Pershore Town Council s4

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Pershore Town Council s4

17.06.10 PERSHORE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 17th June 2010 Minutes of the meeting of Pershore Town Council, held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, Commencing at 7.30pm.

Present:- Cllr C D Parsons MBE (Mayor) Cllr G Amphlett Cllr J Daniels Cllr J T Grantham MBE Cllr D Hughes Cllr G B M Hughes MBE Cllr P Merry Cllr T D G Rose Cllr K E P Rowe Cllr M Rowe Cllr C W Smith Cllr V Wood a. There were no members of the public present. b. There were no declarations of prejudicial interest

025. Apologies

Apologies were accepted from Cllr Shaw who was unwell.

026. Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Parsons and Rose declared a personal interest in agenda item 10, Allotments

027. Mayor’s Announcements a. Cllr Parsons advised members that sadly Les Tacy, a member of the Heritage Centre had died the previous weekend. His funeral was to be held on 24th June and the Clerk was asked to write a letter of condolence to his widow. b. Cllr Parsons advised members that Cllr Shaw was home from hospital and had thanked all members for their good wishes whilst he had been unwell. c. Cllr Parsons reminded members of the Civic Service on 27th June to which all members were invited. d. Cllr Parsons expressed his concern about the occasional late starting of meetings and ask that members make every effort to be at the Town Hall in good time for the start of meetings. Chairmans e. Cllr Parsons advised members that the previous evening a meeting had been held Initials

130 17.06.10 with two senior officers from Wychavon D.C. to discuss Section 106 agreements. He had been most disappointed that only 3 members of the Town Council had attended the meeting especially as the meeting had been called at the request of the Town Council. He asked members to let the Clerk know if they were unable to attend such meetings so that if there were insufficient members available the meeting could be rescheduled.

028. Items brought to members attention by the Town Clerk a. The Clerk advised members that she had been asked to act as adviser to a neighbouring parish under the Power of Well Being. After consideration, the Clerk felt that she was not in a position to undertake this role. b. The Clerk asked members whether they would be interested in a visit to the commingled plant at Norton and Cllrs K & M Rowe, Wood, Hughes and Parsons all expressed an interest. The Clerk will contact the County Council to ascertain some convenient dates.

029. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Grantham, seconded by Cllr Rose and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 20th May, the Annual Meeting and the Town meeting be signed as a true record of the proceedings.

030. Matters of report from the minutes a. The Clerk reminded members of the Rooftop Housing meeting on 9th July at 9.30am. b. The Clerk advised members that responses were awaited from the County Council regarding a weight restriction in Pershore High Street, Pershore Library and an agenda for the next County Council forum. c. The Clerk advised members that she had written to the Royal Naval Association regarding the proposed memorial garden and anticipated further details being available for members’ consideration in due course.

031. Finance a. Members approved the budget comparison to the end of May 2010. b. Members approved the up to date valuation of their investments and noted the reduction in value at the end of May 2010. f. It was proposed by Cllr Amphlett, seconded by Cllr Tucker and RESOLVED that the cheque payment list for the month of June 2010 be accepted.


