Livingston County Curriculum Document s1

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Livingston County Curriculum Document s1

Livingston County Curriculum Document

SUBJECT: Band , Choir, Chamber Singers Grade:9-12

Big Idea: Structure in the Arts Understanding of the various structural components of the arts is critical to the development of other larger concepts in the arts. Structures that artists use include elements and principles of each art form, tools, media, and subject matter that impact artistic products, and specific styles and genre that provide a context for creating works. It is the artist's choice of these structural components in the creative process that results in a distinctively expressive work. Students make choices about how to use structural organizers to create meaningful works of their own. The more students understand, the greater their ability to produce, interpret, or critique artworks from other artists, cultures, and historical periods.

Academic Expectations 1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes. 1.13 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts. 1.14 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with music. 1.15 Students make sense of and communicate ideas with movement. 2.23 Students analyze their own and others' artistic products and performances using accepted standards.

Big Idea: Humanity in the Arts The arts reflect the beliefs, feelings, and ideals of those who create them. Experiencing the arts allows one to experience time, place, and/or personality. By experiencing the arts of various cultures, students can actually gain insight into the beliefs, feelings, and ideas of those cultures. Students also have the opportunity to experience how the arts can influence society through analysis of arts in their own lives and the arts of other cultures and historical periods. Studying the historical and cultural stylistic periods in the arts offers students an opportunity to understand the world past and present, and to learn to appreciate their own cultural heritage. Looking at the interrelationships of multiple arts disciplines across cultures and historical periods is the focus of humanities in the arts.

Academic Expectations 2.24 Students have knowledge of major works of art, music, and literature and appreciate creativity and the contributions of the arts and humanities. 2.25 In the products they make and the performances they present, students show that they understand how time, place, and society influence the arts and humanities such as languages, literature, and history. 2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes. Big Idea: Purposes for Creating the Arts The arts have played a major role throughout the history of humans. As the result of the power of the arts to communicate on a basic human level, they continue to serve a variety of purposes in society. The arts are used for artistic expression to portray specific emotions or feelings, to tell stories in a narrative manner, to imitate nature, and to persuade others. The arts bring meaning to ceremonies, rituals, celebrations, and commemorations. Additionally, they are used for recreation and to support recreational activities. Students experience the arts in a variety of roles through their own creations and performances and through those of others. Through their activities and observations, students learn to create arts and use them for a variety of purposes in society.

Academic Expectations 1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes. 1.13 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts. 1.14 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with music. 1.15 Students make sense of and communicate ideas with movement. 2.22 Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view. 2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes.

Big Idea: Processes in the Arts There are three distinctive processes involved in the arts. These processes are creating new works, performing works for expressive purposes, and responding to artworks. Each process is critical and relies on others for completion. Artists create works to express ideas, feelings, or beliefs. The visual arts capture a moment in time while the performing arts (music, dance, drama/theatre) are performed for a live audience. The audience responds to the artistic expressions emotionally and intellectually based on the meaning of the work. Each process enhances understanding, abilities, and appreciation of others. Students involved in these processes over time will gain a great appreciation for the arts, for artists past and present, and for the value of artistic expression.

Academic Expectations 1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes. 1.13 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts. 1.14 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with music. 1.15 Students make sense of and communicate ideas with movement. 2.22 Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view. 2.25 In the products they make and the performances they present, students show that they understand how time, place, and society influence the arts and humanities such as languages, literature, and history.

Big Idea: Interrelationships Among the Arts The arts share commonalities in structures, purposes, creative processes, and their ability to express ideals, feelings and emotions. Studying interrelationships among the arts enables students to get a broad view of the expressiveness of the art forms as a whole, and helps to develop a full appreciation of the arts as a mirror of human kind.

Academic Expectations 1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes. 1.13 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts. 1.14 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with music. 1.15 Students make sense of and communicate ideas with movement. 2.22 Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view. 2.25 In the products they make and the performances they present, students show that they understand how time, place, and society influence the arts and humanities such as languages, literature, and history. 2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes.

Duration Program of Essential Questions Critical Vocabulary Introduced Assessments Resources (amount of Core Content Studies (POS) (I) (Include (Include time) 4.1 (DOK) Skills and Reinforced dates for field trips Concepts ( R) GRADE, and books Mastered GMADE and required to (M) Thinklink be read) testing

