mr. Cox The following discussion centered on the also warned for increasing populism, left and Political report for 2004-2006, presented by right, all over Europe: “they identify a fear, Mercedes BRESSO, and the Report of and then exaggerate the fear. Then they’ll activities for 2004-2006, presented by the propose a simple answer for a complicated UEF Secretary General Mr. Friedhelm problem (…) They are feeding Euro- Frischenschlager. The Friday session ended pessimism, so I think we need to confront with a general debate and the approval of the populism.” Reports. Mr. Cox concluded his passionately narrated Address to the Congress by Pat Cox speech by outlining that he remained positive because he believes there are answers to the On Friday 30 June, Pat Cox, President of the problems: “We won’t get them by fogging, European Movement and former President of we won’t get them by pretends, we will get them by la responsabilisation of the leaders,

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 6 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006 and we will get them by looking at already European Constitutional Process”. He existing European practices.” announced that there were two more resolutions on this topic, one by the UEF Political Commissions Secretary General Friedhelm Frischenschlager and the other one by Bernd Hüttemann. On Saturday morning, the Congress divided up into four Political Commissions, centered The reports and the debate focused on the on the following topics: “The European following issues: Constitutional process?”, “Which industrial and energy policy for Europe?”, “Europe as a 1- The importance, as stressed in the draft power for peace” and “Financing the resolution prepared by Guido Montani, of European project”. launching a campaign for a consultative (advisory) referendum on the European In the afternoon a debate and a report of the Constitution, to be held in each country on the Political Commissions took place, followed same day, together with the European by a general debate on the draft resolution on elections due in 2009, in order to overreach the general political strategy and of all the the principle of the ratifications by unanimity resolutions and motions. During the days of Saturday and Sunday, 2- The opportunity, supported by Andrew there were also held the elections for the Duff, of introducing a co-decisional process President, the directed elected Federal between the European Parliament and the Committee, as well as for the Vice-Presidents European Council, in order to realize any and for the new Bureau. possible change to the Constitutional text, To see the results of the elections, please click necessary for re-launching the Constitution in here: France and the Netherlands http://www.federaleurope.org/index.php? id=4541 3- The motion proposed by Mr. Frischenschlager set against these two Political Commission 1: proposals: it suggested to solely concentrate “The European Constitutional process?” on the ratifications of the current text, and requested that once the critical mass of 20 Chair: Guido MONTANI ratifications is reached the text should become Rapporteur: Florian RODEIT effective among those who have probated it Interventions: Andrew DUFF, Bruno BOISSIERE, Joan Marc SIMON, Paolo 4- The “Alternativa Europea” group, VACCA presented by Paolo Vacca in his report, stressing the importance of realizing a The first Political Commission “The Campaign for the European federal state, European Constitutional process?”, was the focusing on the creation of a federal core by debate which attracted the biggest group of the founding countries, leaving aside the participants, and aroused the liveliest constitutional issue. discussion. The debate was chaired by Guido Guido Montani Montani, while Florian Rodeit was the rapporteur of the plenary session. Guido Montani, while presenting the speakers (Andrew Duff, Bruno Boissière, Joan Marc Simon and Paolo Vacca), summarized the main points of the draft resolution “The

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 7 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

Political Commission 2: The two draft resolutions were skilfully “Which industrial and energy policy for combined by commission chair Ortrun Europe?” Gauper. Discussion focused on how the mixed economy in Europe still required the Chair: Ortrun GAUPER involvement of the public sector in certain Rapporteur: Domenico MORO strategic activities, which in turn depended on Interventions: Richard LAMING a establishing a stronger notion of the European economy and European economic Ronald Reagan, when president of the United management. States, said that what motivated him was the by Richard Laming idea that America was a country where anybody could become a millionaire: that was the American dream. The debate in PC2 was Political Commission 3: about how to achieve the European dream, “Europe as a power for peace” (by Marc- that everybody could live a decent life. Oliver Pahl)

