Name: ______

DYNAMIC and STATIC Characters GT

Dynamic Character-this type of character changes and develops throughout the events of the story. They have usually learned or grown or changed in some major way from the initial pages to the very end. These characters are often primary or central to the plot.

Static Character-this type of character does not undergo change or learn much of anything—they remain the same from page one to the final scene. They are often flat characters. These characters are often secondary, but not always.

Below, you will find a list of characters from well-known movies or plays. Choose ten characters from the list of thirteen, and explain how each character is DYNAMIC or STATIC—be detailed and specific in your explanations, offering LOTS of evidence for your reasoning! (This means at least two-three sentences PER CHARACTER!) I have provided an example for you. All work will be collected at the end of class.

Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean-Jack is a static character because throughout the film, he remains selfish and generally uncaring about those around him and never learns that he needs to change. He is dishonest and cunning throughout the film— constantly deceiving people without learning anything at the end.

Woody from Toy Story-

Sven from Frozen-

President Snow from Hunger Games-

Nala from The Lion King-

Edward Cullen from Twlight-

Rue from The Hunger Games-

Ralph from Wreck It Ralph- Optimus Prime from Transformers-

The Minions from Despicable Me-

Rose from Titanic-

Tris from Divergent-

Gus from The Fault in Our Stars-

J (Will Smith) from Men In Black-