AH-HS-1.1.1 AH-HS- 1. Renaissance Court Dances I Projects The Creative Renaissance Students will PA-S- 2. Who is Palestrina? Baroque-Louis XIV -Unit Tests Impulse analyze or evaluate DT2 3. Baroque Polyphony R -Online Week 1 and the use of elements Students 4. Who is J.S. Bach? Counterpoint quizzes www.prenha 2 of music in musical will use Renaissance Fugue M -Book quizzes compositions. knowled 1. Identify style and Oratorio -Final August AH-HS-1.2.1 ge of technique of Social Dance I –Tunes Students will elements Renaissance dance? Shakespearean and analyze or evaluate of drama 2. What are some Elizabethan Theatre how choreographers to: characteristics of Satire and dancers use the  create Renaissance dance? Romanesque architecture elements of dance, and 3. Identify style and Gothic Architecture forms and styles to perform technique of Baroque  Domes communicate ideas dramatic dance?  atrium houses and feelings works in 4. What are  Leonardo da Vinci through creating an characteristics of  Michelangelo and performing. expressiv dance from the  Raphael AH-HS-1.2.2 e manner Romantic period?  Caravaggio Students will  describe 5. What are  Rembrandt, describe or analyze characteristics of and  Humanism the relationship Modern dance? critique  Machiavelli among music, their own 1. Identify important  Capitalism costumes, lighting, performa choreographers  Christopher props/scenery and nces and throughout history. choreography. 1. What are the historical Columbus AH-HS-1.3.1 the periods of theatre?  De Gama Students will performa 1. What are the  Magellan analyze or evaluate nces of characteristics of the use of technical others Renaissance Art? elements, literary AH-HS- 1. What are the characteristics  Monarchy elements and PA-S- of the European influence on  De Medicis performance DT3 dance?  Hapsburghs elements in a Students  Romanovs variety of dramatic will use a  Line of Demarcation works. variety of  Reformation AH-HS-1.4.1 resources  Christian Humanism Students will (e.g., analyze or evaluate research,  Martin Luther and 95 the use of the peers, thesis elements of art and technolo  King Henry VIII and principles of design gy) to: the Church of in a variety of  write, England artworks. refine,  Huguenots AH-HS-1.4.2 and  Depth Students will record  Perspective analyze or evaluate dialogue,  Barrel Vault the use of media monolog  Vanishing Point and art processes in ues, and  Massaccio – creating artworks. action  Fra Angelico- AH-HS-2.1.1 explore  Botticelli- Students will jobs/careers (e.g.,  Mantegna analyze or evaluate playwright,  DaVinci- how factors such as director, actor)  Sfumato time, place and and skills  Michelangelo ideas are reflected associated with  Raphael in music. dramatic arts  Titian AH-HS-2.2.1 (theater, dramatic  Mannerism: Students will media) analyze or evaluate  Bronzino how factors such as AH-HS-  Parmigianino time, place and PA-S-  Bosch ideas are reflected DT4  Bruegal the Elder- in dance. Students  Durer AH-HS-2.3.1 will  Grunewald Students will identify  Alterdorfer analyze or evaluate and apply  Clouet how factors such as criteria  Donatello time, place and for  Ghiberti ideas are reflected evaluatin  Michelangelo- in drama. g  Brunelleschi AH-HS-2.4.1 dramatic  Bramante Students will works  Lescot analyze or evaluate (e.g.,  Palladino- how factors such as skill of  Machiavelli time, place and performe  Sottie ideas are reflected rs, in visual art. originalit  Proscenium Set AH-HS-3.1.1 y, Design Students will emotiona  Comedia dell’ Arte explain how music l impact,  Motet fulfills a variety of variety,  Organum purposes. interest,  Mass AH-HS-3.2.1 technical  Madrigal Students will requirem  Word (Text) Painting explain how dance ents:  Dynamics fulfills a variety of lighting,  Homophony purposes. sound,  Da Palestrina scenery,  Acapella AH-HS-3.3.1 costumes  Four Part Harmony- , make-  Soprano Students will up)  Alto explain  Tenor how AH-HS-  Bass drama/th PA-S-  Mummery eatre DT5  Pageant fulfills a Students variety of will  Courtly Dances purposes. demonstr  Ballet ate  Gutenberg AH-HS-3.4.1 behavior appropria Students will te for explain observin how art g the fulfills a particular variety of context purposes. and style of dramatic AH-HS-4.1.1 works being Students will create performe and d; discuss notate opinions music. with peers in a AH-HS-4.1.2 supportiv e and Students will construct improvis ive way e rhythmic and/or melodic embellis hments and variation s on given melodies.

AH-HS-4.1.3 Students will sing or perform on instruments, alone or with others, by reading basic music notation (with practice). AH-HS-4.1.3 Students will sing or perform on instruments, alone or with others, by reading basic music

AH-HS-4.3.1 Students will create and perform using elements of drama. (Literary - script writing, Technical - designing and directing, Performance- acting)

Students AH-HS- 4.2.5 Students will identify skills and training for a variety of careers related to dance.will perform social, re AH-HS-4.3.1

Students will create and perform using elements of drama. (Literary - script writing, Technical - designing and directing, Performance- acting)


Students will identify skills and training necessary for a variety of careers related to drama.

creational and artistic dances from various historical periods and cultures.

AH-HS-1.1.1 5. Who is J.S. Bach?  Fugue I Projects The Creative Week 3 and Students will AH-HS- 6. Who is Handel?  Oratorio -Unit Tests Impulse 4 analyze or evaluate PA-S- 7. What does Baroque  Theme & Variation R -Online the use of elements VA2 Mean?  Rondo quizzes www.prenha August - of music in musical Students 8. What is Ballet?  Baroque M -Book quizzes September compositions. will use 9. Identify style and  Scenery -Final AH-HS-1.2.1 knowled technique of Baroque  Sound I –Tunes Students will ge of the dance?  Lights analyze or evaluate elements 10. What are the technical  Makeup how choreographers and elements of drama? and dancers use the principle 11. What are the  Props elements of dance, s of art characteristics of  Costumes forms and styles to and art Baroque Art?  Design communicate ideas terminolo  Shakespearean and and feelings gy to: Elizabethan Theatre through creating  create  Satire and performing. expressiv  Melodrama AH-HS-1.2.2 e  Raphael Students will artworks  Caravaggio describe or analyze  describe  Rembrandt, the relationship and  Age of Science: among music, critique  Francis Bacon – costumes, lighting, their own  Galileo Galilei – props/scenery and work  Johannes Kepler – choreography. creations  Rene Decartes AH-HS-1.3.1 and the  Isaac Newton Students will creations  Council of Trent analyze or evaluate of others  Thirty Years War the use of technical (e.g.,  St. Bartholomew’s elements, literary how the Day elements and communi  Dramatic performance cation of  Ornamentation elements in a ideas  Ornate- variety of dramatic relates to works. media,  Realism AH-HS-1.4.1 technique  Verisimilitude Students will s, or  El Greco analyze or evaluate processes  Rubens the use of the used)  Poussin elements of art and  Van Ruisdael principles of design AH-HS-  Vermeer in a variety of PA-S-  Chiaroscuro artworks. VA3  Bernini AH-HS-1.4.2 Students will  Puget Students will identify and apply  Coysevox analyze or evaluate criteria for  Palace of Versailles the use of media evaluating visual  Shakespeare and art processes in (e.g., skill of  French Neo Classic creating artworks. artist, originality,  Corneille AH-HS-2.1.1 emotional impact,  Moliere Students will variety, interest, analyze or evaluate technical quality)  Key how factors such as AH-HS-  Temperament time, place and PA-S-  Fugue ideas are reflected VA4  Suite in music. Students  Concerto AH-HS-2.2.1 will  Concerto Grosso Students will demonstr  Orchestral concerto analyze or evaluate ate  Solo concerto how factors such as behavior  Program music time, place and appropria  Absolute music ideas are reflected te for  Ritornello form in dance. observin  Sonata AH-HS-2.3.1 g the  Cantata Students will particular  Alberti bass analyze or evaluate context  Harpsichord how factors such as and style  Buxtehude time, place and of the  Scarlatti ideas are reflected artwork  Handel in drama. being  J.S. Bach AH-HS-2.4.1 viewed;  Opera Students will discuss  Lully analyze or evaluate opinions  Monteverdi how factors such as with time, place and peers in a  L’orfeo ideas are reflected supportiv  Academie Royale in visual art. e and Dance AH-HS-3.1.1 construct  Courtly Dance Students will ive way explain how music fulfills a variety of AH-HS- purposes. PA-S- AH-HS-3.2.1 VA5 Students will Students explain how dance will fulfills a variety of describe purposes. personal responses AH-HS-3.3.1 to artwork; Students will explain explain why how there drama/th might be eatre different fulfills a responses variety of to purposes. specific works of AH-HS-3.4.1 art (e.g., personal Students will experienc explain e, how art interest, fulfills a medium used, variety of effective purposes. ness of message) AH-HS- AH-HS-4.1.1 IAA-S-1 explain Students will create common and terms and notate concepts music. used in various arts (e.g., AH-HS-4.1.2 tempo in dance Students will and improvis music) e rhythmic AH-HS- and/or IAA-S-2 melodic Students embellis will hments analyze and and variation explain s on how given ideas and melodies. emotions expresse AH-HS-4.1.3 d in one Students will art form sing or (e.g. perform on theatre) instruments, are alone or with similar or others, by different reading basic to ideas music and notation emotions (with expresse practice). d another AH-HS-4.1.3 art form Students will sing (e.g. or perform on dance) instruments, alone or with others, by AH-HS- reading basic music IAA-S-3 Students will AH-HS-4.3.1 interpret Students will create and and perform using explain elements of drama. communi (Literary - script cation of writing, Technical - common designing and universal directing, themes or Performance- ideas acting) across different art forms; Students AH-HS- compare 4.2.5 and explain Students will connectio identify skills and ns training for a between variety of careers and related to dance.will among perform social, re different art forms from the same culture, the same stylistic period, or the same time period