Domenico Moro introduced a resolution on Chair: Christian GLOECKNER the need for a European Energy Agency to Rapporteur: Marc-Oliver PAHL succeed Euratom and take responsibility for Interventions: Philipp AGATHONOS, Sergio all forms of fossil fuel in addition to nuclear PISTONE power. Obtaining a secure supply of energy has become an important task for the The first part of this political commission European Union in the future. The new was introduced by Philipp Agathonos: agency should also invest in an improved Compromise resolution on Europe as a power energy distribution network and sponsor for peace. It was based on the following research into renewable sources of energy. elements: Phillips’s experience during This could be financed, he said, by the issuing Austrian Presidency; the analysis of the of Union bonds. development of European Security and Defence Policy. They agreed that the EU Richard Laming explained how the EU Executive in External affairs needs to be should reject the notion of “economic strengthened; also in the field of civilian patriotism” as a national economic policy. instruments the EU must become operational The home market for companies in Europe (for crisis management). was now the European Union as a whole, and we should expect and even welcome The second part of this PC consisted of the corporate consolidation at the European level. Resolution of Sergio Pistone on the EU and In the face of globalisation, there would be a the Iranian nuclear programme. The PC came growing emphasis on skills and technology as to the following conclusions: see the conflict the means of adding value and creating with Iran in the context of the proliferation of wealth. To preserve the European way of life nuclear technology and the Middle East would require that some of the benefits seen conflict; advocating a more active role of the by the gainers from globalisation should be EU in the Iran case and the Middle East but captured and redistributed to those who were also for a policy against the proliferation of losing out. In the absence of such nuclear weapons and weapons of mass redistribution, it was not surprising that destruction; offering an alternative approach globalisation aroused opposition from the to the US strategy: Conference for Security poor. and Cooperation in the Middle East.

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 8 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

However, they agreed all this was a little bit The UEF Congress was also an occasion to idealistic. talk about money. - The money for the EU. Political Commission 4 was taking up the The third part of this political commission issue under its title "Financing the European centred on the discussion on the Federalists’ Project". Based on a resolution proposed by understanding of “Peace”. This understanding Alfonso Iozzo and Jan Seifert the discussion is two-fold: a negative definition, i.e. the started with an intervention by Harry Stieber absence of war versus a positive approach: who is an expert in the Austrian Ministry of tackling the roots of conflicts (for example Finance. Harry was emphasising the need for social and environmental problems, securing a switch in the current financing of the Union freedom and democracy). as it is neither transparent nor fair nor sustainable for the future. In his opinion the The PC focussed on the discussion of the EU budget could serve better as an economic resolution on Europe as a power for peace. stimulus if some adjustments were to be On a multipolar world order (proposed implemented. amendment by Lucio Levi) a compromise was found. Also agreed on were: a European One idea was a different regional Minister of Foreign affairs, the European redistribution mechanism based on per capita diplomatic service, a European civilian peace support. This would depend more on corps, a European gendarmerie and police economic situation instead of the sometimes force and federal armed forces. The last part dysfunctional regional policy. of the discussion centred on the EU and the Iranian nuclear programme. The PC agreed The interventionists after Harry pointed out that Isreal plays a specific role. The following that a bigger budget is needed to underpin the question popped up: “Does monopoly of EU's ambitions not only in its global policies power for the UN mean that UN needs but also in research and energy innovation. weapons of mass destruction as part of an Alfonso emphasised the need for a great leap international security system to deter “rogue forward which can only be achieved through states” from using military instruments?” the issue of Union bonds. This idea has first been suggested in the Delors plan in the early Some people argue that the EU should work 90s but has never been put on the agenda with other nation states to achieve common again. EU taxes or a different system of own goals. Others claim that Europe's external resources would then be used to repay the policies should put an end to the world of US bonds. unipolarity by bringing a new multipolar world, based on the balance of power. Contrary to this, Jan argued that the EU does Emmanouil Vrentzos untangles the arguments not need another layer with debts. Instead of at the UEF congress. Read more at taking up bonds and repaying them later, a http://www.federalunion.org.uk/europe/06071 serious reform of the own resources system 4powerforpeace.shtml should be used to allocate a sufficient amount of funds straight for the projects.

Political Commission 4: by Jan SEIFERT “Financing the European Project” In the end the Congress voted in favour of Chair: Alfonso IOZZO supporting Union bonds. Rapporteur: Jan SEIFERT Interventions: Harald STIEBER

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 9 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

Vienna Resolutions Resolution on internal reform aspects The UEF could play an important role at A total of six resolutions were adopted by the European level to confront the challenges Congress. Five external resolutions proposed Europe is facing at the moment, and to put in the respective Political Commissions and pressure on politicians, but unfortunately one internal reform resolution. there are many aspects to be improved yet. First, the UEF has to increase its visibility and General Resolution on the Political Strategy impact and has then to become a truly In its general strategy resolution, the UEF European-wide organisation. states that it is an illusion to think a more democratic and more effective Europe can be The UEF enjoys a clear political view, and built without a European Constitution. The modern supranational structures. On the other democratic deficit of the European Union hand, there are many weaknesses with respect could not be overcome until the veto right in to its financial and organizational capacities. the Council is not abolished and the majority In order to achieve our common goals, the rule is not accepted as the general principle of UEF has to improve some basic elements of the Constitutional Treaty. its work.

