Minutes of the Barling Magna Parish Council

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Minutes of the Barling Magna Parish Council


28910/11 To Record the Members Present: 7.30pm. Councillor Mrs I Knight (Chairman of the Meeting) was proposed by Councillors: Mr R Gardiner, seconded by Mrs D Dobson and agreed by all. Councillors: Mrs J Bulman, Mrs D Dobson, Mr J Edmunds, Mr R Gardiner, Mr M Steptoe (District and Barling Parish) and Mr S Sterry. Also present: Members of the public: None The Parish Clerk, Mr B Summerfield. 29010/11 Apologies and reasons for absence: To be received by the Clerk in person via: email, letter and telephone. Councillors: Mr J Allen (holiday), Mr M Pearmain (holiday), County Councillor Mr R Pearson (Meeting). 29110/11 To Receive Declarations of Interests: i All Councillors (as the Parish Council) declared an interest in the item: Village Hall Committee ( as Trustees ). ii All Councillors as the Parish Council declared an interest in the item: Playspace. iii All Councillors as the Parish Council declared an interest in the item: Barling Millennium Parish Park. iv District and Barling Magna Parish Councillor Mr M Steptoe declared a possible conflict of interests in planning applications when representing the Parish Council at District level and therefore would: i judge each Planning application with that in mind ii declare the personal interest conflict, when it arose iii will not make up his mind (for or against) until the application comes before the District Council. v The Clerk advised all Councillors to update their ‘Declaration of Interests’ ( lodged with the legal department of the RDC) as and when there were any changes. vi Councillor Mr M Steptoe declared an interest in Barling Primary School, LWR as a school governor. 29210/11 Guest Speaker None. 29310/11 Public Forum: ( 5 minutes set aside for councillors, visiting councillors and members of the public). Councillor Mr M Steptoe reported:– The National Census has been delivered to all households – Maps of the projected flood defense maintenance – East Area Committees to be reduced to two areas and two per annum – Church Road grass verges to be surveyed – the alleged cancellation of Purdeys junction is being fought by all local Councillors and with petitions - the ECC Highways do not seem to know what is happening – further plastic detritus spills from the tip is being closely monitored – Charity stamps to Mike please – Micro-light centre is with the legal dept, RDC – the RHALC have been recommended (by the legal department of the RDC) to appoint their own representatives to the outside bodies that RHALC currently appoint to – RDC has funding for the ‘Parry’ fence - A Joint Surgery to be held at the Castle Pub, Little Wakering to meet the MP James Dudderidge, County Councillor Roy Pearson, representatives of Sutton and Barling and Councillor Steptoe between 2 - 4pm on 12th March 2011. th 29410/11 To Receive the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 10 February 2011. The Council resolved to agree the Minutes above. Proposed by Councillors: Mr R Gardiner, seconded by Mrs D Dobson and agreed by all. The Chairman signed the Minutes as a true record. 29510/11 Matters arising: not on the Agenda. i (Minute 264) Security patrol on the haul road. To report misuse of the haul road, ring security Mobile Number 077699 70784 (24hrs / 7days week). ii (Minute 270) Website. The Clerk’s report: The web master is waiting for the final authority from Mr G Osborn (previous web master) iii (Minute 276/iii) Alleged cancellation of the Sutton Ford/Purdeys Bridge works. The Clerk reported his e/letter to the portfolio holder for Transport Mr Norman Hume of Essex County Council re: truth in the rumour’s of the cancellation and has not had a response to date. iv (Minute 281) Pavements along the length of LWR. (ref: 46977). The Clerk reported the ref number re: the complaint. v (Minute 281) Pavements along the length of Kimberly Road. (ref: 46978). The Clerk reported the ref number re: the complaint. vi (Minute 281) The Sea wall (FP30), inappropriate fencing and barbed wire. (ref: 46975). The Clerk reported the ref number re: the complaint. 29610/11 Parish Plan i To discuss: A committee to be formed to manage the P.P. ii It was agreed to leave the above till after the elections, for the new Council. iii Councillor Mrs J Bulman will email a photograph of the meeting of the original Roach Group to all. 29710/11 Village Sign Committee: Councillor Mr R Gardiner reported his communications with Pam Stebbins re: Diana working the pattern making. 29810/11 Playspace. Mr Pitts report: Nothing untoward to report.