AH-HS- IAA-S-4 Students AH-HS-4.3.1 will explain Students will create and performcommon using elements of drama. (Literary - script writing, Technical - designing and directing, Performance-alities acting) between the arts AH-HS-4.3.2 and other subjects Students will identify skills and taughttraining in necessary for a variety of careers related to drama. the creational and school artistic dances from (e.g., various historical observati periods and on skills cultures. in visual arts and science, historical and cultural perspecti ves in the arts and social studies, shape in visual art and math, dance and a healthy lifestyle, fractions in music notation and math, composin g music and writing)

AH-HS- IAA-S-5 Students will communicate common meaning through creating and performing in the arts

Classical AH-HS-1.1.1 Students 12. What are the  Homophonic I Projects The Creative Students will will use characteristics of  Sonata -Unit Tests Impulse Week 5 and analyze or evaluate appropria Classical Music?  Concerto R -Online 6 the use of elements te 13. Who is Haydn?  Opera quizzes www.prenha September of music in musical terminolo 14. Who is Mozart?  Golden age of Ballet M -Book quizzes compositions. gy to 15. Who is Beethoven (the  Fokine -Final AH-HS-1.2.1 analyze bridge between the I –Tunes Students will and classical and Romantic  Script analyze or evaluate evaluate Periods)?  Plot Structures how choreographers the use of 16. What is Opera?  Suspense and dancers use the elements 17. What are the elements of dance, in a characteristics of the  Theme forms and styles to variety of European influence on  Setting communicate ideas music dance?  Language and feelings (rhythm, 18. What are the Literary  Monologue through creating tempo, elements of drama?  Dialogue and performing. melody, 19. What are the  Empathy AH-HS-1.2.2 harmony, performance elements  Acting Students will form, of drama?  Character describe or analyze timbre, 20. What is Neo- motivation and the relationship dynamics Classicism/ analysis among music, ) Enlightenment?  Speaking costumes, lighting,  Breath Control props/scenery and AH-HS-  Projection choreography. SA-S-  Vocal Expression AH-HS-1.3.1 Mu2  Diction Students will Students  Non-verbal analyze or evaluate will Expression the use of technical apply the  Gestures elements, literary elements  Body Alignment elements and of music  Facial Expression performance with  Character Blocking elements in a technical and Movement variety of dramatic accuracy  Stage Directions works. and  Jefferson AH-HS-1.4.1 expressio  David Students will n while  Romanticism analyze or evaluate performi  Constable the use of the ng, elements of art and singing,  Goya principles of design playing  Realism in a variety of instrume  Courbet artworks. nts,  THE AH-HS-1.4.2 moving, ENLIGHTENMENT Students will listening,  (CLASSICAL AGE) analyze or evaluate reading  -AMERICAN the use of media music, REVOLUTION and art processes in writing  JAMES WATT creating artworks. music, STEAM ENGINE AH-HS-2.1.1 and  BENJAMIN Students will creating FRANKLIN analyze or evaluate music  FRENCH how factors such as independ REVOLUTION time, place and ently and  PHILOSOPHY ideas are reflected with  KANT in music. others  VOLTAIRE AH-HS-2.2.1  LAISSEZ FAIRE Students will AH-HS-  HUMANITARIANIS analyze or evaluate SA-S- M VISUAL ART how factors such as Mu3  ROCOCO STYLE time, place and Students  WATTEAU ideas are reflected will in dance. listen to  BOUCHER AH-HS-2.3.1 and  HOGARTH Students will analyze  GAINSBOROUGH analyze or evaluate how  CHARDIN how factors such as changing  PORTRAITURE time, place and different  STILL LIFE ideas are reflected elements  SCULPTURE in drama. results in  FALCONET AH-HS-2.4.1 different  CLODION Students will musical  CANOVA analyze or evaluate effects  Beggars Opera how factors such as  -ENPFINDSAMER time, place and AH-HS- STIL ideas are reflected SA-S-  F.J. HAYDN in visual art. Mu4  MOZART AH-HS-3.1.1 Students will  BEETHOVEN Students will recognize, (SYMPHONIES 1-5) explain how music describe, and  CLASSICAL fulfills a variety of compare various SONATA FORM purposes. styles of music AH-HS-3.2.1 (rondo, theme and  Symphony Students will variation, opera –  EXPOSITION explain how dance overture, aria,  DEVELOPMENT fulfills a variety of recitative,  RECAPITULATION purposes. movements of a  PROGRAMMATIC classical  TRIO AH-HS-3.3.1 symphony)  MINUET  -CORPS DE Students will High School BALLET explain Skills and  CAMARGO how Concepts, Dance  MARIE SALE drama/th AH-HS-  BALLET D’ACTION eatre SA-S-  DIDELOT fulfills a Da1 variety of Students purposes. will use appropria AH-HS-3.4.1 te terminolo Students will gy to explain analyze how art and fulfills a evaluate variety of the use of purposes. elements in a variety of dance (space, AH-HS-4.1.1 time, force) Students will create and AH-HS- notate SA-S- music. Da2 Students AH-HS-4.1.2 will apply Students will elements improvis of dance e and rhythmic principle and/or s of melodic moveme embellis nt (e.g., hments balance, and initiation variation of s on moveme given nt, melodies. weight shift) to: AH-HS-4.1.3  expressiv Students will ely create sing or and perform on perform a instruments, range of alone or with patterns others, by of reading basic moveme music nt notation  analyze (with and practice). evaluate the use of AH-HS-4.1.3 choreogr Students will sing aphic or perform on forms in instruments, alone dance. or with others, by (theme reading basic music and variation, rondo, AH-HS-4.3.1 narrative) Students will create  analyze and perform using and elements of drama. describe (Literary - script how writing, Technical - themes in designing and dances directing, and Performance- styles of acting) dance communi cate ideas Students AH-HS- and 4.2.5 feelings  identify Students will and identify skills and explain training for a character variety of careers istics of related to dance.will dance perform social, re styles (ballet, tap, jazz, modern)