The UEF therefore requests that the European To read the resolution, please click here: Parliament takes part in every future change http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ of the Constitutional Treaty. The amended uef/Internal_reform_final.doc Constitutional Treaty should be submitted to a European-wide referendum, at the same time as the next European parliamentary elections Resolution PC I: “The European in 2009. The Constitutional Treaty should Constitutional Process?” then enter into force if a double majority of It is an illusion to think that a more citizens and states approves it. Countries democratic and more effective Europe can be having voted against the Constitutional Treaty built without a European Constitution. should have a second chance to accept the Therefore, in this resolution which was Constitutional Treaty. accepted with great majority, the UEF asks the European Parliament to amend the In its resolution, the UEF decided to start a Constitutional Treaty and to submit it to a new phase of the Campaign for a Federal European-wide consultative ballot (a Constitution, focused on the European European-wide referendum), at the same time consultative ballot in 2009, in alliance with as the next European parliamentary elections the organizations of civil society and all in 2009.The UEF asks the European Council political parties which support the aim of a to entrust a new European Convention with European Federation. the mandate to amend the Constitutional Treaty. To read the resolution, please click here: http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ Moreover, the Constitutional Treaty should uef/Resolution_general_strategy_EN_final.do enter into force after the European c consultative ballot if a double majority of or for the French version, please click here: citizens and states approves it. The countries http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ voting against the Constitutional Treaty uef/General_strategy_FR_final.doc should also have a second chance to accept the Constitutional Treaty.

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 10 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

To read the resolution, please click here: For these reasons, with this resolution which http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ was adopted with great majority, the UEF uef/Resolution_general_strategy_EN_final.do urges the European Commission to make full c use of its right of initiative in all areas of external action and undertake immediately the Resolution PC II: “Which Industrial and necessary efforts to increase the capacity of Energy Policy for Europe?” the Union to safeguard the interests of its Recalling that it is important to maintain and citizens, contribute to peace-building and increase the competitiveness of the European conflict resolution and speak with a single economy and to ensure that the benefits of voice in the world. The European Union globalisation are shared. And an improving needs to further develop its capacity to act in productivity in the future depends on better preventing violent conflict and actively use of technology and a higher level of skills. contribute to the resolution of crisis situations.

Therefore, with this resolution which was To read the resolution, please click here: accepted with great majority, the UEF asks http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ for the realisation of European research uef/PCIII_EN_final.doc programmes for technology, particularly in technologies that will reduce the Resolution PC III: “The European Union environmental impact of economic activity. and the Iranian nuclear programme” The European Union should be endowed with The question of the Iranian nuclear a single energy policy, through the programme is evolving towards an extremely transformation of EURATOM into a severe crisis. We have to consider that the European Energy Authority with competences danger that the Iranian government may extended to oil, natural gas and promoting develop nuclear weapons represents a great renewable energy and energy efficiency. challenge as far as security is concerned, and Concerning the external policy, Europe also that the idea of blocking the Iranian drive should try to maintain its prosperity and towards nuclear weapons with economic enable the world’s poor to overcome poverty sanctions or military interventions is clearly through trade and development. senseless. Humanity has to face crucial challenges To read the resolution, please click here: which objectively require the building of a http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ more just and peaceful world, based on the uef/PCII_EN_final.doc enforcement of a global international organization and on regional institutions. Resolution PC III: “The European Union as a Power for Peace” To read the resolution, please click here: Peace is the precondition for social and http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ ecological justice, freedom, democracy and uef/PCIII_Iran_EN_final.doc human rights and as the fundamental value of the European Union, which has enabled the Resolution PC IV: “Financing the European people to enjoy more than 60 years European Project” of prosperity and freedom. The current budgetary system of the EU is marked by several shortcomings and serious One of the highest political priority is to democratic deficits: the division between improve the effectiveness and coherence of compulsory and non-compulsory expenditure, the external action of the EU in the field of the dependency on national contributions on conflict prevention. the revenue side and the outdated distribution

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 11 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006 of spending. On top of that, an effort should 4. OTHER PAST EVENTS be made to overcome the current lack of transparency on the budgetary system. Marienberg Talks on European Unity: “QUO VADIS EUROPA?” Therefore, with this with majority accepted 9-11 June, Bad Marienberg, Germany resolution, the UEF demands a spending structure that reflects the self-proclaimed As every year, Europa-Haus Marienberg, goals of the Union, in particular with regards organised the Marienberg Talks on European to the strategy for growth and employment Unity in cooperation with UEF and JEF. This (Lisbon Agenda) and sustainable year’s seminar was entitled “Quo vadis development (Gothenburg Strategy) Europa?” and looked at various aspects of the strategies. future of Europe.

