American Government- Syllabus s1

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American Government- Syllabus s1

American Government- Syllabus

Learning to disagree without being disagreeable

Instructor Travis Waltz Phone 254-592-6640 [email protected] E-mail [email protected] Monday – Friday 8 – 845 Tutoring 4 – 5 or By Website Hours Appointment

Text: Constitution and various articles

Description: In this course will we briefly examine and discuss:  The foundations of American Government from the Articles of Confederation to the building of the U.S. Constitution  The Three Branches of the American Government  Political Behavior of US Citizens

Goals: My goals for you as students are for you to become better-informed citizens and learn how the United States Government is formed and why it is formed in that fashion. It is also important to have fun learning.

Requirements: Paper, Notebook, Pens, and Pencils. Each student will be required to keep a notebook, or section of their binder for this class. The students will keep all assignments and warm ups in this notebook. During the course of the chapter/unit being covered the students will be given a review sheet to help them prepare for the test. Students are required to bring their notebook and writing utensil to class everyday. Repeated failure to bring materials will be deemed as a failure to follow classroom rules. You will be required to have your book by the second week of class and I will Inform you when your book is needed for class There will be at least one major paper and project each nine weeks.

Classroom rules:

 Books and supplies will be brought to class everyday unless told other wise  Respect for others property, thoughts, and beliefs will be observed  No Foul or Inappropriate language will be tolerated

Page 1 Evaluation: Your class grade will be determined using the following formulas: Regular: 60% summative 40% formative Pre-AP: 65% summative 35% formative

Discipline: As Seniors you will be expected to act as young adults. Consequences for misbehavior and breaking of class rules will therefore be a 3-strike policy 1st Occurrence- Student/Teacher conference plus a written record of conference 2nd Occurrence- Detention plus call home 3rd Occurrence- Referral plus call home

Make-Up Work: There are two types of make-up work. If you are assigned ISS/TOR, you will receive your daily assignment in there. All work will be turned in by the end of the day. The second type of make-up work is from absences. The KISD policy states you have five days when you return to class from an excused absence, unless you knew about the assignment before hand; then you must turn it in the day you return. When you return from an absence it is your responsibility to come see me for any information and/or assignments that need to be completed. Instructions for completing assignments will be attached to the assignments with your name written on them as well. Please do not hesitate to ask me for further explanation if you do not understand the assignments. If you have extenuating circumstances that require more time to complete an assignment please discuss this with me after class. If you miss a quiz or test, you must make arrangements with me to make up your quiz or test before school, after school, or at lunch. If a major project that was previously assigned is due the day you are absent it is due the day you return. Part of the age responsibility that comes with being in high school is realizing that part of your role as a student is meeting deadlines and communicating with your teachers when you are having ANY problem. I will not harass you for your assignments or make up work.

Late Work: No late work will be accepted. 2 zero’s will be dropped instead. **Late work will be accepted if student makes prior arrangements with the instructor. ***Projects and Major Papers- a student is expected to turn in their project and/or major paper regardless of how many days late the paper/project is.

Page 2 Scholastic Honesty All students are required and expected to maintain the highest standards of scholastic honesty in the preparation of all coursework and during examinations. The following are considered examples of scholastic dishonesty: Plagiarism The taking of passages from the writing of others without giving proper credit to the sources. Collusion Using another’s work as one’s own, or working together with another person in the preparation of work, unless such joint preparation is specifically approved in advance by the instructor. Cheating Giving or receiving information on examinations. Any case of academic dishonesty will result in an automatic zero and a conference with your guardians.

Page 3 Dear Parent/Guardian:

I am very excited to have your child in my American Government class! I am sending my syllabus home with your child to show you what is expected in my class this semester. I truly believe that parental involvement from the beginning will help ensure student success through out the semester. I am asking that you sign this letter and also put your phone number(s) and email addresses on the blanks provided. Thank you, Travis Waltz (254) 336-7208 (254) 592-6640

______Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian Printed Name

______Home Phone # Work Phone # if you would like to be contacted at work

______Email address: ______Cell Phone #

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