AH-HS- SA-S- Da3 Students will describe and analyze the relationships between and among music, cos High School Skills and Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- AH-HS-4.3.1 SA-S- DT1 Students will create and performStudents using elements of drama. (Literary - script writing, Technical - designing and directing, Performance-will use acting) appropria te AH-HS-4.3.2 terminolo gy to Students will identify skills and analyzetraining necessary for a variety of careers related to drama. and creational and evaluate artistic dances from the use of various historical elements periods and of drama cultures. (literary, technical, performa nce) in a variety of dramatic works

AH-HS- SA-S- DT2 Students will use the elements of drama to:  expressiv ely create and perform dramatic works  explain how technical elements (staging, scenery, props, costumes , make- up, lighting, sound) and performa nce elements (acting, speaking, nonverba l expressio n) create mood, believabl e character s, and advance the message being communi cated

AH-HS- SA-S- DT3 Students will use print and non-print sources to explore and evaluate a variety of dramatic works (e.g., theater and dramatic media – film, television , electroni c media) tumes, lighting, props/scenery, and choreography High School Skills and Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- SA-S- DT1 Students will use appropria te terminolo gy to analyze and evaluate the use of elements of drama (literary, technical, performa nce) in a variety of dramatic works

AH-HS- SA-S- DT2 Students will use the elements of drama to:  expressiv ely create and perform dramatic works  explain how technical elements (staging, scenery, props, costumes , make- up, lighting, sound) and performa nce elements (acting, speaking, nonverba l expressio n) create mood, believabl e character s, and advance the message being communi cated

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu1 Students will describe, analyze and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of music represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m/”Class ical,” Romantic ism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism, Modern and Contemp orary; America n: Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu2 Students will listen to, perform, and classify music representi ng a variety of world cultures and historical/ style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu3 Students will examine music from various world cultures and explain how music reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how music has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu4 Students will examine music from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the music High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- HA-S- Da1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Modern and Contemp orary Romantic ; America n: Realism, Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Da2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Da3 Students will examine dance from various world cultures and explain how dance reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dance has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Da4 Students will examine dance from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the dance

High School Skills and Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- HA-S- DT1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures (Japanese , America n) and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Neo- Classicis m/“Class ical, Romantic ism, Realism) AH-HS- HA-S- DT2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- DT3 Students will examine dramatic works from various world cultures and explain how dramatic works reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dramatic works have directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- DT4 Students will examine dramatic works from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in them AH-HS- HA-S- DT5 Students will use print and non-print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, character ization, and situations in dramas and character istics of theater from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Visual Arts AH-HS- HA-S- VA1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of visual art represent ing a variety of world cultures (Middle Eastern, Asian, Modern and Contemp orary European and America n) and historical /style periods (Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m, Romantic ism, Realism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism)

AH-HS- HA-S- VA2 Students will observe, classify, and create visual art accordin g to styles and processes used in a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- VA3 Students will examine visual artworks from various world cultures and explain how artworks reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how artworks have directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- VA4 Students will examine visual artworks from various time periods and explain the influence of time and place are reflected in them AH-HS- HA-S- VA5 Students will use print and non- print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, characterization, and situations in artworks from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Music AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which music is created to fulfill (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n)

AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu2 Students will create new, listen to, choose and perform music to fulfill a variety of specific purposes High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- PCA-S- Da1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which dance is created (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n) AH-HS- HA-S- Mu1 Students will describe, analyze and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of music represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m/”Class ical,” Romantic ism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism, Modern and Contemp orary; America n: Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu2 Students will listen to, perform, and classify music representi ng a variety of world cultures and historical/ style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu3 Students will examine music from various world cultures and explain how music reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how music has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu4 Students will examine music from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the music High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- HA-S- Da1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Modern and Contemp orary Romantic ; America n: Realism, Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Da2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Da3 Students will examine dance from various world cultures and explain how dance reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dance has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Da4 Students will examine dance from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the dance

High School Skills and Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- HA-S- DT1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures (Japanese , America n) and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Neo- Classicis m/“Class ical, Romantic ism, Realism)

AH-HS- HA-S- DT2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- DT3 Students will examine dramatic works from various world cultures and explain how dramatic works reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dramatic works have directly influence d society or culture AH-HS- HA-S- DT4 Students will examine dramatic works from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-HS- HA-S- DT5 Students will use print and non-print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, character ization, and situations in dramas and character istics of theater from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Visual Arts AH-HS- HA-S- VA1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of visual art represent ing a variety of world cultures (Middle Eastern, Asian, Modern and Contemp orary European and America n) and historical /style periods (Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m, Romantic ism, Realism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism)

AH-HS- HA-S- VA2 Students will observe, classify, and create visual art accordin g to styles and processes used in a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- VA3 Students will examine visual artworks from various world cultures and explain how artworks reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how artworks have directly influence d society or culture AH-HS- HA-S- VA4 Students will examine visual artworks from various time periods and explain the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-HS- HA-S- VA5 Students will use print and non- print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, characterization, and situations in artworks from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Music AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which music is created to fulfill (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n)

AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu2 Students will create new, listen to, choose and perform music to fulfill a variety of specific purposes High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- PCA-S- Da1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which dance is created (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n) AH-HS- PCA-S- VA1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which visual art is created (ceremon ial, artistic expressio n, narrative, functiona l) AH-HS- PCA-S- VA2 Students will create new, select, choose and experience artworks created to fulfill a variety of specific purposes AH-HS- PA-S- Mu4 Students will use knowled ge of the elements of music and music terminolo gy to describe and critique their own performa nces and the performa nces of others AH-HS- PA-S- Mu5 Students will identify and apply criteria for evaluatin g music (e.g., skill of performe rs, originalit y, emotiona l impact, variety, interest, technical accuracy)