To read the resolution, please click here: It was an intense seminar, spread over two http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ days with approximately 30 participants. The uef/PCIV_EN_final.doc seminar was opened by UEF Secretary- General Friedhelm FRISCHENSCHLAGER who also moderated the workshop on the Congress website perspectives of a federal Europe. Throughout the seminar, the participants analysed how All the speeches, election results, resolutions Europe can be brought closer to its citizens and the working documents can be found on and how the confidence crisis of Europe could the UEF website: be overcome. Furthermore, the current http://www.federaleurope.org/index.php? stalemate and the potential of the id=4183 Constitutional Treaty were discussed as well as perspectives of further enlargements. Feedback questionnaire 60 YEARS OF EUROPA UNION In order to improve our work, we kindly ask 11 June 2006, Hessen you to let us know your opinion about the Congress. Please fill out the feedback On 11 June 2006, the regional section of the questionnaire which you will find in our Europa Union (German section of the UEF) in Website at the land of Hessen celebrated its 60th http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ anniversary in the regional parliament in uef/QuestionnaireEN.doc (English version) Wiesbaden. More than 200 participants or: attended the event. The key note speech was http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ given by UEF Secretary-General Friedhelm uef/Questionnaire_DE.doc (German version) FRISCHENSCHLAGER. or: http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ uef/Questionnaire_FR.doc (French version) and return it to: [email protected] or per Fax to: +32 2 626 95 01 by 31 August 2006. All your comments are valuable to us. Please feel free to say whatever you think.

Friedhelm Frischenschlager, Secretary General of the UEF

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 12 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

At its 55th General Assembly, Europa Union 37 students from all over Europe. This year’s (EUD) Hessen reelected Thomas MANN title was “Breaking a Habit”, which carried a (Member of the European Parliament and symbolic warning for the need of change and former member of the UEF Bureau) as reform of the European Union current President. Furthermore, a resolution was functioning. adopted in which EUD Hessen challenges the European Union to seek closer contact and Students have with some of the most cooperation with citizens. “Only with the renowned experts in the field of European support of the citizens is there a future for studies, coming from 10 European countries Europe”. Therefore, citizens’ fora should be as well as USA, discovered all different held regularly. The proclaimed intention of aspects of the current EU troubles and have the German EU Council Presidency (starting tried to find the best alternatives to the at the beginning of 2007) to increase the questions raised in the light of a major EU knowledge and the understanding of the reform need. The most debated issues were of European Constitution was welcomed. Last course the institutional reform and the role but not least, the General Assembly stressed that the EU should play outside its borders. the importance of holding a Congress on The students also had a change to experience Culture as culture was an essential element of an European Council simulation on the European identity. question of Romania and Bulgaria accession and the establishment of EU Foreign Minister. The simulation was without a doubt the best example of how difficult the decision-making can get with unanimity as the main rule. The summer school was summed up by workshops on what JEF is and what the future of Europe should look like – institutionally, economically and globally.

Next to the reach educational program the To read the original German press release, event also promoted cultural diversity and please click here: tolerance by introducing a lot of multicultural http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ elements into the evening social activities. uef/PM_Landesversammlung_Wiesbaden_20 The participants have also had a change to 06.doc discover the beauties of Ljubljana and Slovenia during their stay. JEF-International Summer University “BRAVE NEW EUROPE: Ania Pokorska, JEF Europe BREAKING A HABIT” 2-15 July, Ljubljana, Slovenia Europa-Forum Neumarkt : “THE CRISIS OF THE EU AS A JEF Slovenia has organized its traditional CHANCE?” summer school that celebrated its 5th birthday 14-16 July 2006, Neumarkt, Austria this year. The purpose of the project is to empower youth with knowledge, sparkle their From 14-16 July the „Europa-Haus“ in activity, create youth networks and promote Neumarkt, Austria, welcomed 110 cultural diversity, tolerance and European participants from 8 countries to a three-day identity. The event took place in Ljubljana seminar, which was organised by Max between 2 and 15 July and brought together Wratschgo of „Europäische Föderalistische

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 13 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