Vchr. Cheq. Cde. Name Description Amount Chairmans 226 428 41 Mr C D Parsons Mayor's Allowance 500.00 Initials 227 429 80 Wychavon D C Rates 500152996 435.00 228 429 83 Wychavon D C Rates 500007544 49.00 131 17.06.10 229 429 80 Wychavon D C Rates 500153006 145.00 Subtotal Cheque No. 429 629.00 278 430 60 Konica Minolta Photocopying 546.32 230 431 92 Pershore Civic Society Town Walk 41.34 231 432 86 W L Brown Grounds Maintenance 22.04 232 433 42 Mr J Mackintosh Twinning Fuel 50.00 233 434 40 Mrs J Parsons Catering for Mayor Making 125.00 236 435 69 Thomson Bancks Legal Fees 11,749.22 237 436 64 CIT Vendor Finance Ltd Copier lease 350.62 238 437 84 County Security Ltd Town Hall locking up 187.41 239 438 83 Cox's Cars Ltd Fuel 56.35 240 438 88 Cox's Cars Ltd Fuel 35.00 Subtotal Cheque No. 438 91.35 241 439 85 Mr C D Parsons Door bell 15.98 242 439 83 Mr C D Parsons Toilet Seat 7.98 243 439 43 Mr C D Parsons Mileage 14.42 Subtotal Cheque No. 439 38.38 244 440 92 CPC LED Message Board etc 135.23 245 441 83 OHMS Ltd Mower repairs 27.61 246 442 84 Mercia Radiotelephones Ltd Shopwatch radio hire 70.50 247 443 42 Mr A Preece Twinning expenses 75.83 248 444 70 Newsquest Job Advertisements 1,010.28 249 445 80 Executive Cleaning Town Hall cleaning 291.02 250 446 115 Wychavon CAB Grant 2,000.00 251 447 97 WPS Insurance Brokers Ltd Insurance premium 8,428.73 252 448 80 British Gas Town Hall Gas 793.98 253 449 60 Post Office Ltd Postage stamps 144.50 254 450 62 Petty Cash Petty Cash 100.00 255 451 60 West Mercia Supplies Sationery 81.31 256 452 8 Brook Street Bureau Casual Labour 1,122.99 257 453 42 Mrs A Dobbins Twinning car park fees 60.00 258 454 60 Konica Minolta Staples for copier 75.27 259 455 86 Limebridge Rural Services Ltd Mowing Contract 440.62 260 455 87 Limebridge Rural Services Ltd Mowing Contract 564.00 261 455 89 Limebridge Rural Services Ltd Allotment fence 528.76 Subtotal Cheque No. 455 1,533.38 267 456 82 Salary 7 Salary 1,008.61 268 457 82 Salary 9 Salary 309.31 269 458 1 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 779.01 270 458 3 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC -12.80 271 458 4 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 2.53 272 458 6 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 144.00 273 458 82 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 81.20 274 458 82 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 210.91 275 458 2 Inland Revenue Tax and NIC 433.07 Subtotal Cheque No. 458 1,637.92 276 459 9 Worcestershire CC Superannuation 231.98 277 459 82 Worcestershire CC Superannualtion 76.46 Subtotal Cheque No. 459 308.44 235 460 85 A M Amphlett Painting of ext of Town Hall 700.00 Subtotal Cheque No. 460 1,246.32 Chairmans 279 461 61 Opal Telephone 36.54 Initials 280 461 90 Opal Telephone 20.29 Subtotal Cheque No. 461 56.83 132 17.06.10 234 DD 61 BT Telephone 63.45 262 DD 1 Salary 1 Salary 2,247.07 263 DD 6 Salary 3 Salary 575.99 264 DD 3 Salary 5 Salary 471.27 265 DD 4 Salary 6 Salary 496.85 266 DD 82 Salary 8 Salary 325.05

Total 38,482.10

032. Items from the Finance and Property Committee

Members considered the recommendation from the Finance and Property Committee concerning the use of the top floor of the Town Hall. Following debate it was proposed by Cllr Amphlett, seconded by Cllr Wood and RESOLVED with 12 in favour and 1 abstention that the top floor be let as commercial offices as soon as possible at minimal cost to the Council whilst the Clerk investigates through a local estate agent the best layout for a flat on the top floor and the possible costs of conversion.

033. Items from the Pershore Community Youth Council a. The Clerk reminded members that dates of the Youth Council meetings had been changed for June and July due to examinations. The Youth Council would now meet on 22nd June and 15th July. b. The Clerk advised members that a response to an application made to the County Council LEADER fund was awaited before further progress could be made with the bandstand/shelter.

034. Allotments a. Cllr Wood expressed her concerns that she had been advised that the Avon Navigation Trust were restricting the number of journeys that could be made by the barges moving the clay from Birlingham to the site of the bund so that it was possible there may be delays in completing the scheme. It was agreed the Clerk would ascertain from the Environment Agency whether there was an issue with transport and what measures had been taken to address the problem. It was noted, however, that this was an issue between the contractors and the Environment Agency and the Town Council should not need to become heavily involved.

Cllr Parsons asked the Clerk to request that drivers of plant and equipment using the tracks keep their speed to a minimum. b. Members noted the agreement of a neighbouring landowner to initiate some control measures for the deer population on their land and it was agreed to monitor the situation and reconsider any measures on the allotment sites in Spring 2011.

035. Items raised at the Town Meeting

Cllr Parsons advised members that following the publication of the agenda, Tesco had changed their bins from blue to a more heritage style for which he had thanked them. Cllr Parsons had attended the opening of the newly refurbished store and been pleased to accept a cheque for £500 on Chairmans behalf of Pershore Carnival. Whilst in the store, the Manager had asked the Town Council Initials to take on the responsibility of keeping the community noticeboard in the store up to date and was now sending residents with posters to the Town Hall. 133 17.06.10

036. Public Transport

In the absence of Cllr Palfrey this item was deferred.

037. Investors in People and Customer Service Excellence Awards

The Clerk advised members of the probable cost of obtaining Investors in People and Customer Service Excellence and it was agreed the application for these awards be deferred until the economic climate improved.

038. Pershore Abbey

In the absence of Cllr Palfrey this item was deferred to the July meeting

039. Membership of Committees a. Following the Annual Meeting members considered membership of committees where there were currently vacancies. Following nominations the following councillors were appointed to committees in addition to those appointed at the Annual Meeting.