AH-HS- PA-S- Mu6 Students will demonstr ate behavior appropria te for observin g the particular context and style of music being performe d; discuss opinions with peers in a supportiv e and construct ive way AH-HS- PA-S- Da2 Students will demonstr ate appropria te alignmen t, strength, and flexibilit y while performi ng dance moveme nt AH-HS- PA-S- Da4 Students will identify and apply criteria for evaluatin g dance (e.g., skill of performe rs, originalit y, emotiona l impact, variety, interest) AH-HS- PA-S- Da5 Students will demonstr ate behavior appropria te for observin g the particular context and style of dance being performe d; discuss opinions with peers in a supportiv e and construct ive way

Romantic AH-HS-1.1.1 Students 21. What is Opera? - Opera I Projects The Creative Students will will use 22. Who is Tchaikovsky - Cycle -Unit Tests Impulse Week 7-8 analyze or evaluate appropria and Ballet? - Symbolism R -Online September the use of elements te Balanchine quizzes www.prenha and October of music in musical terminolo 23. Who is Wagner?  Metric rhythm M -Book quizzes compositions. gy to 24. Impressionist  Motif symbols -Final AH-HS-1.2.1 analyze 25. Who is Debussy?  Movement I –Tunes Students will and 26. Who is Ravel?  Romantic analyze or evaluate evaluate 27. How was Symbolism  Manet how choreographers the use of used in the music of  Impressionism and dancers use the elements the impressionist  Post-Impressionism elements of dance, in a period? forms and styles to variety of 28. What are  Monet communicate ideas music characteristics of  American Civil War and feelings (rhythm, dance from the  French Revolution through creating tempo, Romantic period?  Industrial Revolution and performing. melody, 29. What are the  Communism AH-HS-1.2.2 harmony, characteristics of  Karl Marx Students will form, Impressionistic Art?  Telegraph and describe or analyze timbre, Telephone the relationship dynamics  Photographic process among music, )  Napoleonic Wars costumes, lighting, props/scenery and AH-HS-  Darwin choreography. SA-S-  Idealism AH-HS-1.3.1 Mu2  Materialism Students will Students  Patronage analyze or evaluate will  French School the use of technical apply the  Ingres elements, literary elements  Gericault elements and of music  De Goya performance with  Delacroix elements in a technical  Turner variety of dramatic accuracy  Bonheur works. and  Corot AH-HS-1.4.1 expressio  John Nash Students will n while  Barry & Welby analyze or evaluate performi  Paxton the use of the ng,  Queen Victoria elements of art and singing, principles of design playing  Popularism in a variety of instrume  Grand Scale artworks. nts,  Historical Accuracy AH-HS-1.4.2 moving,  American Theatre Students will listening,  Melodrama analyze or evaluate reading  Albeniz the use of media music,  Berlioz and art processes in writing  Bizet creating artworks. music,  Borodin AH-HS-2.1.1 and  Brahms Students will creating  Chopin analyze or evaluate music  Debussy how factors such as independ  Dvor ak time, place and ently and  Elgar ideas are reflected with  Faure in music. others  Glinka AH-HS-2.2.1  Gounod Students will AH-HS-  Grieg analyze or evaluate SA-S-  Liszt how factors such as Mu3  Massenet time, place and Students  Mendelssohn ideas are reflected will  Mussorgsky in dance. listen to AH-HS-2.3.1 and  Offenbach Students will analyze  Paganini analyze or evaluate how  Puccini/ how factors such as changing Rachmaninoff/ time, place and different  Ravel ideas are reflected elements  Rimsky-Korsakov in drama. results in  Saint-Saens AH-HS-2.4.1 different  Schubert Students will musical  Schumann analyze or evaluate effects  J.Strauss Sr how factors such as  Tchaikovsky time, place and AH-HS-  Verdi ideas are reflected SA-S-  Wagner in visual art. Mu4  Weber AH-HS-3.1.1 Students will  Lieder Students will recognize,  Piano Works explain how music describe, and  Idee fix fulfills a variety of compare various purposes. styles of music  Gosamtkunstwerk AH-HS-3.2.1 (rondo, theme and  Leitmotif Students will variation, opera –  Dance explain how dance overture, aria,  Ballet fulfills a variety of recitative,  The Art of Dancing purposes. movements of a  Marie Sallee classical  Social dancing AH-HS-3.3.1 symphony)  Folk

Students will High School explain Skills and how Concepts, Dance drama/th AH-HS- SA-S- eatre Da1 fulfills a Students variety of will use purposes. appropria te AH-HS-3.4.1 terminolo gy to Students will analyze explain and how art evaluate fulfills a the use of variety of elements purposes. in a variety of dance AH-HS-4.1.1 (space, time, force) Students will create and AH-HS- notate SA-S- music. Da2 Students AH-HS-4.1.2 will apply Students will elements improvis of dance e and rhythmic principle and/or s of melodic moveme embellis nt (e.g., hments balance, and initiation variation of s on moveme given nt, melodies. weight shift) to: AH-HS-4.1.3  expressiv ely create Students will and sing or perform a perform on range of instruments, patterns alone or with of others, by moveme reading basic nt music  analyze notation and (with evaluate practice). the use of AH-HS-4.1.3 choreogr Students will sing aphic or perform on forms in instruments, alone dance. or with others, by (theme reading basic music and variation, rondo, AH-HS-4.3.1 narrative)  analyze Students will create and and perform using describe elements of drama. how (Literary - script themes in writing, Technical - dances designing and and directing, styles of Performance- dance acting) communi cate ideas and Students AH-HS- feelings 4.2.5  identify Students will and identify skills and explain training for a character variety of careers istics of related to dance.will dance perform social, re styles (ballet, tap, jazz, AH-HS-4.3.1 modern)

Students will create and performAH-HS- using elements of drama. (Literary - script writing, Technical - designing and directing, Performance-SA-S- acting) Da3 Students will AH-HS-4.3.2 describe and analyze the Students will identify skillsrelationships and training necessary for a variety of careers related to drama. between and creational and among music, cos artistic dances from High School various historical Skills and periods and Concepts - cultures. Drama/Theatre AH-HS- SA-S- DT1 Students will use appropria te terminolo gy to analyze and evaluate the use of elements of drama (literary, technical, performa nce) in a variety of dramatic works