Bewegung“ (UEF Austria), in close The future financing of the Union was also cooperation with the UEF. The aim of the discussed in depth. Andreas SCHNEIDER seminar was to discuss the Austrian EU presented the difficult development of the presidency, the future of the European budget 2007-2013 which now consists of 864 constitution as well as the perspective of Billion Euro. Agriculture is still the area further EU enlargements. The discussions receiving most funds, followed by structural made clear that the current crisis of the EU can be seen as a chance to rethink the state of policies. Mr. SCHNEIDER emphasized the the union and the perspectives of the EU. importance of competition and thus research and development and education. Amongst the many speakers were Dr. Heinrich NEISSER (President of the Reinhard RACK reflected on the current European Movement Austria), Andreas situation of the constitutional process and SCHNEIDER (Austrian Ministry for Foreign underlined that the process was far from Affairs), Dr. Reinhard RACK (Member of having failed. The enlarged European Union the European Parliament), Ludwig RADER was in need of a sound constitutional basis (Regional government of Styria, Department and there was no reason for pessimism. At for European and foreign affairs), Dr. the spring summit, the European council Albrecht ROTHACHER (EU delegation to decided to entrust the German presidency the international organisations in Vienna), with the revitalization of the constitutional Max WRATSCHGO (Organiser of the process. Until then, the EU should convince Europa Forum Neumarkt), Otto SCHMUCK citizens and governments of the many assets (Regional delegation of Rheinland-Pfalz) and of a European constitution. The Dr. Willibad PAHR (former Austrian consequences and disadvantages of less Foreign Minister). Europe should be stressed. Especially strong export nations such as Germany and Austria have benefited immensely from their EU membership and this fact should be communicated to the citizens.

Ludwig RADER relfected on the Austrian Presidency. The expectations of an only six months long presidency should not be too high. Compared to the first Austrian EU Prof. Dr. Heinrich NEISSER outlined that Presidency this term was generally more the European Institutions had to relaxed, despite the enlarged Union. communicate the constitution in a proactive Especially the negotiations about the service manner and ensure that the citizens’ of directive and the financial perspectives have Europe are reached. The regional and been successful. national parliaments as well as the European Parliament should therefore be strengthened. According to Albrecht ROTHACHER the According to Mr. NEISSER institutions last enlargements have taken place smoothly should always take social aspects and and successfully. Bulgaria and Romania consequences of any legislation into benefited from a „political rebate“ as they are consideration. entering the Union in 2007 despite not

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 14 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006 fulfilling all accession criteria. For more pictures, please click here: ROTHACHER stated that citizens and states http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ have become more skeptical towards further uef/IMG_2550.JPG and here: enlargements. http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ uef/IMG_2562.JPG and here: http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ Last but not least, Prof. Dr. Ursula BRAUN- uef/IMG_2569.JPG MOSER, President of the Foundation Mérite Européen gave an award to the organiser of the Europa-Forum Neumarkt, Max 5. NEW UEF BUREAU WRATSCHGO, who was honored for his efforts for European integration. The XXI UEF Congress elected the new UEF Bureau who will now be in office for the next two years.

It consists of: the President (Mrs. Mercedes BRESSO); the Treasurer (Mr. Anders EKBERG); the JEF President (Mr. Jan SEIFERT); three Vice-Presidents (Mr. Sergio PISTONE, Mr. Philipp AGATHONOS and Dr. Otto SCHMUCK noted that the attitude Mr. Heinz SCHAUMANN) five regular members: Alfonso IOZZO, Richard of young Europeans was distinct from that of LAMING, Michel MORIN, Florian RODEIT the older generation, who had witnessed the and Paolo VACCA. development of European integration in the post war period. As younger people were The new UEF Bureau will hold its first mainly grateful for educational exchange meeting after the summer break, at the end of programmes, such initiatives should be September. strengthened and stressed more. 6. FUTURE EVENTS Willibald PAHR outlined that the EU has always found ways to emerge from its crisis 23 rd International Seminar on and would be able to overcome the current “FEDERALISM FROM EUROPE TO stalemate as well. The European institutions THE WORLD” and the decision procedures functioned well. Ventotene, 3-8 September, 2006 There is of course, still room for improvement, for example as far as For many years, the Altiero SPINELLI Institute for Federalist Studies has organised a democratic legitimacy and the competences yearly international seminar on the island of of the EU in foreign affairs and security Ventotene. This island off the Italian coast policies are concerned. Therefore, the was the place where Altiero SPINELLI, constitution should be used to strengthen the author of the Federalist Ventotene Manifesto, EU competences in these fields. was imprisoned during the Second World War. Each year, young Federalists gather here To read the original detailed report of the to discuss with leading experts from the seminar in German, please click here: European and World Federalist Movement http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ federalist ideas and their application to the uef/Pre-Forum_06_DE.doc European and global context. UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 15 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