Internal Monitoring Panel Cllr K Rowe

Amenities and Environment Committee Finance and Property Committee Cllr K Rowe Cllr K Rowe Cllr G Amphlett Cllr D Hughes Cllr M Rowe Cllr J Daniels Cllr M Rowe

Planning Committee Twinning and Tourism Committee Cllr K Rowe Cllr D Hughes Cllr M Rowe Cllr J Daniels Cllr D Hughes

Cemetery Committee Cllr G B M Hughes MBE Cllr M Rowe Cllr K Rowe Cllr D Hughes b. Members considered representatives of the Council on outside bodies and appointed the following councillors:-

Pershore Voluntary Help Centre - Cllr Amphlett until September when to be reconsidered Pershore Town Football Club - Cllr Daniels Public Transport Representative - in the absence of Cllr Palfrey and Shaw this was Chairmans deferred to the July meeting. Initials

134 17.06.10 040. River Cruises

Members considered a request from a local boat company to offer weekend river trips from King George’s Field as a pilot scheme with the Town Council being offered a share of the profits. Members considered the proposal and it was agreed that the trips be operated on a trial basis for 3 months with a formal agreement being signed for one year only giving the Town Council a percentage of any profits made. The Clerk was authorized to negotiate the fee and it was agreed that should the venture prove viable, consideration of offering a similar facility for a set fee in 2011 be a matter for debate at a future meeting.

041. Reports from Outside Bodies

Cllr Tucker had submitted the minutes of the recent Market Town Partnership meeting and no other reports were submitted at this time.

042. Written reports for agenda

Cllr Grantham said that he, and other members, had found that their meetings were often just before the Council agenda was published and producing a written report was not feasible. He also felt that producing written reports, denied members of the public the opportunity to hear the reports for themselves and he asked that members consider reverting to the practice of verbal reports being presented. Cllr Parsons reminded the meeting that written reports had been introduced to enable members to read the reports prior to the meeting and also shorten the meeting. Cllr Wood proposed that members produce written reports but also speak to their report at the meeting with no objection to verbal reports being given when the timescale was not feasible to meet. Members agreed with this proposal

043. County Council Services

Cllr Wood advised that the area at the top of Allesborough Hill was again becoming very wet and the Clerk will ask the County Council to investigate.

044. District Council Services a. Members accepted the minutes of the recent liaison meeting and the Clerk was asked to write to Mr Hegarty expressing the desire for coach parking in the town as soon as possible. b. Members considered an application from a land owner off Defford Road to remove a field hedge to facilitate access for farm machinery. Members were concerned about the visual impact of the removal of the hedge and the loss of a route for wildlife to Tiddesley Wood. Following debate it was agreed the Clerk write to Wychavon D.C. expressing the Town Council’s strong objections to the removal of the entire hedge but suggesting a section of the hedge, no larger than 10 metres, be removed to enable access for farm machinery. The Clerk will advise Wychavon accordingly.

045. Items for Information Chairmans a. The Clerk advised members that the Spring edition of the Community First newsletter Initials was available in the members’ room for information.

135 17.06.10 b. The Clerk advised members that work was to be undertaken at Superdrug, in accordance with the recent planning consent, which would require contractors to access the rear of the property through St Andrews Gardens. The Clerk had received copies of the necessary paperwork for Health and Safety and any damage to the footpath would be repaired by the contractors. 046. Items for future agenda a. Portfolio Responsibilities (Cllr Parsons) b. Update on Visitor Information Centre (Cllr Daniels) c. Moorings on King George’s Field (Cllr Parsons) d. Town Council owned green areas (for A & E) (Cllr Wood)


Owing to the confidential nature of the following agenda items it was proposed by Cllr Amphlett seconded by Cllr K Rowe and RESOLVED “that in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, 1960, as amended by the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting owing to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted” ie: agenda item 23 Legal issues and 24 Staffing issues

047. Legal Issues a. The Clerk updated members on progress with issues relating to the Town Hall and advised members that a meeting had now been arranged for 28th June. It was proposed by Cllr Tucker, seconded by Cllr Amphlett and RESOLVED unanimously that the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to accept a minimum of 75% of the claim with a Council meeting being called the same evening to consider the results of the meeting. b. The Clerk advised members that a letter had now been received from Wychavon and it was agreed the Clerk speak to the Charity Commissioners to see whether they would agree to the proposals contained therein. c. The Clerk advised that the lease for the Football Club had now been completed and as a formality it was proposed by Cllr K Rowe, seconded by Cllr Wood and RESOLVED that an old charge form be discharged to regularize the lease. The lease will now be sent to the Football Club for their comments.

048. Staffing Issues a. It was proposed by Cllr Tucker, seconded by Cllr Grantham and RESOLVED that the Clerk’s salary be increased by one increment as recommended by the Finance and Property Committee. b. The Clerk reported that she had sent out over 140 job applications for the two posts and to date had received 40 applications for the Administrative Assistant and 20 for the Assistant to the Town Clerk

Signed…………………………………………….. Date………………………………………….. Chairmans Initials Chairman


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