AH-HS- SA-S- DT2 Students will use the elements of drama to:  expressiv ely create and perform dramatic works  explain how technical elements (staging, scenery, props, costumes , make- up, lighting, sound) and performa nce elements (acting, speaking, nonverba l expressio n) create mood, believabl e character s, and advance the message being communi cated

AH-HS- SA-S- DT3 Students will use print and non-print sources to explore and evaluate a variety of dramatic works (e.g., theater and dramatic media – film, television , electroni c media) tumes, lighting, props/scenery, and choreography High School Skills and Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- SA-S- DT1 Students will use appropria te terminolo gy to analyze and evaluate the use of elements of drama (literary, technical, performa nce) in a variety of dramatic works

AH-HS- SA-S- DT2 Students will use the elements of drama to:  expressiv ely create and perform dramatic works  explain how technical elements (staging, scenery, props, costumes , make- up, lighting, sound) and performa nce elements (acting, speaking, nonverba l expressio n) create mood, believabl e character s, and advance the message being communi cated

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu1 Students will describe, analyze and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of music represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m/”Class ical,” Romantic ism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism, Modern and Contemp orary; America n: Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu2 Students will listen to, perform, and classify music representi ng a variety of world cultures and historical/ style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu3 Students will examine music from various world cultures and explain how music reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how music has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu4 Students will examine music from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the music High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- HA-S- Da1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Modern and Contemp orary Romantic ; America n: Realism, Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Da2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Da3 Students will examine dance from various world cultures and explain how dance reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dance has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Da4 Students will examine dance from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the dance

High School Skills and Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- HA-S- DT1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures (Japanese , America n) and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Neo- Classicis m/“Class ical, Romantic ism, Realism)

AH-HS- HA-S- DT2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- DT3 Students will examine dramatic works from various world cultures and explain how dramatic works reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dramatic works have directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- DT4 Students will examine dramatic works from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-HS- HA-S- DT5 Students will use print and non-print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, character ization, and situations in dramas and character istics of theater from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Visual Arts AH-HS- HA-S- VA1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of visual art represent ing a variety of world cultures (Middle Eastern, Asian, Modern and Contemp orary European and America n) and historical /style periods (Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m, Romantic ism, Realism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism)

AH-HS- HA-S- VA2 Students will observe, classify, and create visual art accordin g to styles and processes used in a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- VA3 Students will examine visual artworks from various world cultures and explain how artworks reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how artworks have directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- VA4 Students will examine visual artworks from various time periods and explain the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-HS- HA-S- VA5 Students will use print and non- print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, characterization, and situations in artworks from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Music AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which music is created to fulfill (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n)

AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu2 Students will create new, listen to, choose and perform music to fulfill a variety of specific purposes High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- PCA-S- Da1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which dance is created (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n) AH-HS- HA-S- Mu1 Students will describe, analyze and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of music represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m/”Class ical,” Romantic ism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism, Modern and Contemp orary; America n: Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu2 Students will listen to, perform, and classify music representi ng a variety of world cultures and historical/ style periods AH-HS- HA-S- Mu3 Students will examine music from various world cultures and explain how music reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how music has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu4 Students will examine music from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the music High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- HA-S- Da1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Modern and Contemp orary Romantic ; America n: Realism, Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Da2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Da3 Students will examine dance from various world cultures and explain how dance reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dance has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Da4 Students will examine dance from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the dance

High School Skills and Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- HA-S- DT1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures (Japanese , America n) and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Neo- Classicis m/“Class ical, Romantic ism, Realism)

AH-HS- HA-S- DT2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- DT3 Students will examine dramatic works from various world cultures and explain how dramatic works reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dramatic works have directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- DT4 Students will examine dramatic works from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-HS- HA-S- DT5 Students will use print and non-print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, character ization, and situations in dramas and character istics of theater from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Visual Arts AH-HS- HA-S- VA1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of visual art represent ing a variety of world cultures (Middle Eastern, Asian, Modern and Contemp orary European and America n) and historical /style periods (Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m, Romantic ism, Realism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism)

AH-HS- HA-S- VA2 Students will observe, classify, and create visual art accordin g to styles and processes used in a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- VA3 Students will examine visual artworks from various world cultures and explain how artworks reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how artworks have directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- VA4 Students will examine visual artworks from various time periods and explain the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-HS- HA-S- VA5 Students will use print and non- print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, characterization, and situations in artworks from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Music AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which music is created to fulfill (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n)

AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu2 Students will create new, listen to, choose and perform music to fulfill a variety of specific purposes High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- PCA-S- Da1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which dance is created (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n) AH-HS- PCA-S- VA1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which visual art is created (ceremon ial, artistic expressio n, narrative, functiona l) AH-HS- PCA-S- VA2 Students will create new, select, choose and experience artworks created to fulfill a variety of specific purposes AH-HS- PA-S- Mu4 Students will use knowled ge of the elements of music and music terminolo gy to describe and critique their own performa nces and the performa nces of others AH-HS- PA-S- Mu5 Students will identify and apply criteria for evaluatin g music (e.g., skill of performe rs, originalit y, emotiona l impact, variety, interest, technical accuracy)

AH-HS- PA-S- Mu6 Students will demonstr ate behavior appropria te for observin g the particular context and style of music being performe d; discuss opinions with peers in a supportiv e and construct ive way AH-HS- PA-S- Da2 Students will demonstr ate appropria te alignmen t, strength, and flexibilit y while performi ng dance moveme nt AH-HS- PA-S- Da4 Students will identify and apply criteria for evaluatin g dance (e.g., skill of performe rs, originalit y, emotiona l impact, variety, interest)

AH-HS- PA-S- Da5 Students will demonstr ate behavior appropria te for observin g the particular context and style of dance being performe d; discuss opinions with peers in a supportiv e and construct ive way