Possible topics for this year's conference may European Federalists) want to celebrate include but are not limited to: Federalism as a together and critically reflect the historical Political Theory; Federalism as an importance of the events: Which effect did Institutional Model; The Values Pursued by Churchill's Zurich speech and the Federalism; Federalism as an Answer to the Hertensteiner program have on European Challenges of Globalisation; The EU as the integration? To which extent are they still Most Advanced Federalist Experiment; The relevant today, 60 years later? Potential for a Greater Global Role of the EU; The Federal Citizenship: A New Model; Past, Our aim is to make the events of 1946 public Present and Future Role of the Federalist in the media, and to bring them back to the Movements in the European Integration; minds of Europeans today. At the same time, Proposals for Overcoming the Present it gives all members of NEBS, EUD, UEF Stalemate of the EU; Guidelines for Strategy and JEF the opportunity to get to know each and Action of the Federalist Movements in one another and to exchange ideas for the the Near Future. future creation of federalism in Europe.

For further information please visit the The Program website www.istitutoSPINELLI.org On Friday, 22 September, the 60-th anniversary of Winston Churchill’s speech is celebrated at the University of Zurich. 60 YEARS OF EUROPEAN FEDERALISM Speakers will be: Mercedes Bresso (UEF “Between federal state and federation – President), Elmar Brok (Member of the historical foundation for the future of European Parliament and President of EUD) Europe?” as well as Christa Markwalker-Bär (NEBS President) Keynote speaker will be Oxford 22 – 24 September 2006, Zürich and Hertenstein (Switzerland) lecturer and Churchill expert Prof. Dr. Vernon Bogdanor. What is it about? 1946 was a crucial year for the European On Saturday, 23 September several movement: in September Winston Churchill workshops give room for common reflection: gave his famous speech at the University of How will Europe look like in 2046? Which of Zurich, in which he pleaded for the United the ideas of Churchill's speech and the States of Europe. At the same time, European Hertensteiner program will still be important federalists convened in a conference in for Europe then – 100 years later? Will the Hertenstein at which they came up with EU only be a loose federation or a federal twelve theses. These twelve principles state? How can Europe reply to the challenges became know as the “Hertensteiner program” of the future? „Europa in 2046 – global which lay the political foundation for the challenges, European answers “, this is the Europa Union Deutschland (EUD) which was subject of the four study groups on Saturday brought to life on 09.12.1946 in Lower morning. International experts such as Albert Saxony. After two other conferences in Bressand (Shell Scenarios, Vice-President Luxembourg and Basel, the Union of Shell Scenarios), Alexander van de Putte European Federalists (UEF) was founded, in (World Economic Forum, Head of Scenarios) December 1946. and Bruno Liebhaberg (Business Environment Europe) will reflect with us. At the occasion of this 60th anniversary, NEBS (Neue Europäische Bewegung After the discussion of the results in the Schweiz), EUD, UEF and JEF (Young plenary, the official celebration of the jubilee

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 16 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

60th jubilee of Hertensteiner program and the To access the registration form, please click foundation of UEF and EUD will begin. here: German Ambassador in Switzerland, Andreas http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ von Stechow and others will be present to uef/Hertenstein_Registration_final.doc celebrate with us. And send it to the following address by 31 On Sunday, 24 September, a common thesis August: paper will be adopted in the plenary. In the after there will be time for sightseeing in Europa-Union Deutschland ▪ Lucerne. Sophienstraße 28/29 ▪D-10178 Berlin Fon: +49 (0)30 - 30 36 201 -30 ▪Fax: +49 A detailed description of the seminar as well (0)30 - 30 36 201 -39 as the Program, both in German, can be found E-Mail: [email protected] at http://www.europa- union.de/fileadmin/files_eud/PDF- Dateien_EUD/Wege_nach_Europa_Stand_06.07.06.pd Two day seminar on the future of Europe f Besançon, 25-26 November 2006 The English translation of the programme can be found at: The Committee for a European Federal State http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_uef/Preli is organising a two day conference minary_Programme_EN.doc Laboratoires d’idées sur le future de l’Europe et de l’action fédéraliste in Besançon, France. Who can participate? Members of the EUD, UEF, of the JEF, the As can be deducted from the title, the Nebs and YES can take part. Everybody is Committee for a European Federal State cordially invited! The event will be trilingual: wants to make its own contribution to the German, French and English can be used discussion about the crisis the European actively and passively. However, the number integration process is currently facing. of participants is limited to 120 persons. Because of the crisis in Europe, the European Places will be distributed on a first-come, public is growing increasingly skeptical first-serve basis, taking into consideration towards the European integration project. however, that we would like to have a diverse Consequently, the Federalist movement is in a audience. crisis too: in which framework do federalists need to advocate a federal Europe? Does that A participation fee of € 30 for JEF and YES, framework coincide with the enlarged as well as € 60 for UEF, EUD and NEBS will European Union, or should there be some sort be asked for. Two nights in a hotel, the of core group ahead? And what is the transfer between Zürich and Hertenstein as responsibility of the European Federalists? well as meals and publications are included in What role can they play? the price. The Committee for a European Federal State Travel arrangements have to be made believes that the founding states of the, at that individually. Participants whose travels costs time European Community, and the are above € 50 can ask for a 50% travel federalists active in those countries have a reimbursement (with a maximum of €100) by historical responsibility to advocate a new the EUD. “acte créateur.” For this reason the Committee of a European Federal State is organising this event. The working languages will be French

