Minutes - Union County Board of School Trustees s6

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Minutes - Union County Board of School Trustees s6


ATTENDEES: Dr. Wanda All, Ms. Kim Bailey, Mr. Jantzen Childers, Ms. Jane Hammett – Chair, Mr. Manning Jeter, Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris, Ms. Kakie White, Mr. Buck Peay and Ms. Jane Wilkes.


Call to Order: Ms. Jane Hammett, Chair, called the meeting to order.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: The invocation was given by Ms. Jane Wilkes, who also led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Notice to Media: In accordance with the S.C. Code of Laws, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The Union Daily Times, Union County News, WBCU Radio Station and The Spartanburg Herald-Journal.

Minutes A motion to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2011, meeting was made by Mr. Buck Peay, seconded by Mr. Manning Jeter. The vote was (7-0) in favor of the motion. Mr. Jantzen Childers and Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris abstained.

Public Comments Mr. Terry Davis discussed the lease agreement for the Dixie Youth fields located beside Buffalo Elementary School with the Board. The lease is set to expire February, 2012, and Dixie Youth would like an extension.

Superintendent Dr. Woodall thanked Ms. Melissa Inman for hosting the Board meeting and thanked her for the reception she provided. Ms. Inman thanked the School Board of Trustees for all they do and stated that the refreshments and small gift had been provided by the Buffalo PTA for Board members and volunteers. Ms. Inman recognized the outstanding volunteers at Buffalo Elementary School: Joyce Burgess, Lori Murphy, Kayce Bates, Donna Becknell, Cathy Youngblood, Penny Smith, Kristy Scott, Bruce Inman, Tiffany Kerr, Tamika Smith, Starla Wilburn, Natasha Thomas, Teresa Bowser, Wendy Varner, Celeste Cathcart, Carla Champion, Rebecca Champion, Heather Loftis, Teresa Candler, Ander Eller, Pete Brock, Arly Eller, David Holcombe, Joyce Candler, Margaret Goodson, Brooke Lee, Cathy Allen, Jackie Cody, Cassie Bogan, Cora Snyder and Buddy Snyder.

Dr. Woodall provided information regarding the Literacy Interventionists/Coaches and GT teachers’ schedules which was requested at the previous Board meeting. She also provided an update on the SRO visits. Officer Mauney is on a tour of Social Studies classrooms at Union County High, talking about vandalism and its consequences and bullying. 1 Dr. Woodall stated that Union County Schools is the first district to take advantage of the DHEC vaccination clinics. According to the information provided to us by DHEC, there are a limited number of vaccines available; therefore, none of the high schools in the region will be served. Ms. Jane Hammett stated this pilot project is offering at least two schools in each district across their five county region. She said she is excited to see how the vaccines impact absenteeism of staff and students.

Dr. Woodall asked Mr. Jantzen Childers if he would share information from the Risky Business seminar that he attended the past week. He said he and Randy Crocker attended and it was a good seminar because of the importance of safety. He plans to visit during one of the school safety audits and encouraged other members to do the same.

Dr. Woodall introduced Dr. Tom Crosby who was requesting approval of a marker installation at the former Sims building. She provided a picture of the requested location of the marker and the wording that will appear on the marker. She included a sample of a similar marker approved through the archives department as a road marker. These road markers designate locations of historical interest, but they do not serve as listings for the historical society. Mr. Manning Jeter made a motion to allow the committee to place the marker, seconded by Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion.

Dr. Woodall stated that her last action item was the Delegation Voting at the Legislative Advocacy Conference to be held on December 3, 2011. We have two votes that we are allowed to take. Dr. Wanda All made a motion that Mr. Jantzen Childers will represent the Union County School Board of Trustees and take with him the two votes if there is no other interest by the Board. This was seconded by Ms. Kim Bailey. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. Ms. Jane Hammett told Mr. Jantzen Childers that he may want to ask for a copy of the resolutions to be brought to the next meeting.