AH-HS-1.1.1 Students  Jazz I - Projects The Creative Students will will use 1. . What are the  Folk -Unit Tests Impulse October analyze or evaluate appropria Characteristics of  Rock and Roll R -Online Week 9-10 the use of elements te modern/contemporary music?  Pop quizzes www.prenha of music in musical terminolo 2. Who is Stravinsky and how  Improvisation M -Book quizzes Modern compositions. gy to is he associated with ballet?  Stylized Movement -Final AH-HS-1.2.1 analyze  Freedom in I –Tunes Students will and American Culture Movement analyze or evaluate evaluate 1. How did African and Latin  Early American how choreographers the use of American influence American Dance and dancers use the elements music?  Martha Graham elements of dance, in a 2. Who was George Gershwin? forms and styles to variety of 3. Who was Aaron Copland?  Alvin Ailey communicate ideas music 4. Who is Duke Ellington?  Folk and feelings (rhythm, 5. What is jazz?  Social Dance through creating tempo, 6. What is modern  Metric rhythm and performing. melody, dance?  Motif symbols AH-HS-1.2.2 harmony, 7. What are the influences of  Movement Students will form, American Culture on dance?  Non-locomotor describe or analyze timbre, 8. Identify important  Personal space the relationship dynamics choreographers throughout  Qualities among music, ) history.  Henrik Ibson costumes, lighting, 9. What are the historical  George Bernard Shaw props/scenery and AH-HS- periods of theatre?  Relationships choreography. SA-S- 10. What are the  Tennessee Williams AH-HS-1.3.1 Mu2 characteristics and movements  Arthur Miller Students will Students in American Theatre?  Musical Theater analyze or evaluate will 11. What is  Cassatt the use of technical apply the Modern/ elements, literary elements Contemporary  Rodin elements and of music Art?  van Gogh performance with 12. What are the characteristics  Picasso elements in a technical of American Art?  Dali variety of dramatic accuracy  Warhol works. and  O’Keeffe AH-HS-1.4.1 expressio  Lange Students will n while  Wright analyze or evaluate performi  Minimalism the use of the ng,  Abstract elements of art and singing,  Minimalism principles of design playing  Abstract in a variety of instrume  Realism artworks. nts,  Courbet AH-HS-1.4.2 moving,  Millet Students will listening,  Daumier analyze or evaluate reading  Manet the use of media music, and art processes in writing  Monet creating artworks. music,  Morisot AH-HS-2.1.1 and  Impressionism Students will creating  Pigments analyze or evaluate music  Renoir how factors such as independ  Rodin – sculpture time, place and ently and  Seurat ideas are reflected with  Cezanne in music. others  Gauguin AH-HS-2.2.1  Duchamp Students will AH-HS-  Boccioni analyze or evaluate SA-S-  Beckman how factors such as Mu3  Kadinsky time, place and Students  Matisse ideas are reflected will  Burnham in dance. listen to  Sullivan AH-HS-2.3.1 and Students will analyze  Gaudi analyze or evaluate how  Malevich how factors such as changing  Mondrian time, place and different  Ernst ideas are reflected elements  De Chirico in drama. results in  Dada AH-HS-2.4.1 different  Surrealism Students will musical  Davis analyze or evaluate effects  Wood how factors such as  Douglas time, place and AH-HS-  Rivera ideas are reflected SA-S-  Bracusi in visual art. Mu4  Lipchitz AH-HS-3.1.1 Students will  African and Primitive Students will recognize, Influences explain how music describe, and  Adams fulfills a variety of compare various  High Rises purposes. styles of music  Woolworth’s AH-HS-3.2.1 (rondo, theme and Building Students will variation, opera –  Pollock explain how dance overture, aria,  Kooning fulfills a variety of recitative,  Rothko purposes. movements of a  Lichtenstein classical  Frankenthaler AH-HS-3.3.1 symphony)  Pop Art  Oldengerg Students will High School explain Skills and  Op Art how Concepts, Dance  Vasarely drama/th AH-HS-  Hard Edge eatre SA-S-  Stella fulfills a Da1  Abstract variety of Students  Sculpture purposes. will use  Kosuth appropria  Noguchi AH-HS-3.4.1 te  Hepworth terminolo  Calder Students will gy to  Found and Junk explain analyze Sculpture how art and  Giacometti fulfills a evaluate  Environmental the use of variety of  Ephemeral elements purposes.  Smith in a variety of  Dubuffet dance  Smithson AH-HS-4.1.1 (space,  Light Art time,  Claude Students will create force)  Chryssa and  Clemente notate AH-HS-  Neo – Expressionism music. SA-S-  Installations Da2  Pfaff AH-HS-4.1.2 Students  Benglis will  Video art apply  Paik Students will elements  Marshall improvis of dance  Tansey e and  Julie Roberts rhythmic principle  Rothenberg and/or s of  Political Art melodic moveme  Saar embellis nt (e.g.,  Bunshaft hments balance,  Rohe and Johnson and initiation variation of  Corbusier s on moveme  Fuller given nt,  Marne-la-Vallee melodies. weight  Graves shift) to:  Piano and Rogers AH-HS-4.1.3  expressiv  Pelli Students will ely create  Ibsen sing or and  G.B. Shaw perform on perform a  Chekhov instruments, range of  Maeterlinck alone or with patterns  Griffith others, by of  Chaplin reading basic moveme  Pathe music nt  Porter notation  analyze  Lumiere Bros. (with and  Toller practice). evaluate  Strindberg the use of AH-HS-4.1.3  Brecht Students will sing choreogr aphic  Epic or perform on  Expressionistic instruments, alone forms in  Absurd or with others, by dance.  Pirandello reading basic music (theme and  Camus variation,  Beckett AH-HS-4.3.1 rondo,  Ionesco narrative)  Performance Art Students will create  analyze  Rose and perform using and elements of drama.  Anderson describe (Literary - script  Social Theatre how writing, Technical -  Miller designing and themes in  Broadway directing, dances  Minimalism Performance- and  Expressionist acting) styles of  Ravel dance  12 tone communi  tone row Students AH-HS- cate ideas  Stravinsky 4.2.5 and  Schoenberg feelings Students will  Traditionalist  identify identify skills and  Prokofiev training for a and explain  Hindemith character  Bartok istics of  Serial Music AH-HS-4.3.1 dance  Ives styles  Copland Students will create and perform(ballet, using elements of drama. (Literary - script writing, TechnicalAleatoric - designing and directing, Performance-tap, jazz, acting)  Cage modern)  4’33”  Music Actuelle AH-HS-4.3.2 AH-HS-  Pluralism SA-S-  American Hymnody Students will identify skills and Da3training necessary for a variety of careers related to drama.African Influence Students will  Jazz variety of careers describe and  Folk Influence related to dance.will analyze the  Rock perform social, re relationships  Minimalism creational and between and artistic dances from among music, cos  Abstract various historical High School  Modern Dance – periods and Skills and Martha Graham cultures. Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- SA-S- DT1 Students will use appropria te terminolo gy to analyze and evaluate the use of elements of drama (literary, technical, performa nce) in a variety of dramatic works