1 2 29910/11 Planning. i New applications i Application no 011/00016/FUL Barrow Hall Farmhouse, BHR, Barling Magna. (Demolish Existing Lean-to Extension to rear and Construct Part Two Storey, Part Single Storey (Conservatory) Rear Extensions. Internal Alterations and Replacement of One Window with New Door in Existing Property) - The PC supports was recorded. ii Application no 011/00017/LBC Barrow Hall Farmhouse, BHR, Barling Magna. (Demolish Existing Lean-to Extension to rear and Construct Part Two Storey, Part Single Storey (Conservatory) Rear Extensions. Internal Alterations and Replacement of One Window with New Door in Existing Property) - The PC supports was recorded. iii Application no 011/00081/FUL 6 Mucking Hall Road, Barling Magna. SS3 0NH ( Form Rooms in Roof Incorporating a Dormer to Side Elevation, Part Recessed Balcony and Glazes Gable to Rear Elevation and Roof Light to Side Elevation. Alteration to Existing Fenestration at Ground Floor and Internal Alterations to Ground Floor Layout) - The PC supports was recorded. ii Appeals: None iii Delegated and Development Committee Planning decisions: None iv Alleged Planning Contraventions: i Barling Landfill plastic detritus escape is reported as ‘in hand’. ii Lorries parking overnight on the Haul Road is now clear. th 30010/11 To receive the Minutes of the Village Hall Committee Meeting of 8 March 2011. A Meeting of the committee was held on Tuesday 8th March 2011 in the Parish Hall. Meeting opened at 7.05pm Present: Ivy Knight (Chair) Gillian Gates, Kath Salthouse, Eve Petty, Roger Gardiner, Barry Summerfield, Tony Golab, Simon Sterry Apologies : James Allen, Dulcie Dobson, Michael Pearmain Minutes of the Previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2011 were approved and signed by the Chair. Village Hall Building To be discussed at the Council meeting on 10 March 2011 Secretary Report Regular hall users were Scouts, Karate, Kickboxing, Judo, Messy Church and Chelsea Judo. The glass in the internal doors to the main hall had been replaced with safety glass. The hand dryer in the men’s toilet had been purchased and fitted. The keypad on the front door had not been replaced. Gillian was waiting until the bank balance was healthier before ordering the keypad. The light in the hall was hanging loose from the ceiling, it had been taken down by the scout group who were confident they could fix it. The bracket on the radiator was broken again. It was agreed this was probably a result of hirers sitting on the radiators and breaking the brackets. Treasurers Report Gillian tabled the accounts to date for the current year. A transfer of £1500 had been requested by James Allen: the bank balance currently was £544.00 and direct debits were due to be paid next month. Barry agreed it would be discussed at the next council meeting and, if approved, funds transferred to the Parish Hall account asap. The bank mandate had been re-signed and presented to the bank (again) on the 5 March 2011. Fire Alarms Selwyn Electrical had visited several times to look at solving the problem of the alarms being triggered in error. the replacement of the 3 break glass call points on zone 2 at a cost of £168.10 +VAT. This was in addition to the £236.00 + VAT costs already incurred. Committee members felt this was excessive as the problem had not been resolved. Agreed Gillian to contact the fire brigade to see if they could help and also Reliable Fire Services to gain a second opinion. Quiz Night The next quiz night was scheduled for Saturday 14 May at 7.00pm. For tickets contact Ivy. Date of next meeting : Tuesday 17 May 2011 at 7.00pm Meeting closed at 7.25pm 30110/11 Matters arising: The Village Hall to be discussed under P&C – the Clerk to arrange a viewing at the Sutton Hall Redbrick Barn to look at the special heating devises installed. 30210/11 H&S Advisory Committee (Councillors: Mr M Pearmain, Mr R Gardiner, Mrs I Knight, Mr S Sterry and Mr C Wood). Councillor’s committee reports to the next Agenda. th 30310/11 To Receive the Minutes of the Wildlife Park Committee Meeting of 8 March 2011. i To Record the Members Present: Meeting opened 7.25 pm. Chairman: Councillor Mrs I Knight. Councillors: Mr R Gardiner and Mr S Sterry. Wildlife Committee members: Mr T Golab Members of the public: None. The Parish Clerk, Mr B Summerfield. ii Apologies and reasons for absence: To be received by the Clerk in person via: email, letter and telephone. Councillors: Mr J Allen (abroad), Mrs D Dobson (illness) Mr M Pearmain (abroad). No other apologies were received. iii To Receive Declarations of Interests: i All Councillors (the Parish Council) declared an interest in the item: Village Hall Committee (as Trustees ). ii All Councillors as the Parish Council declared an interest in the item: Playspace. iii All Councillors as the Parish Council declared an interest in the item: Barling Millennium Parish Park. iv The Clerk advised all Councillors to update their ‘Declaration of Interests’ ( lodged at the RDC with the legal department ) as and when there were any changes. iv Public Forum: 5 minutes only set aside for each Councillor, visiting Councillors