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 17 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006 and English. Send your registration to: discussion during the four workshops [email protected]. foreseen: “A European government for the For more information, follow this link: economy?”; “Which social model for http://www.federaleurope.org/fileadmin/files_ Europe?”; The young generation: how to fully uef/UEF_Lettre_Presid_FR.doc engage Europe’s human potential?”; “European external action: Europe as a power for peace?”. 7. PRESS RELEASES Several preeminent speakers will participate: Mr. Didier DONFUT, Belgian State Secretary SECOND EUROPEAN CITIZENS’ for European Affairs; Mr. Pat COX, President CONVENTION AND XXI CONGRESS of the European Movement International and Brussels, 27 June 2006 former President of the European Parliament; Ms. Monika WULF-MATHIES, President of the European Movement Germany, among the Almost one year has passed since the Period others. of Reflection was launched, following the French and Dutch NO-Referenda. The The Convention will be followed by the XXI paralysis of the situation and the lack of UEF European Congress, which will be held communication between the European on 30 June-2 July in Vienna. The main focus Institutions and the civil society, urged the will be the debate on the federalist strategy for European Commission to take action. the relaunch of the Constitutional process and some 200 participants will gather and discuss In this context, following the French and crucial European policies issues: “The Dutch NO-Referenda, the Second European European Constitutional process?”; Which Citizens’ Convention, which will take place industrial and energy policy for Europe?”; on 29-30 June in Vienna, is the UEF response “Europe as a power for peace” and to the Period of Reflection in general, and to “Financing the European project”. As the the European Commission’s Plan D (D for sovereign body of the UEF, it will also elect Dialogue, Debate and Democracy) and its its organs and take important decisions for the White Paper on a European Communication future of our organisation. Policy in particular. The results of both events will be available on Following the example of the First the UEF website as of 6 July 2006. Convention which took place in Genoa on 3-4 December 2005, the Vienna Convention will To read the French version, please click here: gather several hundred of people from all over http://www.federaleurope.org/index.php?id=3598 Europe, to discuss the current situation of Europe and the challenges of the future. The Convention will focus on the theme “United G8: PUTIN-HUGGING INSTEAD OF States of Europe?” and it will give federalists TOUGH DEMANDS an opportunity to discuss the future of the Constitutional project and the critical Brussels, 13 July 2006, JEF situations Europe is facing, looking at various policy fields. The G8 summit St Petersburg is doomed to become nothing more than a fancy photo Issues like the (re)definition of the European opportunity for a couple of world leaders. The social model and the future of young Young European Federalists (JEF Europe) is Europeans will be at the centre of the worried about the Russianisation of the G8, UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 18 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006 thus want to see more commitment and neighbours. It is now time for the big member responsibility from European leaders and states to re-think their veto over a common have clear demands in regard to their policy in the energy sector. Mrs Merkel priorities. The Finns currently holding the should be bold enough and change the EU-presidency should lead the way in nationalist German position", demands Jan creating a more credible and critical, common Seifert. EU attitude towards Russia. Jan Seifert concluded: "It seems that Putin- "It's a worrying picture we will get hugging, a discipline invented by former transmitted from St. Petersburg. The G8 itself German chancellor Gerhard Schröder, has is getting Russophile, as it is a highly become a common hobby of G8 leaders. unrepresentative and undemocratic body. The European leaders should make it clear to fact that this group of industrialised and President Putin that he needs to invest more supposedly democratic countries includes efforts into strengthening a democratic society Russia in their midst constitutes a severe in his own country before he gets out to redefinition of democracy", Jan Seifert, mingle among the big guys." president of the Young European Federalists commented on the meeting. THE UNION OF EUROPEAN "Russia does not fulfil many criteria of a FEDERALISTS developed democracy. The complete lack of LAUNCHES A NEW CAMPAIGN freedom and independence for its judiciary, “A EUROPEAN REFERENDUM FOR A its press and the civil society is just one of EUROPEAN CONSTITUTION” many major drawbacks." Brussels, 27 July 2006 "The Young European Federalists demand from the EU leaders present at the summit to Political declaration of Mrs Mercedes Bresso, raise the human rights issue before discussing President of the UEF business with Putin. JEF suggests that Finland as the chairing country of EU uses its special Mrs Mercedes Bresso, the President of the historical experience, good relations and Union of European Federalists, newly re- st geopolitical position in a more determined elected at the Wien Congress on July 1 , in manner to pursue the democratic principles of her conclusive speech said that the European EU in relations towards Russia." comments federalists are today deeply concerned on the Jan Seifert future of the European Union, at present incapable to face the serious crisis provoked "Russia’s focus on energy and education by the negative results of the French and completely ignores more pressing issues like Dutch referendums. The European the devastating human rights record of Putin, Parliament, the national governments and the the ongoing violent suppression of civilian Commission should propose a way out. The interests in Chechnya and the highly reflection pause should end. questionable support of Belarus’ dictator Lukashenko." According to Mrs Bresso, “the Constitutional Treaty was planned in order to give the "Another issue of concern is energy. Recent European citizens a more democratic and a developments in the energy markets have more effective Europe and, therefore, it is an shown that there is at present no energy safety illusion to think that a more democratic and for EU members as well as our eastern more effective Europe can be built without a