AH-HS- SA-S- DT2 Students will use the elements of drama to:  expressiv ely create and perform dramatic works  explain how technical elements (staging, scenery, props, costumes , make- up, lighting, sound) and performa nce elements (acting, speaking, nonverba l expressio n) create mood, believabl e character s, and advance the message being communi cated

AH-HS- SA-S- DT3 Students will use print and non-print sources to explore and evaluate a variety of dramatic works (e.g., theater and dramatic media – film, television , electroni c media) tumes, lighting, props/scenery, and choreography High School Skills and Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- SA-S- DT1 Students will use appropria te terminolo gy to analyze and evaluate the use of elements of drama (literary, technical, performa nce) in a variety of dramatic works

AH-HS- SA-S- DT2 Students will use the elements of drama to:  expressiv ely create and perform dramatic works  explain how technical elements (staging, scenery, props, costumes , make- up, lighting, sound) and performa nce elements (acting, speaking, nonverba l expressio n) create mood, believabl e character s, and advance the message being communi cated

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu1 Students will describe, analyze and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of music represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m/”Class ical,” Romantic ism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism, Modern and Contemp orary; America n: Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu2 Students will listen to, perform, and classify music representi ng a variety of world cultures and historical/ style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu3 Students will examine music from various world cultures and explain how music reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how music has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu4 Students will examine music from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the music High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- HA-S- Da1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Modern and Contemp orary Romantic ; America n: Realism, Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Da2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Da3 Students will examine dance from various world cultures and explain how dance reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dance has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Da4 Students will examine dance from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the dance

High School Skills and Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- HA-S- DT1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures (Japanese , America n) and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Neo- Classicis m/“Class ical, Romantic ism, Realism)

AH-HS- HA-S- DT2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- DT3 Students will examine dramatic works from various world cultures and explain how dramatic works reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dramatic works have directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- DT4 Students will examine dramatic works from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-HS- HA-S- DT5 Students will use print and non-print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, character ization, and situations in dramas and character istics of theater from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Visual Arts AH-HS- HA-S- VA1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of visual art represent ing a variety of world cultures (Middle Eastern, Asian, Modern and Contemp orary European and America n) and historical /style periods (Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m, Romantic ism, Realism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism)

AH-HS- HA-S- VA2 Students will observe, classify, and create visual art accordin g to styles and processes used in a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- VA3 Students will examine visual artworks from various world cultures and explain how artworks reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how artworks have directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- VA4 Students will examine visual artworks from various time periods and explain the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-HS- HA-S- VA5 Students will use print and non- print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, characterization, and situations in artworks from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Music AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which music is created to fulfill (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n)

AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu2 Students will create new, listen to, choose and perform music to fulfill a variety of specific purposes High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- PCA-S- Da1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which dance is created (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n) AH-HS- HA-S- Mu1 Students will describe, analyze and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of music represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m/”Class ical,” Romantic ism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism, Modern and Contemp orary; America n: Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu2 Students will listen to, perform, and classify music representi ng a variety of world cultures and historical/ style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu3 Students will examine music from various world cultures and explain how music reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how music has directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- Mu4 Students will examine music from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the music High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- HA-S- Da1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Baroque, Modern and Contemp orary Romantic ; America n: Realism, Modern and Contemp orary)

AH-HS- HA-S- Da2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dance represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- Da3 Students will examine dance from various world cultures and explain how dance reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dance has directly influence d society or culture AH-HS- HA-S- Da4 Students will examine dance from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the dance

High School Skills and Concepts - Drama/Theatre AH-HS- HA-S- DT1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures (Japanese , America n) and historical /style periods (Europea n: Renaissa nce, Neo- Classicis m/“Class ical, Romantic ism, Realism)

AH-HS- HA-S- DT2 Students will observe, classify, and perform dramatic works represent ing a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- DT3 Students will examine dramatic works from various world cultures and explain how dramatic works reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dramatic works have directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- DT4 Students will examine dramatic works from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-HS- HA-S- DT5 Students will use print and non-print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, character ization, and situations in dramas and character istics of theater from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Visual Arts AH-HS- HA-S- VA1 Students will describe, analyze, and evaluate distinguis hing character istics of visual art represent ing a variety of world cultures (Middle Eastern, Asian, Modern and Contemp orary European and America n) and historical /style periods (Renaissa nce, Baroque, Neo- Classicis m, Romantic ism, Realism, Impressi onism/Po st- Impressi onism)

AH-HS- HA-S- VA2 Students will observe, classify, and create visual art accordin g to styles and processes used in a variety of world cultures and historical /style periods

AH-HS- HA-S- VA3 Students will examine visual artworks from various world cultures and explain how artworks reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how artworks have directly influence d society or culture

AH-HS- HA-S- VA4 Students will examine visual artworks from various time periods and explain the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-HS- HA-S- VA5 Students will use print and non- print sources to explore, describe, and interpret universal themes, characterization, and situations in artworks from different cultures or time periods High School Skills and Concepts - Music AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which music is created to fulfill (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n)

AH-HS- PCA-S- Mu2 Students will create new, listen to, choose and perform music to fulfill a variety of specific purposes High School Skills and Concepts - Dance AH-HS- PCA-S- Da1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which dance is created (ceremon ial, recreatio nal, artistic expressio n) AH-HS- PCA-S- VA1 Students will compare, interpret, and explain purposes for which visual art is created (ceremon ial, artistic expressio n, narrative, functiona l) AH-HS- PCA-S- VA2 Students will create new, select, choose and experience artworks created to fulfill a variety of specific purposes AH-HS- PA-S- Mu4 Students will use knowled ge of the elements of music and music terminolo gy to describe and critique their own performa nces and the performa nces of others AH-HS- PA-S- Mu5 Students will identify and apply criteria for evaluatin g music (e.g., skill of performe rs, originalit y, emotiona l impact, variety, interest, technical accuracy)

AH-HS- PA-S- Mu6 Students will demonstr ate behavior appropria te for observin g the particular context and style of music being performe d; discuss opinions with peers in a supportiv e and construct ive way AH-HS- PA-S- Da2 Students will demonstr ate appropria te alignmen t, strength, and flexibilit y while performi ng dance moveme nt AH-HS- PA-S- Da4 Students will identify and apply criteria for evaluatin g dance (e.g., skill of performe rs, originalit y, emotiona l impact, variety, interest)

AH-HS- PA-S- Da5 Students will demonstr ate behavior appropria te for observin g the particular context and style of dance being performe d; discuss opinions with peers in a supportiv e and construct ive way

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