and members of the public. None i The Wildlife Park Minutes of the Meeting of 10 February 2011 were received ii Matters arising: Mr T Golab has overseen the Community Payback workers at the park. iii Planning permission granted for the container: Councillor Mrs I Knight will provide the Clerk with a screening list and plan for the Container for agreement by the RDC. iv The Container Base: Clerk reported type one/three donated and delivered. Mr T Golab to provide a written estimate for the container base at £800-£850 (Six plinths and infill)? v HSE First Aid box: Councillor Mr S Sterry’s will provide a suitable First Aid kit. 2 3 vi Burrow Dike crossing/Anglian Water Land Agents: The Clerk reported his email and letter covering the BMPC interest. vii Land to the West of the Lower Meadow: The Clerk reported his visit to view the field and subsequent correspondence with Mr and Mrs Bradley re: lease length and costs and drive in access. Discussed with Mrs Bradley the use of a walkway, parallel with the borrow-dike along to the burrow-dike crossing at FP2. viii A non recycle bin collection from the WLP: The Clerk reported his letter to the Portfolio holder re: regular non recyclable bin collections from the Carpark gate. ix Insurance claims: The Clerk reported his further email correspondence with the insurance company sending them the brushcutter invoice only. The Insurance company asked if the back plates to the doors were fitted, post the last break-in! Clerk has agreed they had. x 2011-2012 Working Projects: i Wildlife promotion/infrastructure discussed: Signs are up – The RSPB chased for posters but none received as yet. ii Barn: the floor surface to be worked on, plus general painting, windows grills fixings to be secured, wiring to be completed, decking and bridges to be preserved. The door mortise locks have been carried out by Councillor Mr M Pearmain. iii Planting: is under control - saplings, hedge planting, wildflowers, etc to be planted. iv Ditches: Mostly all dug out and carrying water. All should be cleared by next year. v Paths: Two new paths are installed – raising the level of paths in the wetter areas was discussed – An up to date map of the Wildlife Park, with all area locations marked for clarity, is requested. vi Signage: agreed three official legal signs (as reminders to inconsiderate dog owners) be obtained via the Clerk. vii Furniture: agreed is sufficient for this coming season - better to spend on planting. viii Mowing/Flailing/weed control: On hold until a tractor type (with H&S training) is agreed to be purchased. ix Pond: possible enlargement of the pond to be looked at in the future – Councillor Mr S Sterry to talk to Cory’s re: pond advice. x Proposed Bridge: Councillor Mr S Sterry is in charge of the design of the bridge. The Clerk is researching the Anglian Water ownership of other side of the burrow dike brook and the land to the West with Mr and Mrs Bradley. All on hold until responses are received. xi Entrance /Car park: All OK for the moment. xii Anti –Vandalism: On going. xiii Grant bid timing: Grant bids for the CiF are due in November. Other grant bids are current and on going. xiv Events: The Teddy Bears Picnic - The Bonfire Night (no fireworks) gathering - A local ‘old folk’ event - Barling Primary school events Scouts events - RSPB days - Grant providers and potential grant providers Day - Saint Georges Day, Good Friday and Easter Sunday were discussed. xv Others: An induction course to be held at the Barn for H&S for all. Date TBA. xvi Future Projects: The Bridge and the possibility of moving of the pond were discussed. xi Finance: The Chairman of the BMPC Councillor Mr J Allen requested that the above lists be prioritised and that the ‘follow on’ costs are arrived at for inclusion in future meetings Agenda. Barling Magna Parish (Wildlife) Current Account ( NETT ) Balance: 4/February/2011. £ 3,926-12. Credit: Interest: £ 0-35...... £ 0-35. SUB: £ 3,926-47. Debit: Nett Cheque No: 300620 (Mr M Pearmain) Barn maintenance/repairs (WL) £ 104-20. Balance: 4/March/2011. £ 3,822-27. xii Date and time of the next Village Hall and Wildlife Committee Meetings th 17 MAY 2011 7.00pm at the Village Hall, Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna. There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.56pm. 30410/11 Matters arising from the above: Bylaw Legal notices for anti dog faeces to be sought by the Clerk (x 3) for the park –‘container base’ quotations to be sought – Container screening list has been received by the Clerk – Clerk’s further letter to Anglian water land agents – Dog bins waste enquiries with RDC awaiting a reply – Insurance claim, awaiting a response – security of the container (when it is installed and ready for use)? – the Clerk suggested that a form of burglar alarm (battery operated) should be fitted to the container and Barn to give visual (flashing lights)/sound (klaxon) protection and telephonic communication to the Police and Councillor volunteers. 