Mr. Manning Jeter asked if the former Sims building is now on a historical site in the archives for South Carolina. Dr. Tom Crosby confirmed Dr. Woodall’s explanation as the designation of historical interest by a road marker. Mr. Jeter asked what we need to do to get that on the national archives. Dr. Crosby said there is a process. Mr. Jeter asked if we could find out what we need to do to put it on the historical registry. Ms. Hammett said information could be brought to a future meeting. Mr. Jeter also questioned the fixtures that were removed from the former Sims building. Ms. Hammett said this item could be put on the agenda of a future meeting.

Instruction Ms. Cindy Langley presented the 2010-2011 report for the Achievement Academy. She also presented the 2010-2011 dual credit participation report to the Board. In 2011, students earned 1215 hours in dual credit participation. Three schools participated with UCHS in the dual credit program: Winthrop University for the Teacher Cadet program, USC-Union, and Spartanburg Community College. Last year, we worked with Spartanburg Community College with the Machine Tech I and II welding classes. We will discuss the addition of Spartanburg Community College courses in mechatronics and medical terminology. Additionally, we have spoken with the Dean at USC-Union about additions for next year.

2 Ms. Cindy Langley presented one out-of-state field trip request and two overnight field trip requests. Monarch Elementary School requested to visit CNN, Turner Field, World of Coco-Cola, and Cyclorama in Atlanta, GA on April 20, 2012. Sims Middle School requested to visit the aquarium in Charleston, S.C. on March 15 and 16, 2012. Foster Park Elementary School requested to visit YMCA Camp Greenville in Greenville, S.C. on February 29, March 1 and 2, 2012. Mr. Manning Jeter made a motion to approve the field trip requests, seconded by Ms. Jane Wilkes. Dr. Wanda All asked for clarification to make sure Mr. Jeter’s motion included all three field trips and he confirmed it did. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion.

Finance Mr. Lynn Lawson provided the monthly budget report to the Board. Mr. Manning Jeter asked about the trees on the property located in Santuc, Adamsburg, and Union County High School. He asked if he checked on that. Mr. Lawson said that the SC Forestry Commission evaluated some of the property and recommended that we wait until the market prices rebound. The property in Adamsburg is in a bankruptcy claim. Mr. Jeter asked if the bankruptcy is state or federal court. Mr. Lawson said it is going back and forth from local court to bankruptcy court in Illinois. Mr. Jeter stated that we need for our attorneys to get involved. Mr. Lawson explained that we are being represented by a property attorney.

Personnel Mr. Lewis Jeter stated there is one item that requires Board action and information that he was requested to bring. Ms. Hammett stated there is one action item. Mr. Jantzen Childers made a motion to approve the personnel report, seconded by Mr. Buck Peay. Mr. Manning Jeter had a question pertaining to replacing a person who was terminated in 2006. Ms. Hammett stated that the issues needed to be discussed during executive session. Ms. Jane Hammett stated there are five personnel issues that require executive session. A motion to move to executive session was made by Ms. Jane Wilkes and seconded by Mr. Manning Jeter. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. The Board entered into executive session at 7:52 P.M. No votes were taken. The Board reconvened into open session at 9:12 P.M. Mr. Lewis Jeter presented the personnel report. Mr. Buck Peay made a motion to postpone the hiring of that position until the spring of next year, seconded by Mr. Manning Jeter. The vote was (5-4) in favor of the motion.

Ms. Jane Hammett stated that the Board reviewed and discussed the Superintendent’s 2010-2011 goals and reviewed modifications for the 2011-2012 goals. The Superintendent’s annual performance was found to be satisfactory.

Mr. Manning Jeter asked for a copy of the substitute teacher list to be brought to the next Board meeting.

Adjourn Mr. Buck Peay made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Kim Bailey. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. The Board adjourned at 9:15 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted by

Kim Petty


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