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 19 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

European Constitution”. The European valuable support and we wish them all the project is the European Constitution. best for their personal and professional future.

The European federalists propose that the 9. CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES draft Constitutional Treaty – eventually amended by a democratic Convention, if the  3-8 September: 23rd International Seminar governments and the European Parliament on “Federalism, from Europe to the world”, decide that it is convenient and necessary to Ventotene amend it – should be submitted to a European-wide consultative ballot (a  22-24 September: 60 Years of Churchill European referendum) at the same time as the speech in Zurich, Hertenstein next European parliamentary elections in 2009, in order to give a popular verdict to the  25-26 November: Two day seminar on the Constitution. future of Europe, Besançon, France. Moreover, the Constitutional Treaty should enter into force if, in the European Please do not hesitate to contact us in case consultative ballot, a double majority of you might have any questions, comments or citizens and states approve it. In that way, critiques concerning the UEF Newsletter! We says Mrs Mercedes Bresso, “we can avoid to would be happy to hear them in order to come back to national referendums. We improve it! should accept the new European reality. And the reality, in the enlarged Europe, is that it is Please also think about sending us news from impossible to go on unanimously. A majority your organisations, of which you think that of citizens and states cannot be stopped by a they could be of interest to other federalists in minority.” Europe!

8. NEWS FROM THE SECRETARIAT The UEF Newsletter is a free monthly service prepared by the European Summer break Secretariat of the Union of European Federalists (UEF) with the financial The office will be closed during the annual support but not representing the opinions summer break in August. However, our of the European Commission. stagiaires Reinout de PREZ will be in the Editor: Friedhelm secretariat on the following days from 11 am FRISCHENSCHLAGER to 12 o’clock: Newsletter Team: Hanneli EBDING, Reinout De PREZ, Chiara GIORDANO  Wednesday 2 August Contributions: Hanneli EBDING, Reinout  Wednesday 9 August DE PREZ, Chiara GIORDANO, Richard  Monday 14 August LAMING, Jan SEIFERT, Michel MORIN,  Friday 25 August Max WRATSCHGO, Ania POKORSKA  Wednesday 30 August

Good bye The UEF, founded in 1946, is an independent We would like to thank Reinout de PREZ and and non-governmental European organisation, Chiara GIORDANO for their work during the campaigning for a federal Europe. It is last months. They have both given the most presided over by Mercedes BRESSO, UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 20 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org U.E.F. NEWSLETTER N° 33– July 2006

President of the Italian region Piedmont and former MEP.

UEF 214 D Chaussée de Wavre, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 508 30 30, Fax. +32 2 626 95 01 e-mail: [email protected] Page 21 of 21 Internet: www.federaleurope.org

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