30510/11 Correspondence. Copies of all correspondence are available on file. i To receive a e/letter March 2011 from ECC re: Flooding Grants. Agreed the Clerk to place the information to go in the next GWCA newsletter. ii To receive an e/letter March 2011 from Dept for transport re: Road closures for Street Parties was recorded. iii To receive a e/letter March 2011 from RDC re: Consultation on a Local List was recorded. iv To receive a e/letter March 2011 from Jon Cann re: QE2 Fields Challenge was recorded. The Clerk has entered the WLP. v Publications and General Information inc: EALC County Update and Bundles, Making the Links, Fieldwork, Bus timetables, Bus Maps, Meetings open to the Public, etc. were recorded 30610/11 Finance. i A Financial Statement for the period ending February 2011 was recorded. Councillors: Mrs J Bulman and Mr R Gardiner left the meeting for the following discussion ii A written request for a donation for the Barling (Church Road) Street Party was agreed and was recorded. iii A verbal request for a donation from the WI @ £360-00 was agreed and was recorded. iv An Invoice March 2011 from Mr Pitts re: General maintenance/Bus shelter repairs @ £ 250-00 was recorded. v The Clerk’s advice/invoice re: Office annual expenses claim for 2010-2011 @ £ 479-30 was recorded. vi The Clerk’s advice/invoice re: Petrol annual expenses claim for 2010-2011 @ £ 216-01 was recorded. 3 4 vii An Invoice February 2011 from A&J Lighting re: 23342 LWR 3 streetlights @ £ 142-38 was recorded. viii An Invoice February 2011 from Mr M Pearmain re: Door Lock and keys for Barn (WL) @ £ 47-77 was recorded. ix An Invoice February 2011 from A&J Lighting re: 23420 Annual Service Contract @ £1,090-56 was recorded. x An Invoice February 2011 from Mr T Golab re: WL maintenance ex’s @ £ 44-46 was recorded. xi An Invoice February 2011 from A&J Lighting Solutions re: 23420 Annual Service Contract @ £ 250-00 was recorded. xii A request February 2011 from V/H Management Committee re: Donation @ £1,500-00 was agreed and was recorded. xiiii An Invoice March 2011 from Mr R Gardiner re: Village Hall maintenance @ £ 4-28 was recorded. xiv The payment February 2011 to Mr Pitts re: 306999 general maintenance @ £ 40-00 was recorded. xv The payment February 2011 to A&J Lighting re: 23247 Streetlighting @ £ 132-00 was recorded. xvi The payment February 2011 to CPRE re: Annual subscription @ £ 29-00 was recorded. xvii The payment February 2011 to Mr M Pearmain re: Barn maintenance/repairs (WL) @ £125-04 was recorded. xviii The monthly notification of a D/D to E-on re: Streetlighting energy @ £232-21 was recorded. xix The notification of a D/D to BT re: The village Hall Telephone @ £ 56-88 was recorded. xx The HSBC bank statements for February 2011 @ £30,000-00 was recorded. Clerk to investigate an interest bearing account at HSBC. xxi Councillors resolved all payments, the monthly financial statements, transfers and countersigned cheques. Proposed by Councillors Mrs D Dobson, seconded Mrs I Knight and agreed by all. 30710/11 Report from Members on Outside Bodies. To receive verbal reports: i Monthly Crime report: low crime rates ii Flood Watch report: None 30810/11 East Area Committee and RHALC Councillor Mr M Steptoe to report further. 30910/11 Streetlights: i Councillor reports: None. ii The Clerk reported re: a survey of 14th February 2011 and reported to A&J: 223/369/386 which are now working. 31010/11 Highways/Transport/P3: ( Individual complaints to www.essex.gov.uk ). i The LWR School build out and road markings start by Highways are scheduled for 14 March 2011. ii Councillor reports: None 31110/11 Barling Citizen of the Year 2010-2011. All nominations to be in by 1 March 2011. Clerk reported two nominations received and will forward the recommendations to the three public members of the ‘Citizen of the Year’ committee. 31210/11 Standing Orders re: item 81e (Group Emails). i The final ‘Group Email’ draft (to replace the above and to be an entry into Standing Orders), was discussed and the draft agreed in full. The Standing Orders addition to be resolved and signed at the next meeting. ii An Email ‘Policy’ Document is being constructed by Councillor Mr S Sterry for discussion at a future meeting. th 31310/11 The Election of 5 May 2011. i The Election Packs will be available from RDC from 21st March 2011. The Clerk will circulate. ii A meeting at the Village Hall is arranged for 31st March 2011 at the Village Hall. Closing date noon 4 th April 2011. 31410/11 Items from Councillors. For exchange of information and placement on the next Agenda only. Items: Dog fouling - Notices - missing dog bin on Kimberly Road – Chairman’s board and Citizen of the Year board to be updated and manufactured – business email accounts for Councillors - 31510/11 Private and Confidential: Pursuant to the provision of Section 1000(a) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it contains information defined as exempt in Part 1 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972, as detailed. The Village Hall: 31610/11 Date and time of the next Parish Council Meeting.

Agreed: 14 APRIL 2011. 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna.

8th April 2011. Mr B Summerfield. BMPC Clerk.


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